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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Congrats to all that have lost this week. It is rainy and cool here so walking outside is out. I went to Walmart yesterday and bought some new ankle weights. They have velcro and just strap on overtop of my socks. I have been wearing them to walk and almost all day long around the house. They help to tone the leg muscles and I really don't even notice that they are on. I started out with 1.5 lbs on each leg and just moved up to 3lb.



Had my weigh in yesterday and I'm down 2.8 for this week. My husband works a lot of nights so it is just me here for dinner. Sometimes it is really hard to cook for just one. I have been eating a lot of the Healthy Choice meals but really have to watch the sodium intake with them. I think that I am going to cook a batch of boneless/skinless chic breasts and freeze them in 4oz portions. This way, I can make a quick stir-fry or other meal quickly.


Wishing everyone a great week,






SW: 172.5

CW: 150.2

GW: 130.0






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AWESOME!!!!! I am very VERY happy for you! Thanks for coming back and sharing with us! These are the stories that keep me going!!!



Keep on tracking!



Thanks Annette! You and Nikki are always there with such great motivation!


Congrats, Cherie. Isn't it great when the loss is completely unexpected? and to have done it on a cruise is even better. I hope that the WW walk goes well for you. I am also doing it and will be thinking of you and hoping that all turns out okay.





Thanks, and Conrats to you!! Have a great 5 K. Where are you walking it?


Congrats to all that have lost this week. It is rainy and cool here so walking outside is out. I went to Walmart yesterday and bought some new ankle weights. They have velcro and just strap on overtop of my socks. I have been wearing them to walk and almost all day long around the house. They help to tone the leg muscles and I really don't even notice that they are on. I started out with 1.5 lbs on each leg and just moved up to 3lb.



Had my weigh in yesterday and I'm down 2.8 for this week. My husband works a lot of nights so it is just me here for dinner. Sometimes it is really hard to cook for just one. I have been eating a lot of the Healthy Choice meals but really have to watch the sodium intake with them. I think that I am going to cook a batch of boneless/skinless chic breasts and freeze them in 4oz portions. This way, I can make a quick stir-fry or other meal quickly.


Wishing everyone a great week,





SW: 172.5

CW: 150.2

GW: 130.0









Hi Cari! It is nice to meet you! I too had to drop the frozen meals with so much sodium. Congrats on the loss! WTG!

Edited by Nalagh
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WI was Sunday. Maintained with exactly the same weight as last week. If I calculated correctly, Next week will be the one where I make LifeTime!!! Sooooo excited!


Good Luck at Weigh Ins, and congrats to all of our losers this week!





How did I miss this post? :D WTG!!! I am sooooooooooooooooo happy for you! I hope the Eagles do as well this year as you are doing:p.


I am so very proud of you!



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Okay Sara. I know that you probably feel much better to be back on track and will likely reap the rewards when you next have a weighin.

Annette, even if you have miscalculated the dates, you have maintained really well and we are proud to support you as a lifetime member. I just calculated and think that I should receive my SAS charm at my next meeting. Then my next goal will be to hit my 10% weight loss which I would like to do by the end of this month. I have been doing lots of reading about the benefits of bike-riding in the past week. So today, I convinced hubby to buy bikes for us. I haven't ridden a bike in years and today it is pouring rain, but we both have brand new bikes and I am anxious to get out and start riding. Perhaps the rain will end early and we will go for a short ride this weekend. That way I will be able to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner tomorrow without getting into my weekly points.



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Okay Sara. I know that you probably feel much better to be back on track and will likely reap the rewards when you next have a weighin.


Annette, even if you have miscalculated the dates, you have maintained really well and we are proud to support you as a lifetime member. I just calculated and think that I should receive my SAS charm at my next meeting. Then my next goal will be to hit my 10% weight loss which I would like to do by the end of this month. I have been doing lots of reading about the benefits of bike-riding in the past week. So today, I convinced hubby to buy bikes for us. I haven't ridden a bike in years and today it is pouring rain, but we both have brand new bikes and I am anxious to get out and start riding. Perhaps the rain will end early and we will go for a short ride this weekend. That way I will be able to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner tomorrow without getting into my weekly points.





Nikki, please let me know how it goes on the bike. It has been about 15 years since I rode a bike, except for the one at the gym. I have been thinking about it too.


Sara, WTG for getting back on track!


Annette, you just rock!


Good luck to anyone who is doing the WW 5k tomorrow! I am going to try. Even if I can not finish it due to my back, at least I will have tried.:)



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Well I said I was back on track. :rolleyes: But today I mean it!!! :)

Yesterday my coworkers got Barbeque for lunch and I ended up eating some mashed potatoes and okra along with 2 rolls. I could have salvaged the rest of the day by sticking to fruits and veggies but for some reason I have learned that once the hunger beast is set loose it doesn't go away!! :eek: For the rest of the day I just wanted to pig out!! I was fine until I had those lunch items. So today I am sticking to my predetermined menu for the day. I will eat my sandwich I made at home and the snacks I brought instead of the bad temtations around me. :D

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Well I said I was back on track. :rolleyes: But today I mean it!!! :)

Yesterday my coworkers got Barbeque for lunch and I ended up eating some mashed potatoes and okra along with 2 rolls. I could have salvaged the rest of the day by sticking to fruits and veggies but for some reason I have learned that once the hunger beast is set loose it doesn't go away!! :eek: For the rest of the day I just wanted to pig out!! I was fine until I had those lunch items. So today I am sticking to my predetermined menu for the day. I will eat my sandwich I made at home and the snacks I brought instead of the bad temtations around me. :D




I have a hard time eating on plan when I have an event or lunch with friends too. So good that you jumped back on the wagon today.

Yesterday, Jennifer Hudson was on the Dr.Oz show. Wow, she looks really good. Anyways, she, herself said that every once in a while she has a day where she eats what she wants off plan -BUT- the next day she goes right back to it. It was so good to hear her say, " we are all human and part of WW is being real. "


This morning, I am planning out my weekend meals. I find that part of staying on plan, for me, is if I know what I am having, to write down my dinner meal along with the points. If I don't, then it is so easy for me to go overboard with my points too early in the day. I have also been trying to get more lean protein into my diet and trying to stay away from too many of the low point snacks. I bought a ton of the 2pt high protein yogurt cups and will sub these with some berries for my afternoon snack instead of a 2pt snack bar or mini-bag of the 94% pop-corn. Will see how this works out this week.



Have a great weekend everyone,







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Hi everyone!


Just wanted to let you know in the last two weeks I'm be lost 7.5 pounds. It's a start right! It's half of what I want to lose before my July cruise. I didn't have a lot of time to exercise this week and had several parties but tried to stay on plan. I'm a teacher and am now out for the summer so I have a plan of going to the YMCA every morning starting on Monday and working out.

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Hi everyone!


Just wanted to let you know in the last two weeks I'm be lost 7.5 pounds. It's a start right! It's half of what I want to lose before my July cruise. I didn't have a lot of time to exercise this week and had several parties but tried to stay on plan. I'm a teacher and am now out for the summer so I have a plan of going to the YMCA every morning starting on Monday and working out.



Good luck with your plan for the Y. Losing 7.5 pounds in 2 weeks is a fantastic start. Your many parties don't appear to have done you any harm, so congrats for staying on track. I too was a teacher but have been retired for 12 years now. It is great to have summer all the time.

Sara, keep on the right track for a day or two and you will likely find it easier to be eating all the right things.

Cherie, we did a very short bike ride this afternoon. We had to dodge rain showers and after about 20 minutes, the skies opened up and we came back home. It is true that muscle memory takes over. After about a minute, it seemed as tho' those intervening years of not riding had never happened. I am so looking forward to getting out again on a better day.



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Hi everyone!


Just wanted to let you know in the last two weeks I'm be lost 7.5 pounds. It's a start right! It's half of what I want to lose before my July cruise. I didn't have a lot of time to exercise this week and had several parties but tried to stay on plan. I'm a teacher and am now out for the summer so I have a plan of going to the YMCA every morning starting on Monday and working out.


Well done! Good luck with the training! I am very proud of you!:D


I have a hard time eating on plan when I have an event or lunch with friends too. So good that you jumped back on the wagon today.

Yesterday, Jennifer Hudson was on the Dr.Oz show. Wow, she looks really good. Anyways, she, herself said that every once in a while she has a day where she eats what she wants off plan -BUT- the next day she goes right back to it. It was so good to hear her say, " we are all human and part of WW is being real. "


This morning, I am planning out my weekend meals. I find that part of staying on plan, for me, is if I know what I am having, to write down my dinner meal along with the points. If I don't, then it is so easy for me to go overboard with my points too early in the day. I have also been trying to get more lean protein into my diet and trying to stay away from too many of the low point snacks. I bought a ton of the 2pt high protein yogurt cups and will sub these with some berries for my afternoon snack instead of a 2pt snack bar or mini-bag of the 94% pop-corn. Will see how this works out this week.



Have a great weekend everyone,





WTG Cari!:D





Good luck with your plan for the Y. Losing 7.5 pounds in 2 weeks is a fantastic start. Your many parties don't appear to have done you any harm, so congrats for staying on track. I too was a teacher but have been retired for 12 years now. It is great to have summer all the time.


Sara, keep on the right track for a day or two and you will likely find it easier to be eating all the right things.


Cherie, we did a very short bike ride this afternoon. We had to dodge rain showers and after about 20 minutes, the skies opened up and we came back home. It is true that muscle memory takes over. After about a minute, it seemed as tho' those intervening years of not riding had never happened. I am so looking forward to getting out again on a better day.





Thanks Nikki! I am going to talk to Daniel about it. I think we may need bikes to! Have fun tomorrow. I am not feeling well enough tonight to walk the 5k tomorrow, so you will have to do it for both of us:(. When my back is better, I will walk one for both of us.:)

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BTW, here is the review of my trip with some pics. I am very proud of the pictures in contrast to the ones from a year ago.


Thanks again guys, and I am far from done! I am thinking 120 lbs now:p. just another 18 lbs to go...:D



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Weighed in with a .2 pound loss, making my total weight loss exactly 60 pounds!


I am BEYOND thrilled!!!


I received my key charm, and a Lifetime Ribbon at the meeting, and for the first time, didn't wear my "weigh In" clothes! :D


Congrats to EVERYONE that was a "Winner" this week!


Heading to check out the Fort Lauderdale Web Cam!!!


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Weighed in with a .2 pound loss, making my total weight loss exactly 60 pounds!


I am BEYOND thrilled!!!


I received my key charm, and a Lifetime Ribbon at the meeting, and for the first time, didn't wear my "weigh In" clothes! :D


Congrats to EVERYONE that was a "Winner" this week!


Heading to check out the Fort Lauderdale Web Cam!!!




CONGRATS ANNETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have activity points to spend, and I am going to open a bottle of special champagne I have been keeping and have a toast for you! I am so happy to be able to see someone do it here on this thread!


Cheers to you! Maybe in a few months I will join you!


Cherie:D:D:D:D (yup, that is me grinning for you!)

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Your stories are inspiring. I am a 52 year old female who has just gone through menapause. I went on one of those 500 calorie a day Drs diets two years ago and lost over 50 lbs. in 5 months. It tookme about one year to put it all back on plus another 15 pounds this past year while going thru the change. I am really soooo confused I don't know what to try next...actually I'm sick of it, I feel like I've been on a diet on and off for 30 years of my life. I need some structure for a diet but I don't want to do something like that Drs diet again that you just can't do for life. What do you all recommend? ... We are going on a cruise this October and really can't afford to gain the typical 7 to 10 lbs. HELP!!!!

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CONGRATS ANNETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have activity points to spend, and I am going to open a bottle of special champagne I have been keeping and have a toast for you! I am so happy to be able to see someone do it here on this thread!


Cheers to you! Maybe in a few months I will join you!


Cherie:D:D:D: (yup, that is me grinning for you!)

Thank you Cherie!!! I know your champagne is awesome, and I am honored that you are toasting me! :D:D:D back atcha! I plan to stay with this thread, just as I plan to stay with my weekly meetings. The enthusiasm is contagious!


Keep on trackin!


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Does anyone want to join me doing the Weight Watchers point system? I'm looking to lose 21 pounds by October 2013 (target cruise date). Let me know so that we can loose together.




Got weighed 06/02 and now down to 162.2, so just another 7.2 to go:eek:



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Got weighed 06/02 and now down to 162.2, so just another 7.2 to go:eek:





Congrats:D! We are about at the same place. I WDI at 138 last week, and my goal was 130. Although I am 5'3 and thinking 120 might happen by January!

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Your stories are inspiring. I am a 52 year old female who has just gone through menapause. I went on one of those 500 calorie a day Drs diets two years ago and lost over 50 lbs. in 5 months. It tookme about one year to put it all back on plus another 15 pounds this past year while going thru the change. I am really soooo confused I don't know what to try next...actually I'm sick of it, I feel like I've been on a diet on and off for 30 years of my life. I need some structure for a diet but I don't want to do something like that Drs diet again that you just can't do for life. What do you all recommend? ... We are going on a cruise this October and really can't afford to gain the typical 7 to 10 lbs. HELP!!!!


I hope you consider WW, as it is not a diet but rather a set of lifestyle changes. We weigh, measure, and track what we eat. It all comes down to portion control and activity.


I have been off and on WW for about 13 years. I have gained weight back, but never as much as I had lost.


I weighed 198 lbs when I joined WW in 1999. I lost 63 lbs. Then I had a second baby and went to 175. I lost again on WW back to 135 and then a baby girl came and I went to 170. I then went down to about 162 and stayed for several years. Last year again I was back at it and went back down to 135. I went on a cruise and gaind 7.5 lbs. I then in 7 months went back up to 152. I started back in March and I am now 138, and will get to at least 130 this time. Maybe even 120, we will see.


I just came back from a cruise and this time I LOST weight! For half of the cruise I did not snack, eat sweets, and stuck to half portions. I stayed low sodium, and drank water. The last 3 days, I ate dessert, and I drank Champagne( a lot of it) and ate most of what was on my plate. At first I thought my weight loss was a miracle, but then I thought about the choices I made. You know what, I had fish, lean meats, salads and few sauces. It was not a miracle, it was good choices:D.


The good choices seem to stick as well over time. The first time on WW I stopped drinking non-diet soda. I later changed to whole grain bread, becel instead of butter, and you know what, each time I went away from WW, I gained less weight.


I hope you give it a try, and best of luck to you.



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Weighed in with a .2 pound loss, making my total weight loss exactly 60 pounds!


I am BEYOND thrilled!!!


I received my key charm, and a Lifetime Ribbon at the meeting, and for the first time, didn't wear my "weigh In" clothes! :D


Congrats to EVERYONE that was a "Winner" this week!


Heading to check out the Fort Lauderdale Web Cam!!!





Your success is very inspiring to those of us still on our weight loss journey.

Congratulations !!!!!!!




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Congrats Annette, you are 'da man!" and to Cherie, I enjoyed reading the ups and downs of your WW journey. What came through loud and clear was how you have embraced the program and made it yours. Continued wishes for your success. To kimala, if what you need is encouragement, for sure you will find it here. We would love to have you join us and celebrate every success that you do have.

Rode my bike for almost 2 hours on Sunday. It was fun, but I learned that I need to buy a biga__ bike seat. Too sore to ride yesterday, so I took the day off. I think I will do a much shorter ride today. We will get to the city this weekend so I can change seats.



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Congrats Annette, you are 'da man!" and to Cherie, I enjoyed reading the ups and downs of your WW journey. What came through loud and clear was how you have embraced the program and made it yours. Continued wishes for your success. To kimala, if what you need is encouragement, for sure you will find it here. We would love to have you join us and celebrate every success that you do have.


Rode my bike for almost 2 hours on Sunday. It was fun, but I learned that I need to buy a biga__ bike seat. Too sore to ride yesterday, so I took the day off. I think I will do a much shorter ride today. We will get to the city this weekend so I can change seats.






Congtats on the 2 hour ride! I think I will buy one too!

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So, WI today, and I have my 10%! I am at 134. :D

Not sure how I lost 4 lbs this week, but I will take it!


This weeks goals include staying op, and walking 2 miles a day.:)

I might also get a bike...:o Well at least I will think and shop.


Have a great week all!



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Well I have just been informed by one of my friends that I am now training for a mud run in September. ;EEK; I'm excited to do it but also nervous of course. This will be after my cruise.


I'm starting my "operation bikini" today :)

I want to be wearing a bikini by my jan cruise.


I've managed to stay OP for the most part this week. I did find the homemade reeces someone brought to work delicious though!!!!


Congrats to all the losers! Your stories are what keep me going





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