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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I weighed myself on my scales today and they show a slight loss. I hope that the loss shows up for my official WI on Monday. It always annoys me that it is so easy to gain 2 pounds in a week but so much more difficult and more effort to lose even 1 pound in a week.


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Congrats on your loss Nikki, take it and be proud or your past week.



:( Had may WW weigh-in this morning and I'm up 1.0 lbs. I'm so bummed but was warned by my Neurologist that slight weight gain and increase in hunger is a side affect of both of the new steroid meds that I am now taking. I used every single bonus point this week and all of my activity points. This is something that I rarely do. I will normally use some of the points but never a clean-sweep like this past week. When the meds kicked in, I did notice and increase in hunger and really tried to eat healty snacks. I bought some raw-unsalted almonds and had 2pts worth at a time; this was a nice protein fix. I also have gone back to one of my all time favorite breakfasts. A cottage cheese omelet. I strain one serving of 1% low curd cottage cheese and then use that as a filling for my omelet. Sometimes I will add some sliced peppers and onions or for a sweet treat, or a tsp or two of All Fruit spread ( the melty cottage cheese and the All Fruit spread is a nice change). It's a high protein- low fat breakfast that keeps me full till lunch rolls around.



****** BTW -- has anyone tried the new 100 calorie- Healty Choice brand- frozen greek yogurts and if so,do you know how many WW points they are ? I have recently seen them advertised on TV and am planning to buy a few on my next grocery run. They come in a few yummy looking flavors.




It's a new week and I'm still on plan and I'm going to keep on trackin and keep on my treadmill schedule and just take it one day at a time. I'm not giving up due to this little slide-back. I've worked too darn hard to let myself have a major set back.



Wishing everyone a great weekend and :) on the scale.






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There's no getting around it, when you're on some meds, it's a lot harder to lose. I was on something that caused weight gain, and since I was not watching what I ate, I gained a lot. It wasn't actually till later that I realized it was the meds. But if you keep tracking and staying within points you should be okay.


I did my weekly weigh in yesterday and was only down .6 from last week, and I was good all week staying within points and not using my extras most days. Oh well maybe next week will be better.

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Cari, I think you did well. Taking steroids and also finding your points count was too low and only gaining a pound is great. I gained 2 last week and have no excuse at all. I like your omelet idea for a sweet change. Must remember this when I feel a sweet craving. his would help me get through the evening munchies because I would not think that I needed something to eat as I would still be full from my dessert.

I just returned from a 4 mile walk on the beach but instead of feeling energized, I feel tired. I am so happy to be here where the sun is shining and the air is warm instead of at home where the snow is flying and the winds are high. All in the path of the storm, stay safe, and warm.


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How did everybody manage this weekend? I dipped into my extra points yesterday. The "low cal" wine got the better of me, and I had a couple (or three) glasses more than I had allotted for! :o Celebrating my husband and my daughter's birthday.

I guess that's what this is all about - learning to cope with the times we go off, but get ourselves back in line.

Have a good week ahead all!! :)

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Looks like there is a lot of good WW experience on here. Wondering if I could ask a question. When I signed up for WW last summer, it assigned me like 49 points a day. Isn't that a lot? Just wondered what someone familiar with WW would say about it.

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Looks like there is a lot of good WW experience on here. Wondering if I could ask a question. When I signed up for WW last summer, it assigned me like 49 points a day. Isn't that a lot? Just wondered what someone familiar with WW would say about it.



I just recently found out that I was under-assigned on my daily points value. Here is a link that a fellow WW on this thread shared with me. I just logged in my info and it gave me the correct amount of points.


Your daily points are assigned by gender, current weight, height, daily activity level and age. So one person may have a much higher or lower PV than the next. My hubby is not on WW but I figured out what his daily value would be and it was 47, so 49 does seem reasonable.


So recheck your points as they could possibly be incorrect. I was so glad to find out my actual value. It was a blessing as I was living on so few points per day which really felt like a strict diet -vs- a lifestyle change that I can live with.


Good luck to you.





Just scroll halfway down the page for the points calc box.





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Looks like there is a lot of good WW experience on here. Wondering if I could ask a question. When I signed up for WW last summer, it assigned me like 49 points a day. Isn't that a lot? Just wondered what someone familiar with WW would say about it.


I guess the question is if you are using your points and losing weight then they were the correct number for you. I have found that if I use my daily points allowance then I do lose weight. However, if I dip into my extra weekly allowance, then I either don't lose or even gain some. It really annoys me how quickly I can gain a couple of pounds and how long it takes to lose even a very little bit.


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How did everybody manage this weekend? I dipped into my extra points yesterday. The "low cal" wine got the better of me' date=' and I had a couple (or three) glasses more than I had allotted for! :o Celebrating my husband and my daughter's birthday.[/size']


I guess that's what this is all about - learning to cope with the times we go off, but get ourselves back in line.


Have a good week ahead all!! :)




I dipped into some of my extra points over the weekend as well. I like that term -- DIPPING. :D Anyhow, I had a donut with a points value of 8. I ate the donut first then checked the points. I suppose that I knew I wouldn't have had it if I'd known the #'s beforehand. I also had two cocktails with friends that were visiting. I did do my treadmill routine but, yup, did some dipping.


You are so right about learning how to cope with real life situations. I guess this is why WW is more of a lifestyle change than a strict diet. I kind of felt guilty about the donut but honestly, after I ate it, I felt like I had a nice treat and didn't go on an all-out bindge. It cost me 8 points plus 8 more for the two cocktails but all in all I had the points, used them and had a good time doing it.







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Cari, I did the donut thing yesterday as well. Then I walked on the beach and earned 2 points. However, I know when I dip into my weekly allowance that I gain. With my new found plan for "ME DAYS," ( WW refers to this as the 360), I felt no guilt because as this is a life-time plan, it simply means it will take me longer to reach my goal. I can live with that. I have a WI this morning and I hope that the scale moves down just a little bit. If not, I will continue on the right path.


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Hey everybody, a newbie here, both to CC and to WW. I joined the on-line program January 8th and as of my last WI (Feb 5th) I was down 9.3 lbs. Not sure if I'll lose much this week, as I kinda cheated a bit. I was scheduled out of town this weekend for work and I was at the bar awaiting the "BIG" storm Thursday evening, when I decided to get a shot or two, but I did keep my points down by drinking black decaf coffee :rolleyes: I'll find out tomorrow how much it effected me. I also began and exercise routine, which I believe is what is causing me to lose the weight, about 1 - 1 1/2 hrs/day. I am determined to lose most of my weight by my 50th birthday which is in Sept. We (my husband and 20 yr old daughter) are cruising on the Reflection June 7th and I would be ecstatic if I lost another 15-20 lbs. I am glad to know I'm not alone with this weight loss issue.

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Hey everybody, a newbie here, both to CC and to WW. I joined the on-line program January 8th and as of my last WI (Feb 5th) I was down 9.3 lbs. I am glad to know I'm not alone with this weight loss issue.


Congrats on a super loss, and welcome to this thread. As Bunches says there is a lot of support here. And we have all been in need of it at some point.

I had my WI this morning and I lost 2.4 pounds last week. So my "ME DAY," plan worked. Even using a few of my weekly points didn't hurt and that is a first for me. I committed to drinking more water this week as I do not drink anywhere near enough. My friend tells me that I would likely lose more each week if I did this. It is a good habit to get into so I need to start it now.


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Congrats on a super loss, and welcome to this thread. As Bunches says there is a lot of support here. And we have all been in need of it at some point.


I had my WI this morning and I lost 2.4 pounds last week. So my "ME DAY," plan worked. Even using a few of my weekly points didn't hurt and that is a first for me. I committed to drinking more water this week as I do not drink anywhere near enough. My friend tells me that I would likely lose more each week if I did this. It is a good habit to get into so I need to start it now.






Woo-hoo, way to go Nikki.... :)




I am having a hungry day, so since my dh is working tonight, I had my planned dinner for lunch and then will just have fruit and yogurt for diinner. I wanted sweets really bad after lunch so I put 1/4 Cup of fat-free Cool Whip in a bowl with about 10 fresh strawberries. It seems to be doing the trick.


Have a great evening ,





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Thanks for the wonderful supportive welcome!! It's a great surprise Nikki when you don't expect to lose but you did, and did great!!!! I had my WI this AM expecting to lose nothing, but lost 1 lb. I'm approaching this whole diet experience as an exciting adventure. Finding recipes and foods that will make me feel hungry without busting the bank, so-to-speak. For me, eating Yoplait 100 calorie Greek yogurt (2 points) seems to make me feel full. I'm allergic to some fresh fruit so my diet consists of bananas, strawberries and pineapple and I use those as a filler too. I have found a bunch of delicious recipes. Last night I made a veggie stuffed Quesadillas, which calculated out to be 2 points/half. The one thing I do allow myself is my ww ice cream each night, the giant fudge bars, yummmmmmm and its only 3 points :D

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I wanted to share a good-low points recipe with you all. I have been occasionally making it for lunch or halving the recipe for a filling 2 pt snack.


The points may vary depending on the brands thay you use, so recheck the values, just to make sure.



1 - low fat multi grain English Muffin

2 TBL low sodium tomato sauce

2 TBL of shredded 2% cheese - any flavor

sliced veggies of your choice- green peppers, onions, Roma tomato etc...

dash of garlic powder and Italian seasoning

*** optional -- 1 tsp of olive oil-- if you need to get in your oils, you can use them nicely here, just add the points.



Split one Muffin and sprinkle it with a dash of garlic powder and Italian seasonings. ( divide the olive oil and brush each half- if using )


Add one TBL of tomato sauce to each muffin half and spread evenly with the back of a spoon.


Add one TBL of shredded 2% cheese to each muffin half.


Pile on your desired veggies.


If desired; add another quick shake of the garlic powder and Italian seasonings.


Place on a pan that is foil covered and sprayed with a little non-stick spray. Put in a 375` preheated oven for about 5 minutes.

Turn up the heat to 450` and add another 2-3 minutes of cooking time, or until the cheese is melty, the muffin is toasty and the veggies start to caramelize. Watch to make sure they don't burn.


Let cool before eating.



Just a note: you can use low fat Mozzarella cheese for an Italian style pizza muffin -or- a low fat cheddar or a Mexican blend for another style. Just adjust the types of veggies and seasonings.







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Have any of you ever had a 2 pound gain and NEVER CHEATED AT ALL??!! :( I swear I have not gone over on my points, have not gone into my extra points, and still go to the gym 4 times a week. I was very pleased with my progress, and then BAM! This morning was a huge shock.

I'm post-menopausal, so its not "that time". And I know this is going to be a long process, but I'm still feeling a bit down about it!

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Have any of you ever had a 2 pound gain and NEVER CHEATED AT ALL??!! :( I swear I have not gone over on my points' date=' have not gone into my extra points, and still go to the gym 4 times a week. I was very pleased with my progress, and then BAM! This morning was a huge shock.[/size']


I'm post-menopausal, so its not "that time". And I know this is going to be a long process, but I'm still feeling a bit down about it!


While we have all had those bad surprises, it is always best to try and get over the disappointment fast. Next week, you will hopefully make up that deficit. It is probably something like too much sodium in a couple of things. One thing I battle is not drinking enough water. That was my big committment this week and I hope that it pays off. Good luck with your plan for the upcoming week. And try not to be too discouraged.


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I had my WI yesterday and it was good news again. I was down 1.2 pounds with a total loss of 8.3 since January 7th. I am keeping myself psyched up by looking at bathing suits and thinking about pretty summer dresses for our January 2014 cruise. ;) It is going really well so far, I am not going hungry and am using some of my weekly points every week for a nice treat. Still a ways to go, but I am trying to keep it one week at a time.



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Hi everyone! Been with WW since 12/31/12 and am down 11 lbs:D so excited. We are sailing on the ECSTASY March 30 looking forward to a great Easter in the Keys. We sailed Thanksgiving and for sure my clothes will fit this time!!

Congrats tto all the losses

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Have any of you ever had a 2 pound gain and NEVER CHEATED AT ALL??!! :( I swear I have not gone over on my points' date=' have not gone into my extra points, and still go to the gym 4 times a week. I was very pleased with my progress, and then BAM! This morning was a huge shock.[/size']

I'm post-menopausal, so its not "that time". And I know this is going to be a long process, but I'm still feeling a bit down about it!



Yes, have had this happen before. Or if you ever watch The Biggest Loser, where they exercise 8 hours a day and sometimes someone will have a gain instead of a loss. Sometimes your body just wants to hang on to that fat with all it's might.

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Congrats Carollois and Jimsgirl, way to go Team WWCC :D



Bunches- I love to watch the Biggest loser. I saw that one episode where one of the guys worked his tail off all week and was only down a single pound.


Jackie, being up after a good week is a normal thing. It does happen, so hang in there. One thing that my WW leader told us was not to eat popcorn, bacon, ham or any other high sodium or water retaining food the day prior to weigh-in. Wheater it is fact or foe, I have followed this advice for years. I also try to weigh in the same style outfit each week. I usually wear thin pants (yoga style) and a cami with a shirt over. I remove the shirt and my shoes (not socks) for weigh-in. It just seems to keep it consistant to the best of my control. If I am in business clothes, I take off all of my chunky jewelry, and try to wear a light fabric outfit that day- that I can layer. I remove the jacket or overshirt and then step on the scale in the least that I can get away with.


If you have a bad week and know that you did well, just brush it off and keep on going. It may be some muscle building in your body from excercise, medication, or really any number of things.





Happy Valentines Day to everyone,






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Good work Carollois and Jimsgirl.

I am also a fan of Biggest Loser and cannot believe how little some of them lose, ( or even gain) after all the exercise they participate in. And we know they cannot be cheating beacuse there is no way for them to get their hands on anything like that. It is just the body's way of hanging on to what it thinks it should.

Yesterday was my "ME DAY," and I went out with DH and friends. I drank an excellent cosmopolitan and ate some popcorn. Then I ate a salad for dinner. When we got back a friend who also is a WW member treated us to a great lo cal cheesecake. It was yummy and 4 points per slice.

Cari, I used to make those treats for my kids when they were young and needed an after school snack. Haven't made them in years but will start again. They are good for a pizza craving and at 4 points for a full muffin will certainly cut the points of a real pizza. Thanks for the nudge.


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