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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Good work Carollois and Jimsgirl.

I too am a fan of Biggest Loser. I cannot believe how little they sometimes lose ( or even gain) after all the work they do every day. They cannot be cheating as they have NO access to anything like that while on the ranch. It must just be the body's way of keeping what it thinks it must have. The next week there is usually a really good loss.

Yesterday was my "ME DAY." I went out with DH and ate popcorn and had a really good cosmopolitan. Then for dinner I ate a salad. When we got back, a friend who is also a WW member served us a low cal cheese cake which was yummy and had only 4 points per slice.

Cari, I used to make those snacks when my kids were young and needed a snack after school. They satisfy a pizza craving for a lot less points. I need to start making them again. Thanks for the nudge.


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Well done, Cari! It doesn't seem as if the steroids had a bad effect on all your efforts. Keep up the good work.





Thanks for the encouragement Nikki. :)


My MD put me on a water pill. Whew, it got rid of the retained fluid but I've never had to pee so much in my life !


I also added 5 minutes per day to my 45 min treadmill routine. It doesn't seem like a lot but I'm trying to slowly work up to some additional time.







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I started drinking more water this week, and like Cari, I have been peeing like a baby all week. I have never been a water drinker but my leader really emphasized the benefits of this strategy. If it truly heps me to lose weight, I will be a convert and already know that my skin feels better than it has in a long time. I still find it difficult to remember to continue to drink fluid all day long. I did think far enough ahead to limit my intake after about 8 pm. I think it is supposed to take 2 weeks for a new routine to become a habit. So another week to go and see if I have less trouble remembering.


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I started drinking more water this week, and like Cari, I have been peeing like a baby all week. I have never been a water drinker but my leader really emphasized the benefits of this strategy. If it truly heps me to lose weight, I will be a convert and already know that my skin feels better than it has in a long time. I still find it difficult to remember to continue to drink fluid all day long. I did think far enough ahead to limit my intake after about 8 pm. I think it is supposed to take 2 weeks for a new routine to become a habit. So another week to go and see if I have less trouble remembering.



I really believe drinking water helps. I drink LOTS. I WI this morning down another 2lbs only 3lbs to my goal!!!

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Hi everyone,


Hello to all the newbies and congrats to everyone who has had a good week!


I've got computer problems so it's almost impossible to post ... but I'm still doing WW and had a good week this week (-2.4) after a not-so-good week last week (+1.6). For 3 weeks of proper weigh ins I'm down 3.6. It's not where I want to be, but it's the right direction!


I had a little lightbulb go off this week. I drink about 3-4 cups of coffee and green tea each day and put 2 tsps of sugar and about 2 tbsp of skim milk in every cup. I calculated the points this week & that's about 1 point per cup --- times 4 a day is 28 points a week I wasn't tracking! It's those little things that add up.


A friend from work works out like a madwoman at least 4 days at week and has not lost a single pound in two years. She's probably a size 18 or so, so has some to lose. I kept saying to her, "you have to track and measure!" She finally came to WW with me and had her first weigh in this week. She was down 3.8 lbs! Good for her! She said the difference wasn't so much in what she eats during the day (although she never measured anything) but what she eats at night. I'm glad she's losing, but now I'm feeling a little bit competitive with her, which is actually a good thing because it will keep me on track at work.:p


We had our Valentine's dinner out last night and I had a filet plus parmesan truffle fries & wine - so about 30 extra points - but it's only once a year and I'm just about to head out for my run/walk now. It's a beautiful sunny but cold morning here in Atlanta. I think the cold will probably burn a few extra calories.


Hope all have had a good weekend!

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Janine, I see you have a cruise coming up...... great incentive. :)




Can anyone help with this question ?


If one has a bad day going over their points or whatnot, does it show on the scale the next day or does it take a few days. The reason I'm asking is that I had a me-day yesterday and ended up using up 3/4 of my bonus points but today on the scale I was actually down 1.2 from Friday morning's weigh-in. I try not to weigh myself at home too much but I woke up feeling really guilty as I ate several mini Milky Way mini bars, in addition to a lot of carb filled snack items. Popcorn, Pretzels with mustard dip and bean dip with tortillas. I didn't get in all my veggies or any proteins except the beans. I felt really bloated when evening rolled around. The good thing was that I had an early dinner, which was the bean dip and tortillas, so I had nothing after 4pm except two cups of herbal tea.


Just curious on anyone's opinion of this.




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Janine, I see you have a cruise coming up...... great incentive. :)




Can anyone help with this question ?


If one has a bad day going over their points or whatnot, does it show on the scale the next day or does it take a few days. The reason I'm asking is that I had a me-day yesterday and ended up using up 3/4 of my bonus points but today on the scale I was actually down 1.2 from Friday morning's weigh-in. I try not to weigh myself at home too much but I woke up feeling really guilty as I ate several mini Milky Way mini bars, in addition to a lot of carb filled snack items. Popcorn, Pretzels with mustard dip and bean dip with tortillas. I didn't get in all my veggies or any proteins except the beans. I felt really bloated when evening rolled around. The good thing was that I had an early dinner, which was the bean dip and tortillas, so I had nothing after 4pm except two cups of herbal tea.


Just curious on anyone's opinion of this.




I never even go near the scale until my WI day. As the scale can change from day to day. We all have a "me day" from time to time but then get back on the train. I can't tell you how much I love the way I eat, I feel so good!! Can't wait till next month to wear clothes I could no wear on our last cruise

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Jimslady, congrats on your continued loss. You are so close to goal and wearing those clothes wil make it all worth it. Way to go, girl!!!

Waterbaby, I am with you. Sometimes the loss is not as much as I had hoped for, but anytime the scale goes in the right direction, that is a victory.

Cari, my body does both. Sometimes the scale shows it immediately and other times it takes a couple of days to show up. I am bummed right now because I had the snackies last night and this is one of those immediate times. And my WI is in the morning. I have also planned an outing with my WW buddy for lunch tomorrow. We want to go to a local restaurant that serves THE best shecrab soup because we will have all week to wear it off. No matter what the scale shows, I am going to do it, and will act accordingly for the rest of the week. As we have all said, this is a life change and life does go on.


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My dear friend Nikki told me about this thread and I thought it would be fun to be on board with this group. Always working on my WW goal, and Nikki and I can support each other while in the same location, which only 2 months of the year. I believe it is good to stay in touch with WW people and share ideas and support. So hope I will be able to added something to this thread.


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Welcome Rads..... Nikki is an awsome motivator.


Nikki- go enjoy your soup, you have all week to work it off.



Thanks for the responses everyone. I counted the PV's and I ate 25 pts worth of Milky Way minis. I'm not too overly worried about the rest of my snack binge as the mini bag of popcorn & the two 100 cal bags of pretzels with spicy mustard were somewhat within reason. My dinner, was A WW recipe-bean dip w/ 2 corn tortillas and bkft was a cup of coffee with Spenda and a bowl of Fiber One cereal w/ 1/2 cup of skim, so my only real concern was my candy bar binge, the amount of carbs and no real veggies except what topped the bean dip.


I should be able to excercise some portion control but there are some foods that I just cannot condition myself to do so with. I have found that chocolate and potato chips are my two binge foods. I don't keep chips in the house anymore and the bag of mini candy bars was a well meant Valentine's gift.



Have a great week everyone, :)








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Although it doesn't make any sense, the pounds usually take a couple of days to show up on me. Although I think it also has to do with what we eat. If I have stuff that is higher in sodium and I try to "wash it all away" then it shows up right away (and then disappears a couple of days later).


But if you've just eaten your weekly 49 points then you probably shouldn't have a REAL gain. You'll just have to be really diligent for the rest of the week. I have eaten all but 4 of my points and my weigh in is on Thursday, so this will be a week with lots of fruit & veg!


(I weigh every day, too. I use a lot of the principles from The Beck Diet and that's one that works for me. It's easier for me to be delusional if I let myself go too many days without hitting the scale.)

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My WI was this morning, and I am so frustrated. I drank water all week because it is supposed to help. Ran to the bathroom many, many times, tracked very faithfully and I was up. No loss, not even a maintainance -pure gain. My friend says it is because I ate salty food yesterday ( popcorn and a few pretzels). I sure hope so- that makes sense but why didn't all the water help? Oh well, that was last week, now is a new game and I will see a loss next Monday.

We went out for the shecrab soup. I will have to be as good as gold for the next 6 days to make up for it, but every single bite was sooooo worth it!! I am sure that I used the remainder of today's points and a lot of the weekly extra but I surely did enjoy my lunch. I need to find a website to get some statistics so I can track somewhat efficiently. I refused to do it before as I have had my heart set on this since my bowl last year. Yes it is that good AND that bad.


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The restaurant does not publish its recipe or stats. It is difficult to find an accurate point count, so my best guesstimate for the portion I ate is going to be 15. It was worth it and my dinner tonight will be a no-fat yogurt ( 2 points) and a boiled egg ( 2 points). I had a smoothie for breakfast ( 6 points). It looks as if I am not that bad. However, because this is not an official point count, I had better check off a few ( 6 ) of my weekly allowance. Only next week's weighin will tell me if I can have another bowl of this before I head back to Canada.


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The restaurant does not publish its recipe or stats. It is difficult to find an accurate point count, so my best guesstimate for the portion I ate is going to be 15. It was worth it and my dinner tonight will be a no-fat yogurt ( 2 points) and a boiled egg ( 2 points). I had a smoothie for breakfast ( 6 points). It looks as if I am not that bad. However, because this is not an official point count, I had better check off a few ( 6 ) of my weekly allowance. Only next week's weighin will tell me if I can have another bowl of this before I head back to Canada.









I swear by the do-not-eat popcorn or other highly salted foods the day before weigh-in. I'm willing to bet that it's water weight.



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I think you guys are correct about the water retention. I weighed myself first thing this morning, and not only do I weigh less than yesterday, I weigh less than last week's WI. So I must keep in mind that I will not eat any salty food on Sunday when I have a Monday WI. It would probably be best to not eat them at all, but I also must be realistic.


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... and I love it! I recently got back on my WW plan after losing a little over 50 lbs. of which I gained about 35 back within 2 years after getting married. DH and I are losing together for overall health but who wouldn't want to look (and feel!) fabulous on formal night in the perfect LBD?


Our cruise is coming up June 9th and my goal is to drop at least 25 lbs before then. I have had 2 WI so far and already down 10.0!! (Yay Me!)


Congrats to all you "Losers" ;) out there, keep up the good work!!!


I look forward to the extra support!



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Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good. I've been good, tracking and watching what I eat and I am just not losing. Or rather doing the 2 lb dance, back and forth. Not sure what is going on but as long as I don't go hog wild it's got to shift eventually.



Sounds like you need to find something to "shock" your system. A few tricks I have tried before is to add more water or more/different exercise. Sometimes going just one week (or a few days) really limiting sugar/carbs can jumpstart your weightloss again.


Or it could be the opposite problem... you could be limiting yourself too much. Remember that we need some fats in our diet so "fat free" is not always the best option. Protein is also a big loss booster. Just avoid a heavy protein right before a WI as it takes longer to digest and will be "sitting" in your belly adding ounces! ;)


You are to be commended for keeping at it though! Sometimes just maintaining is a big WIN!! Keep trying to shake things up with your routine and food choices and you'll get that big loss you've been looking for! :)

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If you don't have a caffeine sensitivity, the crystal light energy formulas are great to add to water. The B vitamins really give you a boost and the flavor helps me get in all the water I should. BUT it does have caffeine so if you aren't used to caffeine, then it might not be the best choice....

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