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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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As a WW member and former staff member, my advice as to ALL advice that advises you to give up ANYTHING completely is..politely say thank you and IGNORE IT.


Much of this advice is designed around getting you on a diet to achieve short term losses.


Weight loss done right is a long-term lifetime journey incorporating portion control, increase in activity and following nine healthy guidelines. ..


Want to lose weight faster? We all do...but you do it by being more vigorous and focused on the three steps above...not by deprivation, eliminating this or that entirely, fasting, meal replacement or any such other short term fixes


Thanks for the insight seavoyager6. I gave up breads and pasta a few years ago to try and cut out white flour from my diet, long before joining WW and i just never really got that back into them as I don't like the sluggish way they make me feel after eating them. But I do occasionally splurge and have some but do pay attention to the portions. I gave up caffeine and soda, even soda with no caffeine several years ago, again, once in a while on a hot summer's day, there is nothing like a cold soda with tons of ice.


I knew going into WW, my weight loss goals were going to be life long and didn't expect the weight to come off like it is, but I believe a big part of my success is my discipline to exercising and the fact I had already had given up the pasta, bread and soda along with making sure I use all if my daily points.


The one thing I have learned on WW is how to be a smart, conscientious eater.





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Welcome to Lynn. WI this morning, just down .3. I'm .1 lbs away from where I was 3 weeks ago. I used 30 of the weekly allowance, not a good idea for me. I am thankful for the .3, but am feeling uninspired to stick with the program. I've always done this, lose 25-30 lbs and then give up. I've done it so many times, even with WW. I can feel myself wanting to eat whatever I want. The urge is there, finding it hard to resist it. Sorry, feel like Debbie Downer with this negativity, but feel the need to share with other WW members. What do you do to stay motivated?

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Welcome to Lynn. WI this morning, just down .3. I'm .1 lbs away from where I was 3 weeks ago. I used 30 of the weekly allowance, not a good idea for me. I am thankful for the .3, but am feeling uninspired to stick with the program. I've always done this, lose 25-30 lbs and then give up. I've done it so many times, even with WW. I can feel myself wanting to eat whatever I want. The urge is there, finding it hard to resist it. Sorry, feel like Debbie Downer with this negativity, but feel the need to share with other WW members. What do you do to stay motivated?


When I'm feeling unmotivated, I remind myself why I want this. Do you have a list of reasons you want to lose weight? Sometimes the reason you started is no longer a reason after losing 25-30 lbs.


When my members are frustrated and sharing that they just feel like giving up. I ask them to give me 3 reasons why quitting is a good idea, and what positive things can come from that. Usually the only thing you have to gain by quitting, is the weight you lost and sometimes more.


I like to jot down 3 or 4 things I did right that day in my tracker. For a while I kept a separate journal for these things....I went through a 5 month plateau, and it kept me motivated to have it separate. Sometimes it wasn't fabulous things, but a better choice I made. I had 10 points of ice cream that I measured out and tracked instead of the whole pint. 10 points of ice cream isn't the best choice, but it is much better than throwing caution to the wind.

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Tracey, at times I feel the lack of motivation too. I think we all do and it is difficult to deal with. Look at the bigger picture and think about how much better you feel wit the pounds you have already shed. If you need to gobble up a treat, do it. Just track it. As you already know, you will lose this as well. I am right there with you. This week I am working on losing the weight I gained over the past 2 weeks. We are in this for life, and going off track, while not the best way to lose weight, will be okay when we start tracking again. Remember, this is a lifetime commitment. Stay strong, girl, you will overcome the temptation this time. We are here to help you.


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Hi, Tracey,


Thanks for the welcome. Don't feel bad about sharing what you're going through. That's what we're here for. Obviously you've hit a plateau. Work with your WW consultant to figure out how to get the breakthrough you need. Maybe you need to change up your workout, tweak your eating plan or both. I've been there a number of times and it is so discouraging and disappointing. I hate feeling like I've sacrificed for nothing. But hang in there. You can break through this wall. Of course you want to eat whatever you want. We all do. That's how we became overweight. But remember this: No food tastes as good as weight loss feels. I heard that on a weight loss show once and it has stuck with me.


I agree with Nikki. If you feel like having a treat, have it. Enjoy it. Track it and get back on the wagon. How do I stay motivated? I think about or look at something about being overweight that I don't like. My underwear was too tight last night when I got dressed to go out with my husband for dinner. I did not appreciate that at all. I remember when those same panties were comfortable and I want that back! So I didn't go overboard for dinner last night and I've planned to stay on track today.


It's hard for all of us at times, Tracey, but eating what you want all of the time will only send you back to where you started. Don't go backward. Figure out how to bust through this wall and move forward.



Edited by Mackwife
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Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions ladies, I really appreciate it. I really like your ideas to get and stay motivated. So far I'm doing well, staying on plan, and within my points. I feel good because I went to the produce store today and really stocked up on fruits and veggies. I got out of the habit of eating enough of them, so am really going to work on staying on track with them. It really makes a difference in feeling full if I have enough veggies. I had the best fresh brussels sprouts with dinner, I always forget how much I love them until I have them fresh rather than frozen.

I'm reminding myself how loose my jeans are, what the 27 lbs I've lost really feels like, and trying to bring back the images of going on the cruise next Feb at my goal. Picturing standing at the top of the zip line on Labadee with a much smaller body, ready to take off. Thanks again for your advice, it's really helping me.

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Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions ladies, I really appreciate it. I really like your ideas to get and stay motivated. So far I'm doing well, staying on plan, and within my points. I feel good because I went to the produce store today and really stocked up on fruits and veggies. I got out of the habit of eating enough of them, so am really going to work on staying on track with them. It really makes a difference in feeling full if I have enough veggies. I had the best fresh brussels sprouts with dinner, I always forget how much I love them until I have them fresh rather than frozen.

I'm reminding myself how loose my jeans are, what the 27 lbs I've lost really feels like, and trying to bring back the images of going on the cruise next Feb at my goal. Picturing standing at the top of the zip line on Labadee with a much smaller body, ready to take off. Thanks again for your advice, it's really helping me.


You're welcome though I ain't no lady:):):)

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Hi All....I was delighted to find this thread... I have joined WW online my second weigh in is this coming Tuesday.....happy to report first weigh in showed a 6 lb loss ( how the heck much was I eating before WW:D)...I realize initial weight loss may be water etc. etc. but hey better off than on.

I found success with the Dukan diet...lost all my post partum weight (my son is 26 :D) but surprise surprise here it it is back again.

So WW you are it !!...I must say I find this new point system easy..so happy fruits are free...meet watermelon, my new best friend.;)

My daughter and I are doing this together....she a Phd student and Momma here is an xray technologist.

Putting our heads together we enjoy coming up with meals and treats to make the best use of our points.

Online you don't have the benefit of meetings ,but if there is room for one more, I would sure appreciate your company.

My name is Colleen.:)

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Online you don't have the benefit of meetings ,but if there is room for one more, I would sure appreciate your company.

My name is Colleen.:)

Hi Colleen. I'm Kerri and I'm also doing the online WW.

I wish I could like watermelon. I love the look, like the smell, but I can't stand the taste.

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Hi All....I was delighted to find this thread... I have joined WW online my second weigh in is this coming Tuesday.....happy to report first weigh in showed a 6 lb loss ( how the heck much was I eating before WW:D)...I realize initial weight loss may be water etc. etc. but hey better off than on.

I found success with the Dukan diet...lost all my post partum weight (my son is 26 :D) but surprise surprise here it it is back again.

So WW you are it !!...I must say I find this new point system easy..so happy fruits are free...meet watermelon, my new best friend.;)

My daughter and I are doing this together....she a Phd student and Momma here is an xray technologist.

Putting our heads together we enjoy coming up with meals and treats to make the best use of our points.

Online you don't have the benefit of meetings ,but if there is room for one more, I would sure appreciate your company.

My name is Colleen.:)


Welcome Colleen! I'm doing weight watchers online too. A loss is a Lisa regardless if its 10lbs or .01 lbs. After getting use to the point system it didn't take me long to be able to calculate them in my head.


Good luck to you and your daughter in achieving your weight loss goal.



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Hi Lisa and Kerri......thanks for the welcome:)


Sorry you don't care for watermelon Kerri....it does have a distinctive taste for sure.....reminds me of childhood:)...it and the smell of cucumbers always makes me think of summer....maybe icey cold with a dash of salt might help. Lots of other great fruits to choose from ...some of my favorites....cherries ,grapes,mangoes.....love eating fruit and thinking .."Zero points ..Really ? Are you sure ? " :D Seems too good to be true

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Hi Colleen. I have chatted with you on the WFD thread and now I see you over here. At least I am not the only one who cannot make up my mind what is more important. Cari has posted here a couple of times as well. I have joined WW many times but this time I realize that it is a lifetime commitment and have lost more than 10 pounds. That is until I went off track 2 weeks ago and now need to lose those 2 pounds AGAIN. Good luck to you and your daughter.


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Hi Nikki !!


Off track? Gee I don't know what you are talking about.:D:D I am sure all of us can relate to that...you will be saying goodbye to those two pounds before long I am sure.

I am putting my faith in this program and have made up my mind to just do it ...the various weight loss journeys we have all been on have armed us with a lot of knowledge ....we know what it good for us and what is not..it's trying to remember that before we make a bad choice that is the tricky part.;) or when we are tired ,stressed.too busy to think,parties.. yadda yadda..we all know the drill....but this time I am determined to put my best interests first ...it is not something that comes easily to me...but I think along with counting points there should be 'how good were you to yourself today ' category.;)


A couple of sayings have sometimes helped me


"Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels "


"Sweat is fat crying "


" You may think your exercise program can't compare to a marathon runner's....but whatever you do you're way ahead of the guy on the couch "


Have a great day everyone...you are worth it !!!!


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I'm up 1.5 lbs but it was my birthday over the weekend. I went out to lunch and had the most amazing grilled salmon BLT on sourdough. I enjoyed every bite. It came with coleslaw, which I ate, and french fries. I only had 5 or 6 fries. In my old days, I would have polished them all off!


So it is back to it today! I hope to lose the extra weight by WI on Thursday.

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Sorry seavoyager, I shouldn't make assumptions. I wasn't thinking when I wrote that.

Welcome to Colleen. Always room for more.

I'm very happy that I'm still on plan. I'm on a strawberry kick right now, summer is great, isn't it?

I'm also doing WW online, I'm just not a meetings person. So far, so good!

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I'm up 1.5 lbs but it was my birthday over the weekend. I went out to lunch and had the most amazing grilled salmon BLT on sourdough. I enjoyed every bite. It came with coleslaw, which I ate, and french fries. I only had 5 or 6 fries. In my old days, I would have polished them all off!


So it is back to it today! I hope to lose the extra weight by WI on Thursday.


Happy belated Birthday!



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Well the 'scale fairy' wasn't particularly generous...she parted with 1 lb ,but that is good enough for me....I weigh 7lbs less than I did two weeks ago...so Onward and upward !!!...aah make that downward.;)

Have a great day everyone.

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Sorry seavoyager, I shouldn't make assumptions. I wasn't thinking when I wrote that.

Welcome to Colleen. Always room for more.

I'm very happy that I'm still on plan. I'm on a strawberry kick right now, summer is great, isn't it?

I'm also doing WW online, I'm just not a meetings person. So far, so good!



Hi thanks for the welcome...seems like WW online is a great option for many...it is nice to have this thread with it's benefit of support. it is encouraging to know online is working well for you.:)

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Well, for whatever reason ( or None) I had a very bad case of the munchies yesterday. I do not look forward to my WI tomorrow. It will be the third week in a row with a gain. Haven't even looked at WW online in a week. I need to get into a better routine starting today. Off to the dentist in a few minutes and when I return I must pay serious attention to what I am doing.


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Hang in there Nikki, I know you can get back on track. Try not to worry about the WI too much, you can't change what you've done. Just get back to program and to tracking. Try to remind yourself why you're doing this in the first place, picture yourself at goal. I'm just remembering what you all told me last week when I was frustrated and couldn't stay motivated.

SapphireHoneymoon I love your motivation! 50 miles, I'm really impressed. I'm sure you'll make it.

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