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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Thanks for the chili recipe. Even here in S.C. it will be below freezing tonight. We are going to a friend's for dinner tomorrow but need to make this soon.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Good morning everyone! Bad day yesterday...didn't really go over on points or anything...just felt like I was fighting a losing battle. Today I do feel better but scared to step on s[SIZE=4]cales tomorrow ... thinking I will be disappointed.:([SIZE=4]

[SIZE=4]Made blackberry muffin[SIZE=4]s [SIZE=4]yesterday and came out to 2 points each muffin after I tweaked the recipe. We have so many blackberries trying to find something to do [SIZE=4]with them all. Our blackberry bushes went crazy last year and [SIZE=4]dh ended u[SIZE=4]p picking 50lbs of blackberries.[/SIZE][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]I also decided to fix stuffed poblano peppers last night[SIZE=4] that I got the recipe off of slender kitchen. [SIZE=4]I must say I was a little iffy when fixing it...made with soy chorizo and cauliflower[SIZE=4]...but when we tasted them..wow! excellent recipe.

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Just checking in.... I'm back on track now after having a really bad bout with the flu for the past few weeks. I was really down and out and did not track nor excercise, hence a few extra pounds.

This past week, I set a mini-me goal of a 15 lb loss before our cruise in mid-April. I just got the Dr's ok to start using my treadmill again. It was a no-go due to some complications with my Asthma and Bronchitis. It really did miss my treadmill and am going to promise myself to keep it up 6 days per week. I just turned 50 last Nov and I swear that excercise is such an inportant factor to keep up with the wt loss, at least for me and at my age...... gravity and such....

Even thought I am a lifetime, I am a few pounds over the top wt for my height so I will have to pay next meeting until I can lose them. Sometimes, I think that the money factor is great motivator as well. :)

Wishing everyone a great success this coming week.

Cari in Indy.


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HI, I am joining this thread because I need to lose weight before our cruise in October 2013 and although I am a lifetime WW member, I am over my goal. I have decided to go back to meetings because E-tools helps but isn't enough to keep me accountable. I've started tracking every bite and counting points and hope for a good weigh in this Friday. Looking forward to everyone's suggestions and encouragement.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Welcome genmasjoy. I know exactly what you mean about meetings because I also need that feeling of accountability. Like bunches yesterday, tho, I didn't do so well- I picked all day long and then I had bigger portions at dinner last night. I have no idea why I do these things. It isn't that I am deprived and I do know what will happen when I overeat. I just seem to find it too much trouble to argue with my devils. This scenario is the perfect way to NOT reach my goal. I must try much harder today.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='genmasjoy']HI, I am joining this thread because I need to lose weight before our cruise in October 2013 and although I am a lifetime WW member, I am over my goal. I have decided to go back to meetings because E-tools helps but isn't enough to keep me accountable. I've started tracking every bite and counting points and hope for a good weigh in this Friday. Looking forward to everyone's suggestions and encouragement.[/QUOTE]

I'm also joining this thread, and also, I am a lifetime member, lost over 100 pounds, but due to 3 surgeries since June 2011, and nearly 18 months with no gym, I am now 21 pounds over goal. I was 30 over after Christmas. I have lost 9 (1st week 8.5, 2nd was .5 and this week nothing), getting back on points and rejoined my gym. It's still slow going at the gym though due to my stamina and strength are shot! I haven't been doing too bad with my eating and tracking etc but I know I will never be as strict and regimented as I was prior. I have a fiance now and a life, whereas before, my life WAS weight watchers. I never went out, never had junk or alcohol. It wasn't realistic so we shall see what happends now. It's definately a challenge! So....that said, I am hoping to dump this 21 before November sailing! I lose VERY VERY SLOW, it took me 3.5 years to lose 104, :o so here's hoping.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Hi to [SIZE=4]all the newcomers!

[SIZE=4]I have been dreading my weigh in this morning [SIZE=4]but finally did it. [SIZE=4]Unfortunately I gained 1 lb over the last week. I really did not do all that bad when eating so I am not going to get disco[SIZE=4]uraged. I am chalking the weight gain up to the fa[SIZE=4]ct that [SIZE=4]its [/SIZE]that time an[SIZE=4]d [/SIZE]I am bloated and cracky right now and hopefully next week I will make up for the weight gain.

[SIZE=4]Like I said before ... not going to just give up this time! Today is a new day! :D[SIZE=4] [/SIZE][/SIZE]
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I forgot about meeting this morning until it was too late. Probably sabotaged myself tho as I think I either stayed the same or had a gain. I only have one more weigh in paid for, so may or may not go back, but plan on continuing the fight. I'm always okay over breakfast and lunch, but after that... I have trouble limiting my supper portion, plus just get this bug to eat that I can't seem to fight.

Bitsey, welcome to our little group! Thanks for sharing your journey as it makes goal seem attainable since someone else could do it. In total I would have had 164 to lose, but am down 44 from my highest, so 120 to go. I really don't care how long it takes as long as I can get there.
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[quote name='ready2cruzagain'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Hi to [SIZE=4]all the newcomers!

[SIZE=4]I have been dreading my weigh in this morning [SIZE=4]but finally did it. [SIZE=4]Unfortunately I gained 1 lb over the last week. I really did not do all that bad when eating so I am not going to get disco[SIZE=4]uraged. I am chalking the weight gain up to the fa[SIZE=4]ct that [SIZE=4]its [/SIZE]that time an[SIZE=4]d [/SIZE]I am bloated and [COLOR=Red]crack[SIZE=4]y??[/SIZE][/COLOR] right now and hopefully next week I will make up for the weight gain.

[SIZE=4]Like I said before ... not going to just give up this time! Today is a new day! :D[/SIZE]
:eek::eek:[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Oh brudder! What is cracky? LOL! Talk about a typo...and too late when I noticed it to go back and change it.

[SIZE=4]I meant to[SIZE=4] say I am cranky [/SIZE][/SIZE]:rolleyes:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='bunchesofun']I forgot about meeting this morning until it was too late. Probably sabotaged myself tho as I think I either stayed the same or had a gain. I only have one more weigh in paid for, so may or may not go back, but plan on continuing the fight. I'm always okay over breakfast and lunch, but after that... I have trouble limiting my supper portion, plus just get this bug to eat that I can't seem to fight.

Bitsey, welcome to our little group! Thanks for sharing your journey as it makes goal seem attainable since someone else could do it. In total I would have had 164 to lose, but am down 44 from my highest, so 120 to go. I really don't care how long it takes as long as I can get there.[/quote]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Hey 44lbs is great[SIZE=4]! [SIZE=4]Just ha[SIZE=4]ng in there! I lost 100lbs and have picked 15 back up so that is what I am fighting now. I don't want to ever put [SIZE=4]all of the weight back on again. Seems like it is a constant b[SIZE=4]attle. I take off 5 put back on 5 consistently. But like I said...going into it this time with a different attitude.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='bunchesofun']. In total I would have had 164 to lose, but am down 44 from my highest, so 120 to go. I really don't care how long it takes as long as I can get there.[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Bunches you WIll reach your goal. In every aspect of our lives there are setbacks and detours. You have made the right attempt but find yourself fighting to keep on going. If you do have to leave the meetings, please remember that we have all been there and know what you are facing. We are here for you and want you to succeed. Keep on truckin'.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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I keep telling myself that THIS TIME I'm going to make it. The good news is that after I lost the 88 pounds, I didn't regain all of it, then maintained that weight for two years before joining WW and losing another 20. So that in itself makes this time different that the other times.
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[quote name='bunchesofun']I keep telling myself that THIS TIME I'm going to make it. The good news is that after I lost the 88 pounds, I didn't regain all of it, then maintained that weight for two years before joining WW and losing another 20. So that in itself makes this time different that the other times.[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]You go, girl!!! That is a fantastic achievement. The losing, the maintaining, and then more losing. Keep it up. Perhaps all you are experiencing is losing fatigue and it will get easier for you.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Hi everyone,

Weighed in today and was pleased to see that I lost 2 pounds. After trying to do it online on my own for a couple of months I now know that I need to look someone in the eye when I weigh in. I also find that focusing on weight loss for half an hour every week will keep me on track.

I have absolutely nothing planned for the weekend, so will just get more exercise and plan meals ... I guess it really is about the basics.

Bunches - sounds like you have the right attitude. We have to get to the point where it's just non negotiable ... "is it worth the points?"

Welcome bitsey @genmasjoy! We all need to help each other so we can be happy with our cruise pictures!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Congrats on the 2lb loss Waterba[SIZE=4]by!

[SIZE=4]Good Morning everyone! Another cold day in the north![SIZE=4] [SIZE=4]Hopefully will be w[SIZE=4]arming up sometimes next week for a day or two.

[SIZE=4][SIZE=4]Hope everyone has a wonderful day:)[/SIZE][/SIZE]
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Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I checked in here way back at post# 720. I'm happy to report I am 26lbs down, and going strong!! The biggest thing for me was cleansing my home and office of foods that are poor choices. I don't buy it, I won't eat it. Over the holidays, I didn't do any baking whatsoever. I have such a sweet tooth and my DH does not, so I would have eaten it all. My newest task is keeping washed/chopped fruit and veggies in the fridge so I will make them my first choice when I need a snack.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]Well, this morning was my second weigh in. Stayed the same. :( I am disappointed because I stayed TOTALLY on track. I didn't even use my 49 points, nor my activity points.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]But I am taking a page from you ladies - I am NOT going to be discouraged. And remind myself what I said in the beginning - I am not going to concentrate on the numbers, but rather improving my overall health!! (well, maybe a little bit on the numbers....;))[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='DaisyandSika']Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I checked in here way back at post# 720. I'm happy to report I am 26lbs down, and going strong!! The biggest thing for me was cleansing my home and office of foods that are poor choices. I don't buy it, I won't eat it. Over the holidays, I didn't do any baking whatsoever. I have such a sweet tooth and my DH does not, so I would have eaten it all. My newest task is keeping washed/chopped fruit and veggies in the fridge so I will make them my first choice when I need a snack.[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Wow! What an acheivement! I have tried the cleansing thing, but it slowly keeps sneaking back in. I must take heart in how it has helped you and then repeat the mantra. I am going to do another purge today while DH is golfing. that should get me back on the right track. I do not expect a good WI on Monday, but stranger things have happened. At least I have faithfully tracked this week, and my extra points scale is getting up there. And that is what scares me. I am pretty sure that I have had a gain if I use too many of the extra points.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][B]Nikki[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Edited by gubby
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[quote name='bunchesofun']I think the main thing is to tell ourselves that this is the way we are going to eat the rest of our lives. There is no turning back or the weight will be back.[/quote]

Well said and so true !!!

I started WW in 2003 and made lifetime in 2004 BUT once I got there failed to maintain. I have been up and down and all over the place as far as my weight and maintainint. I think this new 360` plan is such a great motivator as it really helps focus on real life when I walk out of the meeting room. I have already cleaned out my kitchen of all the holiday junk snancks and goodies. They are gone and now replaced with healty choices.

Last week, I set my mini-goal of a 15 lb loss by my cruise in mid-April. I was down 2.4 lbs at the scale yesterday, so 12.6 more to go. For me, making the small mini-goals helps me stay on plan.

Wishing everyone a great week.


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I just figured out it's 17 weeks till our cruise. I would hope that I could lose at least 17 pounds by then.

For me though, one big thing, is going to be to watch it more carefully while on the cruise itself. I thought I showed restraint on the cruise, but I have had a very hard time getting back in the swing of things since we got home. I have to remember that a cruise is not an excuse to eat as much as I want. (Though I didn't do that even on the last cruise) But obviously I ate more than I should have and it showed on the scales.
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[quote name='bunchesofun']I just figured out it's 17 weeks till our cruise. I would hope that I could lose at least 17 pounds by then.

For me though, one big thing, is going to be to watch it more carefully while on the cruise itself. I thought I showed restraint on the cruise, but I have had a very hard time getting back in the swing of things since we got home. I have to remember that a cruise is not an excuse to eat as much as I want. (Though I didn't do that even on the last cruise) But obviously I ate more than I should have and it showed on the scales.[/quote]

Yes, that's always a big hurdle, the getting-back-on plan !!
This cruise I plan to use the outside track EVERYday and use the stairs as much as possible. Even on port days, which we have 4, I plan to make it up to the track. Another thing that I plan to do is to bring my own packets of sugarfree oatmeal and then just get skim milk and fruit from the buffet for breakfast. They have hot water near the coffee machine so that will work. My brand is only 3 pts and full of fiber. I am also going to bring some WW bars for a sweet fix for the cabin. I am hoping the the CCL Liberty has a decent salad bar for lunches. I can pair that up with some lean protein. The catcher is dinner in the MDR. Honestly, I plan to order and eat what I want but stop when I'm full. I suppose in one respect, I am lucky as I do not like rich desserts and actually enjoy the Spa Splenda desserts a lot more.

I will track each day, excercise and try to stick on plan as much as possible, but if I gain I will not beat myself up over it. I have made a promise to myself that the minute that I step off the ship that it's back to my allotted points and back on plan. That is what happened to me the last two cruises. I came back from vacation and figured, what's a few more days of indulgence. Those days turned into a few weeks and by then the Holiday season rolled around and I was up on the scales and had gone off plan for awhile. It is so frustrating to have worked so hard to lose those pounds only to gain them right back. I will just have to try harder.

Bunchesofun, you can do the 17 lbs. Us, fellow losers will keep you motivated. :)


. Edited by Hoosiercouple
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