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To scared for cave tubing


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I've always wanted to try cave tubing but didn't dare. This cruise I decided I would be brave & adventurous & book it..........until I did all my research here & now I say no way, I'm to chicken.

I know you all say you love it & it was one of your best excursions but these are the different things I read on here that have me now to scared to try it.

Bats that did swoop & hit someone, let alone hanging above, snake in the water:eek::eek:, 50' deep in some spots, to shallow in other spots & they had to get out & walk a bit, Dark:eek:, falling backwards from the dock to get into the tube, having someones feet linked in your armpits, approx. 30-40 min floating thru the cave in darkness getting a soar neck (though one company has pillow attached to the tube.

I guess for now my big adventure will be zip lining in Roatan (i'm so scared of heights). I will remember that you all are so glad you did tubing & had a blast but, I need a lot more courage before I dare try tubing in Belize............ so for now I'll have to find another thing to do in Belize. We did a ship island tour last time in Belize.

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The majority in our party is also afraid of doing the cave tubing so we are going on the ship excursion to Xunantunich and climb the mayan ruins. What a treat! One person in our party is clastrophobic and none of us are fond of sitting on a tube in the pitch darkness, not knowing what lurks in the dark waters underneath us.


Have fun and enjoy whatever you end up doing!

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didnt do cave tubin either...dont like caves--have done the river tubin and big raft tubin here at home...thats enough for me


last Dec when we were there hubby went tubin with his fren and the girls went to Lamani...there are a few ruins to choose from in Belize....do go see them!!

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I've always wanted to try cave tubing but didn't dare. This cruise I decided I would be brave & adventurous & book it..........until I did all my research here & now I say no way, I'm to chicken.

I know you all say you love it & it was one of your best excursions but these are the different things I read on here that have me now to scared to try it.

Bats that did swoop & hit someone, let alone hanging above, snake in the water:eek::eek:, 50' deep in some spots, to shallow in other spots & they had to get out & walk a bit, Dark:eek:, falling backwards from the dock to get into the tube, having someones feet linked in your armpits, approx. 30-40 min floating thru the cave in darkness getting a soar neck (though one company has pillow attached to the tube.

I guess for now my big adventure will be zip lining in Roatan (i'm so scared of heights). I will remember that you all are so glad you did tubing & had a blast but, I need a lot more courage before I dare try tubing in Belize............ so for now I'll have to find another thing to do in Belize. We did a ship island tour last time in Belize.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I sense that you posted here just in case someone could talk you into it. If that's the case, then I will share my experience to see if it helps. If not, I'm sure you will love your excursion too. But if cave tubing SOUNDS fun to you, then I think you would absolutely LOVE IT!


First, for some of your concerns I recommend going with VIV Tours. We had an awesome experience with them, beginning to end. All of their tubes have a headrest and mesh bottom, so no tired neck. They also clip together, so no feet to armpits. You have head lamps on to help with the darkness. The only time it was really dark was when our guide asked us to turn all of our headlamps off for about 30 seconds just so we could sense what it is like. Even then there were other tours in the cave with their headlamps on.


Also the caves are not terribly long so there is very little time that you can't see one end or the other. There are some bats in the caves, but they have no more desire to be near you than you do them. I did not see any swooping bats on our tour and I have to think that it would be a very unusual experience for a bat to swoop toward a group of people here.


I also did not see any snakes, and from the research that I've done a very small percentage of people have mentioned SEEING a snake. I haven't read or heard about ANYONE ever getting bitten by a snake. There are lots of people going down this river every day and the snakes, like the bats, have no interest in all those people. Plus, with VIV's mesh bottom, you don't have to have any part of your body exposed to the water if you don't want to. It is easy to keep your arms and legs out if that's what you want.


I have no idea about the depth of the water, except that for a large portion of our tour our guide was walking in the water beside us. The guide is in complete control and makes sure the tubes don't get stuck. You won't fall out unless you are trying to, but you have a life vest on anyway, just in case. We never had to get out and walk on any part of our float, but that might be a possibility if the water is very low. With normal levels there's a couple of places where the guide will tell you to get your "butts up" and he will get the tubes through the shallow areas. (We had one short spot between caves on our float.)


It is true that you have to fall backwards into your tube. It may be a little unnerving, but is actually easier than you would expect. The guide is holding your tube in place and you are not falling from a great distance, so you really can't miss. You get splashed a bit, but you don't go underwater. I know that people of all ages and fitness levels have enjoyed the excursion, so I don't think you should let that put you off.


Whatever you end up doing, have a great time!

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I have to agree with Cackles. Its a great experience, and one I've done more than once. No snakes, no bats. These caves are very very highly utilized and bats nor snakes want a lot of activity. Now that's not to say they aren't there....but it's highly unlikely you will encounter any. What you will encounter is a great fun adventure.

All the tubes are lined up together and it's great fun for the whole family. The guide will give you some history about the area and it's a refreshing break from the heat.

I used Wet Lizard tours and they arranged a fantastic day for us. Our gear was safe in the vehicle, we had a wonderful Mayan lunch and our guides even dragged us thru the low spots!!

They say that people that have a bad time always complain, but those that have a great time rarely take the time to tell their tale. Let me be one of those.

You will enjoy this excursion and be so glad you did it! :D

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My daughter is refusing to go with us in april... all because of the bats. :SIGH: She is 7- there is no reasoning with her.



First mistake was telling her there were! :(

Can you tell her that you are going on the cave that does not have bats?

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Just got back. I took a lot of flash pictures of the bats, they didn't move. They are itty-bitty, not like the ones you see in horror movies.;)

Didn't see snakes. It was raining, and the water was high, we had a great time. Used http://www.cavetubing.bz/ Vital was EXCELLENT! My wife is also not outdoorsy, (I think you know what I mean), she was the first in our line, yes we were latched with feet under arm-pits, no big deal. She said she loved it! They also do zip line here, we didn't do that because we just did Altun Ha ruins, plenty for a days excursion. No regrets.

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My wife is scared of everything; water over her head, snakes, bats, bugs, the dark, strange people, you name it. But she still thought cave tubing was fantastic!


Ditto this for my daughter-in-law...she was particularly worried about the water and what that could be in it. I don't think the other stuff crossed her mind too much (thank god), but she was a hard sell, sucked it up anyway out of love for my son (this was on their honeymoon), and loved it.

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Cackles, subconsciously I think you may have been right, me wanting someone to change my mind. Thank you for your detailed review, Its got me slightly reconsidering.

Few more questions:

Is the water really only 60 degrees? Brrr wasn't that cold? So is it true you & your feet can stay dry?

Do you wear your bathing suit for the 30 min. hike & in the tubes, in case you get all wet. Or do you just wear your clothes, shorts, top, & bring dry clothes in case they got wet?

Since it is so dark besides your headlight, what do you actually see? Some say it is so beautiful. Or is it just the thrill of tubing in a cave, which I am assuming it would be for me.

Is this a one time adventure for most or something you'd like doing again & again.

Thanks, I'm still trying to convince myself to be brave.

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Ask yourself:


  1. How many negative posts have you seen regarding cave tubing?
  2. What was the most negative comment?
  3. How many people have been reported injured from cave tubing?
  4. What were the extent of their injuries?
  5. How many people have been reported killed from cave tubing?
  6. How many people have been reported missing and never seen again after cave tubing?
  7. What are the chances you will be the first?

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Tweety - I don't know what the water temperature was, but it did not feel that cold. We were there on a hot day and our guide gave us the opportunity to jump in before the hike. It felt chilly for about 10 seconds and then it was refreshing, and helped keep us cool for the hike. At the end of the float we also had the option of getting out of the tube and swimming in the river, which was awesome. I don't think it felt any colder than the Atlantic did in Florida after the cruise.


You WILL get wet. You have to cross the river to start the hike (about waist deep with a rope to hang on to for balance). When you get in and out of the tube you will get wet also. We wore our swim suits and water shoes for the hike. I think some of the girls wore shorts too, but they will get wet. VIV gave us an opportunity to change clothes before the hike and after the float. There is a good size public restroom at the park, reasonably clean. So you can wear or bring a change of clothes with you. You can leave your change of clothes in the van. While you are floating it is easy to keep your hands and feet out of the water if you are worried about critters. Even though there's no need to worry. ;)


The river itself is beautiful and so are the caves. As you enter and exit it is plenty bright. Further in you can see things with yours and others' head lamps. The guide has a brighter flashlight and will point out interesting formations. Just being in the cave is a cool experience, but you will see things too. The next time I go to Belize I might try something different because I like variety, but I definitely hope to do this again someday.

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I was wondering if anyone could comment on whether this excursion would be appropriate for someone who would be 4 months pregnant at the time. It may not even be allowed for pregnant women, but just thought I'd see what you all thought. Thanks!

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I was wondering if anyone could comment on whether this excursion would be appropriate for someone who would be 4 months pregnant at the time. It may not even be allowed for pregnant women, but just thought I'd see what you all thought. Thanks!



Shoot, at 4 months you can do anything at all, unless you're high risk, of course. Oh, and except hot tubs (or hot springs), alcohol, and all that usual stuff. Horseback riding, dancing, running marathons - all good. A relaxed float down a river? No prob.

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I've always wanted to try cave tubing but didn't dare. This cruise I decided I would be brave & adventurous & book it..........until I did all my research here & now I say no way, I'm to chicken.

I know you all say you love it & it was one of your best excursions but these are the different things I read on here that have me now to scared to try it.

Bats that did swoop & hit someone, let alone hanging above, snake in the water:eek::eek:, 50' deep in some spots, to shallow in other spots & they had to get out & walk a bit, Dark:eek:, falling backwards from the dock to get into the tube, having someones feet linked in your armpits, approx. 30-40 min floating thru the cave in darkness getting a soar neck (though one company has pillow attached to the tube.

I guess for now my big adventure will be zip lining in Roatan (i'm so scared of heights). I will remember that you all are so glad you did tubing & had a blast but, I need a lot more courage before I dare try tubing in Belize............ so for now I'll have to find another thing to do in Belize. We did a ship island tour last time in Belize.



If you are too scared to cave tube then don't get off of your couch and walk either cause it's about as dangerous as cave tubing... We did it last year and it was a very relaxing experience. The only time I would tell someone to consider not cave tubing is if they cannot swim and they are terrified of the water. Go have fun and stop being a chicken!

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Shoot, at 4 months you can do anything at all, unless you're high risk, of course. Oh, and except hot tubs (or hot springs), alcohol, and all that usual stuff. Horseback riding, dancing, running marathons - all good. A relaxed float down a river? No prob.


Thanks! I've seen the disclaimer on the tour companies' sites that say pregnant women can't participate so I wasn't sure if they were all like that. I'll ask around and find one where they'll take me!

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TWEETY...I am very glad you started this thread....I, too, have had the same concerns and fears (and this is after having been an mp in the military and having had many adventures in my fifty-plus-year-old existence..:))...I am torn between cave tubing and snorkeling at this point for my Belize excursion.....Perhaps I should have never watched the movie...THE DESCENT..(kinda made me leary of cave exploration..although I have been to our local HOWES CAVERNS many a time for underground adventures..none since I viewed that movie though..lol)...regardless, your questions and concerns are valid...Belize has the second largest barrier reef in the world, so Im leaning toward experiencing that.....Im sure you will choose whichever adventure is right for you....and have fun too!..Good luck and take care



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If you are too scared to cave tube then don't get off of your couch and walk either cause it's about as dangerous as cave tubing... We did it last year and it was a very relaxing experience. The only time I would tell someone to consider not cave tubing is if they cannot swim and they are terrified of the water. Go have fun and stop being a chicken!

You silly goose, I have no creatures roaming near my couch nor total darkness, so I have no fear to sit on my couch or walk.

I never said cave tubing is dangerous, some of us have other fears. This chicken is still unsure where her comfort level is but thanks for your wishes to have fun.


To sum up the answer from the questions from Oviedo32765:

Only two negative comments, one was a man who lost 6 teeth, and another woman whom died, and no I don't want to be number two, though that has nothing to do with my fears. I get your point, thanks, but none of them were my fears.


steelydanfan12345 - You get it, thanks for the support & kind words of encouragement. I'm glad I didn't watch that movie:p. I still have a while to decide what excursion I'll end up with. Thanks for your post.

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