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Live From the Nose Art of the Seas (NCL SUN)


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I am so enjoying your day to day review. We are doing this itinary in January. Just a bit more than 90 days to go. Can't wait. I do have a question for you. Does the suite you are in have the new Lavazza coffee machine, flat screen tv & cushions on the balcony lounge chairs? Thanx in advance for the information. I have felt like I was traveling with you all week long. Sorry you missed Grand Cayman. I am looking forward to go there as it is one place we have not been before. Enjoy your last day aboard and take care of the SUN for us...:D:D



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I come to you today from the sands of Iwo Jima. Reveille came early this morning. We ate our usual grub for breakfast. But then we boarded our landing craft. We were not the first to go ashore. Several loads of marines had gone ashore ahead of us.


The fighters and bombers had done their job on the island. Overnight the ships guns shelled the island to soften it up… we felt the ship shaking from the shelling all night. By early morning light we could see that there were only a few buildings on the island. And then… it was time to go… time to face our destiny.


The seas were rough. We didn’t know what lay ahead. Would we make it through the landing? Would the buddy next to us come back or would he be left behind? As our small landing craft neared shore we could hear the action taking place in the distance.


Just before we landed an old grizzled master sergeant shouted out, “ When they drop the ramp on the front of the boat if we are taking fire, go over the sides into the water. We sat there with great anticipation as we navigated the final few yards to the shore.


We grabbed our gear and prepared for our upcoming ordeal. The ramp in the front of our landing craft dropped… to the left there was an old machine gun nest that had been taken out some time ago. Then… we stormed ashore and took the island.


I know what you’re thinking… this guy has lost it. He has spent too long in the sun… had too many rum punches, and margaritas… stayed too long at the white hot party… or maybe he has been smoking something he bought in Jamaica. You’re thinking, “Whatever it is, he has clearly gone ‘round the bend.”


None of the above is true… and no, we’re not at Iwo Jima (duh). Today we’re at NCL’s private island, The Great Stirrup Cay. But the landing craft that brought us ashore… err I mean “tenders” that brought us ashore reminded me of the old landing craft that the Marines used to take back the Pacific, island by island, in WWII. (I wasn’t a Marine, but to those of you who were I have to say, Semper Fi.)


And from on board the ship, the island looks kind of barren… sort of like it could have been bombed and shelled before an invasion. There are only a few buildings on the island. NCL is in the process of making $25 million worth of improvements, but for now there’s just not much there.


For those who want a nice beach day, this is a good stop. For those who have had too much rum or Margaritas and just want to chill before going back to the “real world” this is a good stop… or maybe for those who have not had enough rum or Margaritas this was a good last chance.


But for me, it was kind of anti-climatic. It should have been the first place we stopped… sort of a warm up for the cruise and places to come. But as the last place, it was a bit of a let-down. The activity was to around a bit… put your toes in the water, ass in the sand… and get something to eat. They serve a “barbeque” on the island but it’s the same hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken we’ve been getting on the boat… only this time it had flies to go along with it.


This was my first time to Great Stirrup Cay. I have been to the Princess private island and to RCL’s private island (Labadee). The Great Stirrup Cay comes in last. Labadee is by a large margin best, and Princess is somewhere in the middle. Of the stops made on this cruise, the Great Stirrup Cay was the only one I was ready to leave before the ship was ready.


I’m gonna stop to get this posted and I’ll update other stuff from the last couple of days later.



Memories of Naked Fanny

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Enjoyed your story about the private island. :p


Thankfully, that will be the first stop on our Pearl cruise. It seems like a great way to start the trip, and a not so great way to end it. I know what to expect, and I thank you for that. ;)

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This will be just a post to tie up some loose ends from the last few days and to answer a couple of your posts.


SFO-F/A… I see that you are getting ready to go on your 40th Anniversary cruise in about a month. Noticing that really put a smile on my face. Congratulations to you both.


NJLVW asked about the coffee machine and suite stuff… No we didn’t have any of the stuff you asked about except for a flat screen TV in the bedroom. When “The Woman to Blame” and I cruised on the NCL Spirit in late 2009 we had all of that stuff in our suite. I fully expected the top of the line fancy coffee machine on this cruise (we’re in the 2nd highest category suite here on the Sun) but all we had was a chincy little 4 cup, $9.95 Sunbeam coffee maker. “The Woman to Blame” and I had bragged to Amy & Zach about the coffee machine we would have, so this was a disappointment.


(By the way, even though we are in a suite, we’re down to earth working people… shop mostly at Wal-Mart, and drive a plane-old-“soccer mom van”. We’re in this suite… well because “The Woman to Blame” wanted it that way and because we really wanted to treat Amy & Zach to something they could not afford at this time in their lives. And besides… we are just spending their inheritance.)


For every one out there… cruising in a suite, at least once, should be on your bucket-list. But be carefull, if you do it you may never be able to back to the dungeon cabins… that’s what happened to me. (No… I don’t work for the cruise lines or the travel industry and there’s nothing “in it” for me saying this.)



Last night the main show was a performance by the entire “Sun Productons” cast. It was called, “We Will Rock You”… you know, the Queen song; We will – We will – Rock You. All the male and female singers/dancers along with the full band put on a phenominal show. They sung and danced to 70’s and 80’s music. Music by Journey (Don’t Stop Belivin’), Tina Turner (Proud Mary) and Bon Jovi (You Give Love a Bad Name) was the kind of stuff they did. It was an excellent show and they really had the place rockin’.


I spent a lot of the last sea day out by the pool… got to get that last little bit of sun before I go into winter hibernation. It seemed like the band playing by the pool was a little better and people were kind of dancin’ around the pool and even in the pool.


This time at the pool, everyone seemed to be your friend. I don’t know why but everyone seemed to be having a better time than earlier in the cruise. Maybe it was because we knew that the cruise was starting to near the end and we were going to make the best of it… maybe we had all just mellowed out and were not worried about much… maybe it was a carry over from the “irie” feeling we brought with us from Jamaica. Or maybe it was just the mojitos I had during the day. But whatever it was, it was a very nice day by the pool.


A post or two back I mentioned the “White Hot Party” as being the biggest on board party of the cruise. I went to it and the place was crowded. It was clear that people wanted something to do, but it somehow just lacked pizzazz. I think it was probably because there was neither a live band nor anyone to get the party going. Another problem is that the venue for it was the Dazzle, which is a bit too small for as many people that were there. Everyone was just kind of glued in their seats because they didn’t want to loose them if they got up.


I know that sounds funny… saying that it lacked pizzazz in one sentence and saying that there were too many people in the next. But that’s the kind of thing it was… sort of weird. I guess everyone was there hoping for a party that never broke out. Or maybe it was me… maybe it was a let down following the high energy performance earlier at main show.


Tomorrow morning is we get off the boat. I’m going to go out and make the most of these last few hours. I’ll put a wrap up post soon.



Memories of Naked Fanny

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I know this is about crusin’ but before I do my wrap-up later today, I’m going to take one more shot at a “plug” for cancer awareness and such.


This time it is aimed at my family and my girls… in birth order, Amy, Brandy, Wendy and Jodi… but all women too. GO GET EXAMINED NOW. I know you think you’re not old enough to worry about it… ‘cause I’m not old enough for any of you to be that old… after all, I’m just a “tad” into puberty. But do it any way.


And even though this is breast cancer awareness month, don’t forget everything else… men and women. If you have not had a complete annual check, schedule it now. As for my kids, if you have not had a complete annual physical by next summer, you can’t come on the “Camp Grandma” cruise.


Anther plea… again especially to my kids who are still smoking. I know it’s hard… real, real hard… but stop smoking now. Think of the money you can save for the cruise(s).


Please kids… take care of yourselves. I want you all there to take mom and me on our final cruise.



Memories of Naked Fanny

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I am really late joining you since your cruise is essentially over. But I want to tell you how much I've enjoyed it. I spent 33 wonderful days on the Sun last year. I'm sorry you didn't have any enjoyable singalongs. Leon was the pianist on our cruise(s) and he kept the Windjammer lounge hopping as the crowd sang along and people walking through stopped to join in.


You've brought back many happy memories and your sunny attitude, even in the face of missing Grand Cayman, is to be commended. Although I am 'She who must be obeyed' I am sure my husband would agree that when it comes to cruises I am 'the Woman to Blame'. I'm the one who usually finds and books the cruises although he's the one who found our first ta which addicted us to those.


May you continue to cruise and may the waters be smooth and the days be sunny. Continue your 'pink ribbon' soap boxes. That's important.

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thanks for all your reports!


wonder if the tenders are diff from last Dec? cos i didnt get that LST feel (have been on one before) or the vacant type island...i just saw GSC as a peaceful laid-back place to have a Beach Day--i do think its a GOOD place to end your cruise--just relaxed before REALITY hits you when you are on your way back!!


sorry the WHP wasnt what you thought, but we have found its the passengers along with the crew that MAKE IT--there usually isnt a band, but they warm up the crowd before the PARTY starts!!!

last year on the SUN was one of the 2 BEST we have been to, but again its what YOU make of it!!

its a small area YES, but all the ships we have been on, the lounges are small, so very little dance space but you just DANCE wherever and get your CELEBRATION on!!


well back to REALITY for YA'ALL and in 41 days we get to "escape" on the SUN!!

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Thanks for sharing your trip with us! It's been a fun read. Also thanks for reminding all of us about taking care and doing preventive health measures.


Sorry you didn't enjoy GSC. I love it for a relaxing beach day with some pretty good snorkeling but to each their own!:D


BTW, the tenders were based on a WW2 landing craft Knut Kluster used as a tender for GSC the "BahamaRamaMama" and were originally built and carried on the SS Norway. You can learn about them at: http://www.captainsvoyage.com/captainsvoyage/little_Norway_I_and_II.html

Jan-Olav Storli has a great web site about the SS Norway and her ships, the Little Norway 1 & 2.

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I wrote this yesterday, but I didn't get back to the internet until this morning. Before that, I need to make a bit of a clarification aabout the Great Stirrup Cay because it seems that I left the wrong impression. I did enjoy it... it was a nice beach day... still "kicked back" and we did "whatever". After all, that's a lot of what crusin' is about. I only would have prefered that it to have been on the first day... but that's just an opinion and as everyone can see, others like it just fine the way it is.


Crew Mom... Thank you for the link about the tenders. There was interesting information about the landing craft used at the Great Stirrup Cay.


Here's yesterday's thoughts:


Today I’m composing the start of this post from Margaritaville. I’m sitting here having a “Cheeseburger in Paradise” and a frozen strawberry margarita. No… I’m not dreamin’… no I’m not smoking any funny stuff. I’m really at Margaritaville.


The best way I know to extend the cruise vacation a little bit longer is to go to a Margaritaville after the cruise is over. So after we got off the boat (more about that in a minute) we got our rental car and drove straight to Universal Studios City Walk. The Orlando Margaritaville is in the “City Walk” complex. So… I’m sittin’ here… sipping my frozen concoction to help me hang on… still chillin’… getting in one more set of songs and swaying to the music.


The week was over too soon and I really didn’t want to get off the ship. Those of you who are getting on the ship soon will notice the damage I caused near the gangway on deck 5… there are the long claw marks I made all the way out the door trying to stay on the ship when security came to haul me off. (Ok… not really, but sometimes I feel that way.)


There was some big hold-up in getting everyone off the ship caused by the officials at the port… apparently not NCL. It was well after 9:00 A.M. before the very first passengers were called to get off of the boat. (We docked just a little after 6:00 this morning.) It didn’t bother me… I would still be there if they let me. Since we’re not leaving until tomorrow, we had already planned to just have a leisurely breakfast this morning. The delay just allowed us to have an extra cup of coffee or glass of juice.


We finally got off the ship a little after 10:15. By this time NCL had called most of the passengers off the ship. So in about only an hour about 2000 passengers had swarmed into baggage claim, customs and into the outside transportation area. The processing was overwhelmed and everything was a zoo. This is the first time I’ve seen this at Port Canaveral, but the folks at the rental car place said that this has become a common problem. So if you’re booking flights you may want to give this some consideration.


All in all it was a great cruise. As I said in the very beginning… I have never been on a bad cruise. Was it perfect?... of course not. There were a couple of letdowns, but overall it was very good. Starfish*4 made a good point that the “passengers and crew” have a lot to do with making a cruise what it is. This is a newly formed crew and I’m sure they will get better as they work together. Also, the next set of passengers is sure to put their “flavor” on everything. And in all cases, the fun is indeed a lot about what YOU make of it.


Now I face a cold bleak winter. It doesn’t matter where I’m really going to be… it will be a cold bleak winter unless I’m crusin’ the Caribbean. And my next cruise isn’t scheduled until early March. So unless I can figure a way to break away before then, it’s time to hunker down and tough it out.


I don’t know if I’m going to do a “Live From…” on my next cruise. If I do, I will post a note on my previous “Live From…” threads to let you all know.


Until then I bid you all fair winds and following seas.


Long may your big jib draw.



Memories of Naked Fanny

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Bob, thanks for taking us with you (again), I really enjoyed your cruise:)


I certainly do look forward to another "live from" in the future, and hope by the time early March rolls around, you will have forgotten the effort it takes to do this and do it again! I love your style and your attitude. By the way, where are you taking us on your next cruise?

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I, too, have been thinking the reviews have been more about a new crew needing to gel a bit. As far as the port, if they are anything like my work, the Port Authority has let people go and they are probably understaffed, hence the change in efficiency. While lucky to have a job, mine has become almost unbearable due to some cockamamy LEAN process....

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Awsome review Komomo - I hope you can "hang on" till your next time on the seas. Your inights, humor, and attention to detail have made the past week fun, and exciting for our time on the Sun in Feb. Hopefully we will make GC as we have plans at EDEN ROCK.


If you have the dailies and could scan and them send that would be great and appreciated.


Talk to you soon.


You can email the dailies to mapp@rochester.rr.com

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Hi again all,


I ment to tell you in my last post that I'll be putting together a video (combination video and stills) of the trip for YouTube in the next few days. I'll make a post on this thread and maybe a new one to let everyone know when it's ready.


Also on Monday or Tuesday I'll try to answer any questions that have been posted here.


I had an early request to save and scan all the dailies. So I saved then all as we went aong. But... as we left the ship, I think we left them behind.:( I know I don't have them. It's possible that Amy picked them up, but I don't think so. I'll check with her after everyone gets back home.



Memories of Naked Fanny

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Bob a.k.a. "Kokomo Man",

I have really enjoyed your posts and your insight. We will be going on our Carribean Cruise (Western) this coming Friday and yes.....we're "Newbies"!! Thank you for all the tips & trades for your crusing experience, I hope we have just as wonderful of a time as you did!

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I always get a little behind on my posts the first day of so of the cruise. I’ll catch up as I can, but for now here’s yesterday’s last journal entry…


I promised you “the good… the bad… and the ugly” so I’ll get the bad and the ugly out of the way first. Keep in mind that there’s “ugly” and there’s “ugly” at sea. At sea I seldom loose my smile and that’s holding true so far. I fully believe the adage that a bad day at sea is better than a good day at work. So for the next couple of paragraphs keep in mind that we are already having a glorious time.


The first thing that always amazes me is what some folks wear to the swimming pool. I’m sure these folks are really “comfortable in their skin.” They have accepted their bodies as they are… they are (as are most people) beautiful on the inside. But I’m reminded of the Jeff Foxworthy comedy bit that says that some folks should, “COVER IT UP”. And I think this cruise is worse. This time of year the average age of the passengers goes up… way up.


Now I firmly believe that old folks should get out to the pool and have fun just like everyone else. Jump in the pool… have fun. But there are certain folks over 200 years old who should not wear string bikinis and speedos. The smallest bikini and speedo I saw today was being worn by a couple who were clearly well past their prime. Oh well… they were clearly having fun.


I have to tell you about Ms. Blue. She was in quite a festive mood and I’m sure will provide us plenty of entertainment while we are on the ship. She is a very rotund black woman and somewhere north of 50 years old. Her hair is short, thinning and colored Smurf Blue. She had jell in the front of her hair and had the front standing up… sort of a cross between a Troll doll, and Don King. At least she was covering it up… her T-Shirt said: “Watch Me - Do Me”. I know she’s going to have a blast this cruise.


Food - We didn’t eat in the main dining room tonight. Instead, we just ate at the buffet. Now I like spicy food, but each serving could have come with a fire extinguisher. I have commented before that the food on NCL is not the typical American style cuisine. It is much more European which for many folks is fine. But the head chef on the Sun is from India and I’m sure his taste buds were burned out from all the spices long ago. So be warned that the buffet has a decisive Indian flair.


This is of course just my opinion… and opinions are like noses. Every one has one. Amy really liked the food and Zach “chowed down” without complaint. (I guess this is better than Navy ship food… by a long ways.) Zach did complain that the black olives were marinated in something weird. As for Bobby… well… he’s a garbage gut and will eat anything.


After dinner we wandered around the ship to see what the night life had to offer. The main “Welcome aboard” show wasn’t one of the stellar performances. The cruise director, Jose, tried to be funny and was indeed welcoming. He welcomed all 53 nationalities that are cruising as passengers… one nationality at a time. Even the one guy… Max Smedley from Lower Slabovia.


(There are only a few people in the world who will understand my reference to Max Smedley and Lower Slabovia and I won’t bore you here with an explanation here… it’s not that interesting. But I had to put it in here for a couple of people; Richard Oliver Colin, my political science teacher back in college… the best political science teacher in the world. And it’s for Emily… I love you sweetheart.)


(Sorry for the “aside” but I had to put that in. Oh… and I should tell you that Richard Oliver Colin is also a good writer of “Political intrigue and thriller novels”. You might enjoy his stuff.)


Following Jose’s welcoming of all 7987 nationalities, the SUN Dancers came on and did a little singing and dancing. (I don’t know if they are really called the “SUN Dancers”, but if they aren’t, they should be.) Now a few of the dancers were quite “talented” but there was one “red head” singer/dancer whose future is clearly in front of her.


Then came the comedian…well that’s what he was billed as. He calls himself “Noodles” and that was the funniest thing about him. We got to the main theater to see the show late and it was standing room only. After five minutes of Noodles we had no trouble finding seats. And before the show was over folks could have had our seats.


I’m a piano bar aficionado. I don’t mean a chamber music kind of place, but a place that has everyone around the piano singing along with the paid performer… you know… singing the popular songs you know by heart. Unfortunately, I don’t think NCL believes in those kind of piano bars. They had one area that had the potential to be a fun piano bar, but I’m sorry to tell you that it doesn’t come close. The piano player in there only did a mediocre job and both people sitting in the area were only marginally interested. This wasn’t even close to the great evenings I’ve spent with Ron Pass in the piano bars on Carnival.


I know that this segment hasn’t sounded like we are having a good time. But that’s not true. We’re having a great time!!! And the smiles are still on everyone’s face. There’s so much to do here that I’ve only scratched the surface. So instead of dancin’ in the isles of the boat, we went back to the cabin… and to our huge wrap around balcony on the back of the boat. We had a little party of our own as we watched the lights of Fort Lauderdale and Miami go by as we sailed South. And if you don’t think that’s a great time, then you bowling might be for you.


Tomorrow’s a sea day so I’ll write more then.



Memories of Naked Fanny


Hi there - we were on the Sun too. last of our back to back - we were in 9076 and LOVED it- good thing we had a suite cause we spent most of the week in there ---we got sick the end of the 1st week and I even ended up going to the dr for some antibiotics.


Did you have Jeffrey for your butler ? He was awesome ----Luiggi, the conc. looked like a deer n the headlights most of the time to me - lol - it was his 1st week as a conc.


I thought the CD was Pedro ?


We did manage to go to the meet/greet but I was in a fever funk and really dont remember anything.

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Here are the answers to the questions that I haven’t already answered.


“TracyE” asked about the elevators…


There are actually three sets of elevators… the glass elevators at the Centrum and a set in the aft part of the ship are the main elevators, but there is another set of four elevators up front. The only time there was a considerable wait was during boarding, after the lifeboat drill and immediately after a show in the main theatre. Otherwise, there was never a problem using the elevators. In fact, the Sun seemed to be among the best in this respect.


“Balcony bound” asked, “where are you taking us on your next cruise?”…


Well, I’m a creature of habit and the Western Caribbean is my favorite habit... ummm that is cruising habit. So as it stands, I’m booked for the “Bloggers Cruise 5” on the Carnival Magic the first week of March.


Tartan Cruiser asked where we docked in Cozumel…


We docked at “Punta Langosta”… that translates to “Lobster Point”. So far that’s where all of the NCL ships have been docking. (I don’t know about the Epic.) I think this is the best of the three possible docks in Cozumel. Punta Langosta is right at the “downtown” area of Cozumel. From the ship you can look out and see Margaritaville, Senior Frogs, and a number of other places where you can find liquid refreshment. Punta Langosta also has the best shopping area. Yea… it’s a tourist trap, but it does have a lot of the “color” of Mexico.


The other dock areas only have an artificial “made for cruise” ship tourist trap area at the end of their piers. I don’t like those kind of areas. If I’m not on a SCUBA excursion, I usually take a taxi to Punta Langosta (Jimmy’s place, of course.) There are a couple of exceptions. The first is one particular Diamonds International at the dock where Carnival ships park. The Woman to Blame found an unusual and beautiful pair of diamond earrings there… of course I couldn’t say no. A word of warning though… if you buy something at Diamonds International don’t walk around carrying the bag. When the vendors see that bag almost every one of them will almost accost you to get you into their shop. By the way, I think there must be at least 5 Diamonds International stores at the various dock areas in Cozumel.


The other exception booze shop in the area where Carnival docks. They have the most amazing collection of tequila of any place I’ve been except Costa Maya. We’ve parked there three times and we couldn’t leave without buying one of the exotic bottles of tequila. Mind you, we weren’t buying it for the tequila… we were buying it for the exotic bottles for souvenirs.


Which reminds me… I’ve made it sound like “The Woman to Blame” and I are real “booze hounds”. Nothing is farther from the truth. We only drank booze, wine or beer on very rare occasions when at home. It’s only when on a cruise that we had the occasional margarita… and the occasional Mojito… and the occasional rum punch… or two… or three. Or…


Ilovedoxies asked (sort of) about the cruise director, our butler, and the concierge….


You are right, our Cruise director was indeed Pedro. Overall he was a pretty good guy. As my experience with Cruise Directors go, he is in the upper half. This reminds me about a comment I wanted to make about NCL… compared to Carnival and RCL they make more announcements on the loudspeaker trying to sell you something. Carnival and RCL do it to… sometimes to the point where it becomes bothersome, but NCL seems to be the worst.


You are also "right on" about Luiggi… except for when we boarded we didn’t see him for the first two days. When we saw him at breakfast one morning, he only sort of knew that he should be there… but he didn’t know why.


I don’t know our butler’s name, so you can tell how much we used his services. I only saw him at boarding and a couple of times when he brought by the afternoon canapés. But I bet you really appreciated him because of all the time you spent in your cabin. I sure hope you are feeling better.



Save a life - Grope your wife... save the ta-tas


As I close this I want to put in one more plug for one of my favorite things… well, two of my favorite things. I have listed the web sites where you can get more information. Go there, by a T-shirt or two. Here are the links:





See ya around the pool deck,



Memories of Naked Fanny

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