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I've Been Reading About Alaska.......


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Yes, I see your point.


But it sure is a long day's travel getting there and back home again. I HATE long flights these days. Sigh........


Oh, I totally get that! If we want to do any Florida departures, we have to make similar/worse flights. AND deal with 2 hours of (usually) nightmare winter driving to get to and from the airport. AND stay over in the airport city the night before we fly, for fear that the highway will be closed due to blizzard or ice. At least for an Alaska cruise, you won't be dealing with WINTER. Ugh.


Book into the Pan Pacific pre-cruise, book spa appointments for the next day, have room service brekkie before the spa. Or stay at the Fairmont Airport, so you can go directly to your hotel room once you land. Then book the Pan Pacific for post-cruise.

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Oh, I totally get that! If we want to do any Florida departures, we have to make similar/worse flights. AND deal with 2 hours of (usually) nightmare winter driving to get to and from the airport. AND stay over in the airport city the night before we fly, for fear that the highway will be closed due to blizzard or ice. At least for an Alaska cruise, you won't be dealing with WINTER. Ugh.


Book into the Pan Pacific pre-cruise, book spa appointments for the next day, have room service brekkie before the spa. Or stay at the Fairmont Airport, so you can go directly to your hotel room once you land. Then book the Pan Pacific for post-cruise.



I feel your pain with what you have to go through to travel to FLL. It is sheer misery.


Fairmount and Pan Pacific do sound 'do-able'. ;)

I like the room service brekkie but will skip the spa. I've never been one for that sort of thing though I do like mani/pedicures on the ships. :)


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Sail, thanks for starting this thread.

Alaska was never on my bucket list either even though all of the reviews are so positive and people seem to go again and again and...

However, we now have one planned for 2013 with our kids, grandkids and my dil's Mom.

I think it's a cruise that everyone can enjoy in their own way whether it is watching the scenery from the comfort of the ship or taking part in an active excursion.

I can even deal with bad weather if I have to, knowing that, at the end of my shore day, I'll be going "home" to my beautiful ship.:)

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Sail, I just seen this thread. I guess I have been too busy all week since we got home :o As you know we have been to Alaska 8 times with HAL and I am pretty sure we will go again this next year. Just debatiing on if we are doing the Westerdam or Oosterdam and kind of waiting to see where a particular Officer might be ;)

I have to admit that when people ask me what is my favorite cruise destination I always say Alaska :) There is something so tranquil about Alaska. I come so much more relaxed. Of course I love the Wild Life and I do not mean parties ;) There is not other place like it to see Whales, and Bald Eagles and Otters. I really think you may find you are amazed and wonder why you waited so long.

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You will make your DH happy. You will be with your DH, getting him away from the pressures of work. You will have a chance to visit unique shops where you can find some really nice native art, jewelry, porcelain, wood carvings, etc. Plenty for both of you to do on land. You will be on a lovely HAL ship. You can always just veg-out in the spa or on your verandah. If the sun doesn't shine in the morning it will probably shine in the afternoon, or vice-versa.


Just one week....then you can fly back to Boston with a happy DH. And, just maybe you will fall in love with Alaska. Many of us do.

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We cruised in Alaska in 2009 on a 7 day southbound cruise with our extended family of 9. We all enjoyed different activities in various ports. Some of us hiked, fished, or ziplined, while others shopped, visited museums, or just relaxed on board.


One of the days I especially enjoyed was Skagway where we booked with Chilkoot Charters the 7.5 hour tour, taking the train up, and then a van tour into the Yukon. It was amazingly beautiful up there. However, my sister equally enjoyed her day in staying in town in Skagway. It was cold and windy up in the Yukon, while my sister enjoyed beautiful weather in town!


We found locally owned stores in all the ports and enjoyed some amazingly beautiful local artwork. We enjoyed visiting some small museums, and exploring the towns.


From the midwest, we flew Delta and had good fligts with one brief stop each way. Unfortunately, I was unable to take time off work to enjoy either Anchorage or Vancouver, as I would have very much liked to have at least an extra day in each city.


The worst weather we had was the day we were at Hubbard Glacier. I was grateful that we had fleece hats, mittens, jackets and waterproof rain jackets so we could enjoy Hubbard from the outer decks. Of course the sane cruisers viewed from inside! We still laugh when we see ads for Alaska cruises showing people sunbathing with glaciers in the background!

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Sail - Go, see, experience and be amazed. If your DH has this on his bucket list, you cannot deny him. And, I can't imagine you returning and saying it was a waste of time and money. Alaska must be experienced first hand to truly comprehend the emotions it evokes. Pictures and videos only give you a small snapshot. It's a nonstop 360 degree overload of spectacular scenery that will invoke spiritual feelings you did not believe existed.


My first trip was done out of simple curiosity. I wondered why everyone raved about Alaska but it had never "called out" to me. I'm drawn to beaches and islands....not cold weather ports. Oh my, oh my, oh my.....I have beome one of them. One of those who are compelled to return year after year to Alaska. It grabs your heart and soul. It makes you immensely proud that this vast land of unprecedented beauty is a part of the USA.


I hope you decide to make the trek and, if nothing else, accompany your DH to a place he's been dreaming of. If I was a betting woman, I'd say Alaska would be added to your "must go again" list. :D

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You all have been so generous in helping me with this subject.

I have not yet told DH I have been giving it such serious thought and have sought help here. When he reads this thread, (he rarely comes to CC), I think he'll be amazed, as am I.


I truly had no idea the museums and places of interest that were available in addition to the outdoorsy, active things to do and see. Because of the great posts here, I've discovered some wonderful venues, I am sure I'll enjoy.


I'm quite sure I am at the point of saying 'Book It' but have to investigate which air schedule I can tolerate. I am on the list of those who truly hates long distance travel these days. Since airports and flying became such misery, my comfort zone shrunk to very few places I'm willing to fly. For me to take this flight, round trip - groan , is a BIG deal.




But if this will give DH the pleasure I think it will, then, of coure, I'll try my hardest!


Thank you. A sincere thank you.


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Glad to hear this, Sail. I hope you do "pull the trigger" and book a trip to Alaska. Now, knowing that you aren't up for flightseeing, whale watching, etc., there are many, many cultural and historical venues to view on an AK cruise that I would recommend. Sitka is lovely, quaint, and old world Alaska. The harbor is island studded with the volcanoe in the backtround, lots of homes, cabins, and lighthouses on the little islands that are just beautiful. Rich in Russian history, there are plenty of things to do and see - the native dancers in the visitor center, a visit to the Totem Park is bliss - silence surrounded by stately totem poles in this beautiful forest along the shoreline, a visit to the Raptor Center to see those magnificent bald eagles up close and personal, a stop at the tiny volunteer aquarium on your way out to the Totem Park is worth a look, lovely non-touristy shops with gorgeous crafts, a stop at the little stand near the bridge run by a Christian family who makes all the honey, soap, vinegar, jams and jellies inisde - priceless!


Juneau is jam packed with lots of history as well - visit the capital building, the mining museum, the McCauley fish hatchery is fun and interesting, take the blue bus out to Mendenhall Glacier to see that massive hunk of blue ice, walk the paths and perhaps you'll see some bears fishing in the stream, tour the visitor's center, rent a car and drive out to the brewery with a stop at Mendenhall before or after, drive out to Eagle Beach for the stunning views and eagles, eagles everywhere. Have some wonderful crab legs and crab bisque at Tracy's Crab Shack right on the pier - pricey, but oh so good! Or get some halibut cheeks at Hot Bites out at Auke Bay. Consider a whale watch with Harv and Marv on one of their small, 6 pack boats - amazing! Such great people, so informative, friendly, and interesting. Visit with the statue of Patsy the dog right on the cruise ship docks, read her interesting story. Look for the "Made in Alaska" marks on any trinkets you may purchase, check the store windows for signs noting that the shop is owned by Alaskans. Great book store in Juneau, and a wonderful shop selling glacier soap, and yes, the fudge shop there is to die for:D.


Skagway offers the train ride, which many enjoy. We preferred the car rental to drive ourselves up to the Yukon stopping when and where we liked - blueberry pie at a small restaurant near Emerald Lake was to die for;). Saw a couple of bears eating dandelions right along the road, and the back end of a moose running off into the woods. The scenery is spectacular in the Yukon, almost too much to take in all at once. The rich gold rush history is everywhere in this little touristy town, and of course, lots of shopping if of interest.


Ketchikan is touristy to the max, but fun to stroll the Married Man's trail down from the Cape Fox Lodge where there is a collection of totem poles. Take the little tram up for lovely views and have a bowl of fabulous chowder or some fish and chips at the restaurant up top. If the salmon are running when you're there, check them out in Creek Street. Some lovely art galleries in Ketchikan, just look for them. Have a drink at the Arctic Bar and see those "happy bears;)". Take the bus or a HAL tour out to the Totem Parks, see a native Alaskan carving a totem pole and speak with the locals who are happy to share stories and information about their town.


Lots and lots to see and do in all Alaskan ports that are more genteel, and don't require full-protective body gear, a flight over the Misty Fiords or a glacier, or rough and tumble excursions - I promise!


I think you just might find that you like it, that you've fallen under Alaska's spell as so many of us have. Just for the sheer beauty and magical essence of it alone, its worth the trip. Do keep us posted - would LOVE to hear your DH's reaction when you drop the bomb that you're heading north to Alaska! LOL!

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I would do the 14 day cruise. The itinerary is fantastic.


If you are only going to do a 7 night cruise than the one we have done is Seward to Vancouver. We loved Seward. We flew pre-cruise to Anchorage and took the train to Seward. The train ride was amazing.

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Ahhh, the movie in Sitka. :) Is this the one?


The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. We loved that movie. Some of the lines were hysterical.




We like the movie too. But, it was not filmed in Sitka, but in Massachusetts. Apparently New England looks a lot like Sitka.

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Yes, Jade, I think you're right. I wrote this above at something like post 43



Now that you mention it, I think I heard the movie was actually filmed near us in Rockport and Gloucester, MA Apparently, they have some similarities with Sitka. Of course, they're both coastal and fishing towns and at times fo the year, similar weather.




Glad to hear this, Sail. I hope you do "pull the trigger" and book a trip to Alaska. <snip>


I think you just might find that you like it, that you've fallen under Alaska's spell as so many of us have. Just for the sheer beauty and magical essence of it alone, its worth the trip. Do keep us posted - would LOVE to hear your DH's reaction when you drop the bomb that you're heading north to Alaska! LOL!



Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I'm printing this thread so I'll have all these notes to 'work from'. I definitely will post any 'news' when/if we go ahead and book it. I'm pretty sure it'll be the seven day.


I would do the 14 day cruise. The itinerary is fantastic.


If you are only going to do a 7 night cruise than the one we have done is Seward to Vancouver. We loved Seward. We flew pre-cruise to Anchorage and took the train to Seward. The train ride was amazing.


Thanks, Jade. I think that would be pushing it too much for me/us. That would turn into a 16 or 17 day trip for us and I really don't want to devote that much time/money to that much time there. Could well be too much of a 'good thing'. ;)


Welcome Back.... :)


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Thanks for starting this thread, Sail. I've followed along with great interest. I never (never, ever) expected to be doing an Alaska Cruise ... but got talked into it by a daughter who lives near Seattle. How could I resist a child who's willing to join us on a cruise?


I looked forward to it because of family, and not because of Alaska. Reading through your thread through has raised my interest level considerably. Like you, I think 7 days will be enough - and I'm really anxious to see how it goes. I know those who sail Alaska regularly love it ... and I'm thinking HAL just might be able to convert a committed beach lover like me.

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For what it's worth (not that much :o) I vote for 7 days on Volendam.


Not knocking Seattle, or the value of the extra ports on the 14 day itinerary - especially Sitka. I just think the others lean to "rustic", not "shopping/culture".


For Sitka, has anyone yet mentioned Archangel Dancers: all female "Russian" dance troupe?




Apologies if I've overlooked mention in anyone's post. Not a long programme, nor anything like trained professional dance (these volunteers all have day jobs). But, it's distinctive and memorable.


Cow Princess's lists/links are terrific. Are you also a book buyer? A friend and I did a "bookstore tour of Juneau"....quite amazing independent shops, such a hard thing to find elsewhere these days.






I don't think CowPrincess or anyone else mentioned there's a glass blowing demo/class at Jewell Gardens in Skagway:





It you're amenable to catamaran tours, the one from Ketchikan into the Misty Fjords is wilderness, without pain. After a while, your eyes begins to imagine houses, aerials, etc. Not surprising that Captain Vancouver thought New Eddystone rock was another ship, rather than a volcanic basalt chimney:




I stayed at the Fairmont Waterfront before my cruise, and the Pan Pacific after. Enjoyed both, but the Pan was amazing. Besides, it has Maasdam type "days of the week" carpets in the elevator!

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Fann1sh, we stayed at the Fairmont Waterfront in 2010, and I wasn't blown away by it. It was nice, but just nice. But OMG the PanPacific? :D :D :D LOVE IT!


Sail and DH will be flying for a long time getting to Vancouver, that's why I suggested the Fairmont at the airport for their arrival night..... walk, walk, relaaaaaaax :) instead of hassling with taxis after an exhausting travel day. Then they can enjoy the PP on their post-cruise stay.

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Fann1sh, we stayed at the Fairmont Waterfront in 2010, and I wasn't blown away by it. It was nice, but just nice. But OMG the PanPacific? :D :D :D LOVE IT!


Sail and DH will be flying for a long time getting to Vancouver, that's why I suggested the Fairmont at the airport for their arrival night..... walk, walk, relaaaaaaax :) instead of hassling with taxis after an exhausting travel day. Then they can enjoy the PP on their post-cruise stay.


Ahhh! Right - I misunderstood which Fairmont. Now I get it.


The Fairmont Waterfront just isn't in the same class as the Pan Pacific.

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Thanks for starting this thread, Sail. I've followed along with great interest. I never (never, ever) expected to be doing an Alaska Cruise ... but got talked into it by a daughter who lives near Seattle. How could I resist a child who's willing to join us on a cruise?


I looked forward to it because of family, and not because of Alaska. Reading through your thread through has raised my interest level considerably. Like you, I think 7 days will be enough - and I'm really anxious to see how it goes. I know those who sail Alaska regularly love it ... and I'm thinking HAL just might be able to convert a committed beach lover like me.




We should sail Together....... we'd be sure to have a great time. :) But, of course, I know you're going with your family and that will be wonderful, without question.





Fann1sh, we stayed at the Fairmont Waterfront in 2010, and I wasn't blown away by it. It was nice, but just nice. But OMG the PanPacific? :D :D :D LOVE IT!


Sail and DH will be flying for a long time getting to Vancouver, that's why I suggested the Fairmont at the airport for their arrival night..... walk, walk, relaaaaaaax :) instead of hassling with taxis after an exhausting travel day. Then they can enjoy the PP on their post-cruise stay.


You are so zeroed in and have me 'exactly right'. You GET IT. :D


Thank you so much for all your help.



Ahhh! Right - I misunderstood which Fairmont. Now I get it.


The Fairmont Waterfront just isn't in the same class as the Pan Pacific.



And you, too, Fannish...... Thank you for your suggestions. The Russian Dance troupe sounds like it could be wonderful!


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Sail, I started a post a few hours ago regarding the Fairmont at the airport. Not sure where it went, think I let it 'time out', maybe?


Anyway, I share your pain regarding flying and all that it entails...I can't recommend highly enough the Fairmont at the airport. How sweet to be able to get off your flight, get your bags and within minutes, be relaxing in your room? I think it would be stress-reducing to know that you won't have to fool around getting to your hotel, just a short walk and voila, you are in your room. And the Fairmont Airport is rated as one of Vancouver's best. I've never stayed there myself, but I have always wanted to. You can be sure the service is wonderful.


Whatever you decide, I truly hope you have a great time. I have sailed Volendam (wednesday sailing) a number of times, and there is just simply, nothing like it. As someone who basically lives in the 'area'.....I was overwhelmed (to the point of tears:o) at the beauty of the true Inside Passage. I can't recommend that voyage highly enough. Happy sailing!

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I've been following this thread since the beginning. We absolutely loved our Alaska cruise. The scenery was to die for.


Loved the New Archangel Dancers in Sitka. They give a great sampling of the traditional Russian dances. If you get there early before they close the curtain, you may also get a great view of your ship anchored just outside.




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Thanks for starting this thread, Sail. I've followed along with great interest. I never (never, ever) expected to be doing an Alaska Cruise ... but got talked into it by a daughter who lives near Seattle. How could I resist a child who's willing to join us on a cruise?


I looked forward to it because of family, and not because of Alaska. Reading through your thread through has raised my interest level considerably. Like you, I think 7 days will be enough - and I'm really anxious to see how it goes. I know those who sail Alaska regularly love it ... and I'm thinking HAL just might be able to convert a committed beach lover like me.


We didn't go to Alaska on HAL (RCL) but the scenery was the same. There's a link to my photos in my signature if you and Sail would like a preview of what you'll see. The scenery is breath taking.


When we originally booked our cruise tour and cruise we chose the 3 day land tour. Then I was looking at the possibility of going a day early into Fairbanks and taking the train south to wherever the land part started - then since there were interesting things to do in Fairbanks maybe we could go a couple of days earlier..... At that point I started looking at the longer cruise tours and found a 5 day one that included everything I had been looking at. So I told DH one evening that maybe I might call the next day and see about changing it - his response was, "or, you could call now". :)

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Thanks, Jade. I think that would be pushing it too much for me/us. That would turn into a 16 or 17 day trip for us and I really don't want to devote that much time/money to that much time there. Could well be too much of a 'good thing'. ;)


Welcome Back.... :)



Thank you!


We did the 7 night from Seward to Vancouver with 2 nights pre-cruise in Anchorage, so 10 days/9 nights total.


We stayed at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage and it was a $5.00 taxi to the train to Seward in the morning.


Hotel website




Here is the Alaska Railroad information.






Depart Arrive


Anchorage 6:45 AM Girdwood 8:05 AM

Girdwood 8:05 AM Seward 11:05 AM


Anchorage Museum





Native Heritage Center



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Sail, I started a post a few hours ago regarding the Fairmont at the airport. Not sure where it went, think I let it 'time out', maybe?


Anyway, I share your pain regarding flying and all that it entails...I can't recommend highly enough the Fairmont at the airport. How sweet to be able to get off your flight, get your bags and within minutes, be relaxing in your room? I think it would be stress-reducing to know that you won't have to fool around getting to your hotel, just a short walk and voila, you are in your room. And the Fairmont Airport is rated as one of Vancouver's best. I've never stayed there myself, but I have always wanted to. You can be sure the service is wonderful.


Whatever you decide, I truly hope you have a great time. I have sailed Volendam (wednesday sailing) a number of times, and there is just simply, nothing like it. As someone who basically lives in the 'area'.....I was overwhelmed (to the point of tears) at the beauty of the true Inside Passage. I can't recommend that voyage highly enough. Happy sailing!


Thanks for the helpful info re: Fairmount. We definitely will look into that if we really do book this cruise.

Appreciate you nice comments.





Loved the New Archangel Dancers in Sitka. They give a great sampling of the traditional Russian dances. If you get there early before they close the curtain, you may also get a great view of your ship anchored just outside.


Your photos are great. Thanks for sharing.




We didn't go to Alaska on HAL (RCL) but the scenery was the same. There's a link to my photos in my signature if you and Sail would like a preview of what you'll see. The scenery is breath taking.





The enthusiasm about Alaska is amazing. It certainly is intriguing me. :)








Here is the Alaska Railroad information.






Depart Arrive


Anchorage 6:45 AM Girdwood 8:05 AM

Girdwood 8:05 AM Seward 11:05 AM




Thanks for the info and links, Jade.

Did you have to handle your own luggage or were there porters?


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We are alike in this thinking.

I have no wish to fly out to a glacier, I can not see myself dog sledding etc. I do not like cold weather. YET! I have booked my second Alaska cruise.


Like you, I resisted this for many years before agreeing that we (I) needed to get out of my rut and do something different.


I am so glad that I did, as the whole experience was wonderful. The scenery amazing, and all that lovely seafood:)


We will fly into and out of Seattle this time. Frankly, it is cheaper. As you like gardens I would suggest that you do a few days in the Vancouver/Victoria area and spend a day in Butchart gardens. They are spectacular.




Images of the gardens:




As you do not want to do too many tours, I would look for an itinerary that does a lot of just cruising around the Glaciers; Hubbard,Glacier bay, College Fjord etc.


I enjoyed the scenery on the White pass rain tour. And the jewel gardens. They are small but very attractive. You can buy a straight admittance ticket, or one that allows you to have lunch there also. This is what we did, and it was most enjoyable.


Sometimes it does us good to step out of our comfort zone.


God luck with your planning, and I hope that you too enjoy the beauty that is Alaska.

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The other one I am looking at is Volendam, 7 Day Inside Passage, Vancouver to Vancouver. With this cruise, I am most particularly concerned about inconvience, travel from Vancouver to Seattle to east coast. Is it a royal pain to get off the ship in Vancouver and fly home to Boston? What is the best method of transportation to Seattle to catch flights home? HAL's bus? How long is the ride?


This is what we are doing & it will also be out first HAL cruise.

I just booked our tickets from BWI to Seattle using our credit card miles. We are going to arrive on the day prior to the cruise in the late morning, either spending the night in Seattle or driving to Vancouver right away. (If we spent the night, we might take the Amtrak train to Vancouver the following morning.)


For the return trip we are going to stay in Vancouver for a day then drive or take a bus back to Seattle for our red-eye back to reality in Maryland.


None of which seems like a great inconvenience to me.

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Thanks for the helpful info re: Fairmount. We definitely will look into that if we really do book this cruise.

Appreciate you nice comments.





Your photos are great. Thanks for sharing.







The enthusiasm about Alaska is amazing. It certainly is intriguing me. :)






Thanks for the info and links, Jade.

Did you have to handle your own luggage or were there porters?



Do you mean on the train? This was in 2006 but I am sure there were porters. We took a taxi to the train station and it was near the hotel. The train ride was totally breathtaking and actually a highlight of the "cruise".


HAL sells the train or bus to Seward with Anchorage pre-cruise, but it was so easy to do on our own.

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