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Can I comment on kids/toddlers/babies on cruises?

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To qualify your statement, would you let your children run around a hotel or shoping center, unsupervised, and push elevator buttons and run up and down the stairs and hallways, or is this kind of behavior relegated for the cruise ships?
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[quote name='ckrobyn'][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#8b0000][font=Book Antiqua][color=navy]"My husband and I are either going to get a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpets or ruin our lives."[/color][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][color=navy]Rita Rudner[/color][/font][/color][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][color=#8b0000][color=indigo]YIKES![/color] [color=red]Now THAT scares me[/color] :( [/color][/font][/QUOTE]

FYI Rita Rudner is a comedienne well known (and well regarded) for her (sometimes very) irreverent humor. She did a special on HBO called "Married Without Children". I'm sure she didn't mean to offend you when she made this joke.
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[quote name='terri23']FYI Rita Rudner is a comedienne well known (and well regarded) for her (sometimes very) irreverent humor. She did a special on HBO called "Married Without Children". I'm sure she didn't mean to offend you when she made this joke.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Terri :)

Honestly I had no idea who she was, or the context in which this quote was taken from.
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[quote name='ckrobyn']Thanks Terri :)

Honestly I had no idea who she was, or the context in which this quote was taken from.[/QUOTE]

She used to be popular on the late night / HBO circuit, but I think that was quite a few years ago.
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I don't have a problem with kids on cruises but I do believe there are places on the ship they do not belong and the casino is one of them. I don't want to see my kids hanging out there or the disco etc.
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[font=Arial][size=2]One of my biggest peeves is this;[/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=2]For all of you who think that we should not have a voice, or any rights in this matter, or should "just deal with it", consider this. We also PAY taxes to put YOUR child through public schools. I alone pay $625.00, of a total $1400.00 per yr. property tax for PUBLIC schools! NONE of US get ANY of the tax breaks at the end of the year that you families get, NONE. How is THAT fair??[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]I know, I know, it's for the betterment of our society....blah, blah, blah....but it really makes me mad....yeah, sure give me the "someone paid for you to go to school diatribe"....whatever....I was raised that children were to be seen and not heard, and speak when spoken to. If we got out of line, we got the belt. Rest assured, we didn't act up in public very often....not even at the grocery store, or church, or anywhere else for that matter, because we knew if we did, we'd get spanked. There is no discipline with kids today. As Dr. Phil says, you have to deal with them in their currency these days, taking things away from them, be it games, TV time, friends-whatever...because people refuse to spank their kids......I can only guess they are worried that the kids will hate them......yeah right. Ask yourself, those of you who got spankings, do you hate YOUR parents??[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]This is not so much about me thinking spankings are the best med's for kids, but more to the point, people do NOTHING now days that actually penalizes the kids, that WILL leave a lasting impression.. And if they do, they give in....just watch any of the Nanny shows on TV....it's generally what the parents have created, by bad parenting, or lack of it, that causes the issues......not the kids. You can't just wing it with kids anymore....you really need to be in the loop on ways to discipline them.[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Also, some people have kids and spend no time with them. Both parents work, and I think to myself....what good is that for the kid. Why have kids that you only see for a few hours a day??? I'd bet that some people don't really even know their kids behaviors, because they don't see them enough. Parents come home from work, eat dinner, and send the kids off to play Gameboy or PS, while they go off to another part of the house, and unwind, or do laundry or something. And if you think that because I don't have kids, this is not right, then you're wrong. I have many, many friends with kids, and this is the way it is in ALL of their households, so it does happen. Maybe not with all families, but I'd bet that 50% of families in the US are this way. [/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]I do think there are many couples in the last 5 years or so that have decided that it is better for the wife(or husband) to stay home with the kids, instead of work, because child care is so expensive. AND as a plus, the side affect of that is, that those kids, in my opinion, will be the ones who have more manners, and will be better behaved, because they have a parent with them mostly all day. Call me old fashioned, but that's the way I think it should be if you have kids.[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]The other type of parent is gone all day, the kids are in daycare, or at school, and they pick up attitude from the other kids that are all vying for attention, BECAUSE they get none at home. When those kids have to socialize, such as on a cruise, they behave the way they do at daycare, or at school. Teachers are not allowed to discipline kids anymore either, because at some point, someone whined that they were abusing their kid.....wah, wah, wah.....I got my butt paddled many times AT SCHOOL, for different things, and I have no permanent [/size][/font][font=Arial][size=2]damage from it!![/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Anyway, none of us said we hated kids. None of us said we did not want them on cruises. This is the BIGGEST misconception you people with kids have made. Because some of us have chosen, or were not able to have kids, does not mean we hate them. Personally, I don't have the patience for them, in a long term situation. I knew this at an early age, so I did what I thought was the smart thing. My mother ran off and left my dad with 2 girls, 18 months, and 6 months old, so I have my grandparents to thank for raising me, otherwise who knows where I would be now. That in itself was a big part of my decision not to have kids. [/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Take your kids on a cruise, but don't insinuate that the rest of us who don't have kids, should find another line, or that we should have nothing to say about bad behavior, or whatever. We are not evil, or crumedonly. We just chose a different path than you did, but that does not mean that WE have to deal with inconsiderate parents, who think their child's crap doesn't stink, or that a child's [font=Arial][size=2]shrieking [/size][/font]sounds of JOY should be embraced by all.[/size][/font]
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Corona, I haven't read this entire thread, but did read the first part of your last (or next to last) post... When I was single, I too felt those feelings about taxes that you do. But then I got involved with my city and was informed about what all they do with those "school taxes"...I felt a little bit better. They maintain the buildings that offer community ed. You know, those classes you can take as an adult. It pays to keep those building safe and sturdy when there is a dangerous situation outside, such as weather. During hurricanes, etc... the people are mostly sent to schools. The taxes pay to heat the buildings so young churches can worship in them before they have their own place. Most polling stations (so you can vote for or against school levies) are held in schools. At least in my area. Those school taxes pay for use of that space.

I know how you feel, because at one point in my life, I did too. But I just hope that maybe you can see now that the funds aren't just going to buying Susie and Johnny pencils! (Unfortunately the teachers have to do that out of their own pocket! )
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[quote name='mcaron']1corona

Where in my post do I say that the Lines are only building ships for families. What my post said is that the cruise lines have spent Multi-millions of dollars [b]marketing to and adding activities to their ships that will be enjoyed and utilized by families.[/b] They would not do this if their research indicated that there is no market for this business. IMHO some of these lines can not fill cabins with adults only cruises which in my "NAIVE" way is why in addition to the Bars and Casinos, which BTW have been a part of cruising since Columbus set sail, they have added, Rock Climbing walls, Ice Skating, Children and Teen Programs ETC. That's the happy Medium that you refer to.[/QUOTE]

I wanted to go back to this comment. I don't know about where you live, but here in Florida, the only advertising I see for RCI is 30-something men and women, climbing mountains in Alaska, rock wall, jet skiing, and bundled up in the winter.

I don't think I have EVER seen a comercial for RCI that advertised Adventure Ocean, or any other kids activities. So I am not sure where you are getting your references. Rock climbing walls are not just for families and kids, that was my point. Neither is ice skating. You see it that way, I do not.

I guess it's all in the intrepretation.:rolleyes:
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I have to put my two cents in on this one. First, I love kids, have a couple myself as well as several grandkids from 10 to 18. But, I have a BIG problem with someone telling me that maybe I shouldn't cruise if I can't take kids, good & BAD, and people trying to turn the table talking about bad adults. There is a good reason you've run across bad adults on your cruises. They were never taught how to behave when they were kids. So to those of you who believe kids running down the hallways and steps, playing in elevators, and going into adult areas on the ship are JUST kids being kids, take a GOOD look at those adults that causes problems. That's where the kids who aren't taught are heading. You have to love a child enough to sometimes be unpopular and teach them to respect others and property as well as teaching them they have responcibilities for every freedom they enjoy. For those of you that do, God Bless you. I know it's not easy, especially today when we have so many parents saying, "Not My Child". And for those of you saying it's us against them. Most on here have said the same thing. It's not the child being bad. It's the parent not being a parent. Therein lies the problem. Too many who have been brought up with the Dr Spock, or some other such "EXPERT" and never been taught responcibilty and now don't want to take responcibility for their own child. It's sad for the child.

Here in Missouri, we've been building prisons at a much faster rate than the population has grown. Why? Because too many children aren't being taught to respect others and to respect property, while at the same time, Hollywood is making movies telling kids the way to have fun is by destroying others property and to show no respect for the law or any other authority. So for those of you that don't want to take the time to teach your child right from wrong, don't worry. We're building homes for them.
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[quote name='Retired not Expired']I have to put my two cents in on this one. First, I love kids, have a couple myself as well as several grandkids from 10 to 18. But, I have a BIG problem with someone telling me that maybe I shouldn't cruise if I can't take kids, good & BAD, and people trying to turn the table talking about bad adults. There is a good reason you've run across bad adults on your cruises. They were never taught how to behave when they were kids. So to those of you who believe kids running down the hallways and steps, playing in elevators, and going into adult areas on the ship are JUST kids being kids, take a GOOD look at those adults that causes problems. That's where the kids who aren't taught are heading. You have to love a child enough to sometimes be unpopular and teach them to respect others and property as well as teaching them they have responcibilities for every freedom they enjoy. For those of you that do, God Bless you. I know it's not easy, especially today when we have so many parents saying, "Not My Child". And for those of you saying it's us against them. Most on here have said the same thing. It's not the child being bad. It's the parent not being a parent. Therein lies the problem. Too many who have been brought up with the Dr Spock, or some other such "EXPERT" and never been taught responcibilty and now don't want to take responcibility for their own child. It's sad for the child.

Here in Missouri, we've been building prisons at a much faster rate than the population has grown. Why? Because too many children aren't being taught to respect others and to respect property, while at the same time, Hollywood is making movies telling kids the way to have fun is by destroying others property and to show no respect for the law or any other authority. So for those of you that don't want to take the time to teach your child right from wrong, don't worry. We're building homes for them.[/QUOTE]

Pearls of wisdom....thanks. You said it very well, and made some really profound points.
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...And again this sweeping assumption that parents don't parent their kids. There is a bitterness that is so prevalent in these posts that it's sorrowful.

Corona, please beleive me, there is no malice at all, my heart goes out to you for what you have had to endure. I had a strong sense that you have been deeply and irrepairably hurt. I do realize that there are demons can haunt you forever. I am sorry for what has happened to you. Yes, some parents walk away, some parents stand on the fringe, and some parents get down on the floor and play. As children we get what we get, we have no choices.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']...And again this sweeping assumption that parents don't parent their kids. There is a bitterness that is so prevalent in these posts that it's sorrowful.

Corona, please beleive me, there is no malice at all, my heart goes out to you for what you have had to endure. I had a strong sense that you have been deeply and irrepairably hurt. I do realize that there are demons can haunt you forever. I am sorry for what has happened to you. Yes, some parents walk away, some parents stand on the fringe, and some parents get down on the floor and play. As children we get what we get, we have no choices.[/QUOTE]

Oh no, I wasn't hurt at all. I am very happy with the way things went for me. It has made me a STRONG person. I harbor no resentment for my real mother or father, but do I respect them, no. Neither of them had any business having kids. Period.

They had nothing to do with the way I turned out. Not financially, emotionally, or spiritually. That goes to my GM & GF, who adopted my sister and I. Nothing hurtful about it. But I was raised with old fashioned values....and for the most part the morals are still with me....other than the cursing, which I picked up in my teens....;)
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Boy, talk about not seeing the forest for the trees....Part of the problem here is that folks with kids think there is something wrong with the people that don't have them and that is the bottom line. If you want children, that is your choice, problem, responsibility whatever you want to call it. Those without kids don't necessarily think there is something wrong with you for having them, they just want you to own up to YOUR responsibilities as parents.
Your entire side of the argument is based on your belief that those without kids are defective, sick, troubled, traumatized, have deep routed social issues or something of the like. It is really more like those who like cats vs those who like dogs----it is wrong for your pet to crap in my front yard, whichever it is, and that is usually the pet owners fault, not the pets.
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[quote name='malsha']I am taking my 23 mth old son on his first cruise this May. I am very worried about the reaction that my family will receive to having a child on board. Yes, he is 90% of the time well behaved and fun loving...sure he is a squealer of delight and is curious to explore. As long is is isn't disruptive to other passengers, will we be "accepted" and not given dirty looks? I am also concerned about dining in the dining room. What if we have tablemates? I am sure they won't be thrilled to have a highchair and a messy eater pulled up every night.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't give a crap about what other people think about the kids. As long as they're not acting like wild animals, then "people" will just have to deal with it. If they want a vacation without any kids then they need to vacation on secluded island somewhere in B.F.E.
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[quote name='sailor05']I wouldn't give a crap about what other people think about the kids. As long as they're not acting like wild animals, then "people" will just have to deal with it. If they want a vacation without any kids then they need to vacation on secluded island somewhere in B.F.E.[/QUOTE]

Wow, how original....:rolleyes:
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[quote name='malsha']I didn't realize this topic was such a hot topic until recently. I am curious to hear opinions on this. I know some have said cruising is not for children; that kids should stay at home, etc etc. I assume this is for poor behavior not just the site of children on board?

I go to all kinds of publich places with horribly behaved children; grocery stores, malls, the playground, dentist offices. Should children not be allowed there either? Poor behavior is unacceptable anywhere.

I am taking my 23 mth old son on his first cruise this May. I am very worried about the reaction that my family will receive to having a child on board. Yes, he is 90% of the time well behaved and fun loving...sure he is a squealer of delight and is curious to explore. As long is is isn't disruptive to other passengers, will we be "accepted" and not given dirty looks? I am also concerned about dining in the dining room. What if we have tablemates? I am sure they won't be thrilled to have a highchair and a messy eater pulled up every night.[/QUOTE]

Malsha, I posted a couple hours ago but wanted to talk to you personally. I wanted to let you know that I think you will do just fine on the cruise. From your post you seem to be a loving and caring mother who also cares about others. That is something wonderful, plus, with those qualities, I don't think your son will be one of the children nor you the parent people will talk about on these boards in future times. Take your son and enjoy. If anyone does have a problem with you or your son, YOU know it will be their problem, not yours. I would be happy to dine with you and your "squealer".

The ones I would NOT like to dine with are the two or three who have posted here blasting anyone who dare say SOME parents don't care what their child does as long as it doesn't cause them to get off their tails and act. Those, I have great concern and compassion for their children.

Again, Malsha, read your own last paragraph. That is a loving and caring person. Enjoy your cruise.
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[quote name='FinelyCruising']...And again this sweeping assumption that parents don't parent their kids. There is a bitterness that is so prevalent in these posts that it's sorrowful.

Corona, please beleive me, there is no malice at all, my heart goes out to you for what you have had to endure. I had a strong sense that you have been deeply and irrepairably hurt. I do realize that there are demons can haunt you forever. I am sorry for what has happened to you. Yes, some parents walk away, some parents stand on the fringe, and some parents get down on the floor and play. As children we get what we get, we have no choices.[/QUOTE]

Huh??? What???? Is this a nice 'slam'? I have no problem with what Corona wrote.........and I have 3 kids......all of whom I think are great.....but they are kids. All three of them at one time or another has made me want to walk away and act like I don't know them, or tell them to go to their room until they turn 30.

Point is.....when I take my kids on vacation, to the mall, to the grocery store, to Grandmas, to the neighbors, .......whatever........they better damn well behave, or they will deal with me. I am the parent and I will not let them run around like they own the world. Plain and simple. I get the feeling some people here think it is ok to let their 2 year old cry at dinner because " two year olds have tantrums. " Yeah right. Whatever. I have an idea.....take them back to the room and order room service.

Let me tell you, I stayed home with my 3 kids ( stay at home mom ) and when my husband and I went for our 10th anniversary on our first cruise.......it was a magical time. With me a stay at home Mom and my hubby climbing the ladder...we made plenty of sacrifices. Not many of our friends can afford to cruise. We are fortunate. Now six years and 8 cruises later........it is not quite the same as the first......but it is still magical all the same.

My kids are 20, 14 and 13. I don't have to worry about them as I would if they were 10 years younger when we cruise. I set rules, and they abide by them, whether I say they get one chocolate malt or virgin pina colada per day on their sail and sign card or that they check in with us every 2 hours. They know it is a priveledge to vacation in a warm sunny spot, let alone cruise.

I still don't want to see kids in the pool in their diapers, don't want to see kids in the shows crying, saying dadaddadada or whatever after 9, don't want to see kids laying down in the elevator........

All our kids are great........even the little boogers........but don't [b][i][u]assume [/u][/i][/b]that everyone views your child or anyone elses the same way.
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[quote name='Retired not Expired']Malsha, I posted a couple hours ago but wanted to talk to you personally. I wanted to let you know that I think you will do just fine on the cruise. From your post you seem to be a loving and caring mother who also cares about others. That is something wonderful, plus, with those qualities, I don't think your son will be one of the children nor you the parent people will talk about on these boards in future times. Take your son and enjoy. If anyone does have a problem with you or your son, YOU know it will be their problem, not yours. I would be happy to dine with you and your "squealer".

The ones I would NOT like to dine with are the two or three who have posted here blasting anyone who dare say SOME parents don't care what their child does as long as it doesn't cause them to get off their tails and act. Those, I have great concern and compassion for their children.

Again, Malsha, read your own last paragraph. That is a loving and caring person. Enjoy your cruise.[/QUOTE] I could have not said it better myself! I have read every single one of these posts ( just because they usually get interesting, and a certain someone who likes to Bicker with people isn't posting much here ) but as a parent to 3 kids.........the bottom line is this: Parents, parent your kids. You don't know if that person sitting next to you in the theater has saved 2 weeks or 25 years for this cruise. Don't let your babbling baby spoil their evening. The couple in the dining room that wants to be moved to another table without kids........don't take it personaly......it could be something as simple as they left their kids at home and would like to have an adult week away and want to be with other adults, to laugh and tell off color jokes, whatever..... or it could be they want to remember why they fell in love with each other in the first place.

It certainly does not mean your child is not a precious angel, because as a parent, we all know ours are and no one needs to tell us this to confirm this.
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[quote name='Shanafan']I could have not said it better myself! I have read every single one of these posts ( just because they usually get interesting, and a certain someone who likes to Bicker with people isn't posting much here ) but as a parent to 3 kids.........the bottom line is this: Parents, parent your kids. You don't know if that person sitting next to you in the theater has saved 2 weeks or 25 years for this cruise. Don't let your babbling baby spoil their evening. The couple in the dining room that wants to be moved to another table without kids........don't take it personaly......it could be something as simple as they left their kids at home and would like to have an adult week away and want to be with other adults, to laugh and tell off color jokes, whatever..... or it could be they want to remember why they fell in love with each other in the first place.

It certainly does not mean your child is not a precious angel, because as a parent, we all know ours are and no one needs to tell us this to confirm this.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Shanafan, 2 great post!!
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[quote name='1corona4u']Thanks Shanafan, 2 great post!![/QUOTE]

Hey Corona,

Thanks for the pat on the back, so to speak. But believe me, as a parent, I know how you feel as a parent when your kids are young, and how as they grow, as we grow, things somewhat change.

For instance, as a newlywed, when my Hubby had to do a three night trip for work........it was awful.....I could not wait until he got home! Now, many years later, I still can't wait until he is home, but it is not the same as him being gone and having 3 kids two of which are in diapers. When he goes now.......it is not nearly as hard as it was when they were little.

I love kids........can't wait to have grandkids...and I'm 41. I will spoil them rotten and do all the things I couldn't do with my kids when they were little. Then I will send them back to their parents. :D Isn't that a grandparents right???

But just because they are the light of our lives, does not mean I would impose them on others. And I would never think that because I can afford to cruise with my kids, that that is their god given right to rule the roost on the ship.
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[quote name='Shanafan']Hey Corona,

Thanks for the pat on the back, so to speak. But believe me, as a parent, I know how you feel as a parent when your kids are young, and how as they grow, as we grow, things somewhat change.

For instance, as a newlywed, when my Hubby had to do a three night trip for work........it was awful.....I could not wait until he got home! Now, many years later, I still can't wait until he is home, but it is not the same as him being gone and having 3 kids two of which are in diapers. When he goes now.......it is not nearly as hard as it was when they were little.

I love kids........can't wait to have grandkids...and I'm 41. I will spoil them rotten and do all the things I couldn't do with my kids when they were little. Then I will send them back to their parents. :D Isn't that a grandparents right???

But just because they are the light of our lives, does not mean I would impose them on others. And I would never think that because I can afford to cruise with my kids, that that is their god given right to rule the roost on the ship.[/QUOTE]

See, that's just it. I spoil my friends kids, buyng them toys, and taking them to TRU, playing with them, etc. But I love it when they go home too...:D Like I said, I like to take them in small doses...but they are cute!! They can be monsters too...sometimes in the wrong places..;) Then there are those times when they are perfect angels. :)
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[quote name='Shanafan']I could have not said it better myself! I have read every single one of these posts ( just because they usually get interesting, and a certain someone who likes to Bicker with people isn't posting much here ) but as a parent to 3 kids.........the bottom line is this: Parents, parent your kids. You don't know if that person sitting next to you in the theater has saved 2 weeks or 25 years for this cruise. Don't let your babbling baby spoil their evening. The couple in the dining room that wants to be moved to another table without kids........don't take it personaly......it could be something as simple as they left their kids at home and would like to have an adult week away and want to be with other adults, to laugh and tell off color jokes, whatever..... or it could be they want to remember why they fell in love with each other in the first place.

It certainly does not mean your child is not a precious angel, because as a parent, we all know ours are and no one needs to tell us this to confirm this.[/QUOTE]

Shanafan, what a wonderful post! Thanks for chiming in. And for those of us without kids, we should also try to remember and understand the flip side. Kids will be kids...and sometimes even the best parent can have problems. If the parents are making an honest effort to keep things under control and just not succeeding, try to give them a break. For example, one parent dealing with two kids in the WJ sometimes just can't quite handle everything. Sometimes a little help can go a long way towards making their cruise better.

The art of compromise can work both ways.
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[quote name='1corona4u']See, that's just it. I spoil my friends kids, buyng them toys, and taking them to TRU, playing with them, etc. But I love it when they go home too...:D Like I said, I like to take them in small doses...but they are cute!! They can be monsters too...sometimes in the wrong places..;) Then there are those times when they are perfect angels. :)[/QUOTE]

It is funny, I have a friend who has an almost 3 year old. I love that little guy like family. I was the first to watch him when he was under a week old and he thinks I am an aunt. I could keep this little guy all day long, play with him, let him do his thing in my house ect. But on the flip side, when he goes with me and his mom to lunch......if he is a brat....I correct him. Only after his mom tries......Carter....sit down.......if you don't sit we will leave. After several tries, I say...Carter.......I guess we won't be able to do lunch anymore if you cant behave...........and then I hear....I sorry Cece ( he named me that when he first learned to talk. )

I don't think anyone who has older kids would disagree with me that kids need bounderies. We all know our kids limits. When they are spent........get them to their 'comfort zone'.
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