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Caye Caulker


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Hello Everyone, Next Saturday (Dec 10) is Hooo, Hooo Day!


We have seen some people posting here on their excursion trips, we want to share the same.

In addition, we have all the following confirmed, yet, the more, the merrier if you could join us……

These are Confirmed trips for us.

We would like one more couple in Roatan if possible…

Cozumel: Cozumel Bar Hop (Closed, no additional)

Rotan: Private Tour via Victor Bodden. Tour to Coxen Hole, Half Moon Bay,

West End, Water Taxi to West Bay, Stop at Banarama for lunch and

drinks, with live Reggie Music. Then one last stop at highest point Rotan

Islands for Pics, return to Mahanony Bay.

(Open to one couple)

Belize: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! We are going via CORAL BREEZE TOURS to Caye Caulker. This is why….

Private boat to Caye Caulker (Open to it sells out). This is a private boat to Caye Caulker done through Coral Breeze Tours.



WARNING…… WARING to people going to Caye Caulker on Water Taxis.

The San Pedros Express and Cayee Caulkers boats are now owned by San Pedro Express (same company now).

The 45 minute trip now takes 60-75 minute on the taxi. They no longer run every hour. They no longer have any competition, and run the boats slower to save fuel. The schedule is no longer enforced either. Once boat is full, they leave. You could miss your ship…


The Carnival Dream will be one of five ships in BELIEZE this day.

Taxis leaving Caye Caulker this day to Belize will be fuller than normal.

Costa Maya: We have no plans. Just to wander around Mauhaul.

And Party with our new friends from the Dream this day…..

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I thinks it is awful what they are doing. From what I have read, it is causing tourist undue strain while they are on the island, wondering "what if?".


This is my opinion on the Coral Breeze Tour company, pros and cons:




It cost twice a much as the public Taxi's, $40 per person verses $20.


If you do not do the snorkeling part of the excursion, you end up with about three hours on Caye Cualker. From what I read, it takes two hours to do/see everything. So we have an extra hour that we may get bored with. Yet, with what I read about Caye Caulker, they give you a speeding ticket if you walk too fast. :eek: That is the joke part of Caye Caulker that I have read numerous times. :p




Piece of mind that you have a return to your ship, and you know exactually when you will return.........Priceless!!! :D


I will post again upon our return about what this tour compnay is like. ;)

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Please do post your thoughts on this trip as we are on the Spirit in March and I really want to do this company and trip but there isn't much feedback on the boards.

Have fun!!!



Will do, and happy to do so. I learn 80% here on these forums on cruise critic, then followup with the final 20% verifing the info before I post here.


It would be a pleasure to contribute. ;)

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Where did you get your information about the water taxis from Belize City to Caye Caulker and the delay? I am wondering if you got the information from Coral Breeze Tours or if you are associated in any way with Coral Breeze Tours.




I wondered too as I plan to take a regular water taxi. I did lots of goggling and read most of the threads on the Belize board. Could find no mention of water taxi problems.


I would be interested in the Coral Breeze snorkeling tour but the time left for beach and exploring is too short after the snorkeling. Think I'll have longer if I just do my own thing.

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I am am in San Pedro right now. I have asked several locals that ride the water taxi from Belize City to San Pedro, which stops in Caye Caulker. It is true that one big company owns the two water taxis, but they run at different times, so there are still two water taxi companies coming from Belize City-Caye Caulker-San Pedro. No one has ever heard of the taxis running this far behind, may be 15 minutes, but cruise passengers should allow an hour difference on their return trip just for unforeseen circumstances getting back to the tender and tender times. I would be mad to have to allow 2 1/2 hours when that is really stretching the truth.



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I am am in San Pedro right now. I have asked several locals that ride the water taxi from Belize City to San Pedro, which stops in Caye Caulker. It is true that one big company owns the two water taxis, but they run at different times, so there are still two water taxi companies coming from Belize City-Caye Caulker-San Pedro. No one has ever heard of the taxis running this far behind, may be 15 minutes, but cruise passengers should allow an hour difference on their return trip just for unforeseen circumstances getting back to the tender and tender times. I would be mad to have to allow 2 1/2 hours when that is really stretching the truth.




Thank-you very much for your input. I think I'll stick with original plan and get a water taxi.

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Where did you get your information about the water taxis from Belize City to Caye Caulker and the delay? I am wondering if you got the information from Coral Breeze Tours or if you are associated in any way with Coral Breeze Tours.




Not associated with Coral Breeze. This is about how I came across it, yet you still have to search.


Was reading the forums here about Caye Caulker and was wondering what the Taxi's schedule is. Someone said "do a seach here on Caye Caulker Water Taxi or Caye Caulker Water Taxi Schedule, to get the schedule info.


I came accross some posts that had links to schedules and discussions.

All of the older posts dated like 2004, 2006 etc had excellent reviews. Then at some point the merger happened. Then I noticed many many people complaining about how the schedule is nolonger enforced, and that the boats are running real slow now. I also noticed these posts are dated like 8/2011 9/2011 and 10/2011.


So when reading post, be careful to take note of the posting date.


Next, I did a google on Caye Caulker Water Taxi and also a search on Caye Caulker Water Taxi Schedule. One of the web sites was a not a forum board, but general info about some of the tours available in Belize This web site stated in detail what to expect with the water taxi's.


This info here was exactually what people on the forums are complaining about and they went into detail about the two companies now being owned by the San Pedro Express, and the results of that meger regarding service.


If I find the web site, I will post it, but I am getting ready for a cruise and will not spend much time on this like I did last week. So if I post nothing, it is because I just don't have the time for this again.


Bottom line: Do what you are confortable with, live with what you get. ;)

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With just a little seach effort, I came across this: They also list some sites for more info.


If you will do the effort and dig some more on other postings, you will find more info about the 60-75 minute one way trips etc. I will leave it at that. Hope this helps. ;)


Avoid Caye Caulker Water Taxi

Advice to avoid using Caye Caulker Water Taxi between Belize City and San Pedro has been posted at the Belize Forums (http://www.belizeforum.com/belize/ub...&Number=175271). The advice appears to be well-founded and has also been cross-posted to the BelizeBus Blog (http://belizebus.wordpress.com), a reliable source of information regarding travel in Belize.


Apparently, the ferry company employees go through passengers' belongings when tendered for transportation, and steal anything valuable. As part of the scam, the ferry company has security cameras installed at the water taxi terminal, but these cameras only give passengers a false sense of security since the security people employed by the ferry company do not actually know how to use the cameras (for that matter, it appears to be routine that security people are not even present at the water taxi terminal). As a result the ferry company employees have an easy time swiping the belongings of passengers without fear of getting caught. The ferry company itself is part of the scam because it knows that the people it employs will steal valuables from passengers (but the company is indifferent since it knows that most passengers are not local and will not be able to pursue the company).


The strong recommendation is to not utilize Caye Caulker Water Taxi while in Belize.

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Or do a search on



Caye Caulker Water Taxi Schedule


On the results page, third from the top will read:


The Belize Water Taxi and Ferry Quide with Timetables, Pictures....


Click on that one, then tell me what you think of all of this.

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We just returned from our 11/26 trip on Dream. We took the water Taxi to Caye Caulker and didn't have any trouble at all with the water taxi. You have to walk quite a ways to catch the water taxi in Terminal 4. You just keep going left until you get there. They give you a copy of the schedule. We bought a RT ticket to save money and they said it would guarantee us a seat. Not sure about that. The ride to Caye Caulker took a little longer than 45 minutes. Belize is on Central time so you have to pay attention to that. We were able to catch the first one and we came back on the 2:00 (ship time). I wouldn't suggest taking a chance to catch the last one. Don't expect a fancy resort. This is a third world very quiet peaceful island. We enjoyed it very much. We turned right after we got off the pier and walked through the town instead of on the beach. It is very quaint. We went to the Lazy lizard and planned to snorkel but hubby didn't think the water weather was right. Some people were snorkeling though. We enjoyed watching the residents fishing without poles and catching a lot of fish. It was fun just relaxing at the little picnic tables in the water. Everyone was very friendly and it was fun talking to the US residents who have moved there. We walked back to the pier and ate lunch at the Sports Bar. The water Taxi was on schedule each time we used it. We met a lady from Seattle who said she moved there and was renting a 3 br house in a gated community for $600 a month. Caye Caulker is very laid back and if you are looking to get away from crowds, experiencing the culture, this is the place to go.

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Or do a search on



Caye Caulker Water Taxi Schedule


On the results page, third from the top will read:


The Belize Water Taxi and Ferry Quide with Timetables, Pictures....


Click on that one, then tell me what you think of all of this.




Sorry for the delay. I just left Belize yesterday and didn't get home until today. I am happy that someone else posted their experience while I could not answer. I have read your references and they all seem to go back to one site. I have asked several people if they know who owns this site, as it is not obvious from the website. They seem to have a beef with the current owner of the water taxi company because their site is mainly innuendo and not specific posts by named individuals.


You are a web surfer, such as myself. I can only tell you that I am in San Pedro a lot, and the people I talk to are all involved in the travel business, as well as taking the water taxis back and forth to Belize City. Specifically addressed on another website that I cannot list here because it will be deleted is the joke about how stuff is being stolen/lifted on the BC water taxi. In a third world country when you tell the guy, hey be careful my computer and drive camera are in that bag, you get what you deserve if it is lifted. But 100% of the posters doubt that this happens at all given that you are sitting on top of your luggage or while it is in the hold, there is no secret thief down in the hold going through things. You are more likely to have gotten robbed at MIA or DFW or other ports of entry than in the hold of the BC Water Taxi.


I would not advise anyone to take the last boat or tell everyone their good jewelry is in their carry on but repeating innuendos and phantom tails over and over by different people just scares people away from experiencing the wonderful things that are Belize. Be smart, don't believe everything you read, and listen to people who sign their name and live in Belize than unsigned posts on obscure sites that might have an agenda. Clearly the one you linked does have that. But it is your vacation and you should be as careful as you can be. To others that are not so skeptical, dig deeper.



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Sorry for the delay. I just left Belize yesterday and didn't get home until today. I am happy that someone else posted their experience while I could not answer. I have read your references and they all seem to go back to one site. I have asked several people if they know who owns this site, as it is not obvious from the website. They seem to have a beef with the current owner of the water taxi company because their site is mainly innuendo and not specific posts by named individuals.


You are a web surfer, such as myself. I can only tell you that I am in San Pedro a lot, and the people I talk to are all involved in the travel business, as well as taking the water taxis back and forth to Belize City. Specifically addressed on another website that I cannot list here because it will be deleted is the joke about how stuff is being stolen/lifted on the BC water taxi. In a third world country when you tell the guy, hey be careful my computer and drive camera are in that bag, you get what you deserve if it is lifted. But 100% of the posters doubt that this happens at all given that you are sitting on top of your luggage or while it is in the hold, there is no secret thief down in the hold going through things. You are more likely to have gotten robbed at MIA or DFW or other ports of entry than in the hold of the BC Water Taxi.


I would not advise anyone to take the last boat or tell everyone their good jewelry is in their carry on but repeating innuendos and phantom tails over and over by different people just scares people away from experiencing the wonderful things that are Belize. Be smart, don't believe everything you read, and listen to people who sign their name and live in Belize than unsigned posts on obscure sites that might have an agenda. Clearly the one you linked does have that. But it is your vacation and you should be as careful as you can be. To others that are not so skeptical, dig deeper.




I'm glad to hear it is working out OK. Wonder why some people have a beef with them?


So all is OK, and the more people that actually go and then post back here, will set the record straight. ;)


We have already booked on Coral Breeze tours and it looks like we are wasting $20, but someone here wanted me to post what the private tour was like, and I plan to do that.


Thanks for putting the record right. :D

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I'm glad to hear it is working out OK. Wonder why some people have a beef with them?


So all is OK, and the more people that actually go and then post back here, will set the record straight. ;)


We have already booked on Coral Breeze tours and it looks like we are wasting $20, but someone here wanted me to post what the private tour was like, and I plan to do that.


Thanks for putting the record right. :D


I don't think that you are wasting $20 because you will be able to rest and not worry about your excursion. That is worth $20 and I am sure you will have a great time. Hope you enjoy Belize.



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Baffled as to how employees could be stealing stuff out of baggage, unless things have changed drastically since I was there in January 2010. There was no checking of luggage - it was tote your own stuff. Walk in the building, buy a ticket, have a seat while waiting for the boat, all while carrying my own bag. Boat arrives, grab your bags, get in line, get on boat. As you're doing so, maybe you hand your stuff down to someone while you climb aboard.


I don't recall my bags ever being out of my hands other than that couple of seconds.

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Please do post your thoughts on this trip as we are on the Spirit in March and I really want to do this company and trip but there isn't much feedback on the boards.

Have fun!!!

Used Coral Breeze to go to Caye Calker three weeks ago on the Dream.

Wonderful day.Only problem was we didnt have enough time on the island!

They even arranged for us to rent a golf cart.

This day was the highlight of our trip.Wish i was there now.:D

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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd throw in my feedback on taking the water taxi to Caye Caulker...


We took a San Pedro Belize Express Water Taxi to Caye Caulker on Dec 15 on our X Equinox cruise. We were about 10mins late leaving Belize City. Not sure why. Left on time for the reverse trip. Trip took about 45-50mins versus the 30mins listed on the website. The boat was quite full in each direction though. The ride was somewhat choppy on the way there but ok and fine on the way back.


In terms of being on time and travel time; we found it ok/acceptable. We didn't love the water taxi schedules as there was a gap between the two operators (which we could have avoided if we found the first operator off the bat or were a little more quicker to tender off the ship).


If we had to do it over again, we'd likely do water taxi again; just be a bit more diligent. But we would consider taking a private operator or flying over if time was limited.

[We originally tossed around going to both San Pedro and Caye Caulker but looking back that really wasn't an option for us being in port for 9hrs, needing to tendering, having enough a sanity buffer to get back to the ship on time, and keeping things casually paced.]

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Here's my two cents, for what it's worth. I booked thru Coral Breezes to go to Caye Caulker and Shark/Ray Alley. I just was not impressed. First our boat putted along and sputtered and billowed smoke. They stopped several times. Then they said they would call another boat to come get us. There were at least 40 people on the boat, maybe more. Then we went another short way because they said no one was coming. Again we stopped. They said the boat had too many people in it and just could not handle the overload. Another small boat came and took appx ten people from our boat and took off. We did go faster from there, but we were very rushed the rest of the day. We were so rushed snorkeling the reef that I felt like we swam a marathon and did not have time to enjoy the reef or fish. The people on the smaller boat had a much better experience, liesurely snorkeling since they had fewer people in their group. The sharks and rays were just ok. It was not impressive. If this is how all of their boats run, I don't want to use them again. JMHO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, we did in Mid DEC 2011.


They were great.


But.. we went with them for only the trip to Cay Caulker.


We were the only ones on the boat for the trip, everyone else was for the snorkel.



They droped us off at cay caulker, and the boat hand actually walked us off all the way to the restururant.



They were excellent. However, if you are just looking for a boat to get to Cay Caulker, We feel the regular taxi boats is a better deal $$ at 1/2 cost.



Just be very careful on your return time back to Belize........




There is no faster time between Gulf Breze and the local taxis. They both take the same amonut of time.


Gulf Breeze is twice the cost... $40 per person round trip verson $20 the other way.


Gulf Stream is very personalized, very attentavie towards you. They make sure, when they drop you off at cay caulker, you know where to meet back up.


They will wait for you.


The taxi's will leave if you are not on time.




We would do the taxi's at half the cost. You get no individual service, but who cares.. it is a boat ride to get you there and back.




So all you have to do is leave two (2) TAXI'S SCHEDULES ahead from Cay Caulker, and you are Golden.


This means, Leave Cay Cauker Regualar Taxi at 1:00 PM their time, and no later than the next one at 2:30 PM Their time, to get back to your ship, by 5:00PM, SHIP TIME.. REPEAT SHIP TIME. NOT BELIZE TIME.


If you leave the next taxi at 4:00 PM, you are screwed!!!! So give yourself some distance and leave at the 1:00PM or no later than the 2:30 one.



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NMTER: I love the difference between your original post and this last one, but I am a little confused. Is it the Gulf Stream, Gulf Breeze, or Coral Breeze? ;) Either way, thanks for the update! All those warnings were pretty scary for those of us considering the water taxis.



On a separate note, I believe all tour operators have access to the internet and these forums. If I was charging twice as much for the same thing, spreading false information about the competition might help me fill my boat and increase my profit! (I really wouldn't do such a thing, but others may not concerned with honesty.)

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