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New Year and new weight loss goals: SPRING CRUISE


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Decided to check in since I haven't been on here in a while. Trying to tie up last minute school assignments before we leave on Saturday. I am done with that so can concentrate on getting us packed up. My goal was 15-20 pounds and I am at 25 now so am done but will probably have to lose some weight after cruise depending on how bad I do.


My family has been doing great, I have lost 25, my son 45 and my other half has lost 35. Total of 105 pounds that is a another person LOL.


Headed to New Orleans Saturday morning bright and early. There are 59 people going on this cruise with 7 seniors and some juniors. It will either be a blast or disastrous, hopefully a blast.

Wow that is such a great accomplishment on the weight loss!!! Yeah it seems no matter what, I know i'll come home with a some "baggage" from the cruise and I don't mean extra luggage!! But as long as you go knowing it may happen what can you do..I mean you know that at home we never cook like that (with the extra salt and etc.) and all the different servings?? I mean thank god no one asks me if I want two dinners if I can't choose lol!!! Oh well another reason why I like that when we cruise we use the stairs alot!!!

But hay you have a great cruise and good luck with that large of group!! I think whether its a group of 10 or a much larger group such as yours there will be so many different opinions some good some not so, but I like your attitude hope for the best!! And Have a great cruise, just think your crusing and not home!

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That's awesome Ladyd! Have a great trip.


My husband and I are planning to take the stairs everywhere and hopefully walk the ship once a day. But I know I'll come back with some "souvenir fat", lol.


Speaking of my husband, he joined myfitnesspal and yesterday really started planning out his meals...hallelujah! It will be easier to eat healthy if we are both doing it. Myfitnesspal is really helping me.


I'm picking up JM 30 day shred at the library. I might have to let my husband try it first, hee hee.

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Fruth~ Love 30 day shred but like ripped in 30 better. Maybe I think I do because I was tired of 30 day shred. Both very good workouts that are great for days when you don't have a ton of time to workout. Good luck!:)

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Hay ladies just checking in seeing how everyone is doing!!

I can't believe in 3 weeks I'll be cruising, god I'm ready!! Well mentally anyway, I really gotta do some inventory and see what I'm going to bring! Don't know if any one has goten to this point but I am so BORED with my "healthy" eating!!!! I don't know maybe its me, but I am sooo ready for a deli sandwich from the deli on the ship (while breathing in that beautiful carribean air) ,or a great big salad from the buffet (yes I know salad is still not so bad) Fruit tastes better too on the ship....And A Funship Special!!! Oh well I guess thats why I'm trying to do so well so I canhave that "yummy" stuff and not feel quite so bad!

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I'm ready too! We are waking up to snowflakes again here! Not sticking, but this is insane to see this much snow at any time, especially March.


I was thinking next week during spring break I will try on outfits for packing. I'm hoping some stuff fits! I lost another pound (finally) but I'm more interested in firming up and losing inches so trying on my old clothes will be the test. I ordered rum and vodka from Bon Voyage for our room so I know I'll be drinking on this trip, lol! And I'm looking forward to dinners (without kids!).


Mamaparr - I haven't tried the 30ds yet, I've been doing Denise Austin Core workout with a stability ball and I'm sore! But the nice thing about the library is if I don't like the 30ds I can take it back!


Have a great day ladies!

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Hi all my ladies!!! Seems like its been forever since I've been here! Hope everyone is doing great! Weekend once again went by way to fast , but thats ok that means that cruise is right around the corner for a couple of us.. Still doing good with the working out , although think I pulled a muscle in my neck because I've had such a headache , but coming from my neck , almost like a strain....I don't know, hubby told me to take it easy I just give him a look and he says "yeah I know bikini, gotta look good, god forbid you don't workout"! Love that man!! Oh well !! I guess I do have to start getting my clothes in order for the cruise, my 8 yr old informed me as she looked at the luggage and said "mama, when are you gonna start on that??" I swear she is like a little mother hen! Lol ,well ladies talk to you soon and everyone take care!

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Hi ladies! The cruise was OK but the great news is that I only gained alittle weight....that bad news is that I am too sore to walk from my first "post vacation" workout/kick boxing class from Sunday afternoon.


We made it home late Saturday night and I am planning on the big laundry/unpack moan and groan tonight.


Hope y'all are well!


Wicked day at work today, don't they know that I am recovering?


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Hi ladies! The cruise was OK but the great news is that I only gained alittle weight....that bad news is that I am too sore to walk from my first "post vacation" workout/kick boxing class from Sunday afternoon.


We made it home late Saturday night and I am planning on the big laundry/unpack moan and groan tonight.


Hope y'all are well!


Wicked day at work today, don't they know that I am recovering?



HI donna, we missed you, you know!! Sorryto hear your trip was just "ok", but hope it was'nt that bad! Glad to hear you only gained a little , I think no matter how good we do try to be on vacation whether its on land or sea, we usually gain something...And usually its water weight (at least I like to think so, lol) and once we get back to eating and exercising normal, it usually comes right off (dear lord I hope anyway)Well, welcome back chicky, it is amazing that once you go back to work, its like you never left!

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Just checking in....school has been crazy the last few weeks!


Ladyd - I know you're on your cruise and hope you're having a BLAST!!! Congrats on the family successes in losing a person!!


Joly and Fruth - Only a couple weeks and you're outta here!! Joly, how's your neck...nothing like a strained muscle to put you outta commission!


Donna - I can't believe your cruise has come and gone. Hopefully you enjoyed yourself even though it was just ok


My diet has been here, there and everywhere, but my weight is still on a downward trend.. Lost 7.6 total so far. Life/stress has gotten in the way, but I've been back on track the past couple days. I've been training for the mini too... have a 9 mile walk/run this weekend. Wish me luck! Only 3 more weeks of classes...then I get to organize, pack, and leave for my cruise!!! Ah, I can't wait to unwind. Plus, since it's the week before my mini marathon, I can carbo-load! lol


Hope everyone's having a great week. It's almost the weekend!!

Edited by travelcat18
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My diet has been here, there and everywhere, but my weight is still on a downward trend.. Lost 7.6 total so far. Life/stress has gotten in the way, but I've been back on track the past couple days. I've been training for the mini too... have a 9 mile walk/run this weekend. Wish me luck! Only 3 more weeks of classes...then I get to organize, pack, and leave for my cruise!!! Ah, I can't wait to unwind. Plus, since it's the week before my mini marathon, I can carbo-load! lol


Hope everyone's having a great week. It's almost the weekend!!


Wow you have a Mini Marathon coming up?? Thats great, best of luck, that is such an accomplishment!! Good For you! ! And you've been training ? God Your gonna need the cruise to relax!!! Well to answer your question about my neck, yeah it still hurts, I've tried to modify my arm workout ....But I am such a glutton for punishment, cause I'm still working out(hay I got that cruise coming up!) SO I've been popping the IBuprofen..And if its real bad, asprin...Well my job does'n thelp either . I'm a Nail Technician and I basically work with my head down all day..And it is Pedicure season coming up and that does'nt help !!! Oh well not complaining as long as I'm busy!!!!

Well off to the salon, hope all is well with everyone!!!

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Hi everyone! I am so glad that we are keeping this board up and going despite that some of our cruises have come and gone.


Trying to crank back up my workouts now I finally put away my suit cases...Kickboxing on Sunday, groan and moan on Monday and Tuesday then I did my lifting class yesterday, having trouble typing today :)


I hope that everyone is doing OK...


Please keep posting, you are such an inspiration to me !



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Just checking in....school has been crazy the last few weeks!


Ladyd - I know you're on your cruise and hope you're having a BLAST!!! Congrats on the family successes in losing a person!!


Joly and Fruth - Only a couple weeks and you're outta here!! Joly, how's your neck...nothing like a strained muscle to put you outta commission!


Donna - I can't believe your cruise has come and gone. Hopefully you enjoyed yourself even though it was just ok


My diet has been here, there and everywhere, but my weight is still on a downward trend.. Lost 7.6 total so far. Life/stress has gotten in the way, but I've been back on track the past couple days. I've been training for the mini too... have a 9 mile walk/run this weekend. Wish me luck! Only 3 more weeks of classes...then I get to organize, pack, and leave for my cruise!!! Ah, I can't wait to unwind. Plus, since it's the week before my mini marathon, I can carbo-load! lol


Hope everyone's having a great week. It's almost the weekend!!


I can't believe cruise time is almost here, aieeee! I feel like I'm not ready, lol. I'm going to try to work out as much as I can in the next two weeks. I tried on all my dresses and shorts and everything fits, woo hoo!


Travelcat, good luck on your minimarathon!

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We made it back from our cruise early Monday morning, been trying to catch up on sleep and laundry. Had an awesome time and all of the kids had a great time - now only 7 weeks until my sons graduation sniff, sniff!


I did manage to gain 10 pounds this time (last cruise I only gained 3 :eek: so not sure how I managed to do it this time but I don't get very many calories to begin with) and I felt like I did a lot of walking. I am blaming it all on the steakhouse which we had never done before. It was sooo worth it the food was awesome. My son gained 8 lbs. At least our clothes fit at the end of the trip.


The good new is I have already dropped 6 pounds since returning home Monday morning and my son has dropped 4 so it is all good. I think it it is mainly water weight. I have to admit that it is really hard to go back to eating right and working out. We feel really hungry but it was like that when we started so we will be able to do it.


I am ready to book another cruise to have something to look forward to. Only 3 more weeks of this school semester so yeah for that at least.

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Welcome back Lady!! Glad to hear you had a great cruise, and the weight gain, you 'll get it off. So much of it is water retention, and once you go back to eating normal or as I say (my boring healthy stuff) and regular exercise, that scale Hopefully go back to the way it was before..Welcome back though, we missed ya!:)

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Lady - Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time. Like you said I'm sure that 10 lbs is mostly water weight. All the delicious food (probably a lot of sodium)...you'll be back to normal soon!


Joly and Fruth - Only about a week til your cruise!!


Joly - I hope your neck is better! Being a nail technician does not help things. One more week and you'll be able to relax!!!


Donna - You need to book another cruise...then you'll have something to work toward! Do you have any spring/summer weddings or events where you can wear a cute dress? Have anything in your closet that you can't quite fit in to? Whatever it is...grab some motivation!



I started doing a lower carb diet (still eat around 100 grams of carbs daily)and I tell you what I don't feel the least bit deprived. I'm eating a LOT of protein. Lost 4.6 lbs this week...down 12.2 total! I'm finding new ways to prepare foods...and my secret evening treat is one of those Atkins endulge bars... a good sub for a milky way. They're $1 each, but hey, if they keep me away from the junk, I'll pay! Still training for the mini...I did 9 miles on Saturday, it was rough, but I made it! Just over 2 weeks till I'm done with nursing school and about 3 weeks til I cruise...can't wait!!!!!! :D

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You are right...my next event will be daughter's graduation at the end of May. My ex will be there with his "current" and I will need to look "HOT"


Tell me about your LOW CARB diet...are you on a particular one or just counting them each day?





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Lady - Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a good time. Like you said I'm sure that 10 lbs is mostly water weight. All the delicious food (probably a lot of sodium)...you'll be back to normal soon!


Joly and Fruth - Only about a week til your cruise!!


Joly - I hope your neck is better! Being a nail technician does not help things. One more week and you'll be able to relax!!!


Donna - You need to book another cruise...then you'll have something to work toward! Do you have any spring/summer weddings or events where you can wear a cute dress? Have anything in your closet that you can't quite fit in to? Whatever it is...grab some motivation!



I started doing a lower carb diet (still eat around 100 grams of carbs daily)and I tell you what I don't feel the least bit deprived. I'm eating a LOT of protein. Lost 4.6 lbs this week...down 12.2 total! I'm finding new ways to prepare foods...and my secret evening treat is one of those Atkins endulge bars... a good sub for a milky way. They're $1 each, but hey, if they keep me away from the junk, I'll pay! Still training for the mini...I did 9 miles on Saturday, it was rough, but I made it! Just over 2 weeks till I'm done with nursing school and about 3 weeks til I cruise...can't wait!!!!!! :D

WOW travelcat scared of you!!! That is great 9 miles!!! My neck is so much better, thankfully! Now its time to finally start packing! I feel real good about myself,as far as where I wanted to be for the cruise. So hopefully after I can jump right back into my Schedule.. Its amazing to think this time next week, I'll be at the port!! WOOOHOOO!! Also entering the Mixology contest, I so want to win this!!! Keep those fingers crossed for me ladies!

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Yes, wanted to check in....



HI Donna how are you?? Gotta tell you a wee bit stressed about packing (as always) but It will and has to get done!! And there's that thing called work that we have to do along with the packing!! Oh well not complaining because I know before I know it I'll be back from my cruise , and I so don't want to rush that!! Hope everyone is doing good and had a great Easter!

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I'm here! But same as Joly, trying to get all the last minute stuff done, get packed, and set up my mother-in-law to watch our girls. By the time I get to the airport I may need a drink, lol!


I am still working out though! I also bought JM's 30 Day Shred at the store because it was on sale. I will start that AFTER the cruise. :-)


I'm trying to remember, is there anyone else who hasn't gone on their cruise yet?

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You are right...my next event will be daughter's graduation at the end of May. My ex will be there with his "current" and I will need to look "HOT"


Tell me about your LOW CARB diet...are you on a particular one or just counting them each day?






Donna, I just saw this!! I'm just counting carbs...trying to keep it at around 100/day and I'm logging my food in myfitnesspal via my iPhone...so easy! I'm not doing a particular program, but eating more protein, trying to keep my carbs complex (whole grains and the ones in my veggies). Easter I did splurge a little though. Really, it's been the easiest "diet" I've done. DH and I plan a little splurge every week so I have something to look forward to.


Looks like Joly is leaving today on her cruise!


I've been doing really well with diet and exercise. Splurged a little on Easter, but overall have done great. The sad news is that I'm only down .4 this week...but according to my tracking I should be down about 2 lbs. I'm just going to stick with it...hopefully I'll see it on the scale soon. 12 days of school left and 13 til I cruise!!!


Hope everyone's having a great week!

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Thanks for your post. I try to track on Spark but I often "blow" my carb count with wine.


Right I am trying to pump back up my work out schedule, just burned out I guess but I am still trying.


Also, my Hubbie to be now wants to book a cruise next February/March and open it up to our entire family..his parents (80's) his sister and brother in law (I will buy the alcohol package to manage her), and his other siblings and who know's.

I think it will be fun but we are all aware of the stress...


Oh well, such a problem to have.

Keep up the great work everyone!




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