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Yikes! Am I on the Richard Simmons Cruise??


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We have one of two things occurring here... either 1 person (a really gung ho one) has a lot to say on this topic




A link to this thread was posted in a RICHARD SIMMONS chat room or message board...and these are MOTIVATED people! (my money is on this one...:D )





Actually neither is correct. Word of mouth from one friend to another.

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Actually neither is correct. Word of mouth from one friend to another.


It is nice that you guys have all banded together to come and defend Richard... now, are you guys going to stick around and contribute to other areas? It sounds like you all have a great knowledge of cruising, I would hope that you would want to help others in their questions ;) Congrats to all of you.... but I don't think you need to tell anyone else to come and join just to post about how wonderful RS is... we get it... but we always welcome anyone that wants to come and talk about their love of cruising!!!!! Welcome!

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Gee wiz- I did'nt mean to start a big controversy here! Like I said- I couldn't care less who is on board. I'm just not thrilled with large groups meeting on board at once. I'd feel the same if it was any group on board ( soap opera cruises, sports groups, etc) .Would I go on a cruise to lose weight? No! But hey-that's just my opinion. By the way- I am not exactly a skinny minny either so I'm not criticizing fat people either. I guess you can't comment on anything around here without people jumping all over your every word!

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Gee wiz- I did'nt mean to start a big controversy here! Like I said- I couldn't care less who is on board. I'm just not thrilled with large groups meeting on board at once. I'd feel the same if it was any group on board ( soap opera cruises, sports groups, etc) .Would I go on a cruise to lose weight? No! But hey-that's just my opinion. By the way- I am not exactly a skinny minny either so I'm not criticizing fat people either. I guess you can't comment on anything around here without people jumping all over your every word!


2boyz... don't worry girl... take all that with a grain of salt... In all honesty, if this is how "richard simmons fans" are, I wouldn't buy a single thing from him... sorry. However, from what I understand he is a nice guy, and I am sure he would not condone people all jumping on a message board at one time to come down on someone :rolleyes: (in HIS name) Like I said, had they contributed anything else to this community that would be one thing, but to all (and I'm still not sure we can say ALL, maybe one) jump on here within a few hours time just to sing the praises... This thread sounds more like an infomercial than anything else :rolleyes:

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Gee wiz- I did'nt mean to start a big controversy here! Like I said- I couldn't care less who is on board. I'm just not thrilled with large groups meeting on board at once. I'd feel the same if it was any group on board ( soap opera cruises, sports groups, etc) .Would I go on a cruise to lose weight? No! But hey-that's just my opinion. By the way- I am not exactly a skinny minny either so I'm not criticizing fat people either. I guess you can't comment on anything around here without people jumping all over your every word!


I think most posters on this thread were supportive and some were injecting a little humor into the situation. The thread was hijacked for a while by some RS supporters but it was still rather positive. I really don't think you will have a problem with "Group size". Might be fun !:D

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This may be the first time I've posted. But, I've been a lurker on these boards for many years. I've gotten a lot of great information here, and yes, I've seen a lot of nonsense and rudeness too.


I've been on many Carnival cruises, and yes, I've cruised with Richard. I do have a lot of input that I could share on these boards. And no... I didn't find out about this post by seeing a link somewhere else. I just saw it by reading these boards, as I often do.


Why have I not posted? Because I didn't feel I'd be welcomed here as a Richard Simmons cruiser. And I guess this thread proves me right. I have no problem with the original poster wanting to know if she's on the ship with a large group. I know the Richard group won't do anything that should bother her. But, if I hadn't been part of the group, and seen how it works, I might question that too.


My problem is with AHOYS post...because it contains a lot of untrue "information." I think maybe the follow up posters are defending THEMSELVES more than Richard. Nobody likes to see something they enjoy put down...especially by someone who is misinformed. I also don't understand the comment about "if this is how Richard Simmons fans are." What has any member of that group said that was offensive?


I just don't get it. You say you want to come here to learn and share information. Somebody makes some false statements...someone else who knows better tries to correct it, and others find that offensive? Why not just take this as an opportunity to learn about this group, and what it's really like? I never thought I'd go with that group either... until I ended up doing it! LOL And I never had a better time in all my life.


Now, I know why I just stick with lurking here. I hope those of you who want to eat, go and eat yourselves silly. Nobody will try to stop you. Those who want to drink...be my guest...but, if somebody else wants to laugh, and exercise and make new friends, where's the problem?


I'm going back to lurking...

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Thanks GoinCruisin. Just another sensitive subject I guess on these boards along with kids, smokers, boozers, chair hogs, etc... :)


And now we can add Richard SImmons to that list... who'da thunk it? :rolleyes: LOL..

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this is QUITE the entertaining thread. I am one of the "fabulously fluffy" people, though I am currently on a Jazzercise and Weight Watchers plan (thanks, in part, to my being motivated back in November when we booked our cruise). I don't think the OP said anything nasty, or has anything against, fluffy people or the "miracle works" of Richard Simmons. My thought is that the OP was referring to the "fanatical" followers of Richard. I think it boils down to the fact that I find it entertaining that people get SOOOOO into something or someone to actually cruise/vacation with them, for example, the "Trekkies" that have their Star Trek conventions. I feel the same way about the people who cruise with their favorite NASCAR drivers or soap stars or what have you. I, for one, cannot imagine being THAT into something or someone to plan a vacation around them. It's like "Dead Heads", but with yoga pants (in the Simmons' fans) or black & white checkered attire (as in the NASCAR fans). :)

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This may be the first time I've posted. But, I've been a lurker on these boards for many years. I've gotten a lot of great information here, and yes, I've seen a lot of nonsense and rudeness too.


I've been on many Carnival cruises, and yes, I've cruised with Richard. I do have a lot of input that I could share on these boards. And no... I didn't find out about this post by seeing a link somewhere else. I just saw it by reading these boards, as I often do.


Why have I not posted? Because I didn't feel I'd be welcomed here as a Richard Simmons cruiser. And I guess this thread proves me right. I have no problem with the original poster wanting to know if she's on the ship with a large group. I know the Richard group won't do anything that should bother her. But, if I hadn't been part of the group, and seen how it works, I might question that too.


My problem is with AHOYS post...because it contains a lot of untrue "information." I think maybe the follow up posters are defending THEMSELVES more than Richard. Nobody likes to see something they enjoy put down...especially by someone who is misinformed. I also don't understand the comment about "if this is how Richard Simmons fans are." What has any member of that group said that was offensive?


I just don't get it. You say you want to come here to learn and share information. Somebody makes some false statements...someone else who knows better tries to correct it, and others find that offensive? Why not just take this as an opportunity to learn about this group, and what it's really like? I never thought I'd go with that group either... until I ended up doing it! LOL And I never had a better time in all my life.


Now, I know why I just stick with lurking here. I hope those of you who want to eat, go and eat yourselves silly. Nobody will try to stop you. Those who want to drink...be my guest...but, if somebody else wants to laugh, and exercise and make new friends, where's the problem?


I'm going back to lurking...


Nicely said.

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this is QUITE the entertaining thread. I am one of the "fabulously fluffy" people, though I am currently on a Jazzercise and Weight Watchers plan (thanks, in part, to my being motivated back in November when we booked our cruise). I don't think the OP said anything nasty, or has anything against, fluffy people or the "miracle works" of Richard Simmons. My thought is that the OP was referring to the "fanatical" followers of Richard. I think it boils down to the fact that I find it entertaining that people get SOOOOO into something or someone to actually cruise/vacation with them, for example, the "Trekkies" that have their Star Trek conventions. I feel the same way about the people who cruise with their favorite NASCAR drivers or soap stars or what have you. I, for one, cannot imagine being THAT into something or someone to plan a vacation around them. It's like "Dead Heads", but with yoga pants (in the Simmons' fans) or black & white checkered attire (as in the NASCAR fans). :)


Well said. If this were my cruise I'd probably cancel and rebook another :rolleyes:

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Why have I not posted? Because I didn't feel I'd be welcomed here as a Richard Simmons cruiser. And I guess this thread proves me right. I have no problem with the original poster wanting to know if she's on the ship with a large group. I know the Richard group won't do anything that should bother her. But, if I hadn't been part of the group, and seen how it works, I might question that too.


I also don't understand the comment about "if this is how Richard Simmons fans are." What has any member of that group said that was offensive?



First of all, welcome... You say you did not feel you would be welcomed as a Richard Simmons cruiser? You would never had to have mentioned that... most of us don't go into personal "dieting" plans and choices on here, we just talk about our love of cruising (and some other off the wall topics from time to time, LOL), so nobody a) would have known and b) wouldn't have cared if they did know, you are still on a cruise, who cares who you are going with? I don't think anyone would have said squat to you (ok, most)... If you are on Carnival, then you have valuable information to share and probably gain from these boards without divulging anything personal... so I'm sorry you felt that way and only lurked.


Secondly, I was the one that said "if this is how the fans are", however, I said nothing about being offensive. My problem is that SO many people seemed to come out of the woodwork only to DEFEND a DIET or PERSON... the OP said nothing bad about Richard Simmons or the way of life his people want to live... nothing. But all of the sudden everyone comes over here and decides to post, and it became more akin to an infomercial. Everyone posted their raves about Richard and LEFT! Why not stick around? This is a cruising message board, not a Richard Simmons board... so it would have been nice if those that decided to go through the process to sign up, would have stuck around and talked about cruising, answered questions, talked about their cruising history, etc. It seems as though many just jumped on, used this thread as a personal sounding board and took off... that takes away alot of the validity in my opinion. We would love to have you guys here! The more the merrier as that is what this community is about, but if you are only going to come here to sing praises about the diet plan, or RS... you guys have a message board for that.


Off my soapbox... sorry to have offended.

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It seems a good number of people on Cruise Critic do have an interest in dieting. There's an entire thread titled "Lose before you cruise." :)


Think about it this way, if you posted incorrect information (not opinion) about a cruise and others (some of whom were new) posted to correct your comments, would you take the same attitude? :rolleyes:


Would you think I sounded like an infomercial if I praised Carnival or another cruise line in general? Or if I recommended a particular tour? :rolleyes:


Yes, I'm new. I've never posted here before I addressed this issue. Frankly I never knew these board existed. I'm sure I'll be back - and I may or may not post again. I think it's a bit too soon for some of us to decide if we find the information helpful or accurate here. :confused:


Part of the problem with forums such as this is that people read posts in whatever tone of voice they choose - not necessarily the tone in which they were written.

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Yes, there is a forum for dieting here... so post til your hearts content over there.


If you sang the praises of Carnival or a tour offered as a cruise excursion, why would anyone have a problem with that??? Since it would be ABOUT CRUISING... this is CRUISE Critic, not DIET critic... There is an entire forum devoted to dieting and losing weight, so the Richard Simmons praises would I'm sure be welcomed there.


I'm sorry you guys don't feel comfortable coming here... and I'm not sure why? There are I'm sure plenty of people that are members here that have had experience with Richard Simmons, or something similar (myself included), but if I want to discuss it, I will discuss it in an appropriate place. One person setting the other straight about the cruise itself, in my opinion was enough. It was already stated that the posting here was spread "by word of mouth, one friend to another"... I just wish that everyone would come and talk about cruising on Carnival... and leave the dieting guru's to the Dieting forum... I mean no offense, I just don't understand why anyone would feel uncomfortable posting just because of the diet they choose? I bet more than half the people on these boards are on some form of "diet".


Good luck and have fun on your cruise!

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this is QUITE the entertaining thread. I am one of the "fabulously fluffy" people, though I am currently on a Jazzercise and Weight Watchers plan (thanks, in part, to my being motivated back in November when we booked our cruise). I don't think the OP said anything nasty, or has anything against, fluffy people or the "miracle works" of Richard Simmons. My thought is that the OP was referring to the "fanatical" followers of Richard. I think it boils down to the fact that I find it entertaining that people get SOOOOO into something or someone to actually cruise/vacation with them, for example, the "Trekkies" that have their Star Trek conventions. I feel the same way about the people who cruise with their favorite NASCAR drivers or soap stars or what have you. I, for one, cannot imagine being THAT into something or someone to plan a vacation around them. It's like "Dead Heads", but with yoga pants (in the Simmons' fans) or black & white checkered attire (as in the NASCAR fans). :)


I agree on trying to avoid GROUP cruises as mentioned above - I would NOT want to find myself on a ship where a fair % (25-35%+) are there for a "partial" ship charter. Though there would, no doubt, be some amusement potential from FANATICS (I am NOT picking on RS fans - but rather all "over the top" people):D


I, for music sakes, have considered a couple of cruises (partial charter) - and another full ship charter ( http://www.davekozcruise.com/ ) though this one is on HAL - and leaves from the west coast... (and it is TOO close to my TURKEY day cruise this year.... - not to mention being OVERPRICED..) oh well...



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I agree on trying to avoid GROUP cruises as mentioned above - I would NOT want to find myself on a ship where a fair % (25-35%+) are there for a "partial" ship charter. Though there would, no doubt, be some amusement potential from FANATICS (I am NOT picking on RS fans - but rather all "over the top" people):D


I, for music sakes, have considered a couple of cruises (partial charter) - and another full ship charter ( http://www.davekozcruise.com/ ) though this one is on HAL - and leaves from the west coast... (and it is TOO close to my TURKEY day cruise this year.... - not to mention being OVERPRICED..) oh well...




Tom, I like Dave Koz, too. But without even clicking on the link, I imagine a charter cruise with him would be overpriced .

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I agree on trying to avoid GROUP cruises as mentioned above - I would NOT want to find myself on a ship where a fair % (25-35%+) are there for a "partial" ship charter. Though there would, no doubt, be some amusement potential from FANATICS (I am NOT picking on RS fans - but rather all "over the top" people):D



In all fairness, this post did not only address the issue of 'group cruises'. There were remarks made, not even just about Richard, but about the people who choose to go on his cruises. "You should see the food those people put away"?? What is constructive about a comment like that? What is constructive about someone saying everyone should treat Richard so terribly he never sails out of NY again? Is that how NY wants to represent itself?

I've been on five CTL cruises. Not because I'm fanatic, or over the top, but because I have made some very very dear friends, from all over the country and then some! This is the time when we can all come together for a week. And some of us it's the only time we will get to see each other. It's more like a family reunion to a lot of us. It's not about being fanatic, it's about friendships.

I'm explaining all this for people who may be having second thoughts about booking, because of what's been said here.

On a cruise that Richard books, there are only two rooms reserved and only at certain times of the day. The only reason you would even know is if you came across the Private Party sign outside the door. Nothing is scheduled there in the Carnival Capers, so no one would even have a reason to be there unless they were part of the group, or stumbled upon it.

As for long lines at the salad bar on Lido deck. Most in our group would make it a point to get there before the long lines formed. The times I got stuck standing in long lines, most of our group was already seated and eating.


The ships are HUGE! I don't understand why someone would be upset about a group of people enjoying themselves. I guess everyone is entitled to their personal opinion about groups in general. But in reality, at least for this group, the percentage is more like 10%. A very small percentage, consdering the ship's capacity. Many people don't even know the group is on the ship until they see pictures in the photo gallery.

So please, don't let the fact that Richard and friends have booked this cruise, keep you from booking this cruise! Like I said, it's a big ship.


Those who came here and answered to this, myself included, it wasn't about defending diets, or defending a very sweet man (whom I've known for eight years). It was about respect. Some of the first posts on this thread were definitely not nice, not based on fact, and were definitely judgmental. It's as simple as that.


I hope you all have a wonderful cruise! I've never sailed out of NY, and would have loved to.. but it wasn't possible this year. You'll like the ports of call, they're all great .. I've cruised them at least twice, and would again.

Bon Voyage!

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And #8 hit and run poster joins the affray:rolleyes:


This reply was intelligent. Did you even bother to read what I typed, Mervyn, or did you just want to show that you can count?

I was meaning to explain what people like phlydude dont' get, and I was trying to be decent about it.

well, lets just say I will gladly be your so-called Hit and Run. I have no desire to stick around if this is an example of what this site has to offer. There are websites that actually critique the cruises and cruise ships in a helpful and informative way. Obviously this isn't one of them.

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In all fairness, this post did not only address the issue of 'group cruises'. There were remarks made, not even just about Richard, but about the people who choose to go on his cruises. "You should see the food those people put away"?? What is constructive about a comment like that? What is constructive about someone saying everyone should treat Richard so terribly he never sails out of NY again? Is that how NY wants to represent itself?


Where did anyone say anything about "you should see the food those people put away"??? And if you stuck around long enough, you would understand that Phly meant nothing disrespectful about the NY thing, he is a very funny guy and has a sarcastic sense of humor... I'm sure he was not putting down anyone :confused:

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