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Imagination Review (old to many, NEW to us!)


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When you get off in Cozumel, you have to go through a long duty-free type shopping area that has some nice things and fairly reasonable prices. Then you step out into their tourist planned area. (I really don't like to use the term tourist trap, but it kinda is, ya know?) However, we all can make our own decisions about what to spend and how much high sales pressure we can take. In other words, we almost high-tailed it right back to the ship. ;)


Instead, we did the best thing for us, which was to head into Three Amigos and start drinking. :D





They were having a sale on pitchers so we were forced to buy one for just nine bucks. Sounded like a bargain to me. I'm not much of a beer drinker, but when I do drink some I want it nice and dark. This was as dark as it got at Three Amigos. It was just what we needed to take the edge off the high pressure sales folks in the shops later.


TIP: If three guys carrying beat-up looking guitars come around and ask you if you want music, DON'T SAY YES. I doubt very seriously that this is the kind of "music" you want to hear, no matter how much you've had to drink. Not only that, but they won't leave until you tip them as much as they think you should tip them. Give them a couple bucks and they'll stand there til you give them a couple more. (You are very welcome for that invaluable tip)


Now the guy going around and doing balloon hats for people...he was quite good. The dummy though was making them for the young folks who were probably crew from one of the ships. They're sitting there hardly eating or drinking anything, with their laptops out, not the least bit interested in his cute balloon antics, and he spends a bunch of time making one for each of them. Heck, even I could tell he wasn't going to get a tip from any of them. Yet, he's got an older gal (me) ooohing and aaahing over them...he even sees that we tipped the music guys, and he doesn't come over to us. :rolleyes:

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This was the view from our table at Three Amigos. Thought it was cute that our ship was peeking out next to the other Carnival ship. And the water could not have been more blue!





We left Three Amigos, very full from that pitcher. I will never ever understand how people can actually get sloshed on beer. I get full so fast that there's no way for me! Anyway, we were ready to ward off pushy salespeople, and see what could be seen in the immediate vacinity. We did get a kick out of one guy at a cart who came up to us and said "Welcome to Let's Make a Deal". Okay, that's an approach that works with us! We like honest and funny. So much so that Husband sought him out later to find out if he meant it. He did. Get him down from $18 to $8.


At another shop, Husband found a ring he liked. That guy started at $85, and we got him down to $35. So if you do any shopping here, play the see how low you can go game! Not all the shops will dicker, but some do. I bought a sun dress in one shop for $20. There was no dickering there. I might add that I found the same dress in Miami a couple days later for $16. Oh well. There would've been tax in Miami too. Oddly enough the one thing they were really lacking in selling, was flip flops or sandals. Was looking for some and had to give up.


After checking out all the shops, we ventured out past the area, said no to the horse and carriage ride, and crossed the street. Wow the road, sidewalk, buildings...not in good shape, ya know? We decided maybe it was best to head back to the ship. Don't you LOVE it when you know you can get back on board one of these?





Anyone know what the other Carnival ship is? I don't remember.

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I absolutely love this class of ship. Did you have a real sail-away party with the dancing on the Lido deck?


There was dancing a lot of the time on deck, they've got a DJ and dance floor in the middle of it near the pool!


We are setting sail on the Imagination in June and I am so looking forward to the rest of your review. I to work m-f and need just a short getaway here and there. The Majesty of Seas was a wonderful week getaway for me and 2 teenage girls. So now I am looking forward to Cozumel and Key West in June. I am planning an Alaskan cruise next year and a 7 day cruise this thanksgiving. I am ADDICTED TO CRUISIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can't blame you! I'd like to win the lottery so I could officially become addicted myself!


We were on just two weeks before you and our dining room experience was the complete opposite - wait, wait, and wait some more!


Your review is bringing back good memories, thanks for taking the time! :)



Did you do anytime dining? Was it the Pride dining room?

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Coming up shortly, pics of my least favorite appetizer of the cruise, plus the very BEST dessert of the cruise, and my FAVE entree!


But first, we're headed back to our ship (don't you just love to say that: "our ship"?) sigh.


Anyway, we decide to peek into Fat Tuesdays:




Got a kick out of that guy's t-shirt! And what is that we see in there??? SWINGS! Oh, yes, we'll be stopping in here for THIS view of the ships:




Was it the best Hurricane I've ever had. Heck no. But it doesn't matter when you're swinging and gazing out at the beautiful blue water at your own ship, with the most wonderful man on the planet. This is true joy:




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So, it was back to OUR ship, via the duty-free shop, where we sampled some really good tequila, and some really not-good tequila. We bought a bottle of the really good one, of course. :D And headed back on board with all our "deals".






Now, Cozumel looked like this to us again:





Even though this meant the end of our ports for this cruise, it was still exciting to know we had two more nights and a whole day at sea to look forward to! We didn't intend to stop swinging just cause there were no swings on the ship! :p

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And now it was time for dinner! I'm really glad we like to eat early, cause we never had a wait getting into the Pride dining room. They always sat us on the same side of the dining room, and always at a table for two. I liked these tables, since you can choose to talk to your neighbors or not. We really enjoyed getting to know some fun and interesting people! (you also get to see what everyone else is eating too...I do draw the line at taking food porn shots of other people's food though.)


We were pretty hungry, so we started with salads. I went with the Caeser:




It was a good Caeser, and Husband went for a regular one with his fave bleu cheese:




And we decided to share two appetizers...the shrimp one:





And the vegetable rolls.




These were, by far, my least favorite appetizers of the cruise. I ordered the shrimp because I had seen pics of that appetizer from another ship where they were big, long shrimp that looked fabulous. These shrimp, if you took off the breading were literally the size (and flavor) of tiny canned shrimp. So sad! We were supposed to share our appetizers, but after taking a bite of one of his vegetable rolls, I'd had enough of that one. Just didn't work for me, but he actually liked them. I did like the little bit of salad that came on the side of the shrimp, though.


So, even though the appetizers were disappointing, my entree more than made up for it. BEST ENTREE of the whole cruise, by far, and I know maybe it doesn't look so great, but it was fantastic! Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present to you, Carnival's incredible Vegetable Chile Relleno:




Forgive me, but I must rave for a moment about this. Not only was it the best entree of the cruise, but perhaps the best relleno I've ever had. It had potato and corn in it, and the sauce that came with it was soooo good! Now, I love spicy and this was VERY spicy. You just never can predict how hot since it depends on the luck of the poblano, but this gal got very lucky. The rice and veggies served with it were perfect with it. Made me wonder if perhaps I'd been missing other fabulous vegetarian choices? Anyway, little did I know that it was about to be topped off with the best dessert of the trip!

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Meanwhile, Husband was working his way through this Pork Tenderloin dish:




He liked it very much! But he was even happier with dessert. We both ordered the same thing, and both of us agree that it was the best of the cruise! I am now proud to present (at the waiter's recommendation, I might add)...




You got it...Tiramisu at its' finest! Excellent!

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If I may ask, when did you sail on the Imagination. The reason that I ask is that we just returned, and there were a couple of things different about our trip from your report.


My party had two porthole rooms on U deck (7 and 10). The ride was never really motionless and on both the night before and after Cozumel, the rough seas woke us up in the middle of the night. At first we thought we heard thunder, but then realized that it was bigger waves impacting the bow. This was our first cruise and probably won't do another one due to the constant motion of the ship (still feeling the effects more than a day later).


Also, the picture of the Imagination docked in Cozumel wasn't at the same pier as on our cruise that just finished.


Don't mean to interfere with your enthusiastic review, but since this was our first cruise, I wanted to make sure that our expectations and perceptions were reasonable. I can understand different parts of the ship feeling a little different, but our cabins were in the same place.


Thanks and sorry again for jumping in on your thread.



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Love your review. I'll be on the Imagination in three weeks and cannot wait to get some sun and warm up.


This cruise is a relaxing one for my sister and I - we are both teachers and will be on winter break. We plan to do exactly as you did - walk around Key West and Cozumel and enjoy the sights and "beverages".


Thanks for sharing your cruise with us!

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Anyone know what the other Carnival ship is? I don't remember.


Looks like the Legend.


Did you do anytime dining? Was it the Pride dining room?


Yes, we had anytime and were in the Pride dining room. I thought part of the Pride dining room was always designated for this. Our service was always slow. The waiters seemed rushed themselves but they never rushed us. The only time we felt like we were being hurried out was the one time we went for breakfast!




If I may ask, when did you sail on the Imagination. The reason that I ask is that we just returned, and there were a couple of things different about our trip from your report.


My party had two porthole rooms on U deck (7 and 10). The ride was never really motionless and on both the night before and after Cozumel, the rough seas woke us up in the middle of the night. At first we thought we heard thunder, but then realized that it was bigger waves impacting the bow. This was our first cruise and probably won't do another one due to the constant motion of the ship (still feeling the effects more than a day later).


Also, the picture of the Imagination docked in Cozumel wasn't at the same pier as on our cruise that just finished.


Don't mean to interfere with your enthusiastic review, but since this was our first cruise, I wanted to make sure that our expectations and perceptions were reasonable. I can understand different parts of the ship feeling a little different, but our cabins were in the same place.


Thanks and sorry again for jumping in on your thread.




I also had a port hole room, a couple of decks below you, and we sailed at the beginning of the month. It really depends on the weather conditions. Being that far forward, you are more likely to feel the motion and when the weather's acting up, there's going to be motion. We felt it going from Key West to Cozumel on our sailing, the winds were really nasty. Other than that, it was smooth.


If you liked the other aspects of the cruise, don't rule out another one just yet! There are certain times of year that are better for certain destinations and you can also try different parts of the ship. Sea sick meds also work wonders, though timing is everything when it comes to taking those!

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If I may ask, when did you sail on the Imagination. The reason that I ask is that we just returned, and there were a couple of things different about our trip from your report.


My party had two porthole rooms on U deck (7 and 10). The ride was never really motionless and on both the night before and after Cozumel, the rough seas woke us up in the middle of the night. At first we thought we heard thunder, but then realized that it was bigger waves impacting the bow. This was our first cruise and probably won't do another one due to the constant motion of the ship (still feeling the effects more than a day later).


Also, the picture of the Imagination docked in Cozumel wasn't at the same pier as on our cruise that just finished.


Don't mean to interfere with your enthusiastic review, but since this was our first cruise, I wanted to make sure that our expectations and perceptions were reasonable. I can understand different parts of the ship feeling a little different, but our cabins were in the same place.


Thanks and sorry again for jumping in on your thread.




Glad to have conversation going on here...thanks for asking! We sailed Jan.16. Did you take anything for motion sickness? I always take a bonine every morning and a dramamine at night, starting the day before a cruise, whether I think I'll need it or not. Convinced Husband to do it this time too. He's had problems with motion on previous ships when he didn't do this regimen. This time he didn't have any problems, and I certainly did not. It works like a charm for me.


That being said, every cruise is different and you never know when there will be rough seas. My motto is better safe than sorry. So sorry you didn't have the best experience!

As for the docks...did you dock near Senor Frogs in Cozumel instead of down a little farther where we docked?

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Love your review. I'll be on the Imagination in three weeks and cannot wait to get some sun and warm up.


This cruise is a relaxing one for my sister and I - we are both teachers and will be on winter break. We plan to do exactly as you did - walk around Key West and Cozumel and enjoy the sights and "beverages".


Thanks for sharing your cruise with us!


Really really hope you like it as much as we did, and stick around cause I've got some more tips and one that could be extra important!

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As for the docks...did you dock near Senor Frogs in Cozumel instead of down a little farther where we docked?


I forgot to mention this in my previous comment! We were docked at Punta Langosta on our sailing so I'm assuming that's where one-and-done docked as well. There were already 4 ships at Puerta Maya by the time we arrived. The Imagination seems to alternate between them.


Sorry, tweetylori, I'll stop interjecting! There are just so few reviews of the Imagination that it's nice to have someone else who was on her recently to chat about it with :) You and your DH look like you had a fantastic time!

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That makes sense - different dates. Just goes to show that even a week apart conditions can differ - YMMV as they say. My wife took meds thru the entire cruise, but I managed without.


Yep, we were at the more northerly pier in Cozumel. There were at least three other ships in port when we arrived. Senior Frogs was just north of the end of the pier.


We walked and shopped north from the pier up to almost the ferry terminal. Serious haggling resulted in prices a little better than what you would find on QVC for example, but not way better. Stopped for a snack of chips salsa and really good guac. Shopped our way back to the pier picking up a couple of "come back later" deals. Did waterfront dinner and sunset viewing at the "No Name Bar" which is south of the pier next to Margaritaville across from the big grocery store at the Barracuda Hotel. Toes in the sand, beer and tacos in hand with a front row view of an awesome sunset was the highlight of the trip.




Being objective, I can see many reasons why people enjoy the cruise experience. There is something on-board for almost everyone. Many people enjoy both the food and service. My experience for both was good quantity, but not great quality.


Other than the motion and noise of the boat, our biggest concerns came from what I'll call people density. Most of the time we were able to find places to be where we could enjoy the environment. But there were several instances where we just couldn't help but to feel the pinch of the crowds. One member of our group has a bad knee so we were restricted to using the elevators, which were frequently crowded. At one of the shows, I had a woman practically sit on my lap has she squeezed her late arriving family of four into a seating space fit for two. Another women rudely pushed past my wife to get to the front of one of the many onboard sales. Then there was the guy who wedged in beside me at the ice carving - while smoking. There were several other examples. I hate to generalize, but different people from different environments have different comfort zones for personal space. I was prepared to feel claustrophobic on the ship, but most of the time, it was the people, not the ship layout itself that caused the discomfort.


Another byproduct of the people density was the cruise line taking advantage financial opportunities. I've always thought of cruising as being more of an all-inclusive experience, but this was not always the case. Want a Coke, gotta pay. Want to use wi-fi, gotta pay. But the most annoying was the constant badgering from the photographers. They were everywhere. There was once when we had to walk by two photo hawkers right next to each other. After we said no to the first, did the next guy think we had suddenly changed our minds? Cute pirate costume or not, coming up from behind me and reaching around in front of me with a fake blade is not ok if not invited to do so. On a tangent, the photo delivery system could be much more efficient. It wouldn't take much to store and deliver the photos digitally rather than wasting all of the space and paper printing out all of the what must have been thousands of photos taken.


Anyway, enough rambling... I was really hoping that our first cruise would have been a great experience, and we would have lots of future vacation options to explore. I guess cruising just isn't for everyone. But if you can put up with the crowds and get calm water, then I can see how it would be smooth sailing!

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That makes sense - different dates. Just goes to show that even a week apart conditions can differ - YMMV as they say. My wife took meds thru the entire cruise, but I managed without.


Yep, we were at the more northerly pier in Cozumel. There were at least three other ships in port when we arrived. Senior Frogs was just north of the end of the pier.


We walked and shopped north from the pier up to almost the ferry terminal. Serious haggling resulted in prices a little better than what you would find on QVC for example, but not way better. Stopped for a snack of chips salsa and really good guac. Shopped our way back to the pier picking up a couple of "come back later" deals. Did waterfront dinner and sunset viewing at the "No Name Bar" which is south of the pier next to Margaritaville across from the big grocery store at the Barracuda Hotel. Toes in the sand, beer and tacos in hand with a front row view of an awesome sunset was the highlight of the trip.




Being objective, I can see many reasons why people enjoy the cruise experience. There is something on-board for almost everyone. Many people enjoy both the food and service. My experience for both was good quantity, but not great quality.


Other than the motion and noise of the boat, our biggest concerns came from what I'll call people density. Most of the time we were able to find places to be where we could enjoy the environment. But there were several instances where we just couldn't help but to feel the pinch of the crowds. One member of our group has a bad knee so we were restricted to using the elevators, which were frequently crowded. At one of the shows, I had a woman practically sit on my lap has she squeezed her late arriving family of four into a seating space fit for two. Another women rudely pushed past my wife to get to the front of one of the many onboard sales. Then there was the guy who wedged in beside me at the ice carving - while smoking. There were several other examples. I hate to generalize, but different people from different environments have different comfort zones for personal space. I was prepared to feel claustrophobic on the ship, but most of the time, it was the people, not the ship layout itself that caused the discomfort.


Another byproduct of the people density was the cruise line taking advantage financial opportunities. I've always thought of cruising as being more of an all-inclusive experience, but this was not always the case. Want a Coke, gotta pay. Want to use wi-fi, gotta pay. But the most annoying was the constant badgering from the photographers. They were everywhere. There was once when we had to walk by two photo hawkers right next to each other. After we said no to the first, did the next guy think we had suddenly changed our minds? Cute pirate costume or not, coming up from behind me and reaching around in front of me with a fake blade is not ok if not invited to do so. On a tangent, the photo delivery system could be much more efficient. It wouldn't take much to store and deliver the photos digitally rather than wasting all of the space and paper printing out all of the what must have been thousands of photos taken.


Anyway, enough rambling... I was really hoping that our first cruise would have been a great experience, and we would have lots of future vacation options to explore. I guess cruising just isn't for everyone. But if you can put up with the crowds and get calm water, then I can see how it would be smooth sailing!


Thank you for sharing your experiences. My Husband felt much like you about the photographers. I do encourage you to not totally give up on cruising. I think this ship and itinerary are not the best combination for you. Perhaps a different cruiseline and something like Alaska, maybe? I truly hope, for your sake, you don't give up after this one cruise experience. My first cruise was back in the early 80's and let's just say, I'm surprised I ever wanted to cruise again. :p

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Excellent review.


Looking forward to the rest.


Happy you got the pictures working - they are fantastic!


Thank you...I don't have much left, so I'll wrap it up pretty quickly, hopefully tonight!


Great Review! Can't wait for the rest. I really need to get back on the Fantasy Class ships.


Thanks! I confess to being totally ignorant as to the differences in the different classes of ships.


I'm sticking around! :D We're hoping to port at Puerta Maya too.


Thanks! I didn't have a preference before we went, because I didn't know where we would dock. I did get the impression that we docked somewhere different in Key West than was usual for the Imagination also.

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Okay, let me see if I can finish this up. Hopefully I won't get distracted reading other people's reviews like I did last night. Many of you are truly amazing at your story-telling and picture-taking abilities! It's not only entertaining, but informative as well. (What exactly did we do before the internet anyway?)


Let's talk a minute about entertainment on this ship. I know it appears that all did is eat and drink, drink and eat, and while that is largely true, :D we also tried to partake of as much entertainment as possible. This meant two full production shows..."Living In America" Tuesday night (Key West night), and "Shout", Thursday night the last night at sea. Both of these shows

were long, but very entertaining. They pack so much into each show! There were two main singers, a guy and a gal. Both had their plus and minus moments, and I think that's largely because they were required to sing so many different types of music. My suggestion would be to simplify and perfect it. Less is more sometimes. That being said, there really was something for everyone as every style of music was covered in these two shows. Same goes for the dancers. They had so many different styles to cover, some were better at some than others. Costuming was excellent, by the way! In a nutshell, I strongly recommend that if you like live music and dancing, don't miss either show.


TIP: The view from the top floor of the Galaxy Theatre SUCKS. Sit down below ANYwhere, before you sit upstairs. Also, try to get to the show BEFORE it starts! Especially if you're upstairs. I can't tell you how many people (many elderly) who almost hit the floor tripping over this not well-designed area. Also it is very dark in there once the show starts...I would be very surprised if people have not gotten hurt before. I know we had a couple folks almost end up in our laps.


We also made sure to go to the Punchliner Comedy Club. The first show we went to was the family friendly one where both comedians performed for about twenty minutes each.


We loved the first comedian, Happy Cole, who was HILARIOUS. Then out came Adam Hunter. Poor guy, he really seemed to be out of his element. And was so not funny. It was really uncomfortable for all. Perhaps he might find a different kind of audience to be a better target for his,uh, interesting style of comedy, or he just plain isn't too good. I don't know, but we weren't the only ones to feel this way.


Anyway, if you have the opportunity to see Happy Cole anywhere anytime, GO. (unless unless you're wound really tight, cause he does use some choice words and his adult topics are very adult), but what makes him so perfect for cruises is he targets a lot of his humor toward the cruise experience. We made it a point to not miss a single one of his shows for the rest of the cruise. He would do the kid-friendly show, then do an adult version the same night. Don't wait to the last minute to get there, by the way, one night they had to close the Punchliner for capacity.


Now, here's a tip for Mr.Happy himself. We bought your CD, Happy. (he only takes cash, by the way, it's ten bucks). Got home and pulled it out of the suitcase and realized, you didn't put your name on the cover, or anywhere else on the CD! That's called, not being good at promoting yourself...just sayin'!


There were also many other various entertainment options. We enjoyed watching Superstar Karaoke. I've never seen karaoke with a LIVE BAND before! How cool is that? (Darn, I wish I could sing!). This band was quite good, and the gal singer was very very good. Would have just liked to listen to her and the band, but the karaoke part of it was just pure FUN. So nice to see people really enjoying themselves. Of course, some were better than others but that wasn't the point. This was about watching joy, and that is very contagious. (not enough to make me get up there, though...and fellow passengers, you're welcome that I did not :D)


We are not dancers, so we did not go to the disco. We did pass by dancers dancing to Latin music in the Dream bar area one night, and they looked like they were having a joyful time as well.


There is a very cool piano bar on this ship that not many people seemed to find. (or weren't interested in). There was a male singer the night we checked it out who was good. We weren't crazy about some of his selections. We made one suggestion and he was not familiar with the song (a very popular Michael Buble) which was surprising as he would have been good at it probably. But what a nice atmosphere this lounge is!


Of course there's the Love and Marriage Game, which is not to be missed. You'll laugh and laugh. Our cruise director, Skip, had this down pat. As for the other promotions staff, some seemed more entertaining (and into their job) than others. They've got tough jobs...one minute one is emceeing a comedy show and the next they're a game show host or hosting bingo, trivia, or giving away a future cruise to a very lucky person, who was so not me! :(


We somehow managed to miss the hairy chest contest, the ice sculpture demonstration and the towel animal demonstration (all of which we've seen on other ships, but would have still liked to have seen).


Which leads me to another TIP (still not THE tip...I promise that's next!): If you want to keep your Fun Times, PACK THEM. We left ours out on dresser each day and they were gone, whisked away forever. So, if that is something you want to preserve, be sure to tuck them away.

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So here we are, last day on the Imagination, and how great is it that it's a day at sea? Big blue beautiful sea? Like other times on the ship, we wanted to spend a little quality time on a deck somewhere, preferably in one of those nice lounge chairs.


I will say that that little goal can be a test of your patience and perseverance, thanks to the all-famous and well-known chair hogs. I'm assuming these are the same folks that plastered their stuff all over the Horizon on day one so that no one with food could sit and eat their food. Now, there would be no problem with chair hogs if such hogs were actually IN their chairs. Where they were, I really don't know as there would only be a few people in the pool, yet towels, books, etc. would be all over EVERY chair on EACH deck. I must confess that the teeny tiny devil on my shoulder spoke to me a couple times and said, "you know, if you grab their towels, you have a chair, and they'll have to pay for their towels if they can't return them to their cabin". Then the angel on my other shoulder would say, "like you'd really do that." sigh, the angel knows me better than the devil.


So what's a sun-seeking pasty-white couple to do? Find an obscure part of a deck somewhere where they have a stash of chairs piled up. Pull a couple from the pile and position them wherever the heck you can. (p.s. chair hogs...you could do this too!) Then sit down, point those toes to the sky and let the breeze blow. Paradise!

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