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Costa Concordia SINKING!


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I can't get a clear screen shot of what she's wearing, but it is definitely black (or very dark) trousers. They are very long, so it's hard to tell about her footwear, but I think at one point I see a black shod toe.


I did manage to get a nice clear shot of her face though. I hope this isn't too huge.



Are you sure that's her? She looks different in this video shot the night of the accident.


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This poses an interesting question, because we've seen others besides Ms. Cermotan insisting a camera be stopped. Do cruiselines typically have policies in place that crewmembers are to stop passengers from filming specific situations?


Ms. Cermotan was not just off-duty but off the ship, so she was completely out of line. But what about the crew member who admonished a passenger filming the lifeboat operation?


Is there something here we don't know? Because if there is, then I may need to learn to be more discrete. :D




I couldn't agree with you more!!!! She was a passenger, with her own cabin card to prove it. Those were her words....:rolleyes: Frankly, she is a non-issue but she keeps on talking to the media...interesting. She isn't doing herself, Costa or the Captain any favours. When I saw this vid it just bugged me that she is telling then questioning the person filming. She is not in shock phase at all.

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If I was the Italian judge presiding over Concordia hearings I'd summon

every one of you professional detectives and accident reconstruction experts to court to have you all testify



Maybe the court should. ;)

What we are doing, using videos and print articles, is trying to put together the story. Our discussions are not in an official capacity. They are not going out for the masses to read. They are up for debate, which we do on here with most of them being in a non hostile manner. Nobody is claiming to be an expert.

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Good find Milaandra! We do know that she brought Schettino his blue jacket (or so she says in an interview) maybe the laptop was inside the jacket?


In another leaked testimony, Schettino said he got his laptop before he left. I seem to recall something about hitting his leg or some sort of minor injury while doing it. So I guess it depends on which leaked testimony we choose to believe.

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Mikey Faust Tweeted this interesting link (


Surprised ?????


In fairness...ships get close to land all the time. So close they even dock there sometimes. :D So, I guess it raises some questions for me, but many of them should be easily answerable (Yes, the pilot was aboard. Yes, the speed was appropriate. Etc.) Then again, there does appear to be something of a corporate competition about this sort of thing, so.......

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I couldn't agree with you more!!!! She was a passenger, with her own cabin card to prove it. Those were her words....:rolleyes: Frankly, she is a non-issue but she keeps on talking to the media...interesting. She isn't doing herself, Costa or the Captain any favours. When I saw this vid it just bugged me that she is telling then questioning the person filming. She is not in shock phase at all.


No, not at all. She does have a strong personality, or at least what we've seen of it is very strong. Where does that authoritarian tone come from? Is there something about the seaman's license that activates an actual authority in an off-duty crewmember in this situation??

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What I don't understand is at the very beginning of this video she states "my job required me to go to the bridge to translate" What job? Her contract had ended and she was on board as a passenger. Surely they had all the translators they needed and didn't have to rely on her. Who is she kidding?


I assumed she meant her previous job...i.e., I was a hostess, and my job required me... She couldn't have been trying to pretend she was working that cruise, because she was very clear that she boarded as a passenger.


Again, we're dealing with translations, so I tend to go for the gist of things in those instances. (I get really language specific in the case of one English-language article referencing another English-language article and changing the semantics.)

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I think I have finally figured out the female voice of the person giving the various translated emergency evacuations over the Ship's PA system was... And it is not the blonde dancer seeking the attention of the world!!!!


Remember the video showing the one female crew member in the doorway to the promenade deck with the Bull horn, telling people that everything was under control and to return to their staterooms??


She is of Oriental persuasion, perhaps Chinese or Korean (SORRY if I have her nationality wrong, I am no good with eye shapes for Orientals)


Anyway at one point in the Emergency PA announcements you hear a female voice speaking in what I assume is Chinese giving evacuation directions.


I think that amongst the blondes. supposed 5 languages, Chinese or any Oriental dialect, would not be part of her repertoire!!


One minute she says she is having dinner (and according to a waiter they are eating dessert) and she, Schettino and someone else ?? are called to the Bridge. The next she is called to the bridge because she speaks 5 languages and is needed as an interpretor for Russians so she goes, posibly in the company of another employee ?? The next she is hungry and wants to leave.....


Just to many nexts....


But I digressed, sorry. She was not the female voice giving emergency directions if she is on the bridge standing at the back of the bridge (oh by the way, in her initial statements, she says she was at the Captain's side on the bridge.... I did NOT see her unless that was her with the black sleeveless top or unless her arms are beefier than they appear to be in normal lighting c onditions and if her hair is much much darker!!) Did any of you see a blond female in those videos standing next to or anywhere near him??? I sure did not...


Also to keep in mind what Michelle, mickey_d_ mouse, an eyewitness to what actually happened, says she heard and saw. She says it was not the blondes voice making the announcement, but was instead the new young blonde female Dutch crew member on her first cruise with Costa and a male that she also knew.




Hi there. There's a lot in here, so I'm not chopping down your quotation!


The person with the bullhorn can't be the same one making announcements, because if she's on the promenade telling people to go back to their cabins she can't be near the bridge making announcements.


At one point in the video, they are translated as saying "tell the hostesses". That suggests two things: there are more than one and they are not within earshot. During the noon announcements on the ships I have been on, there were at least two different voices interpreting the original English announcement by the captain.


I got the impression that the basic languages would be covered by the hostesses hired by the Concordia, but that Cemortan wanted to see if she could help by translating into Russian. Frankly, from what I have seen of her personality, she strikes me as the kind of person who would want to be part of the action. I can't say anything about that because...I would too! However, my high school French, Latin and a year of Anglo-Saxon probably wouldn't get me in! :)


We didn't see any hostesses in the video (only one maybe woman who was in uniform, therefore not a hostess). But we heard announcements in a female voice...perhaps in an Asian language...so there must have been at least one somewhere nearby.


By Schettino's side...that strikes me too literal an interpretation. I thought the meaning was more like "I was right there the whole time, and he didn't leave the ship early"


Which post did Michelle say that? I just have missed it.


Go to Youtube and check out that reptile video and the comments. No one...no one...would seek that sort of attention. Me, I'd be terrified and for my daughter's safety, too. These people are twisted.

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Just a few links here to Videos taken from the bridge of a few cruise ships:


Carnival Freedom July 2, 2011:


Oasis of Tghe Seas October 30, 2011 (This is by the Captain):


Noordam Jan 10 2011 (at .40 or there abouts you will see the plexiglass in the floor that he is directly above filming downwards to the port area):


The guys posted a new video just this past week from one of the other ships bridges, but I watched it and then deleted the email with the link:(


Anyway, hubby will not allow me to share his Bridge video. Says these should be sufficient to prove that video is allowed on the bridge.



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Someone was asking about the Video and the Court of Grosseto. Here's what i found on Repubblica (Feb 11):


“The video is very interesting for our investigations, since is sort of a theatre representation of the bridge that evening and anticipates what we can find listening to the 'black box' on March 3”, said prosecutor Francis Verusio after a meeting with deputies Alexander Leopizzi, Maria Navarro, Stefano Pizza. "The video - he added - confirms in some way, except for the details, the first reconstruction of the facts put together with the testimonies of the bridge officers that we have heard, some officers more than once".


Prosecutors want to watch the whole video also because - Verusio explained - "it gives us the opportunity to confirm some testimonies. We interrogated the officers on the bridge more than once and this video can prove their stories". About who has turned the video of captain Francesco Schettino and his officers during the sinking Verusio also said: "I have an idea, but I'm not telling you". "We are investigating who the author is, and surely we'll hear this person as a witness," continued the prosecutor.

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If I was the Italian judge presiding over Concordia hearings I'd summon

every one of you professional detectives and accident reconstruction experts to court to have you all testify


LOL, Dmetrius, well said, but don't be too concerned.


They're just keyboard junkies killing the time of the day. Probably have nothing else to do. Don't take them seriously. They all seem to have their own pre-judgement faculties in place. I tune in now and then to watch the videos posted and read some of the translated newspaper accounts. The thread has dwindled down to the same small group trading information and castigating the "blonde" and/or, the captain, the crew, pushy Italians, bribing Russians and Costa and Carnival in general. Some of the jousting for position in the thread pecking order is even amusing. :D


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There was a video showing what some have said is Cemorton saying to the person recording on the port /wharf near a pile of discarded lifejackets that they are not allowed to film. I think she or others around her had silver wrap/ blankets over their shoulders.

I've been trying to find that video... any help out there with a link?



Is anyone closer to knowing the name of the video recorder on the bridge?


In the U.S., if you are not a law enforcement officer and you are telling a person that they are not allowed to film a crime on public property for non-commerial purposes then the District Attorney would be likely to indict you for attempting to cover up the crime. At this point this was filmed anything to do with the Costa Concordia clearly is a crime scene that prosecuters would be looking for evidence of. Wonder what the law is in Italy.

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LOL, Dmetrius, well said, but don't be too concerned.


They're just keyboard junkies killing the time of the day. Probably have nothing else to do. Don't take them seriously. They all seem to have their own pre-judgement faculties in place. I tune in now and then to watch the videos posted and read some of the translated newspaper accounts. The thread has dwindled down to the same small group trading information and castigating the "blonde" and/or, the captain, the crew, pushy Italians, bribing Russians and Costa and Carnival in general. Some of the jousting for position in the thread pecking order is even amusing. :D


For someone who just tunes in "now and then" you sure know a lot about this thread and the posters. If the news and videos is only what you're after, no need to come here - you can find them yourself or go to the Concordia News thread. Can we conclude since you are here posting you can be counted among those that have "nothing else to do"? Hypocrisy at its best! :eek:
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In fairness...ships get close to land all the time. So close they even dock there sometimes. :D So, I guess it raises some questions for me, but many of them should be easily answerable (Yes, the pilot was aboard. Yes, the speed was appropriate. Etc.) Then again, there does appear to be something of a corporate competition about this sort of thing, so.......


If the answer to any of your questions is 'no', i.e. "no, the pilot was not aboard" or "no, the speed was not appropriate" or "no, the ship was not coming into dock," then this will be the final nail in the coffin for Costa. Their only hope of survival is to paint Schettino as a rogue captain and this video could blow a hole right in that argument.

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I think so...looks like her, sounds like her.


I don't see a big difference, other than the toque and the warmer blanket.


Do you know what this video says about her?

They were trying to interview her and she was pretending not to know Italian. She asked "Do you speak English", the journalist said "a little" and the interview ended there. The rest was talking about how she was the captain's companion that night. If yaelie or other Italians can translate and tell us more that would be great.
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LOL, Dmetrius, well said, but don't be too concerned.


They're just keyboard junkies killing the time of the day. Probably have nothing else to do. Don't take them seriously. They all seem to have their own pre-judgement faculties in place. I tune in now and then to watch the videos posted and read some of the translated newspaper accounts. The thread has dwindled down to the same small group trading information and castigating the "blonde" and/or, the captain, the crew, pushy Italians, bribing Russians and Costa and Carnival in general. Some of the jousting for position in the thread pecking order is even amusing. :D

My thoughts precisely! Like you I tune in now and then to see what lengths they've taken their self-imposed seriousness to.

Its really quite comical these experts and analysts. I really hope they do get dragged into court for influencing things above and beyond their control but in truth and in fact that would be granting them the power and influence they so need in their lives. They're not going anywhere, but they are amusing themselves and keeping busy, off the streets and for that we should be thankful

Now all we can do is await their final decisions and sentences handed down! And by the way the slick is still massage oil nothing more

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My thoughts precisely! Like you I tune in now and then to see what lengths they've taken their self-imposed seriousness to.

Its really quite comical these experts and analysts. I really hope they do get dragged into court for influencing things above and beyond their control but in truth and in fact that would be granting them the power and influence they so need in their lives. They're not going anywhere, but they are amusing themselves and keeping busy, off the streets and for that we should be thankful

Now all we can do is await their final decisions and sentences handed down! And by the way the slick is still massage oil nothing more

Mods - please move this post to the "I Have Nothing Else To Do But Belittle Others - For Low Self Esteem Sufferers". Thank you.
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My thoughts precisely! Like you I tune in now and then to see what lengths they've taken their self-imposed seriousness to.

Its really quite comical these experts and analysts. I really hope they do get dragged into court for influencing things above and beyond their control but in truth and in fact that would be granting them the power and influence they so need in their lives. They're not going anywhere, but they are amusing themselves and keeping busy, off the streets and for that we should be thankful

Now all we can do is await their final decisions and sentences handed down! And by the way the slick is still massage oil nothing more


Dmetrius, I hope you have a great life and live longer and prosper:)


Oil or not, does not matter as you and I are not there. Your opinions matter as much as mine do. And all that matters is we are all allowed to have our opinions and make our comments/observations without belittling each other.


Enjoy a swim in Spa oil. Me, I'll enjoy mine without it:)



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The timing wont be up to you my friend. When I summon you you shall appear through wind sleet snow or hail


Well, I guess you can hop on the first Costa transatlantic and come and get me.


Let me know when you get close to shore., I'll send a real Captain to get you in a boat the actually has the U.S. on their navigational charts.

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