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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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Tonka ... was not meaning to to rude to anyone.


Here is some info a friend has sent having recently been on a Costa cruise and having spoken to people who worked with schettino and on the Concordia as well as other ships.


I have been talking to Francesco's peers over the last couple of days and some of the engineering staff...both of whom have served with him and sailed on Concordia...I am not going to comment yet on the media report...BUT....


After my conversations that were very frank and honest....there is A LOT more to the accident and far more involvement regarding Concordia's behaviour that night...not saying Francesco is 100% innocent as he made a judgement error but the ship had a far bigger part in the incident than the media realise.


But as with all incidents, there are far more than one causal circumstance that happens.


And as for the Italian coast guard, DiFalco, his actions were highly unprofessional that night and in the following days and weeks....his future is also in question.


From my discussions aboard Classica last week, it appears that the ship herself was more of a villain than a victim. She had been blacking out in the weeks prior to the incident...often more than once a week...for anything upto an hour at a time. No cause could be confirmed for the blackouts.


However....history does show that her exact twin sister, Carnival Splendor, also suffered (and still suffers) intermittant electrical problems...the worst being the fire a couple years ago.


There is also evidence that all Conquest class ships are prone to unexplianed blackouts...opinions seem to stem from the Destiny class being overstretched and under equipped.....essentially the ship is being enlarged but the basic infrastructure such as electrical equipment has remained as it was with the original Destiny class and not significantly increased with the growth of the design nor the intricate design features on board that load the electrical equipment all the more...with the added load of more cabins and the equipment within those cabins.


There is a power deficit that causes problems...especially at night when the ship is lit up like a giant glow-worm on steroids.


It is a design flaw that the architects and builders at Fincantieri & CCL know about but as yet have not done anything to remedy it.


So as much as the media and armchair critics would love to bury the hatchet in Francesco's back...the ship herself was no angel and she (along with the rest of the ships in her class within Costa and Carnival Cruises fleets) have a definitive weakness that has proven to be a major problem with Splendor and in all probability was a significant causal factor in the loss of Concordia.


Concensus is that she DID blackout before she ran aground and that the emergency gensets DID fail to kick in for several minutes....just as they failed aboard Carnival Splendor when she had her electrical systems fire which disabled her off Mexico.


The time taken to run the checklist when a blackout occurs is tween 30 and 60 minutes...it means running through all systems manually via the various panels both in the engine control room where the genset panels are also in situ...and the bridge controls & instrumentation. This would explain why there seemed to be a delay from the blackout to the evacuation order being given.


It will, therefore, be interesting to see what findings are made from the black box recorder and Concordia's own service records and repair logs...as they will inevitably leave a breadcrumb trail that leads to her eventual demise on Giglio on January 13.


it's not passengers who are aware of the design flaw/issues with the Conquest class. The conversations I had were with engineering officers on board Classica who had served aboard Fortuna, Magica, Pacifica, Concordia, Serena & Favalosa and all the ships experienced more frequent blackouts than the Vista 1 & 2 ships (Atlantica, Mediterranea, Luminosa & Deliziosa).


The Carnival Cruise Line ships...Destiny, Valor, Victory, Triumph, Conquest & Splendor have all suffered electrical problems, again moreso than their Vista 1 & 2 ships (Spirit, Legend, Miracle).


Since Costa and Carnival are the only operators of the type of ship in question...Destiny/Conquest classes...they are the only ships that are affected and both Carnival Corporation and Fincantieri are fully aware of the problems but as yet have not offered methods to remedy it.


It is exactly the same as the ongoing (and increasing frequency) of blackouts aboard QM2...Carnival Corporation KNOW they are happening but as yet have not offered explanation or remedy.


Electrical failures on cruise ships are relatively commonplace...but there is a higher percentage of them happening on the Destiny & Conquest class vessels than any other vessel currently operating for the Corporation's cruise lines...with the exception of QM2.


The crews know about the problem and they are reporting it to Carnival Corp, but its being glossed over or excuses are being made to passengers when they occur...on Carnival Corp's instructions, that is why passengers have not said anything, cos its fairly common and the reasons given have been plausible for those not technically minded...which covers around 90% of cruise passengers.


Thing to remember is that often these power outages are not even noticed by passengers....afterall, if you are on your lounger by the pool, you are unlikely to notice the lights have gone out or that you have stopped moving.


Not to mention when in port and an outtage occurs, many people are off the ship and won't be any the wiser when they reboard at the end of the day.


It has only happened to me once but I knew it was likely to happen due to behaviour of lighting the night before...they kept dimming and flickering on/off all evening. The next morning whilst eating breakfast in the cabin, the lights went off....I had an inside cabin, so it was obvious...and once dressed in the dark, I went outside and 99% of passengers were going about their usual business completely oblivious to the fact that we were without power and dead in the water. The only passenger to realise something wasn't quite right was a lady stuck in a glass lift tween decks and even she wasn't concerned as lifts sometimes do get stuck (even on dry land) for a variety of reasons.


I knew the gensets had gone down cos I read the signs the night before, but I was in a tiny minority of passengers to notice anything odd.


So you shouldn't assume that it will always be noticed, because it is rarely the case...and since the emergency gensets fire up within moments anyway, that makes it even less noticeable to the average passenger....even if it happens at night.


Destiny came first (with Fortuna, Magica & Victory)...they are the smaller versions of the same base design of ship.


Conquest & Concordia classes are stretched variants of the original Destiny class...the Dream class are stretched again but with a rounded stern rather than the angled box stern of the earlier models.


In the same wat that Boeing have gradually stretched the 747, intrinsically they are the same ship, just longer, taller versions of the original with slight differences in interior layout for each size.


Essentially it is how Fincantieri can build them so fast, as if on a conveyor belt...they are all prefabricated sections welded together...(they use the same techniques for the Vista 2 class aswell, hence why they managed to throw Queen Elizabeth together in 6 months).


Design tweaks internally are made on each variant...such as the room service kitchen on the Destiny & Conquest classes is midships but its aft in the Concordia class ships, having been replaced midships by more cabins.


There is nothing wrong with stretching or enlarging an existing design BUT in this case, the electrical systems are Destiny class standard for the bigger versions, the systems wer not upgraded to suit the bigger ship and it#s bigger payload on those systems....hence the increased electrical problems on the larger variants of the original Destiny class.





Whoa...........Sideri thats alot of new information, well written and makes sense! and if only 50% is correct (and I am not saying it all isn't correct) it sure does put a whole new tilt to the accident.


I beleive all of us with some Maritime background and/or interest in ships and how they operate and are commanded always said we needed to wait until the trials and reports come out.


I still beleive There will be some carnivial Inc/ Costa line office excutives on trial as well as the Master and some Officers, all rightfully so!



I know I for one always said Carnivail Inc. has a big problem in thier policies, operations and office staff issues, this sure makes this a lot more likely.


As for the Master, .....The navigation error, since I can't beleive he intentional hit the rock, was a major one and would end his career at sea. but the biggest issue I had with him was abandoning his vessel and leaving all those people....that was just so wrong in so many ways.....that is what he needs jail time for.


We shall wait and see what the trials and the reports say in the end.



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The Carnival Splendor engine room fire was the result of a crankcase explosion in a prime mover. I have seen the result of this on a railroad locomotive and it is not pretty.


However, this is totally different than intermittent blackouts. Virtually all the diesel electric powered vessels seem to be suffering from these issues. It is my opinion that there are some inherent faults in the software that controls these systems. Buggy software is a common issue in so many fields.


It is my perception that the Conquest class ships have more issues of this type than some others. Another batch of ships that seem to have power issues quite often are the middle iterations of the Fantasy class. (The Elation and the Paradise are totally different electrically and electronically.) I am certain that the Italian authorities will investigate the possibility of mechanical or electrical problems contributing to the wreck.


One needs to keep in mind that the documentaries regarding the grounding quote an independent agency which tracked (as they do all ships of size) the Costa Concordia. This documentation shows no variation in course that could be blamed on a malfunction prior to the flooding of the propulsion spaces.



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Unbelievable BS!! I think all of us who are deeply interested in the Concordia accident that night have seen and read interviews with numerous passengers that were aboard the ship.....read legal testimony from these passengers and crew members as well as several officers. Not once have I seen or heard of a single soul who was on the Concordia that night mention that there was a power failure before hitting the rock. Not even Schettino himself ever say that. We've seen video of the frightened passengers in the dining room after the collision while the lights were still on! Then....after the engine room had flooded.....the lights went off and the emergency lighting came on.


I think most people who have posted here have tried in good faith to give accurate information often with websight links to back it up. At least until now. Now I guess that rumors "from an unnamed friend who was recently on a Costa cruise" is worthy of posting here. I guess the poster is saying that all the people on the ship that night including Schettino are in a conspiracy together to withhold information that the ship lost power before hitting the rock. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Oh and lets trash DiFalco while we're at it. State that HIS actions were unprofessional that night (ordering Schettino to get back on the ship and help the remaining passengers get off safely). Wooooof.


I can't help but wonder why some people try so very very hard to relieve Schettino of as much blame as possible for the tragedy that night. What motivates them? Its certainly not a quest for the truth. Lets have facts and not unsubstantiated rumors here.

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Max ... have you been wearing blinkers and ear defenders since it happened? the first thing that happened was the power loss and then the collision, why do you think the Coastguard was informed they had a Blackout ? just for the fun of it.


Now that's a funny story Sidari, ; but way too late to defend Schettino.

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The Carnival Splendor engine room fire was the result of a crankcase explosion in a prime mover. I have seen the result of this on a railroad locomotive and it is not pretty.


However, this is totally different than intermittent blackouts. Virtually all the diesel electric powered vessels seem to be suffering from these issues. It is my opinion that there are some inherent faults in the software that controls these systems. Buggy software is a common issue in so many fields.


It is my perception that the Conquest class ships have more issues of this type than some others. Another batch of ships that seem to have power issues quite often are the middle iterations of the Fantasy class. (The Elation and the Paradise are totally different electrically and electronically.) I am certain that the Italian authorities will investigate the possibility of mechanical or electrical problems contributing to the wreck.


One needs to keep in mind that the documentaries regarding the grounding quote an independent agency which tracked (as they do all ships of size) the Costa Concordia. This documentation shows no variation in course that could be blamed on a malfunction prior to the flooding of the propulsion spaces.





I totally agree doc a main engine explosion is a nasty thing. The big issues is that the elsectrical system did not isolate the fire and shut down connectors to the rest of the electrical service, basicly destroying the power service/a black out and disabled the propolsion units.


This is what the USCG found, among other things.


This is a issue with a number of ships, the splendor was just worse then the other fires.


I also agree that I cannot find anything saying there was a blackout just before the ship hit the rock....



Edited by Tonka's Skipper
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Unbelievable BS!! I think all of us who are deeply interested in the Concordia accident that night have seen and read interviews with numerous passengers that were aboard the ship.....read legal testimony from these passengers and crew members as well as several officers. Not once have I seen or heard of a single soul who was on the Concordia that night mention that there was a power failure before hitting the rock. Not even Schettino himself ever say that. We've seen video of the frightened passengers in the dining room after the collision while the lights were still on! Then....after the engine room had flooded.....the lights went off and the emergency lighting came on.


I think most people who have posted here have tried in good faith to give accurate information often with websight links to back it up. At least until now. Now I guess that rumors "from an unnamed friend who was recently on a Costa cruise" is worthy of posting here. I guess the poster is saying that all the people on the ship that night including Schettino are in a conspiracy together to withhold information that the ship lost power before hitting the rock. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Oh and lets trash DiFalco while we're at it. State that HIS actions were unprofessional that night (ordering Schettino to get back on the ship and help the remaining passengers get off safely). Wooooof.


I can't help but wonder why some people try so very very hard to relieve Schettino of as much blame as possible for the tragedy that night. What motivates them? Its certainly not a quest for the truth. Lets have facts and not unsubstantiated rumors here.


Who might benefit from blaming the cruise line instead of the captain? The personal injury lawyers, of course. What drives a settlement (which is what the PI lawyers really want...no risk compared to a trial)? Perhaps the threat that the case will involve claims that the whole fleet is unsafe? Would not be the first time that the PI guys had a few shills out trying to stir the pot a bit.....

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There appears to be more than just one here who is wearing rose tinted glasses and ear defenders!


Cruiser nc .... you are clearly saying the friend is making up such a story? just because it does not fit with your decision of what happened!


you clearly know nothing and believe everything that has been posted on cc and in the Media and now want to belittle those who work on these ships and those who know what happened.


not one passenger was up on the bridge that night and so therefore do not know what happened and can only relate thier own part from the moment the lights went out, much of the rest is media hype.


How many of you were here claiming Concordia would be cut up and shipped away despite myself and a small number who can be counted on one hand telling you it would be moved in one piece ? clearly you are the people who claim to know everything but in reality clearly know not a lot.

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There appears to be more than just one here who is wearing rose tinted glasses and ear defenders!


Cruiser nc .... you are clearly saying the friend is making up such a story? just because it does not fit with your decision of what happened!


you clearly know nothing and believe everything that has been posted on cc and in the Media and now want to belittle those who work on these ships and those who know what happened.


not one passenger was up on the bridge that night and so therefore do not know what happened and can only relate thier own part from the moment the lights went out, much of the rest is media hype.


How many of you were here claiming Concordia would be cut up and shipped away despite myself and a small number who can be counted on one hand telling you it would be moved in one piece ? clearly you are the people who claim to know everything but in reality clearly know not a lot.



Is there any way in which you can disagree with people without attacking them personally?


Do the Cruise Critic Rules mean anything to you?


As my mother used to say: "Play nice or you'll get it when your father comes home."

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There appears to be more than just one here who is wearing rose tinted glasses and ear defenders!


Cruiser nc .... you are clearly saying the friend is making up such a story? just because it does not fit with your decision of what happened!


you clearly know nothing and believe everything that has been posted on cc and in the Media and now want to belittle those who work on these ships and those who know what happened.


not one passenger was up on the bridge that night and so therefore do not know what happened and can only relate thier own part from the moment the lights went out, much of the rest is media hype.


How many of you were here claiming Concordia would be cut up and shipped away despite myself and a small number who can be counted on one hand telling you it would be moved in one piece ? clearly you are the people who claim to know everything but in reality clearly know not a lot.


Yet you want us to believe you and the information that you are posting to be true and whole? I don't know you other than as a poster on CC and I have no idea if your friend is really who you say he is or even if he exists. For all we know you're making it all up as you go along. We could call it "sidari hype".


The point of these boards is to share information about cruising and for sure the point of this thread is to share information about the Condordia accident. There is no requirement that to post you have to be an expert or even post factual or accurate information. And the fact is that with the exception of a few of the members of CC we are anonymous and have no idea who our fellow posters are. We also have no idea what level of expertise others have on the subjects they post about.


We can post our opinion's (true or not) and in return we should be open to the fact that others are going to disagree and share their opinion's about ours. This doesn't mean that we have to be rude to each other when we don't agree about things.

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Here is some info a friend has sent having recently been on a Costa cruise and having spoken to people who worked with schettino and on the Concordia as well as other ships.


I have been talking to Francesco's peers over the last couple of days and some of the engineering staff...both of whom have served with him and sailed on Concordia...I am not going to comment yet on the media report...BUT....


After my conversations that were very frank and honest....there is A LOT more to the accident and far more involvement regarding Concordia's behaviour that night...not saying Francesco is 100% innocent as he made a judgement error but the ship had a far bigger part in the incident than the media realise.




I was assured by my garbage collector that none of this is true. The garbage collector knows this because his wife's uncles step daughter used to be a dancer who had a confidential frank and honest conversation with someone who once folded towels on a Costa ship. The towel folder overheard a conversation from "someone in the know" that a UFO flew over the ship and shined a very bright spotlight directly into Schettino's face....blinding him momentarily. When the aliens finally turned the light off and Schettino's eyes cleared.....it was too late to make the turn....and the ship crashed into the rock. Case settled. :)

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It really is a shame that the person who gave me the information is no longer a member of cruise critic in order to post it themself.


As i have said previously just because this person has been given information by people from Costa and chose to share it here via me it is ridiculed as being made up just because it does not fit with what you have made yourselves believe to be true! without ALL of the known Facts.


Apart from a very small number of people here who`s opinions i respect i really could not care less what the rest think or want to believe.


Nowhere in the post was the person referred to as a he or she which it is clear certain people cannot understand, Nowhere in the post does it say that Schettino is Innocent or Guilty nor does it set out to defend him which again certain people cannot understand.


Ask yourselves this, if Schettino is as Guilty as people here claim why is he not in prison awaiting a trial ?

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Apart from a very small number of people here who`s opinions i respect i really could not care less what the rest think or want to believe.


Ask yourselves this, if Schettino is as Guilty as people here claim why is he not in prison awaiting a trial ?


Your attitude towards people who disagree with you is outrageous. I am now of the opinion that you are nothing more than a blow hard agitator, fabricator and prevaricator.


If you are a member of the maritime industry, I now understand why you defend the incompetence and cowardice of Captain Schitino.


By the By, if you knew anyyhing about Italian law, you'd know that house arrest in Italy is common place and has even been used for Mafia Dons being prosecuted by Italy's Special Prosecutors.

Edited by Uniall
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My husband and I boarded the Concordia at Civitavecchia on Jan 13th! We had been on the ship only 4 hours before the ship hit the rock! We were in the theatre on the starboard side of the upper balcony watching the magic show that started at 9:30. About 10 minutes into the show we felt a sensation of being forced forward out of our seats. We suspect that this was the moment when the ship was doing the sharp steering manouver to avoid hitting the rock that Schettino says that he saw. The ship listed to the port side initially and within moments of the impact with the rock sent shudders and scrapping sounds along with vibration felt at the front of the ship (where we were). After the collision with the rock, the lights went out and then the emergency lighting came on within a minute or two. The Magician disappeared and left his assistant trapped in the box on the stage. Everyone started to leave the theatre and we went to our room and with only lights in the hall could only locate our life jackets and our coats before proceeding immediately to the muster station on deck 4. Thankfully we had been on other cruises and knew that what we were experiencing was not normal and we needed to get off the ship to safety. We stood at lifeboat 7 for almost an hour before we were allowed to board and we were among the first group of passengers to arrive at the dock on Giglio!

Any questions?

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My husband and I boarded the Concordia at Civitavecchia on Jan 13th! We had been on the ship only 4 hours before the ship hit the rock! We were in the theatre on the starboard side of the upper balcony watching the magic show that started at 9:30. About 10 minutes into the show we felt a sensation of being forced forward out of our seats. We suspect that this was the moment when the ship was doing the sharp steering manouver to avoid hitting the rock that Schettino says that he saw. The ship listed to the port side initially and within moments of the impact with the rock sent shudders and scrapping sounds along with vibration felt at the front of the ship (where we were). After the collision with the rock, the lights went out and then the emergency lighting came on within a minute or two. The Magician disappeared and left his assistant trapped in the box on the stage. Everyone started to leave the theatre and we went to our room and with only lights in the hall could only locate our life jackets and our coats before proceeding immediately to the muster station on deck 4. Thankfully we had been on other cruises and knew that what we were experiencing was not normal and we needed to get off the ship to safety. We stood at lifeboat 7 for almost an hour before we were allowed to board and we were among the first group of passengers to arrive at the dock on Giglio!

Any questions?


That's enough for me: collision first, lights out electrical failure second.


Thanks for weighing in.



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My husband and I boarded the Concordia at Civitavecchia on Jan 13th! We had been on the ship only 4 hours before the ship hit the rock! We were in the theatre on the starboard side of the upper balcony watching the magic show that started at 9:30. About 10 minutes into the show we felt a sensation of being forced forward out of our seats. We suspect that this was the moment when the ship was doing the sharp steering manouver to avoid hitting the rock that Schettino says that he saw. The ship listed to the port side initially and within moments of the impact with the rock sent shudders and scrapping sounds along with vibration felt at the front of the ship (where we were). After the collision with the rock, the lights went out and then the emergency lighting came on within a minute or two. The Magician disappeared and left his assistant trapped in the box on the stage. Everyone started to leave the theatre and we went to our room and with only lights in the hall could only locate our life jackets and our coats before proceeding immediately to the muster station on deck 4. Thankfully we had been on other cruises and knew that what we were experiencing was not normal and we needed to get off the ship to safety. We stood at lifeboat 7 for almost an hour before we were allowed to board and we were among the first group of passengers to arrive at the dock on Giglio!

Any questions?



That's enough for me too! How bout you Sidari? Or do you feel that the statements made by people ON the ship that night have less validity than heresay and rumors made by people who were NOT on the ship that night?


And by the way.....I can't believe Schettino is still under house arrest.....if this had happened in the US he would have been free on bail a couple hours after being arrested! How on earth can you feel that him being under house arrest months and months after the accident somehow reduces his culpability?? I swear I just don't understand your thinking. But you may have given a little clue about where you're getting your information from. If its coming to you via Scotland then I fully understand the level of its absurdity. How bout listening to people like "qtlikeme" who were actually there on the ship...there were thousands of them. There are interviews, statements, and testimony from numerous passengers, crew, and officers. Why would you believe rumors told to you by a "friend" and disbelieve the statements of allllllll those people who were on board.....INCLUDING Schettino? Jeez.

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There appears to be more than just one here who is wearing rose tinted glasses and ear defenders!




OMG Sidari, I know, I don't know you, and you don't know me but IMHO, the above statement fits you more than any other CC poster I have read.


Did you even see the video taped secretly after the collision on the bridge?

Did u hear Schettino ask the engineers what they thought happened that they had no control of the ship? Did you hear them say they surmised there was a large gash in the boat that flooded the engines and generators?


Not necessarily a bad thing, but you appear to me to be in 'your own world'. That's cool though, sometimes I wish I had my own world too.

Edited by Max49
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My husband and I boarded the Concordia at Civitavecchia on Jan 13th! We had been on the ship only 4 hours before the ship hit the rock! We were in the theatre on the starboard side of the upper balcony watching the magic show that started at 9:30. About 10 minutes into the show we felt a sensation of being forced forward out of our seats. We suspect that this was the moment when the ship was doing the sharp steering manouver to avoid hitting the rock that Schettino says that he saw. The ship listed to the port side initially and within moments of the impact with the rock sent shudders and scrapping sounds along with vibration felt at the front of the ship (where we were). After the collision with the rock, the lights went out and then the emergency lighting came on within a minute or two. The Magician disappeared and left his assistant trapped in the box on the stage. Everyone started to leave the theatre and we went to our room and with only lights in the hall could only locate our life jackets and our coats before proceeding immediately to the muster station on deck 4. Thankfully we had been on other cruises and knew that what we were experiencing was not normal and we needed to get off the ship to safety. We stood at lifeboat 7 for almost an hour before we were allowed to board and we were among the first group of passengers to arrive at the dock on Giglio!

Any questions?


thanks for posting your account. do you plan on cruising again?

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Yes I think we will cruise again! It has taken some counselling and time to recover but I hope this hasn't spoiled the enjoyment that we have had in the past and hope to have in the future, cruising! (I think I will definitely need a balcony cabin near the lifeboat deck, to feel the most safe.)


We are so very thankful and will always think of what might have been that night and how so many lives were ended needlessly! I think of those families whose loved ones didn't come home from their vacation and it still makes me shiver!

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Seems better that the ship hit first and then electrical problems. Makes more sense to me. We were just on the Conquest and there wasn't any electrical problems or anything that we were aware of.

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balf .... do not give up the day job will you!




qtlikeme .... great news that you will get around to taking another cruise in the future despite what you went through ... :) it is sad that people died on that night but as people have said here and on other forums Schettino did not set out to kill people on his cruise ship.


There is more to the Concordia accident than certain people like to or want to believe or admit to themselves and others and those involved including land based personnel in time will have to accept their role in what happened and the punishment given.


It is simply not just a case of Schettino steered the ship at a rock and the ship sank and for those involved in time they will have their answers.

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balf .... do not give up the day job will you!




qtlikeme .... great news that you will get around to taking another cruise in the future despite what you went through ... :) it is sad that people died on that night but as people have said here and on other forums Schettino did not set out to kill people on his cruise ship.


There is more to the Concordia accident than certain people like to or want to believe or admit to themselves and others and those involved including land based personnel in time will have to accept their role in what happened and the punishment given.


It is simply not just a case of Schettino steered the ship at a rock and the ship sank and for those involved in time they will have their answers.


Sidari, I finely see something I can agree with you about. "Schettino did not set out to kill people on his cruise ship." I don't believe he set out to do that either. Unfortunately, it's not his intentions prior to the accident that matter. It's what he did, or more so, what he didn't do after the accident with the worst being that he abandoned the ship with several hundred people still on board.

I also believe that further up the corporate ladder bears some responsibility and look forward to see where the Italian courts go with that.

Still, for me, nothing will excuse the Captain jumping off his sinking ship.

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WOW! Such angry people on this board huh? I came here to see if there was information on the ship as the original thread suggested, and instead I find a bunch of people at each other's throats when not one of you knows the truth one way or the other!


Who gives a rat's behind if the electric went out first? Who care's if the Captain was a dirt bag? Let the courts decide! With a few exceptions, none of this affected any of you, and I dare say you people are taking this way to seriously!


It's a horror story no doubt, but attacking each other on a message board when not a single one of you knows the reality (other than those who were there) is just lidicrous!


I'm sorry people died, it's a tragedy. But I'm pretty sure, if these people had their lives back again, they would not waste it insulting other people and acting like know it all's in a chat room. Damn people, if for nothing else, go get a life, like the one's these poor people lost. If this is all you have to do with yourself, you dishonor those people big time. Just sayin.

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