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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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"I think the last three posts create a "resonable suspicion" that Sidari has an alter ego and pseudonym which is used to differentiate between ranting and writting"


Uni .. you really are barking mad! ... just because there are 2 different people who are prepared not to be Bullied by the Gang of cruise critic unlike some poor people who refuse to post the only answer your so called legal brain can come up with is that it has to be the same person! it goes beyond being pathetic. Bit of Paronia raises its head i see!


Balf .... "Always assuming we are all still alive by then!!"


With the speed that the legal wheels turn in Italy who knows?



CS ... "So by that then....you must be a figment of your own imagination too."

or a legend in his own mind ?




It's not just the similarity of opinions of Captain Coward that leads me to suspect that you and the other poster are the same person.


It's a slew of circumstances and coincidences that are capped off by identical national origins coupled with the same angst toward the USA.



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Uni .... There are 2 people making the posts, how do i know that the likes of Balf and a few others is not you, can you prove otherwise? afterall you are all posting from the states! ... :eek:


Yes i agree with much of what CS has posted, just because we do not agree with everything you want people to believe does not mean that there are not 2 people making the posts.


How do we know that all the other posts are not from you?

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C'mon guys knock it off -- stop teasing poor Sid. I happen to like the ol' chap even if he tears into me from time to time. ;)


This said, I do have my suspicions about a Multiple-Personality-Disordered poster who writes opposing views under different monikers, but it's not Sid, IMO. Hint: What do a starfish and a cartoon character have in common? :eek:

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C'mon guys knock it off -- stop teasing poor Sid. I happen to like the ol' chap even if he tears into me from time to time. ;)


This said, I do have my suspicions about a Multiple-Personality-Disordered poster who writes opposing views under different monikers, but it's not Sid, IMO. Hint: What do a starfish and a cartoon character have in common? :eek:


You really know how to hurt a guy. I was just going to say something very English: "me thinks the lady/gentleman protests too much"...............:D

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This investigation is going sooo slow, and very little new news is coming out, we need people like Sid, Smurf and some others to get us fired up so we feel we have to reply, :mad: or :D


They don't seem to like American or the USA much though.


When Smurf first came on board, the first thing I thought was , Sid must have recruited her to come here and help him out, but I was too new here myself to say it.

They don't seem to be defending Costa, but there seems to be something about Schettino that they seem to feel they need to defend him, or at least make excuses for him. I have no idea why since he pretty much self destructed.

Oh by the way Sid and Smurf, if Schettino was American, my feeling towards him would not be any different.

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For All those of you with such short memories and it is clear there are more than a few, neither CS or myself has actually defended Schettino!


But unlike the many of you we have put other reasons for the accident happening and do not wear Rose tinted glasses thats clouds our judgement or suffer from Paranoia and can look at this incident with an open mind unlike the many.


Uni .... Still no answer as to your multiple identities?


Max ..... "They don't seem to like American or the USA much though"


What I do not like are the Double standards people here are showing towards two Captains mentioned! and it comes over that America are never to blame for anything and it is always someone elses fault.


To quote Billy joel ... we didn`t start the Fire!! :rolleyes:


Been to America got the T shirt etc etc as they say.

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This has nothing to do with the Concordia but a captain.


On the radio this morning I heard a snipet about an accident. In Toronto, a crane had fallen and torn down live Hydro wires unto a city bus filled with passengers. The driver was interviewed. Her words were "as soon as the accident occured my training kicked in, I checked that everyone was OK" etc.......She was the captain of her vehicle.


The words "my training kicked in" made me think of Captain Schettino, whos training did not kick in.



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For All those of you with such short memories and it is clear there are more than a few, neither CS or myself has actually defended Schettino!


But unlike the many of you we have put other reasons for the accident happening and do not wear Rose tinted glasses thats clouds our judgement or suffer from Paranoia and can look at this incident with an open mind unlike the many.


Uni .... Still no answer as to your multiple identities?


Max ..... "They don't seem to like American or the USA much though"


What I do not like are the Double standards people here are showing towards two Captains mentioned! and it comes over that America are never to blame for anything and it is always someone elses fault.


To quote Billy joel ... we didn`t start the Fire!! :rolleyes:


Been to America got the T shirt etc etc as they say.


By insisting that it's somehow wrong to condemn Captain Coward when all the known facts point to his guilt and the only things to the contrary are fantasies of what might have happened is considered "defending" him by many of us. :confused:


You seem to have difficulty in using Aristotillian/Thomistic logic. Since I will no longer reply to your possible alter ego but , for now, only you, I'll spell it out for you. The three posts Hers, Mine, and Yours when read as a continuing dialogue, create a reasonable suspicion that the person to whom I was replying (Her) which in turn was answered by You are one and the same people.


Americans don't have a double standard. I don't see any correlation between the Concordia disaster and a naval warship in a war zone (Iraq/Iran war) in International Sea Lanes that flow thru Irani waters) where there had been previous Irani provocations and attacks by air or sea. Any attempt to connect the two situations is in attempt to obfuscate the discussion and muddy the waters since the last thing Schittino's defense (and defenders) want is: Clarity. :rolleyes:


Would you please return your American Tee shirt. :D

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The level of activity around the hulk continues to be high and has been for several weeks. If this was a straight salvage/wreck removal task, it would be proceeding at a faster pace, IMHO. The environmental concerns do increase the time and planning involved.


The Canadians are only now beginning to remove the hulk of a lakes freighter that was put aground near Cape Sable by an inept tug sailing under a flag of convenience. The planning of the removal has taken almost a year. The is a very sensitive area, thus the thorough planning.



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Doc, I agree the environmental concerns probably make this a slower removal project. Added to that is where the ship is situated as I believe measurements are taken daily to assure there was no movement by the ship. There is also the 2 bodies yet to be recovered.

The last group that was found were between the seabed and the ship. I think that raises the level of probablity that the 2 remaining bodies could also be in that same location and they must investigate fully before work begins in any area.

Of course this is JMO.

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As well as physical measurements, its been said that there is almost hourly samples taken of the water to make sure pollution isnt increasing.

There is mention of Codacons, which I believe to be an Italian consumer group and Greenpeace are also monitoring the situation.

There has been a lot of activity today with the white supply ship there early morning and two other vessels docking with Micopiri.

Is it my imagination or has Micopiri moved slightly towards the stern of the wreck.

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Uni ... You can look at it any way you want to and i for one will lose no sleep over it, as i have said previously just because other people have a different view to the Gang does not make the Gang right! and all the known facts are not in yet are they? many of the so called known facts have come by way of third parties.


It is clear that you are incapable of looking at the Big picture blinded by the headlong rush to condem one person and when the facts do come out and the jigsaw is pieced together you may well be left with Egg on your face along with others. Will you put it in writing on here and put your hand up and say i got it wrong as i will if i am ? i have yet to see that from most people.


As for the navy ship being in international waters it is known with facts and proof including video shot on the day that it was far from it! double standards is proclaiming one person who saved lives a Hero and then proclaiming another who killed 290 people also a Hero.


My other half uses the T shirt for polishing the house .... :)



Balf ... Go back a few pages and posts and the answer you seek you will find.

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Uni ... You can look at it any way you want to and i for one will lose no sleep over it, as i have said previously just because other people have a different view to the Gang does not make the Gang right! and all the known facts are not in yet are they? many of the so called known facts have come by way of third parties.


It is clear that you are incapable of looking at the Big picture blinded by the headlong rush to condem one person and when the facts do come out and the jigsaw is pieced together you may well be left with Egg on your face along with others. Will you put it in writing on here and put your hand up and say i got it wrong as i will if i am ? i have yet to see that from most people.


As for the navy ship being in international waters it is known with facts and proof including video shot on the day that it was far from it! double standards is proclaiming one person who saved lives a Hero and then proclaiming another who killed 290 people also a Hero.


My other half uses the T shirt for polishing the house .... :)



Balf ... Go back a few pages and posts and the answer you seek you will find.


If the Italian courts don't find Capt. Coward guilty, I'll react the same way I did after the O.J. Simpson and the Casey Anthony trials........... "Miscarriage of Justice" :p


Regarding international law, Irianian waters include international sea lanes in the straights of Hormuz over which Iran lacks authority and control. In the last 6 months Iran threatened to close the straights with mines, just like they did back in the day, which is an act of war.

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If the Italian courts don't find Capt. Coward guilty, I'll react the same way I did after the O.J. Simpson and the Casey Anthony trials........... "Miscarriage of Justice" :p


Regarding international law, Irianian waters include international sea lanes in the straights of Hormuz over which Iran lacks authority and control. In the last 6 months Iran threatened to close the straights with mines, just like they did back in the day, which is an act of war.


Just a couple of points...since you still argue that there is no comparison tween Rogers & Schettino.


Rogers was over 100 miles INSIDE Iranian territorial waters - in the heat of the moment he and his crew were so excited about the aircraft that they mistakenly wandered out of their allotted zone of operations. So the war stance is null and void since Rogers actions in wandering off the international marine traffic zone and into Iranian waters was not done to defend themselves legitimately...it was done cos they got trigger happy and didn't read their instrumentation correctly...namely they muddled an Airbus 300 with an F14....not a huge amount of difference, I spose....


But...and this is the big question....which I bet you will refuse to answer...(probably claim the 5th amendment...non incrimination and all that jazz)...


What would your thoughts have been towards Rogers had the aircraft he shot down by mistake was an American Airlines plane, full of American citizens?


Nationality of victims shouldn't come into it...but with at least two from the USA aboard Concordia having been lost, I am guessing that had NO American citizens been lost on Concordia your stance would be totally indifferent to the guilt or innocence of Schettino.


Incidently, the pilot aboard IR655...and his brother who, on July 3 this year, held a private service of remembrance on the beach where wreckage washed up, just as he has done since 1988...both men were educated from a young age in the USA, both were in the Iranian Navy before one went over to fly commercial jets, again trained to do so in the USA...the brother left behind left the Iranian Navy within months of his brothers death...he had lost faith in the long thought ideal that Navy vessel crews are the best of the best and if they make mistakes, they not only admit to it but they also attone for it.


It also has to be said that there were some foreigners on board IR655 too, a couple of them dual nationality USA/Iranian.


Your attitude that some of us are anti USA is soooooo far fetched, it would be funny if the subject wasn't so serious.


Sadly...at least it appears to be the case....that when American's make a genuine mistake that causes the death of others, they are almost programmed not to admit fault, they give a stoic almost emotionless account of what happened and they never shed a tear for those that they kill.


Now...people like that are probably in the minority in the USA, but they invariably get the headlines...the ones that did wrong but couldn't bring themselves to say three little words...


"I am sorry"


Schettino has apologised, OK so its easy to say it...harder to mean it...but at least he is making an effort, albeit long after the event and a little bit hollow.


Accidents happen...they cause untold pain and anguish...but its what is learnt from accidents that is paramount. There will be changes made in the selection and training of officers aboard ships...not just cruise ships either. More realistic emergency training...even if just in simulators....


In actual fact, it would be a great exercise to use a simulator to recreate the last cruise of Concordia and ask other captains to deal with what happened after hitting the rock...you see, a simulator can tip over, thus recreating the list in real time....it would be very interesting to see if other captains would react in a similar way to Schettino....and if they did, even if only one did, that would prove that training for emergency was inadequate.

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We've heard from your feminine side, what does your masculine side have to say?


Like I said before, there is no correlation between the Vincennes and the Concordia. So for me, 'Nuff said, Sid.

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Balf .... why don`t you stop being lazy and go and find the answers that were given by CS and myself.


Uni ... The record is stuck time for a new needle!


Joyce ... As soon as news becomes available i am sure someone will post it, i think CT is probably the best bet.



"namely they muddled an Airbus 300 with an F14....not a huge amount of difference, I spose...."


CS .. The number of passengers being the main one!

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Not directly related to the salvage but here's video of the final dive made before the search for bodies was ended. Toward the end of the video from the 1:28 on you can see some of the damage to the ship from hitting the rocks as it capsized on it's side.



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Not directly related to the salvage but here's video of the final dive made before the search for bodies was ended. Toward the end of the video from the 1:28 on you can see some of the damage to the ship from hitting the rocks as it capsized on it's side.



Ken, your 1:28 point in the video in a picture.


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