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I am appalled and disgusted to think that Schettino would ever work for a cruise ship company again!! And he's asking for back pay..... what about the families whose loved ones didn't come HOME from their vacation???? And he is asking for back pay? What next??? Such arrogance!!!

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No surprise there really.


I doubt he will get anywhere with it though, but the reasons are fairly obvious as to why he has done it.


Within 24 hours of the accident, Costa Crociere effectively threw him under the bus...long before ANY investigative evidence had come to light.


Over the last 9 months, it has become blindingly obvious that (as usual with accidents) there are far more than just one individual primary or secondary cause that led to what happened.


The bus throwing would almost certainly have been ordered by Miami...a typical move to shift the investigation and subsequently the blame away from corporate mistakes in training, officer selection procedures, equipment design/build and so forth.


The ship is badly designed...go on any of the Conquest/Concordia class and it doesn't take long to find questionable and ultimately design features...such as galleys that effectively cut potential escape routes in half over two decks midships....something that sadly is typical of "cut and shut" ships...whether they are lengthened by drawing board from an original template, or lengthened part way through their service life (Norwegian Dream is an absolutely awful example of this...having to go up or down decks to get around dining rooms/galleys and other crew only spaces in order to get from stem to stern).


The ship's systems that were suited to the Destiny footprint, that had ample redundancy to enable safe operation in the event of a power outtage or emergency has now been stretched almost to its limit by using the exact same setup in the larger variants of the class - this was shown with Carnival Splendor and Costa Concordia...little or no redundancy in any of the systems on board to allow for an emergency situation.


Bridge crew lacking in the ability to simply talk to each other, question orders that they might not feel comfortable with or having officers with heavy accents/different language to that of helmsmen...something highlighted recently on Concordia.


Officer selection and training...crew training...all has come under the spotlight, mistakes were definitely made from the top down...but it is standard industry training, not something that can be restricted to one cruise line or corporation. The "return to the cabin for lifejackets" has been standard procedure since 1912...there has never been a requirement to change it...til Concordia. The IMO are instigating several updates to SOLAS to cover for these problems, but they will take upwards of two years to be agreed upon and ratified...most cruise lines are going it alone in the meantime and changing rules to suit, in the hope that they won't be needed again during the ratification procedure at the IMO.


Equipment on the bridge...again, tis accident has shown some problems both in suitability and training, so that too will inevitably be getting a thorough overhaul.


The human element cannot be so easily put right. As with every industry, you can train a person to within an inch of their lives using simulators...and they are usually very effective training aids...BUT...they cannot replicate a real emergency situation, nothing can except that real emergency...so there is currently no way of telling how a well trained individual will deal with an emergency until they are placed into the real thing. A simulator is good but the person being trained knows that it is a simulator and thus he or she will always walk away, having saved the day unscathed...and that person's brain will not suffer the fear of the unknown or the brain fog that invaribaly descends when spatially disorientated.


In the same way we as passengers cannot be expected to behave in a cool, calm fashion...we can't all do it..as was shown on Concordia with people climbing the rails, pushing people out of the way etc.


Muster drills, as good as they are, can never be truly realistic...people go to them cos they have to and there is no fear factor during the drill, so a false sense of security is often ingrained.


The standard muster drill will likely be altered even more...personally I think it should be. Shut down the elevators, have disabled/elderly pax meet their allocated escape crew, have them go through the procedures of being carried up stairs...that way no-one will confused or afraid as much as those who didn't know what to do or where to go were on Concordia...it gives crew and pax practice and then should the worst happen, they know what to expect and can be more prepared.


The buck stopped with Schettino, and in the hierachy of the ship's crew that is absolutely correct and traditional.


He did make mistakes, he did allow his fear to over ride his duties but he was not the only part of that accident, he was a small part of what went wrong that night...so yes, as unpalatable as it is that he is suing Costa Crociere for wrongful dismissal, he was kicked to the kerb way too soon and in all likelihood to ensure that the investigation focussed on him rather than looking at the corporate mistakes that placed him there.

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"He could be charged with abandoning ship, contravening the laws of the sea and multiple counts of manslaughter"


Hmm.... strange to use the word Could ? and not Will ! as for back pay if he was only sacked in July then he would be entitled to back pay even more so being sacked without attending the Discipline hearing.

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Oh yea, of course he deserves back pay and a promotion to capt of the Oasis of the Seas with 6 personal dancer assistants. I'm beginning to see Sid's and Smurf's points, he is a victim of this tragedy and all he was doing was trying to have some fun and show off his ship manuevering skills to his dancer friend and dumb old rock ruined the night for him, even his dancer friend thinks he's a loser now. I know it's odd that out of 4000 passengers, the captain was the only one clumsy and lucky enough to fall into a lifeboat, but sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.

We should help set up a legal defense fund for him.

Edited by Max49
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Get his job Back, and also get all his missed wages? Are you kidding me?

I pray to God that will never NEVER happen. He doesn't deserve to sail a paper boat, in a bathtub.

Thrown under the bus? He should have been shackled to the front of the bus, and ran over.

As Master of the ship, he should have been the absolute Last person off that ship. Even when "ordered" back on, he refused to go. Like the Scarlett Letter, he should have a permanent Yellow Streak painted on his back.

I hope he gets life in prison. They should post all the pictures of his victims, on his cell wall, where he has to look at them for the rest of his miserable life.

Anyone want to know how I really feel about this low life!!

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Nice incentive for Costa knowing if they reinstate Schettino with back pay people will be clamoring to book a cruise with him as their captain. :rolleyes:


How many bookings, with Schettino as captain, will it take to recoup the $570 million cost for the ship he wrecked and the $300 million tab for the recovery? Even if the insurance paid the entire $870 million, there is still the unquantifiable cost of a tattered reputation. Doubtful Schettino, with or without back pay, could ever repair the goodwill he destroyed.

Edited by cruiserfanfromct
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Hi Folks,


This is nothing more then the Master and his legal team setting up for future legal proceedings............Nothing more then his lawylers trying to put Costa and Carnival Inc. in a bad legal position (not that they don't own a big piece of the problems from that sad night) for future legal manuaverings.


The law suits are nothing more the wallpaper.



Edited by Tonka's Skipper
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Hi Guys


I haven't had the time to post lately but I've been reading everything. I've been very busy getting ready for a 2 week NCL Star cruise from New York to New Orleans. I've been the general chair for a dozen or so events for the 250 cruise critic members who are on the cruise. Two other couples (Aussies) and I were able to upgrade to the 3 bedroom, 6500 SF Garden Villa with private patio and sun deck. It's going to be a tough 2 weeks.


I'll be checking in as often as possible.



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Hi Folks' date='


This is nothing more then the Master and his legal team setting up for future legal proceedings............Nothing more then his lawylers trying to put Costa and Carnival Inc. in a bad legal position (not that they don't own a big piece of the problems from that sad night) for future legal manuaverings.


The law suits are nothing more the wallpaper.




I'm sure you're right. It's just disgusting to read.

With trials due to start next week, we should hear more about what actual evidence investigators have come up with.

John, have a great time.

I'm leaving Sat, with sailaway on Sunday from Boston. Doing a bit of the fall colors cruise.

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Terry, what scares me is that I am starting to understand the translations. ;) It's the work they are doing that is hard to understand as I have no experience in what it all means. :rolleyes: :D

Clive, I'll be off on a cruise for the next week. Will try to check in here to keep updated on the situation.

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Hi Guys


I haven't had the time to post lately but I've been reading everything. I've been very busy getting ready for a 2 week NCL Star cruise from New York to New Orleans. I've been the general chair for a dozen or so events for the 250 cruise critic members who are on the cruise. Two other couples (Aussies) and I were able to upgrade to the 3 bedroom, 6500 SF Garden Villa with private patio and sun deck. It's going to be a tough 2 weeks.


I'll be checking in as often as possible.





Have a great trip John!


I am sure you will need the rest, as when the more evidence is out and the trials start, I am sure you and the folks will be going at it full speed!



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I'm sure you're right. It's just disgusting to read.

With trials due to start next week, we should hear more about what actual evidence investigators have come up with.


John, have a great time.

I'm leaving Sat, with sailaway on Sunday from Boston. Doing a bit of the fall colors cruise.



You as well Beach, have a great trip!



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I'm sure you're right. It's just disgusting to read.

With trials due to start next week, we should hear more about what actual evidence investigators have come up with.


John, have a great time.

I'm leaving Sat, with sailaway on Sunday from Boston. Doing a bit of the fall colors cruise.


Have a great trip John!


I am sure you will need the rest' date=' as when the more evidence is out and the trials start, I am sure you and the folks will be going at it full speed!




Thanks for the bon voyage wishes.


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Max .... TELL ME WHERE i said he Deserves back pay ? come on i am waiting with baited breath! i am sure that i said he is "entitled" to it which is totaly different from what you appear to have convinced yourself you have read ... :rolleyes:

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NEW reconstruction video filmed by CODACONS which follows a step-by-step account of the events that led to the accident will be aired tomorrow, Oct 12 at 14:00 Italian time. You can view the press conference via live streaming here:




Here's a trailer of the film. Interesting to note that the helmsman repeats the exact orders given by Schettino:



You can also hear the helmsman repeating the correct orders here:



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Max .... TELL ME WHERE i said he Deserves back pay ? come on i am waiting with baited breath! i am sure that i said he is "entitled" to it which is totaly different from what you appear to have convinced yourself you have read ... :rolleyes:


Please tell me why you say he is entitled to back pay. Is that your opinion? Or do you know Italian law? Are you saying that if you are hired as a captain of a cruise ship and you decide on your own to go on your own route , at night and you plow the ship into the rocks and kill 32 passengers, destroying the ship and doing more than a billion dollars worth of damage and then you completely disregard your job duties and not only not help the evacuation of the ship but you turn chicken coward and run to a lifeboat leaving every one to 'fend for them selves'.

I was very proud of Costa/ Carnival for firing him immediately, they obviously have the same opinion of him as I and many others do.

Are you saying, according to Italian law, once you are hired as a captain, you are guaranteed that job for life no matter how bad you screw up? Does that go for truck drivers and /or any other job in Italy?


Did I say, you said, he deserved back pay? Was that a quote?

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Max ...while employment conditions may well be poor in the states it does not mean the rest of the world follow their lead! as an example you cannot be sacked in the UK first without 2 verbal and 1 written warning at decent companies anyway unless it is classed as Gross misconduct, then in many cases you have a right to appeal any dismissal at a tribunal which can decide if you were unfairly sacked and either make an award that you are given your job back or compensated for the loss of earnings ie back pay or both! you can also sue for Constructive dismissal against an employer.


In the case of Schettino he had a contract with his employer who then sacked him without allowing him to attend any hearing, it is claimed they sacked him in July so in that case as an Employee he is owed any wage due until that date. Schettino could claim Constructive dismissal if it exists under Italian Law.

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Here's the Codacons video (see link), at 1:32 into the video, Schettino takes control at exactly 21:39:21 hours. He states "I take the conn" then gives orders to the helmsman who repeats his orders exactly. It is Schettino who first states 340 Starboard then changes it to 350 Starboard, the helmsman repeats 350 Starboard correctly. Schettino says "otherwise we go on the rocks" and laughs out loud. The impact is at 21:45:08 hours. This man is going to have a heck of a time proving he was not in command and that his orders were'nt understood -- and now he wants his old job back -- he's definitely taken chutzpah to a new level.



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Max ...while employment conditions may well be poor in the states it does not mean the rest of the world follow their lead! as an example you cannot be sacked in the UK first without 2 verbal and 1 written warning at decent companies anyway unless it is classed as Gross misconduct, then in many cases you have a right to appeal any dismissal at a tribunal which can decide if you were unfairly sacked and either make an award that you are given your job back or compensated for the loss of earnings ie back pay or both! you can also sue for Constructive dismissal against an employer.


In the case of Schettino he had a contract with his employer who then sacked him without allowing him to attend any hearing, it is claimed they sacked him in July so in that case as an Employee he is owed any wage due until that date. Schettino could claim Constructive dismissal if it exists under Italian Law.


Come on Sid, 'Gross Misconduct ' is a severe understatement for what Schettino did. Besides, as arrogant as Schetino is, I would think he'd tell Costa to screw off and every other cruise company would be inline to compete for him. I would'nt think a man of his caliper would need 'big brother' to protect him.


I've had some friends/ acquaintances from different parts of the world tell me "bad times in America are still better than good times in other parts of the world. I don't personally know if this is true or not but I guess the general economy here in the states is not as good as it was 5 or so years ago. How's things going in Europe?




It sure seems like it would be a sad situation if an employer can hire some one but they can not fire someone even if the person turns out to be lazy, useless, wreckless disrespectful unproductive and a general embarassment to the company. It sounds like if you can find a job over there, it's like getting married, 'til death do us part', huh?

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Sorry Sid but I just have to ask you your opinion on this. What do you think Costa should have done with Schettino that would have been 'politaclly correct"? Give him a verbal warning not to crash the ship into the rocks and then abandon ship before the passengers. And if he does it again , he only has one more verbal warning and then if he does it again, it gets real serious and he gets a written warning and the 4th time he does it, they may consider firing him.

Wow, you guys are so nice over there.

How about a truck driver that drives wreckless and kills 32 people? Does he get 3 more chances before a good company would fire him?

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