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Liberty of the Seas - a life lost

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A couple of the earlier links to some articles suggested the incident occurred outside the Catacomb disco place. The specific staircases were not mentioned.



I was also on this sailing and yes I heard the Alpha calls to deck 3 in Catacombs repeatedly at 1:15 am. I was in Catacombs several times so I "assume" that the stairs that she fell from are inside the night club. They are glass frosted like ice in appearance and I do see how one could fall. Very slippery especially if one had heels on or maybe a drink. I did not see this happen and only am giving you a perspective of the staircase in question. There is only one set inside the night club right as you enter. They are a glass type material and metal so yes in my oppinion a head injury is very possible. With that I feel for the family and friends who were traveling together, unfortunatly life changes in a second without notice. Prayers sent...



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We were on this cruise. We just got of Liberty this morning and as we were disembarking, other passengers mentioned that they were awakened around 3am by the ship PA system calling "ALPHA, ALPHA!", which I was told is reserved for serious medical emergencies. We wondered at the time if the person involved this emergency call was ok, and I'm so sad to read the news that she passed away.


The ride home was incredibly smooth, so my guess would be that this accident was not caused by rocking of the ship. Some of the stairs in the promenade area are beautiful white marble-looking material and were pretty slick, especially in dress shoes. I remember thinking how easy it would be to slip.


Our hearts and prayers go out to this family.


I was woken by this alpha and it was closer to 1:30ish a.m. I was sleeping light since I had to be up by 6 am and worried wake up call wouldn't come. Every article I read that she had just left the Catacomb disco (meaning outside the disco). Most of the stairs are carpeted but I guess if you trip and land on your head it can be fatal. I witnessed the Broward Sheriff board around 0645 hours but at the time assumed it had to do with the Alpha but didn't know the details.

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...I have sailed on the Freedom Of The Seas, a sister ship to the Liberty.


I noticed that there was a staircase that would not pass code here in the USA.


The top step was not at the same height as the rest of the stairs. I can't remember which staircase, but I think it was one of the curved stair cases that is in the atrium area.


I commented to my family that the staircase is a hazard and was surprise no one has been seriously hurt falling down.


Anyone else notice this, what I see as a design flaw?



YES! The reason I notice hazards in staircases is because I fell down a lengthy staircase at age 5 and right into an open oven! Since that time I have been extremely cautious around stairs. Not only that, my hubby is a (retired) attorney and we always notice the 'slip and fall' scenarios--they're everywhere!


I have sailed the Freedom, the Explorer, and the Liberty, all. I noticed the top step difference on the Freedom and thought: hmm, this is problematic.


The slick faux marble steps on the newer RCL ships are absolutely terrifying. I recall FORBIDDING my teen daughter to use those particular stairs. At the time she thought I was positively insane, but I threatened to take her iPod away if I saw her anywhere on a faux marble staircase.


Good to know I'm not the only one who notices safety hazards like that.

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YES! The reason I notice hazards in staircases is because I fell down a lengthy staircase at age 5 and right into an open oven! Since that time I have been extremely cautious around stairs. Not only that, my hubby is a (retired) attorney and we always notice the 'slip and fall' scenarios--they're everywhere!


I have sailed the Freedom, the Explorer, and the Liberty, all. I noticed the top step difference on the Freedom and thought: hmm, this is problematic.


The slick faux marble steps on the newer RCL ships are absolutely terrifying. I recall FORBIDDING my teen daughter to use those particular stairs. At the time she thought I was positively insane, but I threatened to take her iPod away if I saw her anywhere on a faux marble staircase.


Good to know I'm not the only one who notices safety hazards like that.


Omg- into an oven? Sounds like a scene out of hantsel and gretel! Hopefully you did not sustain any major injuries!


I am traveling with my accident prone mother in march and have forbidden her from using the stairs during the cruise! Even if we have to leave 10 minutes earlier to get anywhere we're taking the elevator! If only the parents would keep their kids from playing in the elevators and pushing all the buttons for amusement!

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I thought we agreed not to make this a controversial thread?:confused:


Miss BecciBoo,


With the utmost respect, I have to argue the point of agreeing to “not making this a controversial thread”. I have not agreed to anything other then the TOS here at Cruise Critic.


I believe, CC is here to discuss all aspects of cruising. The good, the bad, the ugly and the joys of cruising.


As sad as it is someone has lost their life, it should not keep us from discussing the incident, as long as the TOS are followed.


Respectfully yours,



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YES! The reason I notice hazards in staircases is because I fell down a lengthy staircase at age 5 and right into an open oven! Since that time I have been extremely cautious around stairs. Not only that, my hubby is a (retired) attorney and we always notice the 'slip and fall' scenarios--they're everywhere!


I have sailed the Freedom, the Explorer, and the Liberty, all. I noticed the top step difference on the Freedom and thought: hmm, this is problematic.


The slick faux marble steps on the newer RCL ships are absolutely terrifying. I recall FORBIDDING my teen daughter to use those particular stairs. At the time she thought I was positively insane, but I threatened to take her iPod away if I saw her anywhere on a faux marble staircase.


Good to know I'm not the only one who notices safety hazards like that.


I wonder why the designers and or ship yard didn't make all the risers the same height?


If they were going to put a shorter step, it would of made a little more sense to do it at the bottom, not at the top.


Respectfully yours,



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I too was on this ship, i didnt even know this till i read it in our local paper, i remember goin to bed that night and waking up thinking it was awfully rough that night/morning i wonder if that has anything to do with it, those stairs on these ships are dangerous and i hold on for dear life walking down them, they are even worse when you have a group of teens running down them as well, i just hope it wasnt like that, i dont go into the night club, is that the marble stairs or glass??

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I was also awakened by the "alpha" call around 1:30-ish. From what I understand, it happened in the Catacombs on those glass/frosted steps. I could see it easily happening in high heels and with a couple of drinks under my belt. (NOT that I am saying that is what happened!).

I feel horrible for her family and friends! My thoughts and prayers are with them!



On disembarkation day I was in the Windjammer having breakfast, wearing sneakers and hit a wet patch on the floor that sent me flying - I was able to keep my balance but it scared the heck out of me for any elderly that were walking by...I made sure they put a cone out and got someone to clean it up right away. In hindsight, I wished I had thrown a bunch of napkins down.

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I too was on this ship, i didnt even know this till i read it in our local paper, i remember goin to bed that night and waking up thinking it was awfully rough that night/morning i wonder if that has anything to do with it, those stairs on these ships are dangerous and i hold on for dear life walking down them, they are even worse when you have a group of teens running down them as well, i just hope it wasnt like that, i dont go into the night club, is that the marble stairs or glass??




Yes I was on the sailing and went to Catacombs, the stairs are made of what looks like frosted glass and metal. It is a goth like themed dance club.

The alpha alert was at approx 1:15 and it did say to deck 3 Catacombs three times.

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I was on the platform at the bottom of the stairs when she fell. I witnessed it. I see her in my mind and it is very difficult to comprehend why it happened. My heart goes out to her family and coworkers. It happened around 1:45am and the medical team arrived within 4 minutes. The club was packed and got a bit chaotic. My friend who was with me on the platform is a nurse. She helped Barbara until the doctors arrived. We made sure she wasn't moved. We don't know why she fell. It's tragic. Horrible. I will have her in my mind for a very long time. I cried on my flight home today because she will never go home again. No words!

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I've never gone into any of the clubs on the ships - I usually retire pretty early. I just found a photo of the Catacombs club... it appears that there are two floors to the club, with glass-type stairs going from one floor to the other. Is this where she fell? It does look like it could be very easy to fall there. This is just heartbreaking. :(

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No wonder why we could not go threw Catacombs at 7:15am Monday to get to Studio B they had the door closed and security in there, we didnt think anything of it, yeah i never heard the Alpha alert that must only be threw the hallway speakers, plus we pack a fan so i couldnt hear anything, its sad, i feel for the family, but they did a good job on not making it known there was a death since i just found out this morning in my local paper

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I was on the platform at the bottom of the stairs when she fell. I witnessed it. I see her in my mind and it is very difficult to comprehend why it happened. My heart goes out to her family and coworkers. It happened around 1:45am and the medical team arrived within 4 minutes. The club was packed and got a bit chaotic. My friend who was with me on the platform is a nurse. She helped Barbara until the doctors arrived. We made sure she wasn't moved. We don't know why she fell. It's tragic. Horrible. I will have her in my mind for a very long time. I cried on my flight home today because she will never go home again. No words!


I am so sorry for what you had to witness! I can't even imagine being there and seeing that. My heart goes out to you, too.


And reading that article on Page 2 (or was it 3?) makes it really sound like the world lost a wonderful woman.

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The club is two levels. She was heading down the stairs when she fell. Yes, she hit her head. It was clear that it was severe and life threatening. I didn't sleep but hoped to hear she was ok. I met with her coworkers in the am and learned the news.

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I was on the platform at the bottom of the stairs when she fell. I witnessed it. I see her in my mind and it is very difficult to comprehend why it happened. My heart goes out to her family and coworkers. It happened around 1:45am and the medical team arrived within 4 minutes. The club was packed and got a bit chaotic. My friend who was with me on the platform is a nurse. She helped Barbara until the doctors arrived. We made sure she wasn't moved. We don't know why she fell. It's tragic. Horrible. I will have her in my mind for a very long time. I cried on my flight home today because she will never go home again. No words!


I'm so sorry you witnessed this...please be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of support! I feel sad that a MA neighbor lost her life in such a tragic accident. RIP, Barbara, and many prayers for her family.

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I was on the cruise and was at the Catacombs club with my friend that night. I left before it happened and when I was going back to meet my friend I saw he was at the casino. He then told me what happened, but no one knew her status. It was the glass stairs as you enter the Catacombs club on the 4th deck from the casino. They are glass and metal stairs and I can see how a fall could be this tragic. It is very sad. My friend that saw her said she was not moving for the 5 minutes he saw her at the bottom of the staircase and there was a big puddle of blood. I was in shock to hear that and I was hoping that we would hear that she would be alright. It is really sad and made me think of things that are important to me in my life. My friend and I walked down those stairs pretty much every night and it could have happened to anyone. My prayers go out to her family and friends.

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I was on the platform at the bottom of the stairs when she fell. I witnessed it. I see her in my mind and it is very difficult to comprehend why it happened. My heart goes out to her family and coworkers. It happened around 1:45am and the medical team arrived within 4 minutes. The club was packed and got a bit chaotic. My friend who was with me on the platform is a nurse. She helped Barbara until the doctors arrived. We made sure she wasn't moved. We don't know why she fell. It's tragic. Horrible. I will have her in my mind for a very long time. I cried on my flight home today because she will never go home again. No words!

We were on the cruise and went to bed around midnight. Lenie, I'm so sorry that you had to see this. I witnessed a woman around the same age slip down marble stairs and hit her head last year at the local mall and I was the only person there. I wasn't close enough to catch her. A man was kind enough to call 911 and to get mall security, while I just sat with her until help arrived. She was bleeding and agreed to go to the hospital because of Natasha Richardson's story. I cried the whole way home and it took a few weeks for the "movie" to stop playing in my head. It was horrible but I'm grateful that I was there.

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I was on the platform at the bottom of the stairs when she fell. I witnessed it. I see her in my mind and it is very difficult to comprehend why it happened. My heart goes out to her family and coworkers. It happened around 1:45am and the medical team arrived within 4 minutes. The club was packed and got a bit chaotic. My friend who was with me on the platform is a nurse. She helped Barbara until the doctors arrived. We made sure she wasn't moved. We don't know why she fell. It's tragic. Horrible. I will have her in my mind for a very long time. I cried on my flight home today because she will never go home again. No words!



I am so sorry that you had witnessed this tragic accident.

Blessings to your nurse friend who assisted Barbara.


I myself, don't know if I could ever forget anything like this, I hope you get some help in your own recovery of this tragic event.


Thank you for your posting and welcome to CC.



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As an EMT, head injuries are the worst... My thoughts and prayers go out to this woman and her family. I can't even imagine what they must be going through.

My daughter and I are taking this cruise in just 10 days. We will definitely be avoiding stairs like these.

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