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Dive where? Miami, Nassau or Freeport


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My son, 16 years old, is newly certified and we want to make sure he doesn't loose his skills. Which would be the best place to dive with an operator willing to work with a newbie? My DH and I would also like to maybe do a discover scuba at the same time.


Miami will give us the most time, but I'm thinking the diving won't be as nice.


Ideas? Thanks!



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if by "Miami gives us the most time" you mean you are going to be in Miami for a couple of days consider a day trip to Key Largo. There it should be pretty easy to find a dive operator that could arrange a Discovery for 2 and son can go on the same boat and dive with you. A nice thing about discovery in the Keys is that they tend to do two tank dives even on the Discovery. Down side is they charge more of course.


Key Largo is a doable day trip from Miami or consider driving down the evening b4 and spending the nite there if the class/dive starts early. (there are a slew of small private places in Key Largo like http://www.hungrypelican.com/ - enjoy some Keys color and food!)


I've dove Quiescence Diving Service many times over the years and like them



Am using Sea Dwellers to get dd certified over her spring break and they have no problem with my diving with her checkout dives



many others around the Pennekamp area (mile marker 100 . . )



If you want Nassau your only real choice it Stuart's Cove


but given that they've pretty much locked up the local market and the cruise ships, they get crowded and arranging something special might be a problem . . .


I'd not try Miami proper myself; and I lived there for 10 years. Ditto with Freeport - I'm not as familiar with the options but they are fewer . . .

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Thanks so much, yes we would be getting into Miami 2 nights before the cruise. I'll check out the places you mentioned. I've emailed Stuart Cove, but haven't heard back yet. Really appreciate the info, just wish DH and I were certified already, my son was ably to take scuba as a PE credit, but We just havent had the time to go yet.

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Think about doing it online via padi. Took my wife about 10 hr on line and then she did her pool open water you most likely could do that in Miami during this time and dive with Sturats cove on the trip.


I dove with them and my 16 yo and will again on the sky the 26th. They most likely will not respond to emails, just to busy. Also other than your bus ride over you will be with your son. The put discovery scuba apart from the 2 tank divers trips. But your son will have a ball and be well taken care of.



Here how you do it in 2 days



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Thanks so much, yes we would be getting into Miami 2 nights before the cruise. I'll check out the places you mentioned. I've emailed Stuart Cove, but haven't heard back yet. Really appreciate the info, just wish DH and I were certified already, my son was ably to take scuba as a PE credit, but We just havent had the time to go yet.

Look at UNEXSO in Freeport Bahama's I used them several years ago when I dove there. Nice safe dive op when I used them. Diving was only so-so compared to other places I dove.

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You did not mention when you are sailing that does matter as to which I would do if I had to choose only one. Me I would dive all three everytime and have been to each in the past year. I have listed in order my choices hope this helps.


The easiest dives with the most fish would be in Key Largo look up John Pennekamp national marine park it is an amazing place just south of Miami. It is totally a no fishing allowed area. You can see tons of fish that have been caught out almost everywhere else. Rainbow Reef is also another very good dive operator there their wesite has live web camera`s on the boats so the family back home can watch you dive.


Stuart`s Cove is a great place to dive we have been with them many times over the years. The downside is they are on the other side of the island and your port times may not allow you to dive with them. They offer everything from snorkel trips to shark dives they are by far the best on the island.


Freeport is also good for diving for two reasons first the diving is can be very good and secondly there really is not much else to see of do there unless going to any island is a big deal. The cruise port is on the other side of the island from the beachs. Last August we dove with Rollie and realyy enjoyed the service and small boat trip. Picked up and dropped off at the port was included. We have used UNEXSO in the past also no problems they are the biggest on the island so you may see more crowds with them.

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We are cruising 3/19-3/23. Stuart Coves not able to accommodate us due to the timing of arrival and departure, actually, they say they can have us back 1/2 hour before departure, but I'm just not comfortable with that, I'm on vacation to get away from stress and want to enjoy my dive not stressing about when i gotta get back. We are considering pennekamp, got a couple emails out there ans have a room booked in Key Largo precruise. Thanks for all the advice!




NCL Sky 3/19/12

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SC told me the same thing when I tried to book directly with them.


I then found out if I book via NCL they will have me back or will get you to ship. This is part of your contract with NCL and the excursion.


If the dive is offered to book on NCL for your trip you are all set. If the ship docks late or on get back late they will take care of you.


If you book directly with any group your on your own. Even if the ship never gets to Nassau you have pay or you get there late and miss.

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my last Nassau visit via cruise ship


I used SC ....


on they way back to the cruise ship we got caught in the traffic jam of an accident . . . it added over an hour to our trip.


Fortunately the ship I was on was not leaving until 2 AM . . . . .

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are booked with Sea Dwellers in Key Largo, YEAH!!!!!! They were really accommodating, Discover scuba for me, refresher for my son and snorkeling for my husband. What a motley crew we are, but they were able to get us all together, no way could we do this with a ships excursion.


Thanks for the helpful information!




NCL Sky 3/19/12

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I'll try to remember to give you a review when I return from Key Largo. I'm taking dd down there and using Sea Dwellers to get her Open Water Mar 11 - 13.


When I called Qu' and they were full (and a bit inflex'ble but that is understandable as they are very small compared to most Keys operations) they recommended Sea Dwellers (when I pressed for a recommendation). With SD, while getting things set up for DD they asked me if I wanted to go on her checkout dives with her - No Problem'o ... I'm impressed so far.


On you way to or from Key Largo consider taking the alternate route - Card Sound Road - and stopping at Alabama Jack's. It has been in the same place since b4 Florida was a state . . .




A pure dive but if you time it right it is a lot of fun....

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I recommend key largo rainbow reef divers because they take a seperate boat for shallow reef dives 30-40 ft and are one of the only shops that put a guide in the water for free. Staymat the courtyard or holiday inn next door and roll out of bed onto boat. The hotels are at the marina at mile marker 100 where a tonof dive and snorkel boats dock. I think key largo is an hour from Miami.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good news // bad news


DD got her open water certification this week via Sea Dwellers.


But it was thru tough conditions as the wind has been out of the east for a week so the conditions on the Penn' reef were horrible.


I'd prep'd her so she toughed thru, but was the only person in the class that finished this weekend with Open Water certification.


.... it happens, Mr weather can NOT be controlled

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Good news // bad news


DD got her open water certification this week via Sea Dwellers.


But it was thru tough conditions as the wind has been out of the east for a week so the conditions on the Penn' reef were horrible.


I'd prep'd her so she toughed thru, but was the only person in the class that finished this weekend with Open Water certification.


.... it happens, Mr weather can NOT be controlled


Congrats to her for toughing it out and earning her C Card. On the Bahamas board ScubaGirl posted of riptides in Nassau. I'm hoping conditions improve, we dive on Sunday in Largo and will be snorkeling the rest of the week in Free port and Nassau. How did sea dwellers meet up to your expectations?




NCL Sky 3/19/12

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SD did a nice job - they were very accomodating. On Sunday there were two open water students, 4 advanced OW students and two going for a refresh - a very mixed bag. It was very bouncy on the boat and vis was 30' at best but the student to instructor ratio was low and everything was well controlled.


On Monday conditions were worse, and there was supposed to be a group of 10 doing their first checkout, plus two from Sunday on day 2, one advanced student also on day two, and one certified diver (me). They called us early and moved up the departure time in hopes of finding smoother water. dd finished her cert' but we never actually got to the reef; we stayed inside the reef on a sand flat in 25 feet where there was good vis'. Getting on and off the boat was a b***h and most of the day one folks got sea sick.


dd and I had booked a third day of diving and checked with the shop at 11 that morning - they had taken out the class for Monday and found similar conditions - which meant we'd not get much of a dive and refunded our money no questions asked.


dd's instructor was Sabrina from Canada - a new hire - but did her job well with plenty of positive encouragement.


dd was disappointd she didn't get to do much of a solo to celebrate so I booked a 100% guaranteed good conditions dive for this friday . . . we're diving the Living Seas / NEMO tank at EPCOT . . .

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Nemo sounds like a great plan! I'm really hoping conditions are OK on Sunday. Sons certification was in a quarry with about 20 feet viz, very cold water, so he's really looking forward to it, as am I. If all goes well I'm hoping to get certified in May at the latest.




NCL Sky 3/19/12

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Just had my second experience with them... or rather a non-experience this time...


I had booked 4 of us for the shark dive while we were on the Monarch a couple of weeks ago, when all of the rough weather was sitting on the E coast of FL and the Bahamas.


When I got up in the morning, it was already blowing 20-25mph with higher gusts (and had been for days). The Monarch was rocking in her berth, and the tops were blowing off the whitecaps outside the port area.


I called SC at 8am, and their response was "over here it's like 1 to 3" and when I pushed a bit they did add "and maybe rising".


My thought: 1 to 3 my A&&, and DEFINITELY rising. I had to hide in the corner of the elevator lobby to be able to hear over the wind. I went down and discussed it with DH, and he also felt it was not a safe day for diving. So, I called back and canceled the 4 of us, and we both decided that I would discuss the bill with the US office once I returned home.


Note: we knew at this point that ALL the ship's snorkeling (and other water) excursions had been canceled. We talked to the scuba guy, and he said that he was going to discuss it with the SC folks when they came for pick up later than morning. In his opinion, it was also not safe diving weather.


When I returned, I talked to the US office, and got most of my money back. According to them, the shark dive did go out that day.


We ended up going over to Cable Beach to the casino, and the wind was so strong, we were leaning into it to walk.


I would have probably gone out in those conditions when I was young, stupid, and indestructible - but not now. My knees are too old to get bounced around, and I gave up riding ladders getting pulled out of the water to get on boats years ago.


My previous experience with SC was a crowded, time limit ship's dive. Not my cup of tea.


Will I try to do the shark dive again? Yes. But you can be sure that I won't book it until the very last second, and with a full weather report at hand.


Good luck!



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Wendy, I think you were in Nassau the same day we were, I recall seeing the Monarch there on Wednesday, the 21st and you are right, the wind was unbelievable that day. I felt as if i was a correspondent for the weather channel hanging out in a tropical storm. We went to fish fry, Senor frogs and back on the ship.


We did dive in Key Laro with Sea Dwellers on Sunday. I'm not sure what I thought of them,we had some minor equipment problems, which were resolved before we even got on the dive boat, but I did think that maybe there were a few things that made me a little less than comfortable. My discover scuba instructor was okay in the pool, but when out in the open water he did not seem to be where he should be at all times. I was having some buoyancy issues and my mask kept flooding. At times I had to catch up with him and alert him to my problems, I thought he should have been aware without me having to show him, I was the only discover scuba participant, everyone else were certified divers. I admit that I think I was experiencing some anxiety and needed more hand holding than anyone else. After the first dive I told them I did not think I would do the second, I was feeling pretty sick from swallowing some sea water and we had some rough water as well. They encouraged me to continue on even though I wasn't feeling very comfortable. I'm glad I did, but thought that perhaps they pushed a bit too hard and should have allowed me to abandon the dive if i didn't feel right about it. My husband was snorkeling in the same rough seas and when i surfaced and asked about him they didn't know where he was. He was the only snorkeler on the boat. He was not provided a life vest and when i asked about it they said he didn't need it, he would be buoyant in the saltwater. Just a few things that didn't sit quite right. I do expect that I will get certified and would love to go back to Key Largo, but will probably chose another operator next time.


NCL Sky 3/19/12

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I’ve been watching for your post cuz seeing as the wind has not changed much since my visit last weekend I kind expected some problems.


For readers – a few comments from an experienced diver and boater (CG Captain with 12 years sea duty) .. NOT defending Sea Dwellers but offering alternate views


- I found Sea Dwellers (SD) to be very accommodating, they booked us when my first choice operator would not due to being less flex’ on class start/stop dates. I saw SD put Discovery, certification, advanced class and ‘just’ divers on the same boat – for you that included snorkelers (1? more later) Accommodating YES; confusing, probably . . .


- my dd’s cert instructor was also doing an advanced course for one person on day two . . . on one hand keeping track of two people is not hard but the skills to be demonstrated are FAR apart and dd noted how much time she’d spent floating and waiting. I was there and functioned as a safety diver so I may have tossed the norm a bit but again it is accom’ vs best practice ... maybe? I believe that the poor conditions and reduced visibility contributed here but that’s a major opinion


- wrt wanting to skip the second dive: I saw this on both days we were out with SD and I understand their logic. Both days folks came back on the boat fm dive 1 and by the time they got the gear off and found a seat they were 97.8% on the way to being sea sick ... conditions out there have been poor. What the crew said was absolutely true – getting geared up and getting back in the water WAS better than sitting on the boat while the folks that want to dive get theirs. 40 minutes on the bouncing boat is gonna get to most folks (esp after the first one blows the cork if you catch my drift)


- snorkel vest: did they give dh a wet suit? I ask cuz when dd and I showed up with our 3mm full suits, SD pressed 3mm shorties on us to wear as a double layer “because the water is so cold” {78 degrees btw}. Like dummies, dd and I wore them on our first dives and I aborted early, panting from overheating and dd never wore hers after the first dive .... but I digress. If dh was given a wetsuit there were no flotation concerns – but did they really put one snork’ person in the water alone? Hmmmmmmm


I’m going to opine that most of what you are concerned about is a direct result of ‘poor’ conditions at the dive site and the question is, would you be happier if SD just refunded your money? That IS what they did for me on my booked day 3 – after completing cert’ dives, dd and I were booked for another day. Conditions were still poor (what you had) and they had NO problem refunding my ‘just dive’ money. How do I interp’ this?


They seem to try REALLY hard to complete training dives . . . . . just my 2 cents


dd and I dove the tank at EPCOT on Friday .... it remains a very cool dive


{my first choice operator is http://www.keylargodiving.com/ QUI•ES•CENCE diving services, they run 6-packs and have been in the Keys since JC invented the diving lung}

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"I’ve been watching for your post cuz seeing as the wind has not changed much since my visit last weekend I kind expected some problems.


For readers – a few comments from an experienced diver and boater (CG Captain with 12 years sea duty) .. NOT defending Sea Dwellers but offering alternate views


- I found Sea Dwellers (SD) to be very accommodating, they booked us when my first choice operator would not due to being less flex’ on class start/stop dates. I saw SD put Discovery, certification, advanced class and ‘just’ divers on the same boat – for you that included snorkelers (1? more later) Accommodating YES; confusing, probably . . .

I also found them very accomodating, the 3 of us had 3 different itineraries and I appreciated that they were able to accomodate a snorkeler, a diver,a a discover scuba on the same boat. There is no way we could have done this with the cruiseline. There were a total of 10 of us on the boat: Dive instructor, his buddy - a young woman, fully certified, who appeared by their actions to possibly be his girlfriend, the captain of the ship, another crew member, myself - discover scuba particpant, my son - certified diver doing a refresher course, husband - snorkeler, 2 other certified divers traveling independently but buddied up for the dive. I didn't really find it all to confusing since there were so few of us, but perhaps I did not fully understand the role of the dive instructor and his attentiveness to my difficulties.

- my dd’s cert instructor was also doing an advanced course for one person on day two . . . on one hand keeping track of two people is not hard but the skills to be demonstrated are FAR apart and dd noted how much time she’d spent floating and waiting. I was there and functioned as a safety diver so I may have tossed the norm a bit but again it is accom’ vs best practice ... maybe? I believe that the poor conditions and reduced visibility contributed here but that’s a major opinion

In our case there were no other dive students on our boat, just me doing the discover scuba, everyone else was either certified or in the case of my husband, snorkeling. My son was doing the refresher, but it was my understanding that the refresher really is just the pool portion, once in the open water he was on his own (but buddied with me while I participated in Discover Scuba).


- wrt wanting to skip the second dive: I saw this on both days we were out with SD and I understand their logic. Both days folks came back on the boat fm dive 1 and by the time they got the gear off and found a seat they were 97.8% on the way to being sea sick ... conditions out there have been poor. What the crew said was absolutely true – getting geared up and getting back in the water WAS better than sitting on the boat while the folks that want to dive get theirs. 40 minutes on the bouncing boat is gonna get to most folks (esp after the first one blows the cork if you catch my drift)

Although I think our conditions were not optimal, I do believe they were much improved from what you had encountered. I did specifically ask about the water conditions before we even began our classroom work, including letting them know that I was aware of the conditions the week before when you were there. I was told that conditions were improved but that there would still be some smaller swells. We did make it out to the reef and although the boat was rocking at times we were still able to get on and off the boat without much difficulty, just needed to hold on to the hand holds that were provided. I agree that the conditions underwater were much better than remaining on the surface, my concern was that I had expressed difficulties in catching my breath upon surfacing from my first dive and the instructor said he thought it was due to anxiety. When I told him I thought I would skip the second dive, wasn't feeling too well and thought I might throw up, he told me I'd be better at depth, but never inquired about my anxiety. I am glad I made the second dive. I'm pretty sure I would have lost my lunch if I remained up top, but still felt as though maybe there should have been more dialogue about my readiness, a little more hand holding if you will. Incidentally, my son did just fine, had no difficulties and needed very little assistance other than getting his wetsuit on, those things are tight!! I did not see anyone else having any problems either, so my issues were most likely mine alone, just left me feeling less than 100% comfortable upon reflecting on the dive.

- snorkel vest: did they give dh a wet suit? I ask cuz when dd and I showed up with our 3mm full suits, SD pressed 3mm shorties on us to wear as a double layer “because the water is so cold” {78 degrees btw}. Like dummies, dd and I wore them on our first dives and I aborted early, panting from overheating and dd never wore hers after the first dive .... but I digress. If dh was given a wetsuit there were no flotation concerns – but did they really put one snork’ person in the water alone? Hmmmmmmm You are correct, DH was wearing a wetsuit, thank you for that reminder, that would have certainly increased his buoyancy. We are used to snorkeling in our bathing suits and a vest. I had not given consideration to the wetsuit. I do think that when asked about a vest it should have been available if he chose to use it, especially considering the less than optimal conditions. This was not my biggest concern, that came later when I surfaced and asked where my husband was and no one seemed to know. Yes, he truly was the only snorkeler. I'm sure they are not used to catering to snorkelers the way some of the other "snorkel boats" are.


I’m going to opine that most of what you are concerned about is a direct result of ‘poor’ conditions at the dive site and the question is, would you be happier if SD just refunded your money? That IS what they did for me on my booked day 3 – after completing cert’ dives, dd and I were booked for another day. Conditions were still poor (what you had) and they had NO problem refunding my ‘just dive’ money. How do I interp’ this?

True, conditions were a factor, but I can honestly say that I don't think that was the biggest factor. My son loved the dive and did not seem to be bothered by the conditions at all. My chief complaint was what seemed to be a lack of attentiveness to safety (or even perceived safety) at times. An instructor should not leave gear (his own) laying on the floor in front of the stairwell to the head. He should be talking to his student between dives to find out what questions she has, or if she is capable of completing the next dive. The gear should be in good order and extras should be available on the dive boat. A leaking o-ring on a tank and a leaking bc hose at the pool were easy to overcome, but once away from the dock these could have compromised the dive. I saw no spare equipment or repair kits available. I would not have wanted a refund, I felt conditions were safe to dive, just not optimal. I do not believe they would have even taken to boat out if conditions weren't safe. I enjoyed the dive depsite the minor problems I encountered. I just feel that I would try a different operation next time. I attended my sons OW certification at a local quarry, his instructor was extremely attentive, I thought I would have the same experience.


They seem to try REALLY hard to complete training dives . . . . . just my 2 cents

I'm certain this is true. I really did like the people at the dive shop and my instructor, everyone was very personable and accomodating. I also think that the instructor makes a difference and I just felt that in my case that I didn't feel completely comfortable and the few minor incidences added up to an experience that I would not necessarily want to repeat. perhaps I have unreasonable expectations, I don't believe so, I tend to be very easy going and know that not everything will be perfect. This is more of a personal feeling of uneasiness. i don't believe an experienced diver would have the same issues, as I said my son was just fine.


dd and I dove the tank at EPCOT on Friday .... it remains a very cool dive This is awesome, I'm so happy you were able to do this for your daughter. This must be an amazing experience. I would love to do this once I am certified. This type of environment would be a huge confidence builder.


{my first choice operator is http://www.keylargodiving.com/ QUI•ES•CENCE diving services, they run 6-packs and have been in the Keys since JC invented the diving lung}

Excellent! This may be a better fit for me. Thanks for sharing


Please feel free to ask for any other clarification. I'm truly not dogging Sea Dwellers, really, I'm just saying it wasn't completely the experience I had hoped for and will continue looking for the right fit for me. I still had a good time and don't regret it for a second I posted a review of the entire cruise on the NCL board under "Sky 3/19", I think it is well balanced and I am a go-with-the-flow type of person.


Also, I appreciate you clarifying for others some of the misconceptions I may have had. This was my first time diving (snuba in Key West and Kauai were a different animal). Everyones experience may be different.


Becky (hope the color changes worked properly)

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