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Almost "LIVE" Jewel Feb 18; Late but Great! (the ship, not the review!)

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The snorkeling was great, but I also really enjoyed the Village of Malahual, about 5 miles and a $3 cab ride from the port. I enjoyed that it was an authentic place where people live and work (and recycle; as we saw a group of boys in the back of a truck collecting bottles as part of a contest to see which school group can gather the most). As we arrived on the docks we saw the fisherman working there and their catches; Caribbean lobsters stored in crates under water awaiting shipping to the US, enormous piles of conch shells saved for decoration after the conch meat is shipped. The fisherman were happy to show us huge lobster shells and pose for photos. I never got the sense they were looking for tips, just happy to show off their life's work. This place felt real and that delighted us!


After departing the boat we noticed that the driver of our van had the hood up...uh oh! We learn from Mario that the van won't start...but not to worry, he's called for another van, it will be here in 10 minutes, it's just noontime and sail away isn't for hours, so we were really not ever in any danger of missing the ship. (I know that was anticlimactic, just like all those breathless meteorologists on TV predicting the "storm of the century" for a dusting of snow. But that's how you hook your viewers...so I'm just doing business how business is done, even though it's a cheap trick!)


Meanwhile the delay gives us an opportunity to sit at a little beach club a few paces away and can use the restrooms, or order a drink. I have just enough time to take a few photos before the new van comes (not even 10 minutes, I now have the sinking realization that this is not to be the exciting and perilous adventure that ultimately ends happily that I had hoped to be able to report!!) and we are leaving this adorable place to head back to the port.


If you do this tour, be aware to bring plenty of ones for tips, as the driver, Mario and the boat staff were all tipped at separately at different times. I highly recommend this tour, and hope if you take it, you get better weather (and maybe a more a more exciting and perilous diversion to report!)


(an "almost exciting and perilous" adventure in Malahual- our broken down van- it would be better with some smoke and flames I think)




(Heres out little group headed to the beach club- which would have made a better story if it was sketchy looking rather than so inviting)




(the topless section- which certainly could have been more interesting if anyone had actually been using it)




(see, doesn't this look too delightful for a dangerous, perilous adventure?...who is picking locations for this story anyway!)





(these are the piles and piles of conch shells- which is already pretty cool and couldn't be embellished too much)




I apologize for the fuzz in my photos- unfortunately with the underwater camera being underwater and cool for so long, it fogged up when it returned to the 80 + degree weather. It was so sunny, I didn't notice it till I checked the photos later. (I know that's not exciting or perilous, just sorta disappointing!)

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This is for you, Curtis


(photo of ice cream; this is an inside joke for bionicman97 who wrote a terrific and funny review of Jewel http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1403828, that helped me fall in love with her and decide to book! I may have been just a wee bit critical of his ice cream skills)




Notice that it does not look like the neighborhood dog wandered into the Windjammer? I'm not saying this is the best example...one guy in front of me did a fine job, and I said "looks like someone has worked at DQ in the past" and he said, ruefully, "No , someone has taken too many of these cruises!".


Curtis, now you know what you need to do to perfect your technique! You have an important responsibility...you are raising the next generation of little cruisers and it's time to strive for a new aesthetic with your desserts! ( Note the mint garnish...I stole this from my moms cake, just to add to the pretty!)


LOL I LOVE Curtis' ice cream creations, but yours are much more inviting.



I agree with you on the design of the ships. We have been on every size but the Oasis. My favorite is the Voyager class. I love the Promenade, but the walks are a little shorter than the Freedom Class.



Seriously? With all the exercising and eating you do, you can't walk an extra few feet? LOL Just wait until you try Oasis/Allure... you'll need to rent a scooter.

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I'm really enjoying your review! (Just found it today - haven't had a lot of time to browse CC since I've been home.) I love your pictures too - stop being hard on yourself. Go look at mine, and you'll feel MUCH better! Oh, love the Seaview Cafe empty plate pix - it reminds me of the times we ordered room service. So many plates, so much food eaten.


I really want to try a Radiance ship one day... my in-laws live near Orlando, so maybe we'll give it a try out of Tampa while they watch our kids?! (Sounds like a great plan to me, but I'm not sure my kids will agree!)


Thanks for the great review!

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I just do not like this private party stuff. Everybody paid to be on the ship and public areas should be available to everybody. If they want to host private events then it should be in a space designed for that purpose and not close down a, normally, public space.


I'll second that. I also don't like reserved spots around the pool deck.

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I heard several people on this cruise make a crack about "diamonds", "titanic" etc. I would hate for this program to back fire on Royal Caribbean, because some parts of it I love (Balcony discounts!) but some of the more overt "class" distinctions did not go unnoticed by the people I heard or talked to (I didn't volunteer that I had cruised RCL so many times unless someone asked "is this your first cruise?" so I think what I was hearing was pretty unfiltered.





One of the things that I loved about Royal when I first cruised Voyager was that lack of upper class only access. I will make Diamond someday and will attend those parties, but I don't like reserved seats at the pool or theater for "status" guest

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Hopefully , I won't need GS on Allure;)




I normally avoid GS as well, but needed to go twice while on Allure. One time it was actually excellent. They had 3 lines open and they had a guest service person come out into the line and check what people needed. Those that were just dropping off forms or could get help somewhere else, or just a question answered were taken care of in line. Everyone else they assured them they would get help in line. It was only when my card quit working and I needed another one I got less than great service from one person.

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(More Underwater photos)


Lion fish



Given your mention of taking responsible tours, which I share, I'll add that this is an invasive species in the Caribbean I do believe. I think its native to Asia/Pacific rim and the large numbers here are due to aquarium owners dumping their unwanted pets.

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Great underwater pics


Lucky you made it out alive with the van problems


I have the foggy lens issue all the time on a cruise ship (between the stateroom and outside). Still haven't found a good solution.


For years DH (who is the REAL photographer in the fam), has told me , I can't take a picture yet, the camera is not "warmed up" and I thought he was just being a pest!:rolleyes:


I'm really enjoying your review! (Just found it today - haven't had a lot of time to browse CC since I've been home.) I love your pictures too - stop being hard on yourself. Go look at mine, and you'll feel MUCH better! Oh, love the Seaview Cafe empty plate pix - it reminds me of the times we ordered room service. So many plates, so much food eaten.


I really want to try a Radiance ship one day... my in-laws live near Orlando, so maybe we'll give it a try out of Tampa while they watch our kids?! (Sounds like a great plan to me, but I'm not sure my kids will agree!)


Thanks for the great review!


Thanks Michele- Im following your Allure right now too! Loved the wedding photos, but I have to ask, do we ever get to meet the groom? Are there no pictures of the dear man? I hope this isn't like a Kim Kardashian thing, all done for the publicity;):p


I think leaving the kiddos for a 5 nighter on Jewel is an excellent inspired idea!! Because the ship is so relaxing!


One of the things that I loved about Royal when I first cruised Voyager was that lack of upper class only access. I will make Diamond someday and will attend those parties, but I don't like reserved seats at the pool or theater for "status" guest


Didn't know that about the Lion fish, but it's not surprising!


You know, Bill, I checked on the RCL website yesterday and saw I am officially a Diamond member of C & A now! Of course doing one cruise a year will never get me any higher along the food chain, but I didn't like being the target of animosity from other less experienced cruisers. I think I will not wear the pin they will not send me (like the platinum and emerald pins they did not send me...aren't they lovely!;) )But I'm not saying no to the balcony discounts!

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We were returned to the port, and Em was very hungry (though still in denial about this) and still a little queasy, and not ready to eat or go back on the ship. Mom and DD1 wanted to shop and I wanted to get some photos for my review.


So we found an empty lounge chair in the shade for her to rest on and the rest of us went off to explore. Lest you think I am a terrible mother, ditching my teen daughter in a foreign port, at no time was Em out of my sight...this port is set up with all the shops in a ring around a pool and beach area. I'm a terrible mother for loads of other reasons (or so I am told by my teens every day. I usually just agree and do my diabolical laugh Bwaaa, haa, haaa, haa), but I'm not guilty of abandonment. And to remind them of just how bad it could be I read a story from the newspaper every day of a "mother worse than me" (and sadly, there always is one) If you haven't done the teen thing, I highly recommend humor as the best way to survive it, so long as your kid is not the target. But I digress...

Back to Puerto Costa Maya (which if I understand it correctly, RCL is not visiting after 2012, so why bother reading this at all!)


The shop keepers are not aggressively recruiting you into the shop, but will show you things they think you'll be interested once inside. Several popular port restaurants and watering holes (Senior Frogs and Hard Rock) are also right there. There is also a large, clean rest room. This is a very comfortable area for people who have concerns about things that are culturally different. It has been designed specifically for cruisers and is brand new. We saw many cruisers in this area enjoying all the free amenities...pool, beach, chairs. It would be a nice place to while away a day if you don't want to venture too far.


(Puerto Costa Maya)


(Map) The shops are the pink buildings in the map, as well as the ones lining the red walkway from the pier, the red ice rinks (no, not really) are the restaurants, and the pools and beach are is open to the public just walk in and sit down!





These are the "pink" shops, yup, they really are pink!



If you are traveling with wee ones, (or just a 17 and 1/2 yo water nut) this fountain is fun!




Two shots of the beach and pool area with the lovely Jewel in the background






A view of the coast line just outside of the port area



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After a brief exploration of the area, we took the tram back to the ship and headed right to the WJ for lunch. Em went back to the cabin to change and was still insisting she was queasy (and now I know she is really just hungry) when she met us at the WJ. She slumped into a chair, (see the embarrassing photo evidence below!) still refusing to move. I tell her she needs food and so I offer to fix her a plate and tempt her with her favorites; a sour dough roll and Sheppard's pie. Amazingly, somehow, Mom is right, and by the time she is working on her ice cream she's feeling right as rain! And so all of our perilous problems were solved with a single cell phone call and a sour dough roll.


Sigh...peril just isn't what it used to be.


(Em partaking in her sourdough roll cure for hunger and motion sickness, sadly, it will not cure the stubbornness; which around here we call her tenacity, because that's a much better trait in a CEO than stubbornness, right?!))




Here are a few more photos of the WJ areas

(interior seating)








(aft seating area at night)



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We enjoy the sail way from our balconies and then Em and I go to the Ship Shape Center for a workout before dinner. Mom and DD1 decide on a nap instead.


I love this fitness center, it's large, has wonderful panoramic views and I had no trouble finding hand weights and balls I needed in a large mirrored area where I could do my floor work. This fitness center is much better than the one on Oasis, and I like it as well as the centers on NOS. (took these later so its pretty dark)








When we head back to the cabin to get ready for dinner, we see this!


(sunset- on the other side of the ship now, which can only mean one thing! We are heading home:-(




Also, my laundry comes back...and I only sent it out this morning. Very speedy! I'm including this photo so people can see what the Wash and Fold special is all about. You can get a sense about the size of the bag in comparison to the sea pass in the foreground. The bag is $25, offered on the 4th day on 5 day cruises, day 5 on 7 day cruises. The C & A emerald coupon offers $5 off.


I also show the order form. Some things are not listed on the form, like capris, or pants, but I just add them and they are washed, no problem. The only advice I would give is to give an accurate count of items you are sending in, so you can check what comes back. I have never had any trouble with anything being lost but it's reassuring to do a head count (or toe count in the case of socks). I always do laundry on board because it's cheaper to do one bag of laundry than pay to check a bag two ways.


(Laundry- when it was outgoing!)




Dinner tonight is the Fisherman's platter (lobster tail and shrimp), and it's also 70's night. After dinner (we are turning into shrimp after eating so many this week) we decide to have a stroll along the promenade deck, which we haven't done at night yet.


(strolling on the Promenade- Em's feeling fine, you may have noticed she just has a thing with pictures; over the years, we've given up trying to get a "good one" and just accept the one she looks least "bad" in. She's ok with this strategy because it's less painful then the hours of "ok, lets try to take another one")



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We decide to go back to the Windjammer for ice cream, since nothing on the menu in the MDR appealed to us tonight. After cones, we go to the logo shop to buy a mug for Em and a tee for DD1. We make our way to the Coral Theater for the 9 PM "City of Dreams" show. Sitting in our usual spot, we have made friends with a few others around us who also like this section, and we catch up about the day while waiting for the show to start.


The City of Dreams is another production show with the Royal Caribbean singers and dancers. It is very loosely scripted to be about a man and a woman who love each other all over the world and through time. Venice is featured, ancient Asia...it's an absolutely dizzying amount of set, setting, costume and character changes. The talent is excellent, and the songs are more contemporary, but it's so frenetic and full that it really is hard to digest. You can't say it wasn't entertaining, but you also can't say why it was. I didn't take any photos, but the sets and costumes are as with RCL entertainment are colorful and innovative.


After the show we make our way to the Centrum, where people are already taking up positions for the 70's party. All of the seats in the Centrum are taken, the standing room along the rails on 5 was full and we found a spot on deck 6 at the bump out near the stairwell. This wasn't the perfect spot because the CD and "Not So Macho Men" are facing the other way, but it was fine for spying on the action and we had a good view of the action on the neon stair case (which is closed and used as part of the "show").


My viewing advice: If you want a full frontal of the CD & NSMM, try getting a standing room spot on in front of the Centrum shops on 5, In front of the casino on 6. It's about 10 PM and the party starts at 10:30 PM, so if you want a standing space, you want to get there early. Plenty of people packed onto the dance floor even at the last moment, so if you want to be right in the middle of the action, you don't need to go early. This was not an option for us because I didn't want mom bumped and off balance with her bad knee down there, and there was a lot of bumping and grinding going on!


But really, anywhere up and down the whole Centrum is groovy and fun!


I won't spoil too much of the fun, but her are a few photos of the action.


"John Travolta" is tireless CD Dennis! And his back up dancers are your Guest Services staff (so don't get locked out or need to make change at 10:30 PM on Day 4)


(70's party)










(let's just say this music really gets "ladies of a certain age" going...the elevator is part of the action!)




Mom decides this is just about enough excitement for one day and hits the hay. DD1 is just getting warmed up and goes to the teen center to locate buddies. (did I mention they are roommates?)

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After the 70's party, Em wants to take a "midnight swim". This is a tradition we have whenever we travel somewhere that has a pool. When they were wee ones we would do it at 8:30 PM and then put them to bed. This time we are there pretty close to midnight, but the pools and hot tubs are all closed tonight for renovations, so we head to the Solarium. There are quite a few people having late night dips there and getting late night snacks at the Solarium Cafe. We don't stay long and then head for our cabin.


This little fella was hanging around when we got back to our cabin.




We are feeling that our cruise is getting shorter. We know we have another Sea Day...and a chance to get back to the Seaview and for Em to challenge her rock wall, but we also know they will be putting those darn luggage tags in our room!


A little aside: My DH and I took several short cruises a while ago when the kids were harder to leave for a longer time, and one of our annoyances was that on the second night of a 5 day cruise they have you filling out paperwork and thinking about leaving...big bummer! On this cruise we didn't have a whiff of debarkation till tonight, with the letter on our bed. Maybe this is because we drove to port, so they have less "organizing' of our departure to do? Or maybe they have taken my past comment cards to heart ( you like to think, right?)


Time for bed and the clocks are going forward so everyone hopes to sleep in on our sea day!


Day 4 Compass https://citrix.sharefile.com/d-s31debe8b61b42dc8

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You know, Bill, I checked on the RCL website yesterday and saw I am officially a Diamond member of C & A now! Of course doing one cruise a year will never get me any higher along the food chain, but I didn't like being the target of animosity from other less experienced cruisers. I think I will not wear the pin they will not send me (like the platinum and emerald pins they did not send me...aren't they lovely!;) )But I'm not saying no to the balcony discounts!



I certainly understand, but there is no animosity from me. Anytime I've seen one of those pins I have had some great conversations with the wearers about their cruises.

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I certainly understand, but there is no animosity from me. Anytime I've seen one of those pins I have had some great conversations with the wearers about their cruises.


Oh my gosh Bill, re reading that and it sounds like I meant you had animosity towards me...not at all what I meant ( arghh, the Internet!) I meant I heard it on board in a few places and won't probably wear a pin just to avoid that! ( and they probably won't send me one any way, so it's a moot point!) Sorry for the confusion!

I do always pick the brains of those better traveled than I myself...great way to get ideas for the next trip!

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Wow I am getting behind here. A few more things to say about day 2 and then Day 3 and 4.


I forgot to mention the show on Day 2 was From West End to Broadway. It was entertaining and high energy but lacked any sort of plot.


Day 3

Cozumel !


We wake up at a reasonable hour and head off to Cozumel. The Cozumel port area has a fairly large mall type area with a queue outside for taxis. It seemed to be very well run and organized. We headed down to Paradise Beach . Admission is $2 to use the pool and deck chairs and $12 to use the kayaks, snorkels, floats and pool slides and trampolines. I DS and DM bought the all-inclusive pass while DG bought the $2 pass. DS and I went on all the slides and trampolines. These are fun! And since you have to pull yourself up the larger slides I can justify another ice cream!


Just a quick warning: If you burn easily and use the slides reapply sun screen. the slides wore ours off and DS and I got really burned. The only complaint I have with Paradise Beach is the food service. The waiter in our section completely forgot our order and we waited and hour and 45 minutes until another waiter finally came over and filled our order. If you plan to go to this beach pack a lunch.

Try and try again!


After we head back from the beach we decide to go shopping in the craft/mall area around the ship. We head back to the ship to get some money for souvenirs. I buy a couple of items. Then DM sees earrings she wants so we have to go back to go back to the cabin. At this point security is starting to stare but not that unusual. The we leave the ship again. At this point security is looking really confused. We have entered, exited, re-entered and re-exited the ship in a time period of less than an hour. You can just see the look of "Who are these people?". Anyway finally we head back to the ship. (Yes I promise we're staying onboard this time). We were close to the 5:30 deadline but not close enough to be runners

Dinner and Late Night.


By now its time to get ready for dinner. Dinner was wonderful as usual, but nothing stands out as important to me. After dinner DS and I head down to the teen club.


Here I'll put my observations about the teen club. The teen club is fairly small maybe slightly larger than twice a cabin. For this reason many kids leave to go hang out on other areas of the ship. This can be difficult because even the best kids can get into a mob mentality with a large group. For some reason the elevators attract teenagers like shiny objects attract crows. My theory is that they should just put the teen club on an elevator and then everyone would be happy ;). My one wish was that more people would spend time in the club.


After the teen club I head to Love and Marriage with DM. It is absolutely hysterical. Then off to bed.

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Day 4

Land Lubber


For this day we booked a snorkeling tour which I was really looking forward too. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling to well that morning and wasn't' sure how I was going to feel. But I really hate to miss anything (I was on a cornflakes diet the whole time one trip and didn't miss a single thing).


The oceans were really rough. We received a briefing by a local guide and went through a local village. The guide spoke decent English and another guide who spoke only limited English was also there. Of course despite the briefing given the first thing I do is panic and try to breathe through my nose. (Ahh, the life of a klutz). After I manage to convince myself that I am not going to suffocate I marvel at the beautiful, coral formations. However the waves were so high that it was difficult to see the guide and water often washed over the snorkel. Without going into the details I will say that several in our party, me included, were seasick. I was glad to be on dry land again. No boarding and re boarding today, we get off once and get back on once!


Onboard the Jewel


After dinner…lobster night!...we head to the City of Dreams show. Its another production show and its supposed to have some sort of a theme but honestly I can't figure out what it is. It was a decent show. After that we headed out for 70's night. We stood up on the 6 floor balcony which allowed us to dance without being crushed. After this party I have decided that anyone who claims rap ruined music... I'm sorry 70's music got there first!


We head out to the late-night buffet (pictures pending) and check out the cool sculptures. One is red and is a… wait a minute what is that? No one we saw was able to identify it. Oh well, must have been a ice sculpture maker in training. Then its off to bed.


Sorry for the delay

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Loving these posts!


Thanks, Will, Welcome aboard!


Just got called in to sub at my preschool tomorrow, so I am putting the finishing touches on Day 5 tonight, so I can post in the morning before I go in. Thanks everyone, for your kind words...Em and I are having fun with this, we hope its fun for you to read along too!

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Oh my gosh Bill, re reading that and it sounds like I meant you had animosity towards me...not at all what I meant ( arghh, the Internet!) I meant I heard it on board in a few places and won't probably wear a pin just to avoid that! ( and they probably won't send me one any way, so it's a moot point!) Sorry for the confusion!

I do always pick the brains of those better traveled than I myself...great way to get ideas for the next trip!


Understood, a group of us former CompuServe employees started a group on Facebook called, "I was online before you were born" so I've had quite a few years of misinterpreting and being misinterpreted. :D

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Day 5 Wed, Feb 22 Sea Day




Since we've been having great luck in the Windjammer at breakfast, I head back there again with Mom. The girls are still snoozing, and I will rouse them up in time for Walk for Wishes. I relax on our balcony for a while this morning, realizing that I will have to relinquish it to someone else tomorrow.


The girls finally wake, and head to the WJ themselves. when they return they want to participate in the Walk for Wishes. (Em is on a mission to do all the "traditional" cruise things she can. She wants the full experience. I recognize that this makes her a very poor candidate to sail on Allure, which I have booked to do with the family next spring. I am convinced she will run us absolutely raggedy trying to do every last thing on that ship, and all who have sailed this class know that this is utterly impossible! I have a year to figure out how to reign her in!)


Walk for Wishes is a wonderful program run on RCL for the Make A Wish Foundation. On every ship I've been on, tees are sold for a $10 donation to Make A Wish. Then everyone puts on their tee and walks a mile around the jogging track with the CD leading the way. Its a fun activity, and a great cause. I have been on ships hosting a Wish family and they fly a flag to signify that a Wish Family is on board, even if they choose not to be identified.


This takes place at 11 AM, so we head to the pool deck at 10:30 to buy our shirts (girls...I have one and don't need another) and rest by the pool till the walk starts. We have a great day and a great crowd, people are all around the whole deck and the ever energetic Dennis is on our tails as we are near the back of the pack. Loads of people are on the loungers all around the upper deck, cheering and counting laps for us.








Sorry for more out of focus bad photos...the good news is DH is on the next 3 trips (but only 1 is on RCL, so only one reviewed here) but the photos will be much improved in the next review!

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