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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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I think of what would have caused me to sue is how the situation was handled. Now, I am going by a post on the Costa board by a woman and her family who were on the ship. But she said no one from Costa was there to help. They got pushed from place to place, no help from anyone on the cruise line and finally put into a hotel on mainland. Then the Costa people don't even stick around, they left before the family ever got a ticket home and didn't help them with their passports being gone. Luckily their embassy came in to help them, but the fact that they didn't even stick around and make sure everyone was getting home safe? That's kind of where I draw the line. Yes, accidents happen but then you better do a darn good job at cleaning it up and helping people. I don't think they did that and they took no responsibility, just pointing their fingers at the captain.


You can put a $ number on the stress these people went through. Many of them thought they were going to die that night and some of them did. Point is cruising shouldn't be dangerous (and it's not) and officers should be trained properly. If you don't do that, you gotta pay.


BTW is the cruise line being fined at all? Not sure if there is some law associated with not...wrecking...a ship? :P Plus the environmental loss here, especially if there is any oil leakage.

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Make my statement what you want... Wasn't this thread about the Concordia? I'll make another thread just for you to challenge my education and techniques until then stay on topic.... Regards
Sadly this thread is the way you need it to be about you!

Do you know the 9 criteria for NPD ?


I wondered how you would fill the void when this thread stops.

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I think of what would have caused me to sue is how the situation was handled. Now, I am going by a post on the Costa board by a woman and her family who were on the ship. But she said no one from Costa was there to help. They got pushed from place to place, no help from anyone on the cruise line and finally put into a hotel on mainland. Then the Costa people don't even stick around, they left before the family ever got a ticket home and didn't help them with their passports being gone. Luckily their embassy came in to help them, but the fact that they didn't even stick around and make sure everyone was getting home safe? That's kind of where I draw the line. Yes, accidents happen but then you better do a darn good job at cleaning it up and helping people. I don't think they did that and they took no responsibility, just pointing their fingers at the captain.


You can put a $ number on the stress these people went through. Many of them thought they were going to die that night and some of them did. Point is cruising shouldn't be dangerous (and it's not) and officers should be trained properly. If you don't do that, you gotta pay.


BTW is the cruise line being fined at all? Not sure if there is some law associated with not...wrecking...a ship? :P Plus the environmental loss here, especially if there is any oil leakage.


I agree that one of the biggest factors in this situation that will lead customers to find lawyers is how poorly Costa treated them after the rescue. Multiple survivors posted stories about the outrageously poor treatment by Costa.


Let me ask:


1) Did Costa buy them any food or pay for it? No, let them starve.

2) Did Costa provide any help with getting new passports or documents? No

3) Did Costa even provide rides to get them to the embassies to get documents? No

4) Did Costa provide any transportation? No

5) Did Costa buy them new clothes or do their laundry? No

6) Did Costa help get them flights or buy them tickets home? No

7) Did Costa pay for their hotel in Rome? Yes, but provided no other help.


This is depraved treatment of the survivors by Costa demonstrates an utter disregard for the passengers' lives or willingness to help with the problems caused by the cruise line.

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well..you are the therapist....you tell us...


exactly what are your therapy methods anyway?



The methods of LittleMiss normally involve the application of cold water from a garden hose, followed by beatings while blind-folded, and branding with hot irons. All while chanting "My Concordia trip was not so bad".

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I understand.

Some people just can not face the fact that we are not of one brain. That we have different opinons. If it's not their opinion it must be wrong.

Smile and know that the ones who are criticizing your grammar and punctuation are the ones you are really pissing off. :)


Lol... Thanks your probably right ;-)

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So, if someone is so frightened by something that happened to them, and now having nighmares, you suggest giving them sleep-aids? Wouldn't you want to deal with the thing that frightened them in the first place? Like therapy maybe?

Sounds like you are saying that although these people were supposed to be on VACATION, and that they were promised to be cared for by the ship Captain and crew......and then they were put in a position to fear for their lives..............they should just "get over it" and return to work as normal?? WOW!! You seem to have no empathy.........and you are some sort of therapist? Really? How does that work?


Do not take what I say out of context. I suggested sleep aids for the insomnia, not for the on going therapy that comes with it. If their issue is sleep then sleep aids do help, now what causes the insomnia another story. Again, you do not have any clue as to who I am so please save the judgmental dramatics. Thank you

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I agree that one of the biggest factors in this situation that will lead customers to find lawyers is how poorly Costa treated them after the rescue. Multiple survivors posted stories about the outrageously poor treatment by Costa.


Let me ask:


1) Did Costa buy them any food or pay for it? No, let them starve.

2) Did Costa provide any help with getting new passports or documents? No

3) Did Costa even provide rides to get them to the embassies to get documents? No

4) Did Costa provide any transportation? No

5) Did Costa buy them new clothes or do their laundry? No

6) Did Costa help get them flights or buy them tickets home? No

7) Did Costa pay for their hotel in Rome? Yes, but provided no other help.


This is depraved treatment of the survivors by Costa demonstrates an utter disregard for the passengers' lives or willingness to help with the problems caused by the cruise line.


Agree. And just to remind people- the survivors had nothing but what was on their backs when they escaped the ship. Most had no money, no medications, no purses, no passports, no phones- nothing but what they were wearing.

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Sadly this thread is the way you need it to be about you!

Do you know the 9 criteria for NPD ?


I wondered how you would fill the void when this thread stops.


Well yes, and as you are well aware (I hope and not being presumptuous) in order to have or be considered for the NPD diagnosis you have to at lease posses 5 of the characteristics... I only possess one and that is believing that I am truly unique.... But aren't we all?

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Sadly this thread is the way you need it to be about you!

Do you know the 9 criteria for NPD ?


I wondered how you would fill the void when this thread stops.


But also understand that I never intended for this thread to be about me but you all made it thy way

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It's not about the money making the ship not capsize, it is about holding carnival/costa responsible for putting someone in charge of 3000 lives that obviously should not have been trusted in the first place. The fact that he wasn't trying to kill anyone, who cares? If I run around with a gun and kill you, but I wasn't trying to, what do you think your family would say: well she wasn't trying to kill her so oh well, she doesn't need to be accountable for her actions...NO WAY! Passenger X is not asking for money from carnival because that will make his bad dreams go away, he is asking for money because this was a senseless act that could have been prevented, or handled better, but wasn't. He is asking for a little acknowledgement from carnival that yes, we shouldn't have put this person in charge, and yes we should have handled this better and yes, we understand that this put you in danger. I think what you are missing here is that after this accident I'm sure these people were happy they were alive, but that sensation only last so long and as you think about the situation you were put in, it makes you more and more mad. Bottom line: This was a senseless act that should not have happen, no the money won't make it go away, but it will make carnival think twice next time about putting someone they even have a question about in charge.

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While Carnival may be the major shareholder in Costa cruises they did not employ Schettino! and most people in the Carnival corporation would never have heard of him prior to January the 13th.

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I think a lot of our judgements are clouded because we live in the Sue S of A...everyone looking for that free meal ticket.


I think we have to step back and look at the fact that what is making this look so bad is the lawyers. You know the SECOND this happened they were all over it!


The greed is NOT the passengers or victims, it is the LAWYERS. The only way to change my mind on that is to tell me that they are going to take these cases for free because they feel bad for the families...YEAH RIGHT!


A class action suit is not going to stick. No any one of these people are entitiled to the same compensation, every situation is unique. Each case needs to be done on a case by case basis, you may even find that several of these passengers have felt like they just want to move on and take the $14,000 Carnival offered, but the LAWYERS don't want that to happen because they have to have a certain number of people in order to do a class action suit.


While I believe that each one of these people are entitiled to well over $14,000, I do not think that ANY amount of money will make them forget anything. Money does not make PSTD go away and never will. Flame me if you want but the only people that I think would be even close to be entitled to a million dollars is the family of anyone that perished that they are losing that persons lifetime of income. And what I mean by that is...45 year old dad makes $100,000 a year, works until he is 65...20 years of income plus a 3% living adjustment each year, maybe a college fund for his kids. 80 year old man dies, has grown kids, no dependents...no where near the same as the other passenger.


No amount of money can be put on a life, and no amount of money will ever bring anyone back. That is where the greed will come in. The families of the deceased wanting millions when they probably never received any income from them while they were alive...


And let me ask you this...if the airline loses your luggage and they never find it, regardless of what is in the contents...how much are they responsible for? Not the entire amount of your contents. No way to prove what you had. The same thing will happen here. You can say you had a $3,000 Louis Vuitton that was lost but they where's the proof? Or $20,000 worth of jewelry...better have your own insurance for that...


There has to be some sort of limit that is put on this. But I think the real limit needs to be on what the lawyers get...they should not be able to take a % off the top. Its not like there is a lot of proof to gather for who was at fault.

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But doing a darn good job considering all of my post are from an iPhone and not a computer. Like stated before my grammar is not the issue, I have written books, and hundred page papers in English and Spanish, but what does that have to do with Concordia and my views? Please stick to topic
No 2 of 5 tends to exaggerate their own importance, achievements and talents.
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It's not about the money making the ship not capsize, it is about holding carnival/costa responsible for putting someone in charge of 3000 lives that obviously should not have been trusted in the first place. The fact that he wasn't trying to kill anyone, who cares? If I run around with a gun and kill you, but I wasn't trying to, what do you think your family would say: well she wasn't trying to kill her so oh well, she doesn't need to be accountable for her actions...NO WAY! Passenger X is not asking for money from carnival because that will make his bad dreams go away, he is asking for money because this was a senseless act that could have been prevented, or handled better, but wasn't. He is asking for a little acknowledgement from carnival that yes, we shouldn't have put this person in charge, and yes we should have handled this better and yes, we understand that this put you in danger. I think what you are missing here is that after this accident I'm sure these people were happy they were alive, but that sensation only last so long and as you think about the situation you were put in, it makes you more and more mad. Bottom line: This was a senseless act that should not have happen, no the money won't make it go away, but it will make carnival think twice next time about putting someone they even have a question about in charge.


"but it will make carnival think twice next time about putting someone they even have a question about in charge"...it wasn't Carnival, it was Costa, Carnival is the parent company and apparantly a seperate entity, and I am sure COSTA wouldn't have hired him had they had a question about this happening.


People act like they knew he was going to do this when they hired him. Although we all KNOW that he took the ship to close to shore, do any of us think that he INTENTIONALLY hit the rocks? I know that he knew they were there and this was stupid to try to go that close but I don't believe for a minute that he RAN into the rocks on purpose...and this doesn't make a difference to the outcome or make him less responsible for his actions, but it is not the same as someone who actually goes in to an office or school with a machine gun and starts shooting with the intentions of killing someone.

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But also understand that I never intended for this thread to be about me but you all made it thy way
then recuse yourself as you now see that you are the problem, and that anyone who does not agree you is the cause. I think thats no 3.
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No different that you judging those passengers on board the Concordia. Isn't that what you were doing? How many of those passengers do you know?


The title of the thread is Concordia customers suing for all this money they should be happy they are alive... How does that statement pass judgement? It's the truth!! They are suing for a lot of money and they should be happy they are alive. Now on the other thread about Greedy Concordia victims... That was just a play on words, a mere ploy to get the Costa people to come over to the thread here on Carnival. But definitely not my intent to judge, in fact I'll admit that it was wrong of me to word the thread in that magnitude on their page and I apologize if it offended any one. But the point still remains, the people who have bashed me and my opinions in my belief were not even on the Ship so how does their judging me have anything to do with anything? I have yet to hear one Concordia victim post who is suing. Period

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The methods of LittleMiss normally involve the application of cold water from a garden hose, followed by beatings while blind-folded, and branding with hot irons. All while chanting "My Concordia trip was not so bad".


Ooooh greg-nc threaten me with a good time why don't cha :D.

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The title of the thread is Concordia customers suing for all this money they should be happy they are alive... How does that statement pass judgement? It's the truth!! They are suing for a lot of money and they should be happy they are alive. Now on the other thread about Greedy Concordia victims... That was just a play on words, a mere ploy to get the Costa people to come over to the thread here on Carnival. But definitely not my intent to judge, in fact I'll admit that it was wrong of me to word the thread in that magnitude on their page and I apologize if it offended any one. But the point still remains, the people who have bashed me and my opinions in my belief were not even on the Ship so how does their judging me have anything to do with anything? I have yet to hear one Concordia victim post who is suing. Period


You just don't get it and I doubt that you will. You started two threads and have argued with most that do not agree with your opinion. Now you're playing the victim. That is sad. I agree with some others. You have now made this about you.

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You just don't get it and I doubt that you will. You started two threads and have argued with most that do not agree with your opinion. Now you're playing the victim. That is sad. I agree with some others. You have now made this about you.
Maybe she's a Carnival shareholder and is looking to minimise payout that will affect her next dividends cheque?
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