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Carnival Liberty Leap Year Review (2/25 - 3/3)


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So we got dropped off back at the same dock from earlier in the day, and walked back up the path to the shops area and then back down to the Liberty. Most people were coming back at this time, so there was a bit of a line to get back on board. Luckily they had 2 lines going, so it wasn’t too bad.


We immediately went back up to the room to shower and change. After being rained on and *ahem* other things, both of us were ready for showers!! I had to convince Chris he didn’t need to throw his shirt away (or burn it), hehe. We had just enough time to get ready and make our way back down to The Cabinet on deck 4 for the 2nd round of Super Trivia. All our team members showed up, and we did pretty good, but another team was still kicking our butts. Luckily there was one more round to go on the last sea day and we were hopeful we could catch up.


After trivia, we went directly up to the EA Sports Bar. The video game challenge for today was Tiger Woods golf, and as Chris mentioned before – he’s beast at this game. Seriously, I think he could play in his sleep. There were 6 guys participating today, and needless to say, Chris pwned (that’s video game speak for completely kicking butt).


We had previously made plans to call our new friends, Hailey and Mary to meet up for the Past Guest party at 5, so we went up to the room, made a place to meet up, and headed to the party for our first drinks of the day.. love when they are free.


Hailey and Mary also had the same gameplan we do for Past Guest parties – sit on the end close to an aisle so as to have the best advantage for snagging the waiters. It worked well. We got enough champagnes to have an “official” champagne birthday toast for Chris, and had more than enough yummy appetizers and other drinks as well. Hailey had a great idea which I will pass along – snag a Raspberry Sour and a Champagne.. and mix. Hoo Boy these are YUM-O. Meanwhile, we had the servers trained to drop off 2 rum punches at a time for the Birthday Boy. He graciously gave one to the little old lady sitting next to him J




Hailey and I worked out the next plan of action. It was discovered that they had some Limeaid in their cabin – one of Chris’s mixer of choice for Captain Morgan, so we stopped by our cabin to pick up his Bon Voyage bottle and made our way to their cabin for pre-dinner drinks. I was graciously poured a Whipped Cream Vodka mixed with some kind of Guava juice. Me likey. Chris poured himself a healthy dose of the Captain and topped it off with the Limeaid. The four of us hung out for a bit, then made our way to dinner, drinks in hand.


Luckily, Hailey and Mary were also set for Anytime Dining, so we had no trouble asking for a table for 4 that night. We were led to a booth, and settled in. For appetizers, Hailey and I both had the Tom ka Gai soup. I’ve had this on previous cruises, and LOVE it. Just a hint of spice, and has a wonderful flavor. This picture really doesn't give it justice. For being one of the "healthy" options, this is probably one of the tastiest items on the menu all week.




Chris had the Smoked Duck and Caramelized Oranges – he said it was very good, juicy and sweet.




Mary tried one of the entrees that can also be an appetizer option, the Farfalle with Roast Turkey Breast and Green Peas. This looked really yummy too:




For our entrees, I had the Braised Lamb Shank in a Burgundy Sauce – this is excellent. The lamb was so tender it shredded apart effortlessly.




Chris had one of the everyday options – the Flat Iron Steak – good as usual.



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The waiters came to take away our entrée plates, and usually at this point they automatically bring the dessert menus. However, I was secretly watching because Bon Voyage was supposed to have something special delivered at dinner tonight. I noticed some of the servers scuttling around (luckily Chris was oblivious to all this) and after a small wait, here came the singing brigade!







He of course called me a brat, but who can resist this delicious chocolate cake? Seriously, this cake is to die for. Super-moist, and the icing inside has an almost pudding-like quality to it. For chocoholics, I suggest trying it at least once if you never have. There’s always a reason to celebrate!




After dinner, the game plan was to head to the Alchemy Bar. Hailey and Mary had already experienced the wonder of this place, and were really looking forward to introducing Chris and I to the “remedies” that were available. Since we wanted to try a few different things, we all ordered something different and had 4 straws to each glass J. They were, in order from left to right: Cucumber Sunrise, The Youthful and Bold Berritini, The Quick Fix, and Spicy Chipotle Pineapple Martini.






They all had varying amounts and types of alcohol – I distinctly remember ordering the Quick Fix because it had Absinthe in in… and after one sip realized absinthe tastes like black licorice – ICK! Poor Chris ended up sucking most of that one down. If any of you out there ever saw the movie Euro Trip, you’ll know he was most likely seeing little green fairies at this point!



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One of the show dancers and a photographer were set up close by, so we convinced Chris to strike a pose:




By this point we were all feeling pretty good, but hey, that means there’s just more time to feel better! Mary and I both ordered a “drink to go” – I got another Cucumber Sunrise and Mary got the Chipotle Pineapple – if you have any interest in mixed drinks, both of these are EXCELLENT, and do NOT taste like your typical martini (meaning each sip doesn’t feel like a shot).


On the way back to Hailey and Mary's room so Chris and Hailey could make new drinks, we passed by some of the photographer stands and Hailey and I successfully pulled Chris into an impromptu photo shoot. He was really resistant until some guys walked by and saw Hailey and I pleading with him, and said "Hey buddy, if you don't hop in there, I will!". We did end up finding the photos the next day, and they were hilarious, but we didn't buy them... sorry! Back at the room after Chris made himself another monster drink, for some reason everyone thought shots would be a good idea! I swiftly declined. I can take a shot like a pro, but I knew my priority was looking out for Chris. So in the end, Hailey and Chris killed the rest of the Captain Morgan. I love the series of these next three pics… it’s like "Hey we're having fun"! to "Oh crap are we really doing this", and then "Down the Hatch"!









It was now time to make our way up to the Lido Deck for the Mexican Fiesta!!




We got there when it was just starting to ramp up, but in all honesty we were all feeling pretty good right about now.


Hailey has the right idea:


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Our awesome CD, Karl with a K was there mingling -





And somehow Chris ended up with a sombrero! He said someone just came up behind him and plopped it on his head!



Chris with a C... Karl with a K











A conga line started up, and guess who was right in the front behind the lead Carnival guy? Yep - the Birthday Boy! Followed by the rest of us. I tried to get some photos, but it was too shaky. We wound our way through the various level of the Lido decks, and back down to the main area, where we all stopped to make a "tunnel" of sorts for the rest of the conga line to go through... evidently we broke the record for the nubmer of people involved in this line, so needless to say our arms were really tired after ushering through all those people!






After the conga line, we thought Chris really deserved another shot after all that hard work:





And no birthday shot is complete unless it's followed up with a kiss


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Oooh, something about the Mexican Fiesta! I'm not usually much of a drinker, but we had waaaaaaaay too much that night! :p



Question on Maya Key - it sounds like you found the animals well taken care of? I'm always leery of tours that involve animals because so many of them aren't taken care of and just exploited for the tourist $$. I've been looking for a tour in Roatan next Jan. and this might fit the bill. And if they are running a good rescue organization I'd love give them the support.

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Oooh, something about the Mexican Fiesta! I'm not usually much of a drinker, but we had waaaaaaaay too much that night! :p



Question on Maya Key - it sounds like you found the animals well taken care of? I'm always leery of tours that involve animals because so many of them aren't taken care of and just exploited for the tourist $$. I've been looking for a tour in Roatan next Jan. and this might fit the bill. And if they are running a good rescue organization I'd love give them the support.


Hi! I completely agree with you - I love animals way too much and am also leery of places that bring in the animals just to provide a tourist trap. We did a lot of research on Maya Key prior to booking, and I think they are the real deal. All the animals seemed to be in very spacious habitats and well fed and cared for (and some, like the howler monkeys and some of the birds) were completely uncaged. Everyone we met there seemed to be really commited to their job, and proud of the work they did. And for each animal we stopped at for the tour, we were told how they came to aquire the animals, and why they were taken in. I truly believe these folks are the real deal, and will continue to support them any time we get to travel back there. I hope that helps!

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What a birthday party! Now that's a FUN Ship:D


Cass, is the cucumber sunrise any good?


OMG, if you like cucumbers in general, this is the best drink on the ship hands down. It's like a party in your mouth :D

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The rest of the night traveled on - I ended up getting myself another drink from the Rum Bar (I think a Red's Remedy) and then decided Chris needed another as well - after a critical review of the drink menu I settled on the Beachcomber, figuring that was the best option considering it also had the Captain in it...


I'll just let the following pics speak for themselves:




Hanging with the entertainment staff:



I freaking love this picture - total Photo Bomb by Hailey!



At some point, they shot all this ribbon confetti in the air, and Hailey and I just had a ball with it:



I finally got "Mr.I Don't Dance" to dance - hehehehe



New Friends - great times:




As the party was winding down, we all went down to the dance club, but Chris and I stopped by the Alchemy Bar for some tall glasses of water. I realized quickly we all could use some food, so we all headed up to Lido Deck for some food, and by this point, we were all exhausted and just ready for bed. It was definitely a night to remember, and Chris says from what he remembers, it was an excellent night for all.

We went to bed thankful that we didn't book an excursion for Grand Cayman the next day.

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Here are some shots of just a few of the other animals we saw on the tour (which is completely included in the excursion cost).


This Jaguar was pacing pacing pacing. I think it was almost lunchtime.




Cool looking toucan



I thought this tree was so cool-looking - woodpeckered all over!



Some adorable capuchin monkeys:



And this little girl - even the trainers weren't 100% sure what it was. They rescued it from some house where it wasn't being looked after and was NOT in a good place. They said she loved to be petted, but sometimes would "mark" her territory... urg




After the tour was over, they offered anyone that was interested to come and do an "animal encounter". The encounter itself was free, but they did have a staff photograher there to take pictures as well.....

She looks like a Javelina.

Edited by tazco
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I just had to sit back and chuckle as I read the Birthday bash/Mexican Fiesta night page! it was SOOOO much fun! It certainly sounded like we had a bit to drink...they were ALL delicious though and I didn't feel bad the next day. hmmmm..... The Deck Party and the Alchemy bar are definately not to be missed on the Liberty. Loved the photos of the Roatan excursion as well. Wish I had more photos of that port but since we were snorkling in that darn downpour it was not even a thought. Good times for all though!

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These were howler monkeys trying to hunker down and wait out the rain. I tried to get some video of them, but it didn't come out too good.






And one of these (probably the big guy on the left - lol) buggers escaped that little island and came barrelling down on me. Fortunately, a staff member grabbed him by the tail right before he actually got to me, and carried him off. I think it happens quite often, because the staff member was "ready" for it. DH got a couple of good pics of it.


Enjoying your review - reminding me of my own week on her a few weeks ago.

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Thursday - Grand Cayman - Obviously we got off to a slow start this day :o. We didn't book anything for this port since we didn't know how we'd feel and there were also 5 ships in port today. The only thing we had planned was a massage at 2.












We grabbed a small breakfast and just walked around a bit to see how we were feeling. It was really warm this day, by far the warmest of the week so we decided to go grab a seat on Serenity. It was empty but we were a little too hungover to deal with the heat.

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The Red Frog where I ran into my favorite bartender, Sean. He asked if I wanted a drink but the look on my face was all the answer he needed.












Around noon we decided to grab some tacos at the Burrito Bar and WOW!!! I kicked myself for waiting this long to try them. We each tried the pork tacos and they were delicious. I only wish the Burrito Bar was open later than 2:30 because it would be a fantastic late night snack as they not nearly as big or heavy as a Guy's burger.



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After a quick power nap, which really helped me get back to normal, it was time for the massage :D. We went with one of the specials, 3 20 minute sessions for $99. We each got 40 minute back and shoulder massages followed by 20 minute foot and ankle. It was amazing and just what we needed.


We felt bad for not getting off the ship so we headed down to the tender area to just check out the port area. We had our own private tender. We were literally the only 2 passengers.





The Grand Cayman port area is nice but really busy as it runs along the coast and a very busy road. Seeing as how it was about 3pm already, it was probably a lot less crowded than it had been most of the day. This port, like all others, has about 500,000 jewelry stores and all the other local shops that carry all the same stuff with different locations printed on them.









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After a quick walk around we headed back to the tender area. I wanted to get back for the EA Sports challenge since I knew I had made some ground in the standings yesterday. I finished 2nd in the Madden Challenge and then some how Cass actually beat me in the trivia :confused: I'll just say that she guessed correctly more than I did. I still finished 3rd but with only one day left, I was down too much to mount a comeback knowing I'd miss trivia on Friday for the Fun Farewell Party.


We grabbed a Cruiser :o at the Aft bar and headed up to deck 10 for a gorgeous sunset











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We were surprisingly feeling OK so Cass thought it'd be a good idea to get a Cucumber Surprise from the Alchemy bar where I was still having bad flash backs from the night before. So I smartly got a Mai Tai :rolleyes:




There was nothing on the menu at the MDR that we loved so we went to Guy's for dinner. I got a Pig Patty and added some Donkey Sauce and BBQ sauce. Yum.





About 2 sips into my drink the ship started spinning and I knew I was done. Hated to leave that much untouched but it was a wise decision. We went back to the tables and were both having a better night than usual when we ran into Mary and Hailey. They asked if we wanted to go to the Piano Bar that night and since we didn't really care for the comedians we thought we'd give something new a try.


Now we'd never been to the Piano Bar but I have to say, it can be a fantastic night.




It is definitely geared to an older audience since most of the songs are from the 70's or older. I still new about half of the one's played but Cass was just lost and I think that's what was a bit of a turn off for her. I did order some delicious frozen chocolate drink that I can't remember the name of but it was like a sunday with rum.


All four of us were feeling more than a bit tired so we decided we'd call it an early night and be refreshed for more fun in the morning.

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