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Freedom of the Seas Teen Curfew

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Disney's kids clubs stay open until 2:00am for the teens, and there is no enforced curfew. None, I asked guest services (we were on the Magic). You either trust your kids or you don't. Can they drive? I'm thinking a car & job require a whole lot more trust than hanging out with friends on a boat. Are you going to hold their hand through college?




My kids are 13. They are not staying out until 1 or 2 or even 12.

What does college have to do with young teens running around a ship until. It rust my kids, but i don't trust - well- you or your kids. Nothing personal, I am using a generic YOU. I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF THE OTHER GUESTS!!! what does trust have to do with my kids staying away from their parents until 2 am -on Disney? Do only non -trustworthy kids get in to trouble, or perhaps assaulted, or make a bad choice? I see no connection.Having a job or a driver's license does not automatically make one a good citizen.


So i guess i will be that Mom that checks on her kids- even in college.

NOW- let's talk about something important like flip flops in the dining room! Or tips- or smugglling booze...

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I know that this is probably just asking for an argument, but as a teen (17 years old) why do you say there is "absolutely no reason for a child under 18 to be out along past 1am" and that "there's nothing for them but trouble"? On the Navigator I was up past 2am every night. I like to just walk around by myself. I don't drink, and have no idea how I would on the ship anyway... On the Allure, it was great to walk around at night when no one was around. I would just sit in the Aquatheater or in Central Park or go swimming or something.


I feel that the "old" people getting wasted and partying all night long pose a greater threat to everyone than a couple of teens wandering around aimlessly. That's just me.


I have 4 kids, two that are teens, two younger. I have to say I thought your post was interesting... And believe it or not I agree with you. My kids are good kids and their friends are good kids. I have been on many cruises and yes the people that usually act stupid are the ones that drink too much and stay up all night and they are not teens. Dont get me wrong, my kids wont be up past 1 am but that is mainly because i want to make sure everyone is safe in bed before i can go to sleep.

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I think one of the reasons there is a curfew is for the protection of minors. I've been on a couple cruises where they've made announcements in the middle of the night trying to locate teens. They take it very seriously when kids are not accounted for.

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I know that this is probably just asking for an argument, but as a teen (17 years old) why do you say there is "absolutely no reason for a child under 18 to be out along past 1am" and that "there's nothing for them but trouble"? On the Navigator I was up past 2am every night. I like to just walk around by myself. I don't drink, and have no idea how I would on the ship anyway... On the Allure, it was great to walk around at night when no one was around. I would just sit in the Aquatheater or in Central Park or go swimming or something.


I feel that the "old" people getting wasted and partying all night long pose a greater threat to everyone than a couple of teens wandering around aimlessly. That's just me.


If teens are wandering around aimlessly what's the point of wandering around? Also, by 1am, the day is done--go to bed!!!! You won't miss anything I promise :rolleyes::rolleyes: Agree that the drunks (of whatever age) should also be corralled and sent to bed too.


That is just perfect! I was going to say the exact thing!

You are on a cruise..what can you do? Really?

The crew will not give alcohol to you, you can't go to the night clubs...


I think that 1am it is early if you really want to maintain the curfew...


What can a bunch of teens do??? hum.. ding dong ditch, switch breakfast menus, talk LOUDLY in the halls, run LOUDLY in the halls, act dumb cause they are over tired.... Have experienced all these things in land based hotels and being at sea is no different. Also as a parent of a teen, I like to know where my kid is at any hour and staying up past 1am (or 2am or whenever) so my kids can wander aimlessly without me is crazy. If there are things going on sure. But to be up and wandering around just to be up and wandering around is the faulty teen logic that needs to be controlled by more responsible adults.

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My kids are 13. They are not staying out until 1 or 2 or even 12.

What does college have to do with young teens running around a ship until. It rust my kids, but i don't trust - well- you or your kids. Nothing personal, I am using a generic YOU. I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF THE OTHER GUESTS!!! what does trust have to do with my kids staying away from their parents until 2 am -on Disney? Do only non -trustworthy kids get in to trouble, or perhaps assaulted, or make a bad choice? I see no connection.Having a job or a driver's license does not automatically make one a good citizen.


So i guess i will be that Mom that checks on her kids- even in college.

NOW- let's talk about something important like flip flops in the dining room! Or tips- or smugglling booze...


You sound like a great mother to me. We need more like you in this world.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  • 3 months later...

What can a bunch of teens do??? hum.. ding dong ditch, switch breakfast menus, talk LOUDLY in the halls, run LOUDLY in the halls, act dumb cause they are over tired.... Have experienced all these things in land based hotels and being at sea is no different. Also as a parent of a teen, I like to know where my kid is at any hour and staying up past 1am (or 2am or whenever) so my kids can wander aimlessly without me is crazy. If there are things going on sure. But to be up and wandering around just to be up and wandering around is the faulty teen logic that needs to be controlled by more responsible adults.


"Ding dong ditch"? "Switch breakfast menus"? Evidently your definition of "teen" is derived from some "faulty logic" of its own, as such juvenile behavior seems more characteristic of elementary school children than the 15-17 year-olds who are allowed in the clubs after around 11 on most RCI cruises. Obviously I won't attack your merit as a parent, however if, as I'm assuming you do, you expect higher standards of conduct than your previous description from your own offspring, is it not exceptionalistic to disparage the parenting tactics of others as invariably resulting in sophomoric barbarism? I honestly haven't much of an opinion on the curfew policy, even as a 17 year-old, yet your ignorance in such bold characterizations of teens as universally and innately mischievous and disrespectful rings dangerously close to the tone of bigotry. I sincerely hope you show your own children a level of respect above that which you have shown those of others in your post.


That said, I've heard, though I can't attribute it to a source, that RCI has altered its policy slightly so that while the general curfew for minors remains 1AM, exceptions are now made for those participating in ship-sanctioned group activities. This would allow the Fuel and Living Room clubs to remain open until two or three AM, and the Adventure Ocean daycare programs to continue supervision of smaller children whose parents may (regrettably but understandably) choose to stay out into the wee hours of the morning. Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor who has sailed Royal in the last month or so? Thank you.

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ahh to be a teenager again -NOT-. I was a "good" teenager, at least that is what was portrayed to my teachers because I had good grades, to my boss because I had a job (sometimes two just because I liked to work), and to the DMV because on paper I had a flawless record. I even went on to earn a college degree. oh..and I managed to never get arrested. HOWEVER, I do NOT want my children to be doing anything I did after 1 am. :eek: oh how lucky I am to be alive.


Having a job, having a driver's license, being 17, and only wandering around or talking with others doesn't entitle a teenager to not have a curfew. I'm sure ships have a lot less issues when they enforce the curfew and I'm glad they have it. I would hate to rely on all the parents who love to be their kids best friend first to keep their kids in line. Even the best teenagers can and do make bad decisions... they don't have the foresight to see around the corner because they have never been around the corner. A curfew isn't a punishment, and I don't see why parents think they are punishing their kids because they don't let them do everything they want to do.

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Sorry, 17 years olds (and under), but the curfew is a good thing!


It made it easier for us, as parents, to make the curfew the same as the ship.


We certainly trusted our kids, but I wanted them to be able to GET UP the next morning and go on a boring excursion with the old man!!

It's funny how the boring excursions are now (in hindsight) the highlight of some of their trips.

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I am a parent of 4, some of which are still teens and others who are now past that age. I have also been an active volunteer at the local HS and have chaperoned many HS events.


The 1am curfew is a very good thing, for the safety of the kids. Remember, all people mature at a different rate, both emotionally and otherwise. We have decided, as a society, that the best test for this is chronological age. It is an imperfect test, but aside from subjecting each individual to some sort of pshychological exam, I can't think of a better option.


Maturity is important in this curfew for a variety of reasons. First, 1am is the time when most of the passengers and crew have turned in for the night to get rested for what the next day will bring. That means fewer eyes keeping watch. It is also very likely that a teen staying out past 1am will be tired. They may not feel tired, but teens are still growing and need sleep. When a person is tired, their judgement is impaired and their motor skills are inhibited. People driving while very tired are thought to be more dangerous that drunk drivers and they exhibit some of the same characteristics. Not a good mix for walking around a ship. Add to this the number of adults who are wondering around drunk by this time, and who are acting far less mature than a lot of teens I know, and you have a situation that puts the teen at far more risk than they realize.

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ahh to be a teenager again -not-. I was a "good" teenager, at least that is what was portrayed to my teachers because i had good grades, to my boss because i had a job (sometimes two just because i liked to work), and to the dmv because on paper i had a flawless record. I even went on to earn a college degree. Oh..and i managed to never get arrested. However, i do not want my children to be doing anything i did after 1 am. :eek: Oh how lucky i am to be alive.


Having a job, having a driver's license, being 17, and only wandering around or talking with others doesn't entitle a teenager to not have a curfew. I'm sure ships have a lot less issues when they enforce the curfew and i'm glad they have it. I would hate to rely on all the parents who love to be their kids best friend first to keep their kids in line. Even the best teenagers can and do make bad decisions... They don't have the foresight to see around the corner because they have never been around the corner.

Well said. I cound not agree more!!

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Great! A curfew thread. Anybody got popcorn?

I think the OP had a good question concerning his son. Having 7, 8 and 9 year olds running around the ship at all hours is a great idea.


We had our breakfast room service menus stolen, our do not disturbed signs replaced with clean room signs, door decorations signs on nearby cabins stolen and have been woken up at 3-4 AM all by kids who should have been supervised by their parents during those hours.


But in defense of 17 year olds, I do lean towards the fact that they are probably old enough to stay up past 1:00 AM if they parents think they are mature enough to be trusted.

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I think the OP had a good question concerning his son. Having 7, 8 and 9 year olds running around the ship at all hours is a great idea.


We had our breakfast room service menus stolen, our do not disturbed signs replaced with clean room signs, door decorations signs on nearby cabins stolen and have been woken up at 3-4 AM all by kids who should have been supervised by their parents during those hours.


But in defense of 17 year olds, I do lean towards the fact that they are probably old enough to stay up past 1:00 AM if they parents think they are mature enough to be trusted.


You do realize that these curfew threads can be pretty heated and funny to read ....and this is one in particular is a 4 months old.

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In a cruise 4 years ago my DS was escorted back to our cabin by RCI security people. His sea pass was taken away and i had to go down and talk to security about him being out past the curfew with other teens. They were doing nothing other than hanging out like all other teens. Luckily he is now 21 and can stay out late. RCI should have some understanding abut young teens: he was 17 at the time. They should talk to the parents first instead of having to drag a parent to the security office.

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You do realize that these curfew threads can be pretty heated and funny to read ....and this is one in particular is a 4 months old.

OK after having over 6000 posts I should know better so here I am with

Egg On My Face...



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I'd guess NO CURFEW, if their is one, that would really be a terrible thing to impose on teenagers, I wouldn't go on the cruise.


I love the curfew. I do not think that they need to be out later than midnight.

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We were on Freedom last summer and it was enforced. My 14 yr old was back by 12:30 most nights just to be safe.


And for those of you that remember what it was like to be that age, nothing good ever happens after 1:00AM. Right moms and dads?


You are so right :).

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I've heard, though I can't attribute it to a source, that RCI has altered its policy slightly so that while the general curfew for minors remains 1AM, exceptions are now made for those participating in ship-sanctioned group activities. This would allow the Fuel and Living Room clubs to remain open until two or three AM, and the Adventure Ocean daycare programs to continue supervision of smaller children whose parents may (regrettably but understandably) choose to stay out into the wee hours of the morning. Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor who has sailed Royal in the last month or so? Thank you.


While I'm rather unduly impressed that my post was able to resurrect a thread from March, especially considering the sheer quantity of replies, to say nothing of the polarity of the opinions within them, I still haven't gotten an answer to my question. Enchantment leaves Baltimore tomorrow with me onboard, so as such I'd be highly grateful to anyone who could put aside the "cruise politics" of curfews long enough to offer any response to my above cited inquiry. In a few hours, I'll have to pay for internet access, and this issue will be all but moot for me, so a reply before boarding would be greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you.

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I've heard, though I can't attribute it to a source, that RCI has altered its policy slightly so that while the general curfew for minors remains 1AM, exceptions are now made for those participating in ship-sanctioned group activities. This would allow the Fuel and Living Room clubs to remain open until two or three AM, and the Adventure Ocean daycare programs to continue supervision of smaller children whose parents may (regrettably but understandably) choose to stay out into the wee hours of the morning. Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor who has sailed Royal in the last month or so? Thank you.


While I'm rather unduly impressed that my post was able to resurrect a thread from March, especially considering the sheer quantity of replies, to say nothing of the polarity of the opinions within them, I still haven't gotten an answer to my question. Enchantment leaves Baltimore tomorrow with me onboard, so as such I'd be highly grateful to anyone who could put aside the "cruise politics" of curfews long enough to offer any response to my above cited inquiry. In a few hours, I'll have to pay for internet access, and this issue will be all but moot for me, so a reply before boarding would be greatly appreciated. Once again, thank you.


The curfew is enforced, however there is not a "no tolerance" policy in place. On the FOS the curfew was stated and announced on the ship. Curfew was posted and enforced. However, from those I talked with about it, if you were with a group of adults and behaving like an adult, there was no issue. If you were out on deck for a walk and looked old enough, or at least borderline, and acting like an adult and not a crazy kid, you were fine. I know this is not a precise answer but it is what I observed occurring on our June 24 sailing.

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Let me guess..you're a teen??? Just for kicks, what is your curfew at home and what do you think you need to be doing on a cruise ship(unsupervised cause if you are with a parent you can be out and about) after 1am?


two things

1) are you an old person who hates kids? see, generalization is a terrible thing.

2) what could a teen be doing? sitting outside talking with friends and not wanting mom and dad around? Not every kid in the world throws chairs over the side or runs down the halls knocking on doors at 2am.


Most well raised kids don't need a curfew. Not the kids fault this world has way to many worthless parents. ;)



*just a note, I'm not a kid, don't have them and don't really care if they have a curfew or not. Its not my problem. But I was a kid, I was raised well, I didn't have a curfew and I have never been to Jail. I have never tossed anything over the side of a ship, Never checked to make sure the elevator could stop on every floor and never ran down hall ways at 2 AM. I do hate when people generalize and talk down to people because they are young, old, white , black, male or female. *


have a good day and Go Dawgs! :cool:

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two things

1) are you an old person who hates kids? see, generalization is a terrible thing.

2) what could a teen be doing? sitting outside talking with friends and not wanting mom and dad around? Not every kid in the world throws chairs over the side or runs down the halls knocking on doors at 2am.


Most well raised kids don't need a curfew. Not the kids fault this world has way to many worthless parents. ;)



*just a note, I'm not a kid, don't have them and don't really care if they have a curfew or not. Its not my problem. But I was a kid, I was raised well, I didn't have a curfew and I have never been to Jail. I have never tossed anything over the side of a ship, Never checked to make sure the elevator could stop on every floor and never ran down hall ways at 2 AM. I do hate when people generalize and talk down to people because they are young, old, white , black, male or female. *


have a good day and Go Dawgs! :cool:

Love your Larry Munson quote. DD & SIL are UGA grads and we are all huge Dawgs fans.
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two things

1) are you an old person who hates kids? see, generalization is a terrible thing.

2) what could a teen be doing? sitting outside talking with friends and not wanting mom and dad around? Not every kid in the world throws chairs over the side or runs down the halls knocking on doors at 2am.


Most well raised kids don't need a curfew. Not the kids fault this world has way to many worthless parents. ;)



*just a note, I'm not a kid, don't have them and don't really care if they have a curfew or not. Its not my problem. But I was a kid, I was raised well, I didn't have a curfew and I have never been to Jail. I have never tossed anything over the side of a ship, Never checked to make sure the elevator could stop on every floor and never ran down hall ways at 2 AM. I do hate when people generalize and talk down to people because they are young, old, white , black, male or female. *


have a good day and Go Dawgs! :cool:



You might want to ask Isiah Crowell if anything good happens after midnight :D

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