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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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Lisa, Hi and welcome! If you don't feel comfortable actually attending WW meetings, you can do it online with ediets. I am trying to do it on my own right now as I am a ww frequent flyer:p but if I can't, I think I will try it online.



I know we are supposed to weigh in on Mondays so I am starting as today is my first day.. weighing in at 168. Hopefully to be 145 by August 21st! So far today has been a great day. One day at a time!!


Thanks for all the good support and info on this thread!:)

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:( Okay I'm totally depressed! Not only did I not loose, I gained a pound! My instructor at the gym is sure it's just muscle weight as I have be working out a lot more. I've been drinking my water faithfully and not cheating too much. I did have a very small piece of tuxedo cake and a little bit of clam dip on saturday at a going away party for one of our doctors but other than that I've been behaving. I even went to the gym an extra day to make up for my eating! Oh well, it took 17yrs to get like this I shouldn't expect it to come off in a month.


Hopefully my dh won't see this......

starting weight 4/4/05 212 Highest ever, even 9mth pregnant with toxemia I was less...

Today 197... goal 160 or fitting in to my daughters homecoming dresses for formal nights on cruise 9/25. They vary from size 12-14.


Great going everyone who has continued the downward trend...stick in there for the rest of us



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Jill in Tenesee- What WOE are you doing? You are doing GREAT! Keep it up! "


I had joined in this thread a while back, but have been "out of the loop" for a bit. How is everyone doing on their "40 by Sept." goal? I don't think I'll make 40 by Sept., but have dropped 12 in the last 5 weeks after being "stuck" for 3 months. So I'm down 42 total w/about 40 more to go to goal. Hope to be there by the end of the year.


Have a wonderful day and drink your water!


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Hi all- Well, I'm annoyed. All my moving and parties this weekend helped me put back on 4 of the 6.5 I lost over last week :mad: So I'm back on it hard this week. I only have one thing to go to next weekend and I'm taking my own food to it. I just can't keep going this way when I get so close to breaking 200 and get sidetracked. This whole weekend fiasco started because I didn't get to pack food for Friday's moving disaster. WE didn't get to eat much at all so all day Saturday I was starving. I had a small homemade bun for my burger and a tiny piece of angelfood cake and that was it. I craved food and especially sugar all weekend!


So today I'm detoxing again with southbeach phase 1. It's also my day to do weights so hopefully I can drop those pounds I regained quickly.



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My Husband and Doctor (No not the same Person) think that 40 pounds is too much to lose according to my BMI. I made a counter offer of 30 pounds and then we finally agreed on a sensible weight loss goal.


My adjusted goal per the Dr. - 25 pounds. In the past two weeks I have lost 4.5 pounds! Thanks to Mr. Billy Blanks (Tae-bo), Denise Austin (Pilates) Ralph (My chocolate lab who takes me on walks) and a sensible diet! I think I can lose the remaining 20.5 pounds by September!

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Jill ~ don't be discouraged, you are doing great! Its gonna get easier. I have always heard muscle weighs a ton. Keep doing what you are doing.



Jean ~ "WOE" what does that mean? Thanks for the "kudos"! The first 14 pounds came off really fast ~ like everybody says it had to be the water. The other things I have begun is I was taking Relacore everyday but I switched to Trimspa yesterday. I am also going to the YMCA at least 4 -5 times a week.


Jesse ~ sounds like a good comprimise (sp?)!


Tami ~ Good job getting back up on that horse! I was thinking about doing South Beach again. I do remember when I started last year it really helped me with the sugar.


I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

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Jill- WOE= Way of Eating


I didn't get my weight workout in today. My back is really sore from moving around boxes all weekend. Now many of those boxes of paperwork are in my livingroom and I've been going through them until my eyes cross every night. Nothing can be just tossed because of the way grandma just piled financial info in with the junk. At least tomorrow is my iceskating lesson so I know I'll get exercise then.



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Yup, ice skating lessons. They're great. That was my birthday present to me 2 birthdays ago. I've been taking about 20 months now. I'm actually making progress although I need to up my yoga during the week so I can increase my flexibility. My feet don't turn out in 1st position like they did 30 years ago in ballet. BTW, it frightens me that I can say 30 years ago. Makes me feel old. :D



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Avoid statements like that AT ALL COSTS!! lol :p


So how is everyone doing today? This week?


I'm not doing well at all. I only made it to work out Monday & Tuesday. I haven't done well on the scale as a result I guess.


I keep hopping from down 19 to 21, back & forth back & forth :confused:

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Hi All!


I am joining yet another weight loss challenge "in progress"! But I've read thru the posts & I recognize some of your names, and of course, it's a very encouraging group of people!


For me, to lose 40lbs between April 23 & Sept 10 is a very aggressive plan,:eek: for 2 reasons, but I want to try! 1st - It's taken me from September 13, 2004 to May 19, 2005 to lose my first 37.5. I'm hoping the warm weather will increase my outdoor activity - walking, biking, etc. At the very least, having to check in here every week will keep me motivated to keep a steady loss, even if I don't make the 40 by Sept 10.


2nd, if I DO lose 40 by then, I will be at the goal my doctor set for me! :D (She also wants me at 25% body fat or less)! Except for over the holidays, I haven't hit any tough plateaus yet, & the closer to goal, the more likely that'll happen. With this challenge & your encouragement, I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it steady, with no plateaus at all. :rolleyes:


OK - bottom line - since April 23, I have lost 7.5 lbs - so far, so good. From reading thru this thread, it seems you report in on Mondays? Well, I usually weigh in on Thursday, so I'll report on Friday or Monday - either way, it'll be what the scale said on Thursday!:p


Thanks in advance for all your help & support!

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Hi everyone- I had some really salty stuff yesterday so thismorning's weighin was not good news. But I will drink lots of water today and should be back down by morning. Right now I'm killing time here instead of going through another box of Grandma's stuff. ;) I'm tired of doing it and being a bit crabby about it today. :D I'll be so glad when I'm done. Once the paperwork boxes are done it won't be as bad but the woman had tons of paperwork, some dating back to 1964! By the time I'm done with her house I'll be qualified to do an episode of Clean Sweep! Of course if I dont' get off this computer and get to work I'll need them to come do my house instead. It certainly makes me glad I stick to my routine of culling stuff every 6 months. DH and I both have packrat tendencies (I know where I inherited mine!) About 4 years ago we were griping about not having enough storage space and we suddenly realized that we have a huge house and 5 barns. there was no way we should have filled it up. So we started going through it. We cut it by half the first time and then we revisit each room every 6 months or so and cut out more stuff. It's very liberating! Right now I'm starting to feel very uneasy in my house again because the clutter is adding up from all this Grandma stuff. It makes me very agitated! I feel stuck and overwhelmed and it spills into every aspect including diet and exercise. Hard to get to the equipment and the stress of it all just makes me want chocolate!


Ok, well at least my rant about clutter got me motivated to go tear into another box. Talk to you later!



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Well how did everyone's weekend go?? I had a bad day on Saturday. I went to Nuevo Progresso to get a working visa with a friend from work. Ate too much again and had a few corona's with salt of course. Then when we went to get her visa she was refused it. She had the wrong address on the letter. To make a long story short we had to meet her boss half way back for another letter, then return to mexico and try again for her visa. It took us until almost 10:00 pm before we could head for home. By then we both had whopping headaches and were hungry. Therefore, McDonald drive through was the only option. Cheeseburger and fries the only answer. Oh well, back on the bandwagon tomorrow!


Sending positive weight loss vibes to everyone!


Jill :rolleyes:

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Jill- I had a bad day today foodwise. McDonalds would have been an improvement! I went with a plan but it kind of hit the skids. Oh well, I already have my food planned out for tomorrow and nowhere to go so I should be able to detox myself from the sugar. On the good side one of my friends used a combination of reikki and massage on me to get rid of the horrendous headache I've had for 3 days. Not sure if I buy the whole reikki thing but the headache is gone so whatever worked. Now if I could just reikki away the need to eat junk! :rolleyes:



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Jill- I had a bad day today foodwise. McDonalds would have been an improvement! I went with a plan but it kind of hit the skids. Oh well, I already have my food planned out for tomorrow and nowhere to go so I should be able to detox myself from the sugar. On the good side one of my friends used a combination of reikki and massage on me to get rid of the horrendous headache I've had for 3 days. Not sure if I buy the whole reikki thing but the headache is gone so whatever worked. Now if I could just reikki away the need to eat junk! :rolleyes:




What's reikki? :confused:

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I need to lose about 35 lbs by September - I really need help!


As you can tell from reading here, everyone seems to be doing something a bit different. What seems to work best, in general, is some form of calorie or portion control, combined with regular exercise, and plenty of water. And of course, an important factor is encouragement, which you can get plenty of here!:D


Do you have a plan of how you want to change your way of eating? Do you belong to a gym, or have access to any exercise equipment? (The best "equipment" for someone just starting out on a weight-loss plan is a good pair of sneakers and a safe place to walk!)


Let us know what we can do to help!

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What's reikki? :confused:


It's kind of a new agey really old world sort of thing used to channel healing and energy. The giver holds his or her hands over the body of the receiver and sends healing energy. It's used to heal wounds or illness, relieve stress, combat addictions and so on. Personally, I'm still on the fence but alot of the homeopathic, accupuncture, and other alternative healing techniques are very good. Right now I'm trying a combination of peppermint oil and purification oil to detox from the cake and bread I had at yesterday's birthday party. I didn't have that much but I'm not used to eating it and this morning I was so queasy. I'm much better after the peppermint oil. I just rubbed it on my hands and then took deep breaths into them. It really works.



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It's kind of a new agey really old world sort of thing used to channel healing and energy. The giver holds his or her hands over the body of the receiver and sends healing energy. It's used to heal wounds or illness, relieve stress, combat addictions and so on. Personally, I'm still on the fence but alot of the homeopathic, accupuncture, and other alternative healing techniques are very good. Right now I'm trying a combination of peppermint oil and purification oil to detox from the cake and bread I had at yesterday's birthday party. I didn't have that much but I'm not used to eating it and this morning I was so queasy. I'm much better after the peppermint oil. I just rubbed it on my hands and then took deep breaths into them. It really works.




Thanks Tami!

That's really interesting!! I know what you mean by still on the fence about some things, and I also agree that some are very good!! I think a lot of it is going back to what people found to work in the "good ole' days" and a lot of times they knew what they were doing and we have set way too many things aside in today's world!!


You said that what you ate yesterday made you queasy? And that when you rub the peppermint oil on your hands and take a deep breath it works. Do you think that would work if someone was queasy as in sea sick?


Thanks again!

Barbara :D

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It's kind of a new agey really old world sort of thing used to channel healing and energy. The giver holds his or her hands over the body of the receiver and sends healing energy. It's used to heal wounds or illness, relieve stress, combat addictions and so on. Personally, I'm still on the fence but alot of the homeopathic, accupuncture, and other alternative healing techniques are very good. Right now I'm trying a combination of peppermint oil and purification oil to detox from the cake and bread I had at yesterday's birthday party. I didn't have that much but I'm not used to eating it and this morning I was so queasy. I'm much better after the peppermint oil. I just rubbed it on my hands and then took deep breaths into them. It really works.




I think a lot of this "stuff" (for lack of a better word - I don't mean it to sound negative!) works because, like meditation, it focuses your mind (your brain? your energies?) onto whatever is causing your problem, & then your body can more easily heal itself.


If it works (& someone isn't charging huge amounts of money for it!), I say go for it! I truly believe that we don't use our brains to their fullest capacity, & if we could tap into those unused energies, we would all be a lot better off!

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I think a lot of this "stuff" (for lack of a better word - I don't mean it to sound negative!) works because, like meditation, it focuses your mind (your brain? your energies?) onto whatever is causing your problem, & then your body can more easily heal itself.


If it works (& someone isn't charging huge amounts of money for it!), I say go for it! I truly believe that we don't use our brains to their fullest capacity, & if we could tap into those unused energies, we would all be a lot better off!


I agree! My son is ADHD and we tried accupuncture with him and he did great, better than on the meds. But I always thought that part of the results was because the accupuncturist functioned as a very good therapist just because of her personality. He's 18 now and I don't have to get him through school anymore, thank goodness, so now it is his decision what he does about it.


Back to weight loss, or lack thereof. Only down 1/2 pound this week, haven't been to Curves at all. I really have to get up early and go, won't make it once my day gets busy. So I am 7 pounds toward my 40 by Sept goal. Still have not eaten one candy or ice cream out of my store tho - I am resisting!

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I think a lot of this "stuff" (for lack of a better word - I don't mean it to sound negative!) works because, like meditation, it focuses your mind (your brain? your energies?) onto whatever is causing your problem, & then your body can more easily heal itself.


If it works (& someone isn't charging huge amounts of money for it!), I say go for it! I truly believe that we don't use our brains to their fullest capacity, & if we could tap into those unused energies, we would all be a lot better off!


I think you're absolutely right. Some call it reikki, some call it laying on of hands, prayer power, whatever. Half the battle is believing in it and letting your body do it's job.


Barbara- I'm not used to eating sugar and flour anymore. I have crohn's and those are on the "really bad for me" list. They're not real good for anyone but especially for people with autoimmune diseases. There are all kinds of great answers in homeopathy for motion sickness. People use everything from accupressure bands, accupuncture, biofeedback, hypnosis to herbs. Two of the best herbs are ginger and peppermint. Also lavender can work for some people because it calms the nerves. Just make sure if you're going to try it you get good quality oils, teas or pills. Immitation flavors won't do it. The oils I use are by Youngliving. Check out http://www.youngliving.org. Also most ogranic groceries carry oils, teas and pills. If you live near a Wild Oats they have a large seletction of things to try. If you want some more info I can give you the e-mail address of a friend of mine who is a homeopath.



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Count me in!! I want to join this group too!! I've been on WW for 5.5 weeks now and at last weigh in, I was down 12.5 lbs. I should lose a total of 80 lbs, but would be happy with 60 lbs, but will ultimately settle for an additional 30 by cruise time Nov. 19th!! That's an average of an additional 5 lbs per month for the next 6 months. While I'd love to lose considerably more by then, I don't want to set myself up for major disappointment. I figure in these early months I may lose more than 5 per month, but as Sept. nears I may only lose half a pound per week and then that would only be 2 pounds per month. I gave up all processed sugar and all liquor almost 3 months ago and I've been working out at the gym since January. Neither of those 2 things were doing it, but the minute I added WW the pounds started coming off. One really does need to exercise and diet at the same time to lose weight. One without the other just doesn't work. I average 3 times per week at the gym, but I'm there almost 2 hours. 1 hour of cardio and 45 minutes of weights. I missed twice this past weekend, and I bet the scale shows it this week. :cool:


I need to go down at least 2 sizes before the cruise. I'm in an 18 now and want to be in a 14. I am on my way, however, I'm below the 200 mark on the scale now!! WOOHOO

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