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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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Sorry I missed yesterday but it was a busy day and I was too tired to get on the computer. Our weightlifting instructor really worked us hard! Anyhow, I did manage to loose the extra pound I gained. Now if only it keeps coming off. One great thing that happened was that I was able to get into (and do up) a pair of capri's I bought last year that wouldn't fit so I gave them to my daughter. I guess that just proves muscle weighs more than fat! Yeah.


New short term goal....break the 90's.


Have a great evening, Jill:)

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Txcdn1 - I found what you lost! Bad week, up 1.5 lbs :(

Holiday weekend, worked too many hours, ate all the wrong things. Starting over tomorrow, after a really good nights sleep.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!



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I'd like to take part in this challenge. I cruise in Nov. and have about 35 lbs to loose. I have been doing Herbal Life Weightlose Plan for 4 weeks and have lost 14 lbs without too much problem. Herbal Life is expensive and maybe that is why I am being true to following it. It consists of 2 Meal replacement shakes with vitamins to go along with it and then for your supper a regular healthy meal, snacks like fruit, veggies, low fat yogurt and lots and lots of water. For me the suggested is about 1200 cal a day. I love the shakes because then I don't have to plan what to eat. They are very tasty, easy and quick to make and fill you up too. I have had great success with Atkins before and lost about 35 lbs in about 4 months but then it gradually started coming back on and before I knew it, BAM, I was back to where I was when I started. I never had too much success with WW because I found that I was always hungry until I stopped weighing things and then I was hooped again.


Anyway good luck to you all and it really is encouraging to read about everyones trials and tribulations.



Celebrity Century Nov 26

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Hi All


I can't beleive I forgot to post my loss on Friday - well actually, since it was only .25 of a lb (to bring me to 7.75 total towards our goal of 40) I was probably embarrassed! It's amazing to me that eating out 2x makes such a big difference in how much (or little) you can lose in a week. And basically, that was the big difference in what I did last week. And I really didn't eat lots -- at least I don't think I did :rolleyes: - but when you don't fix the food yourself, there can be so many "hidden calories"!


Congrats to all who lost last week! And and for the rest of us who didn't lose much or didn't lose at all, we probably need to refocus and pay a little more attention to what we put in our mouths or how much we exercise! (I still havent gotten my pedometer yet! It's "on the list"!)


I'm expecting Thursday's weigh in to be better!

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Well this Thursday's weigh in was much better. I lost 1.25 for a total of 9 since Apr 23. At this rate, though, I'd better get a move on to lose another 31 in 14 weeks! :p


Yesterday I hit the goal of 40lb lost! :D Feels good! I'm about halfway to my "real" goal now!


Thanks for all the encouragment! :o It makes it a bit easier, knowing I have a place to write down my successes & problems, & I can see that others are in the same "boat" as me! Plus, I like the friendly "competition" of these challenges - where everyone who 'loses' is also a winner!

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congratulations sharonella wtg. I met 2 goal markers today! I have a birthday today and I'm halfway to my goal. 20lbs yahoo! congrats to all those who have lost and keep going those who have stayed the same or even gained. Remember muscle weighs more than fat!


keep smiling, Jill;)

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Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. But saw that someone lost 40 lbs. and wanted to extend my congratulations! I've had some weight problems after I hit my 40's. Always thought I ate rather healthy but slowly the 5lbs. turned into 10lbs. and it happens. Anyway about 2 yrs. ago I finally realized the culprit in my diet. I cut out all sweetened iced tea and drank water with lemon. Also cut out most carbs from my diet. The weight finally came off & has now stayed off as long as I cut down on the carbs. Evaluating everything about my habits which even included the snacks I had such as 100 cal. snack of pretzels really adds up over time.


Yes, I fell off the wagon, so to speak, on our recent cruise. Enjoyed those wonderful croissants every morning and ate dessert every night and chocolates. Gained 6 lbs. in 12 days! Have lost 5 of it since I'm home. Anyway, my point is that over the span of our lives we try all kinds of diets & exercise routines but it seems that each decade of our lives as our metabolism changes we need to adjust our eating style & pattern of exercise.


Good luck to all who are working on getting into shape. It will not only do wonders for your self esteem but your energy level will soar. It's also a lot of fun going shopping for those new cruise clothes!

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Hey Jill! Happy Birthday! And congrats on the 20lb milestone! :D Yahoo AND Woohoo!


And welcome, Sweetdreams! Thanks for the encouragement! Besides portion cotrol & limiting unneeded fats (esp. saturated fats) & empty calorie carbs, EXERCISE has been my savior! It's what's helping me lose weight consistently, & I'll just have to keep doing it in some form or other to maintain once I hit my goal (about another 40 lbs from now!).


I'm 47 now myself, & like in those incessant TV commercials, I've developed that "ugly belly fat", that I never had before. No matter what I weighed in the past, my waist & hip measurements usually had about a 10 inch difference. NOW my waist is only 6 inches smaller than my hips - that was before AND even now AFTER losing 40 lbs! I'm reading up on what can be done with diet (NOT drugs) to help with that, and if it works, I'll post it in the forums here.

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Welcome Sweetdreams! I also have switched to drinking water with lemon and for variety water with lime instead of sodas, I think it really makes a difference in the weightloss. Anyhow this is just a quick note of welcome as I have a busy day around the house today.



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Hey Jill! Happy Birthday! And congrats on the 20lb milestone! :D Yahoo AND Woohoo!


And welcome, Sweetdreams! Thanks for the encouragement! Besides portion cotrol & limiting unneeded fats (esp. saturated fats) & empty calorie carbs, EXERCISE has been my savior! It's what's helping me lose weight consistently, & I'll just have to keep doing it in some form or other to maintain once I hit my goal (about another 40 lbs from now!).


I'm 47 now myself, & like in those incessant TV commercials, I've developed that "ugly belly fat", that I never had before. No matter what I weighed in the past, my waist & hip measurements usually had about a 10 inch difference. NOW my waist is only 6 inches smaller than my hips - that was before AND even now AFTER losing 40 lbs! I'm reading up on what can be done with diet (NOT drugs) to help with that, and if it works, I'll post it in the forums here.


Hope you find an answer to the belly thing!! It is amazing how that happens when we get past a certain age!!! :eek: Looking forward to your posts!

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I have been following this thread for several weeks now, so thought I would jump in and introduce myself.


I'm 49 years old and about 25lbs overweight. I have lost 3 pounds in the past few weeks and reading your posts here has helped me to stay on track. I have a new reason to lose since my son came home from his first year at college. He came home weighing 215lbs. and he's only 5' 10". he gained over 15 lbs. this year and his dad and I are really concerned. So he and I are both on the weight-loss wagon.


I work out 4 times per week but have decided to up that to 5 or 6 for this summer. If I lose the 25lbs. I think my husband would agree to take about any cruise I want. How's that for motivation? :)

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I have been following this thread for several weeks now, so thought I would jump in and introduce myself.


If I lose the 25lbs. I think my husband would agree to take about any cruise I want. How's that for motivation? :)


Welcome! I hope we can help you stay on track - I like your DH's thinking! Mine, I think, actually believes that when the weight comes off, this 53 year old body will go back to the 33 year old one he married. Probably not happening! He's dreaming of bikinis!


Anyway, after a 1.5 gain last week, I am down 3.5 this week, so 9 pounds down toward the 40 by September. 9 pounds in a month seems like a good pace, though I would love it to come off faster! This thread is really helping me stay focused - thanks to all of you! :D



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Just checking in. Weight is back to the 300 pounds exactly, too many grad parties and too little self control. Will start again.


Hey Dan - Sorry to hear that. What I've had to learn when confronted with the party/buffet "problem" is to, on your first pass through, just take just "little bits" of ONLY what you REALLY want (hopefully it will include some salad or veggies, and don't bother with bread or chips!). Then, you can always get up a second time if you really want more. One thing I do (which is hard for a guy sometimes, I think) is take a bite off someone else's plate (like my BF or my sister) if they have something that's totally decadent, that I can't trust myself to just take a teensy serving from the buffet. Also, if you find you've taken too much food - you just don't HAVE to eat everything on your plate! (Regardless of what your mother told you, it doesn't help starving kids in China if you clean your plate here in the good ol' USA!):rolleyes:


I'm glad you haven't given up - every day is a new day! Oh - one other thing - when you're at these big gatherings & people notice you aren't eating as much, don't let them say "It's a party, take a break!". Tell them, "Hey, you can't argue with success, I've already lost 10, 15 (or whatever)." Good luck!


I work out 4 times per week but have decided to up that to 5 or 6 for this summer. If I lose the 25lbs. I think my husband would agree to take about any cruise I want. How's that for motivation?


Way to go, tennisobo!


Bumping up the exercise will definitely increase your weight loss! And what a GREAT motivator - have you picked your cruise yet! :D


I've got some new motivation myself. I want to audition for a community show later this summer, & it's the first time in a long time that I've felt confident enough to do so! (I usually perform with one group, but this would be for a different group.)

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Hi, Everyone! I would love to join a support group to help me lose about 30-35 pounds by my October 8th cruise so can I join you!!?...Is it even possible to lose that much in 4 months? I don't want my goal weight to be to out of reach. I guess instead of typing this...i should be on the treadmill...but my throat hurts and I have to get ready for work in about an hour and ....maybe when I get home ....ok I get home at 12 p.m...see how good i am at making excuses..but my throat does hurt..Anyway, is there room for another person here...a very chubby person? Can you even use the term "chubby" when you are almost 40...probably not...

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Hi, Everyone! I would love to join a support group to help me lose about 30-35 pounds by my October 8th cruise so can I join you!!?...Is it even possible to lose that much in 4 months? I don't want my goal weight to be to out of reach. I guess instead of typing this...i should be on the treadmill...but my throat hurts and I have to get ready for work in about an hour and ....maybe when I get home ....ok I get home at 12 p.m...see how good i am at making excuses..but my throat does hurt..Anyway, is there room for another person here...a very chubby person? Can you even use the term "chubby" when you are almost 40...probably not...


Welcome sierraN-- there's always room in cyberspace! And we just cruised the Glory in March -- Great ship!


30-35lbs is ambitious, but not impossible! If you can't get a workout on the treadmill today, do you have a break at work where you can walk for 15-20 minutes? That small "workout" is better than no workout, and even better than exhausting yourself if you really do feel ill. Good luck!

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Well, I'm a nurse, so I get a lot of walking in that way..but not the kind where I'm at a steady pace for 30 minutes..:) I work in Labor and Delivery and there are only 2 of us, so we can't leave the unit. I like your suggestions though...i guess you have to try and get in any kind of work out that you can some days and keep focused on the goal! I really think working with weights would help too not just to lose weight but because of all the lifting that I do at work.

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Wow! So many new people. Welcome everyone! SierraN I am also a nurse and work in the nursery in a 12 bed unit. When our census is low we have been know to walk briskly around the unit for 15-20 min as we can't leave either. I still do try and get in at least a good 2-3hr work out 3 times a week. Also keep a large glass of water available at all times. It's also very important NOT to skip meals. Try and eat every 3-4 hours minimum as it keep the metabolism burning. Your probably already know these things but it doesn't help to hear them again. Good luck! Jill:)

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SierraN- You should get a pedometer and see how far you walk each day. You might be surprised. You're supposed to aim for at least 10,000 a day and I'm betting at work you probably get that and then some. :D You may be getting more "cardio" than you think.


Strength training might be a better bet for you. I was just talking to the nurse practicioner at the asthma clinic today about this same thing. She lost about 50 pounds a while back and she swears by strength training. She had been doing cardio for 8 months and only lost 5 pounds but when she got a trainer for a couple of sessions to set up a routine for her she got results really quickly.



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I still do try and get in at least a good 2-3hr work out 3 times a week.


Wow to you Jill! 2-3 hour workouts! Maybe that's what I need to do at lest 1x per week. I usually only do 60-90 mins at a time in the gym 4-5x week (usually closer to 60) plus (like today) get in a 20 min walk at lunch about 2x week.


Way to go!

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Hi everyone..hope everyone is stinking to plan. Sharonella I really enjoy working out once I get there it's just hard for me to get there with my work schedule. I have recently rediscovered swimming laps and am suprised by how much cardio it provides. I am only up to 9 laps so far and am exhausted by the time I'm finished. It's a great feeling though. Have a great day..talk to you in a few days. Jill:p

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I am cruising Sept.10 and want to lose 40 lbs. before I go. I have joined the gym and am trying to watch what I eat and when. I have all this great skinny cruise clothes but nothing fits!!! How can I go on a cruise in Sept. with only 3 pairs of my fat shorts? I have to get down or I won't even be able to wear any of my gowns?! :o

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Jill - I'm not a swimmer - I wish I was - I just kind of just paddle around in the shallow end of any pool. One of these days...... I hear water aerobics is good too. My gym has a "sister gym" with a pool, & they occasionally offer special water aerobics classes. I'd really like to try that, for the exercise, as well as to make myself more comfortable in the water.


cruizinrican - Welcome! What's your plan? Joining a gym is great! Be sure to take advantage of any free consultations with instructors/weight trainers. (Just make sure they focus on showing you how to use the machines & maximize your workout time, rather than sell you dietary supplements, etc.) I find that using the weight machines is a better workout than using free weights. And be sure to "push your limits". I can't believe how many people (especially women) I see "flopping" their arms around with 2 lb free weights or 10 lbs on the machines - wasting their time, because they just are not "doing" anything to build up their muscles that way! (Sorry for the rant - there were quite a few of those ladies I saw last night at the gym - more than ususal - they must be anxious to get ready for swimsuit season!!)


Bottom line - If you focus on your workout (alternating weights AND aerobic) as much as on your way of eating (portion control, eating less processed foods, eating more veg & fruits, more water, etc.) the actual lbs lost may not matter as much as the total inches lost.


Good luck & keep us informed!

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