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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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Sharonella- I love water aerobics! When we got our pool I bought 2 books and created my own water routine that includes 15 minutes of aerobic moves, 15 min of water running and about 20 minutes of strength exercises. You should do it next time the opportunity comes up.



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Welcome to all the new people!


Tami - I don't have much access to a pool, but if the gym offers classes at their other location that fit my schedule, I'm there!



Well, I'm here to post my weigh in for yesterday - I gained 1.25 this week. :( That brings my total lost to only 7.75 since Apr 23.


It's very frustrating because I know I exercised more - in addition to my usual workouts at the gym after work, I walked 20 minutes every day this week at lunch!


I also didn't THINK I had too much food (the scale says different), but I know I can lose track of portion sizes because I don't measure every time - I 'eyeball' it. I think I need to track what I eat for a week or so and recheck my portion sizes & calories. AND I think I may need to switch around WHEN I eat what, too. I tend to eat lighter (but many times) during the day, with a big supper about 8:30 after I get back from the gym.


I think also I need to track how much protein I have every day, as well as when I have it. While I might be having enough, I'm thinking maybe I have to have more in the morning, to get me going, & less at supper. Does anyone know how to calculate how much protein I should be having in a day? And should I base my protein intake on what I weigh now? Or my goal weight?


Thanks in advance!

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Sharonella sorry I don't know the answer to your protein questions but I do have some other suggestions. How often and what are you eating during the day? You should also eat your larger meal in the morning or at lunch. Weight watchers also recommends that you write down (journal) EVERYTHING that crosses your lips. This includes tasting while preparing meals, walking through Sam's club etc. You will be suprised how quickly those things add up. Have you varied your exercise program at all? Your body gets used to the same routine and results won't be as good. Just remember muscle weighs more than fat! Don't give up...you still are at a loss. Good luck, Jill:)

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Sharonella- According to most of the things I've read, you figure your protein needs by figuring one gram for every pound you weigh. Hi carb/low fat programs divide that number by half and low carb programs use that as the minimum number of fat grams. So if you weigh 150 pounds (I'd love to!) you'd need 150 grams of protein or more for a low carb plan or about 75 grams for a low fat/high carb plan. Figure each egg or ounce of meat for about 7 grams of protein.


Hope that helps.



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Hello all! I just found this thread and would like to join, if that's alright with everyone!:D I am cruising on Oct. 30th, but would like to lose 40 more pounds by Sept. I have lost 33 since Jan. but I have slacked off:eek: I need some more motivation to work out. I started walking in the mornings and did really good for about two weeks then for some reason I stopped.:confused: Anyway, I need to really work hard to lose those last 40 by my cruise. I want to make sure that I have time to buy all new clothes!:p


Hope everyone has a good day


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Hi Sara, welcome to our thread! You have done super since January - great job! I am sailing Nov. 10th, just after you, so less than 5 months to go! That sounds like motivation to me! If we can stay at a nice even pace, we'll get there without going crazy at the end.


And, on that note, I am down 2 pounds this week. Was kinda sick over the weekend, too much heat, no A/C, so I can't take all the credit, but it's still nice to see on the scale ;) Also, I made to 209 - only 10 more to the 100's - haven't been there in 6 or 8 years, don't remember when! Down 11, 29 more to 40 by September.


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Thank you Jill & Tami!


I'm pretty sure I'm not getting that much protein - and I really hate writing everything down, but I know I need to do it every now & then (like now) to sort out what I'm doing, & revise my "plan of attack"! I'll track for a few weeks & figure out where I need to make my changes - Including trying to eat more (protein mostly) earlier in the day, & then lighter in the evening.



Way to go Kathy & Sara!


Breaking the "200 barrier" was a real big deal for me too! And Sara - 33 since January - Awesome! Walking is the best excercise - which reminds me - off to my afternoon walk!


Here's hoping this week's weigh in is better for me! Even tho I know I need to "revamp" my eating even more as I get closer to my goal, I think I might have over-reacted a bit at this week's gain - it's my first gain (over .25 lbs) since February, so I think I panicked - but I do want (need) to nip it in the bud right away, so it's not a trend!


Thanks for all the suppport & help! :D I love the encouragment I get here!

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Great job Snowcamper: It is amazing how much more energy one seems to have as the pounds start to come off. I was pleased this week dropping 4 lbs for a total of 19 lbs since May 2. I will have a major challenge this weekend as I will be going to Girl Guide camp and the outdoor cooking is always so flavorful. I guess it is good that I am already planning my diet attack for the weekend and hopefully my willpower will keep me motivated.


One thing that I have used for snacking is roasted soya nuts. They take a little getting use too and you have to be carefull with your teeth because some of them seem to be very hard but they are full of protein.


Good luck to you all. I love reading this thread. It helps alot. I am really looking forward to getting some new clothes when i reach my goal of 40 by sept.


Angela cruising Nov 26 on the Century :)

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WTG Angela! Planning ahead is half the battle, I'm finding! Keeping ou with those campers is bound to burn off lots of calories tho! I think the s'mores would be the toughest for me! :eek:


I do the roasted soy nuts too (unsalted). I usually add a handful to my yogurt at lunch! Extra protein & lots of crunch! Makes the yogurt more satisfying!

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:) WTG everyone! I had success on the scales again this week. Down another 2...I can see the 80's on the horizon, YEAH!! I also had a meeting at work with someone I don't see very ofter. When I stood up she said "wow skinny!" great for the ego and also helps boost the willpower. We are going to Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels tomorrow (a water amusement park) and I'll have to be in my swimsuit all day, thank goodness I've lost that 22lbs. Anyhow have a great night everyone and once again WTG! Jill:p

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Angela - I also eat the soy nuts, unsalted of course! They do take some getting used to. I'm not sure what diet you are on, but on my plan we can have reduced fat peanut butter as a protein and it's yummy!!:D You guy's really seem to have it going. I have been in a slump the last month or so and have struggled with the same 2-3 pounds. I can't seem to get past 169!:mad: I lose it then I gain it back. It's so irritating! That's why I have started walking again. I really want to lose this last 40 before my cruise. And I'm really affraid I won't be able to. Anyone have any extra tips I could try??

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I am so impressed with the motivation of exercise with everyone on this thread. I haven't been too true with my work outs, a little bit of weights, a little walking, a little rollerblading, however, I was up and out the door by 6 am for a very brisk walk for 1 hour and 15 min. I even managed to work up a sweat and I am making plans for the same tomorrow morning. I find that if I can get the exercise done in the morning it really kicks the metobolizim into high gear. I do daycare in my home and although I am very active it is not the same as intense exercise.


Another snack that was suggested to me was a whole can of tune (packed in water of course) mixed chopped up dill pickles and a couple of tblspoons of light mayo. Again a low calorie high protein snack. Apparently that protein just keeps the body furnace working. I am feeling great and getting into jeans that I haven't fit into for quite some time.


Oh by the way, I went to see "Monster In Law" with Jane Fonda, and talk about looking terrific for her age????? I know that she has the $$$$$ for lots of face lifts and no doubt tummy tucks, however, she sure has a great body. And I had alot of laughs, it is definately a chic flic.


Have a great day all;)

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Another snack that was suggested to me was a whole can of tune (packed in water of course) mixed chopped up dill pickles and a couple of tblspoons of light mayo. Again a low calorie high protein snack. Apparently that protein just keeps the body furnace working. I am feeling great and getting into jeans that I haven't fit into for quite some time.


Want to "kick this up a notch"? Add a bit of horseradish. :eek: My BF's mom turned me on to this - anything you make that you would add mayo to, add a bit of horseradish, and it turns something that's just "good" into something to ENJOY! And if you think light mayo is a little "bleah", you don't even notice if you add horseradish!

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Hi everyone!!!

We are not air-conditioned and the thought of sitting in the heat typing was just too much. But I did exercise early each day!!! I'm feeling great because the scale read 165 today--only 5 pounds from the 150s!!!


Sara- I was in a major slump for two weeks, gained 2 pounds and with the help of all the good people here got back on the wagon. I cannot beleive how much better I feel when I exercise.


Kathy I hate the hear also, and with only one room with AC I can credit mother nature with my loss this week. Nothing like a heat wave to cut the appetite and make you drink water!!!


Jill- I had the opposite happen to me!! I have lost 21 pounds and at least 15 inches since March. I am wearing clothes that I have not been able to squeeze into for 2 years. My DH (yes I did post the fat DH thread) is sort of on Atkins because there is nothing else to eat in the house. We ran into a friend lastweek and she said "Wow, Den have you ever lost a TON of weight!!" Oh well....

My sister says that she has never really noticed my weight changes because I carry myself with attitude no matter what my size--there might be a compliment in there somewhere but my ego would still like someone to notice 21 pounds, 15 inches and 2 dress sizes!!!


Hoping that everyone is doing well



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Hi All!


After crying & whining last week about my "big" gain, I have come to believe that the scale I weighed in on last week was the main problem. (Haven't we all heard THAT before! :rolleyes: ) Usually, I only weigh myself every other week at the chiropractor's office. Nice realible scale, & I don't beat myself up over every little 1/4 lost or gained. When I started doing these weight loss "challenges", I decided to use the scale at my gym on the "odd" weeks - & even figured out (by weighing myself at the gym, then driving straight to the chiropractor) that there was only a 1/2 lb difference between the 2 scales.


Well, this week at the chiropractor, I "lost" a whopping 3.25 lbs since last week. I certainly don't feel I lost that much, but last week when the other scale said I gained, THAT's when I felt I lost. This works out to only 2 lbs lost since 2 weeks ago at the chirorpractor. I think I need to go back to just weighing myself every two weeks, even in these challenges, or else I will drive myself (and you guys!) crazy. :o


OK - bottom line - I've lost 11 lbs toward the 40 I pledged to lose by Sept 8. I've still got to kick it up a bit to make that goal, but I went to Wal-Mart last night & bought a pedometer (finally!) & a new bike helmet & gloves. My bike will hopefully be fixed up by next weekend!


Thanks for listening! :D

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Allright Sharonella! I like riding my bike too! Unfortunately the weather here is getting really hot again so it's very hard to ride. I lost (and hope to never find) another 1.5 lbs. Hello '80s. What a great feeling. Keep it up everyone, Jill:)

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Hi Getaway!


Anyone can join! Welcome! What do you hope lose by September?


To everyone else - congrats on your losses!


I think this was supposed to end Sept 8, but hey! Why not keep it going to the end of the month if you want? We just need to set goals accordingly. Right now, if I want to stick to my original goal of 40 lbs by Sept 8, I need to average about 2lbs per week. (It seemed more doable back in May when I joined the challenge!:rolleyes: ) If we keep on to the end of September, it seems more likely I'll actually get (closer) to 40 lost!:p



Still no bike yet! :( It's at our camper "up north", & I don't think we'll make it up till July 4th, unless my dear BF goes up for a day trip next weekend. (He was hoping to go up this weekend, & it just never happened!)


What I did do yesterday was run around for over an hour with my 7 yr old niece, batting around a 10" ball with a sturdy plastic "tennis" racket, just seeing how long we could volley it back & forth on the patio! I had quite the workout! My shoulders & legs still feel it, but it feels GREAT! A year ago, I'd have been lucky to have lasted 10 minutes, & would probably have thrown out my back!


Y'know - It's not really about the numbers on the scale or how I look in a bathing suit - It's about being able to play with my nieces & nephews without getting out of breath, and actually feel GREAT doing it! :D

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The end of September sounds good to me too! I cruise September 25th and that will give me a little extra time. We all know it gets harder to loose the closer you are to goal! I'm going up to visit my sister in Fort Worth this weekend and am hoping to buy some new smaller clothes. Have a great one, Jill;)

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I weighed in today - up 3 pounds, I'm sorry to say. Not surprised tho, I seem to be totally off track right now, I want to eat everything in sight! Especially if it says "ice cream" on the label! That's when it really hurts to have one's own convenience store - it's too convenient! But I am back on track today. I didn't do formal exercise, but I pulled all the weeds around the pool, so that was a good 2 hours of work (big pool, lots of weeds!)


Hope you guys are doing better than I am!

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Well, I feel pretty good today. I weighed in this morning and lost about .5 pound. I also walked 1 1/2 miles and did some crunches to lose my gut. I was really proud of myself. Didn't lose as much as I had hoped but at least it's something. I'm hoping that my workouts are making me gain muscle and lose inches. If that's the case then I don't feel so bad about the scale not moving much.


Hey snow... Are you eating sugar free, fat free ice cream? If not maybe you should swich to it, then you can have your "ice cream" and eat it too!!:D



Keep up the good work everyone.

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