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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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You want to tally pounds from when we started this or when we started our weightloss??


This thread was started on April 23, but I joined it in May. Since I have been losing weight since September '04, I just checked back in my notes as to what I weighed on April 23 & have been counting my losses against that figure. As of my last weigh in, I am down only 11 lb toward losing 40.


You could count your losses that way, OR if you hadn't already started your weight loss plan when you joined this thread, just figure out how much you think you can lose by the end of the challenge.


I think we kind of decided this ends at the end of September? That means the original challenge was for 40 lbs in about 5 months - which breaks down to an average of about 8lbs per month.


What do you guys think?

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Well, on April 23 I weighed 175.2 and as of today I weigh 166.4. That's only an 8.8 pound loss for me since we started.:mad: I have really hit a plateu (sp?) and it sucks. The scale has moved alot for me this past week and I can only hope that it continues. I am taking this chalenge on into the middle of Oct. Because my cruise leaves Oct.30 and my goal is to be down the 40 before we go. I don't think I am gonna make it at this rate.:( It really sucks when you break it down and look back to see that you've only lost 8 pounds in 2 months!:( Now I'm depressed. I weighed in this morning and didn't lose or gain. I guess that's good. I've been really good on plan and haven't had any mess ups all week. Anyone have any ideas on how I can jump start my body??

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well, I am a stay-the-samer this week as well, which is better than gaining like I did last week! Congrats to all who are doing so well!

I know my problem has been the snacking. I have to get my brain back into the mode of making the right choices! I've been better the past couple days. I have to make myself eat regularly, not wait until I am hungry and willing to grab anything quick. AND I have to resist those urges. Nothing really tastes as good (at least not long enuff!) as I think it will. It's gone so fast and I just want more. It's better if I don't even taste it. I've never been one where a little bit can satisfy the cravings.

Right now, I have lost 10 since May 5, I think (my chart is in my other computer). I put 3 back on last week :( or I would be better. WE have 3 months to go until the end of Sept - 13 more Mondays. I just want to get as close as a can to the 40 - as long as I keep going in the right direction, and not back up, I am fine. It took a long time to put this weight on, 15 years, so it will take a while to come off.

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Well, on April 23 I weighed 175.2 and as of today I weigh 166.4. That's only an 8.8 pound loss for me since we started.:mad: I have really hit a plateu (sp?) and it sucks. The scale has moved alot for me this past week and I can only hope that it continues. I am taking this chalenge on into the middle of Oct. Because my cruise leaves Oct.30 and my goal is to be down the 40 before we go. I don't think I am gonna make it at this rate.:( It really sucks when you break it down and look back to see that you've only lost 8 pounds in 2 months!:( Now I'm depressed. I weighed in this morning and didn't lose or gain. I guess that's good. I've been really good on plan and haven't had any mess ups all week. Anyone have any ideas on how I can jump start my body??


8 lbs in 2 months averages 1 lb per week. That is fabulous! :D You are still losing. You haven't "really" hit a plateau yet, just slowed down a bit - a plateau is when you either stay at exactly the same weight, or keep losing & gaining the same 1-3 lbs for quite a while.


Try switching around what you eat when - I have friend who started eating her "breakfast" at noon & her "lunch" in the AM, and it got her weight loss moving again. You might have to change around your workout, especially if you've been doing exactly the same stuff for a while.


Try adding a few minutes to your workouts, or add a 15-20 minute walk a few times a week. If you don't have the time to have longer or more workouts, try increasing the intensity a bit. Up your weights a little. Use a different machine once in a while - the treadmill instead of the ellipse, or vice versa. Vary the workouts, or increase the resistance. Push your limits a little!


Or switch classes/instructors at the gym. For example - I take the same class every Tues - free weights & leg lifts & crunches, etc, for an hour. Well, she was out last week & there was a sub teaching the class - basically the same muscles worked - but different moves! Wow - what a difference! Then when the regular instructor was back this week, THAT felt like a whole new workout, too! Not sure how that will affect the scale this week, but, so far, I FEEL it did!


It's so easy for your body to get into a rut & get used to what you do - shake it up a bit!

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Okay, Let's start the tally from April 23rd since that is when this challenge started and if you started after that date then just submit what you have lost to date, if you want. So far from what I gather we have the following:


guidinggirl - 23

Snowcamper - 10

sarapdot - 8.8

sharonella - 11

doughboy - 15

heids32 - 2


Total 69.8 lbs Which is the weight of a large dog,lab or setter, a canoe or a bull calf.


This should help us to stay on the downward trend. If I got your numbers wrong just post and I will try to keep our tally up to date.


Good luck and have a great day.



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I'm looking at only 30 pounds...but also hope for at least 10% body fat lose.


Started at 250 in January...not fat-fat, just large..big boned...mostly muscle... was an "American Gladiator" contestant 10 years ago.(28% body fat)

One month ago I booked our cruise for October.... Aiming for 220.


Now I'm at 236 and 23% body fat. 220 looks like no problem.


Simple.... Smaller portions of Good Food.....Water...lots of water....veggie/fruit snacks..... slowly exercising.

Started with walking a couple of miles slowly... now riding my bike 2 days a week (10 miles easy).... in a couple of weeks I will be riding 15 miles 3 days a week.

Doing Ab crunches (100+) daily.


Only the bike ride takes up time (about 75 minutes w/shower) The rest is simple.


Yes it is tough at first to eat smaller portions of food...but you get in the habit and you get great support from family and co-workers when you say:

"I going to lose 30 pounds by ...... for my cruise." I've actually gotten a few co-workers to start a diet. And the ultimate help is if your spouse gets healthy with you. My wife doesn't have to lose as much as I do, but she is in there exercising and eating healty too. (notice I didn't say 'dieting'....it's healty eating!!!!)

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Hi everyone!l


Great losses! Woohoo! By the end of the Sept, I expect we will have lost more than what some of us actually weigh! :p


I only lost .5 :rolleyes: for the last 2 weeks, but I'm still moving in the right direction! So I have a total loss of 11.5. I know I exercised more in the last 2 weeks, so maybe I'm building more muscle?


Thanks for keeping track for us Angela! :D and FYI - I'm only going to weigh myself every other Thursday at my chiropractor's office, so I will only use their reliable scale when I post!


Good news! FINALLY got the bike fixed up, air in the tires, & my new helmet & gloves - ready to ride around the "Great North Woods" of Lancaster & Jefferson NH this long holiday weekend. We're even staying at a place with a pool & a gym, so I will DEFINITELY be working out this weekend! We've also got a fridge in the room, so I can bring healthy snacks, fruit & yogurt, etc., & not have to eat out all weekend! The hotel has a great soup & salad bar, too - lots of veggies!


In 2 weeks, I expect to post way more than 2 lbs lost! :p I need to really buckle down to get close to 40lbs by the end of Sept!


Have a great weekend all!

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Well I'll keep the talley going:



guidinggirl - 23

Snowcamper - 10

sarapdot - 8.8

sharonella - 11

doughboy - 15

heids32 - 2

txcdeni - 23

sharonella - 11.5

tvtd4u - 14.5


let's get serious now!!!!!! Only 9 weeks until September - that's 9 more pounds!!!! at least.


Thankfully I have 15 weeks until my cruise...but I want at least 15 more pounds and 5% body fat off !!!! Now I'm at 23% and I want 18 or less... this is one of the keys folks.... not just the weight but the body fat....this will give us energy to do all the excursions during the day and dance at night and eat all that good food.

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I'm looking at only 30 pounds...but also hope for at least 10% body fat lose.


Started at 250 in January...not fat-fat, just large..big boned...mostly muscle... was an "American Gladiator" contestant 10 years ago.(28% body fat)


Oho! I somehow missed the American Gladiator bit 1st time I read your post! My BF & I used to watch that ALL the time! (We were such couch potatoes, that that was our only exercise for the week - watching other people sweat!)


How did you do in your competition??

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Oho! I somehow missed the American Gladiator bit 1st time I read your post! My BF & I used to watch that ALL the time! (We were such couch potatoes, that that was our only exercise for the week - watching other people sweat!)


How did you do in your competition??


Ahhhhh the good old days. Back then I was 230+ with under 20% body fat. and 6'3". In the tryouts for American Gladiator they designed the single elimination event so big guys like myself wouldn't make it. (25 pull full pull ups in 30 seconds - I did 19) so I got cut before I started. They didn't want their "Gladiators" looking "normal" or not very big standing next to someone who was almost as big as they were. They wanted contestants that were small.

But it was fun.


Now I have to turn that muscle that turned to fat back into muscle.

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Ahhhhh the good old days. Back then I was 230+ with under 20% body fat. and 6'3". In the tryouts for American Gladiator they designed the single elimination event so big guys like myself wouldn't make it. (25 pull full pull ups in 30 seconds - I did 19) so I got cut before I started. They didn't want their "Gladiators" looking "normal" or not very big standing next to someone who was almost as big as they were. They wanted contestants that were small.

But it was fun.


I guess they didn't want to pick on anyone their own size!!:rolleyes: How many full pullups could they do in 30 seconds??


Well, you did it before & you can do it again! Good luck!

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guidinggirl - 23

Snowcamper - 10

sarapdot - 8.8

sharonella - 11

doughboy - 15

heids32 - 4 (mine looks pretty sad compared to you guys! Good incentive!)

txcdeni - 23

sharonella - 11.5

tvtd4u - 14.5



Woo-hoo! Added two to my loss! Despite the office birthday party! I was pretty scared! The puzzles were are great idea! Haven't checked out that website yet, but I have a couple books:)

Here's to next week! Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th of July!


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Good news! FINALLY got the bike fixed up, air in the tires, & my new helmet & gloves - ready to ride around the "Great North Woods" of Lancaster & Jefferson NH this long holiday weekend. We're even staying at a place with a pool & a gym, so I will DEFINITELY be working out this weekend! We've also got a fridge in the room, so I can bring healthy snacks, fruit & yogurt, etc., & not have to eat out all weekend! The hotel has a great soup & salad bar, too - lots of veggies!



How was the weekend? NH sure got beautiful weather for Sat and Sunday! my campground was full to capacity, I didn't even count how many I turned away as I ran out of sites. Did you get in all the activity you planned - usually just getting out and enjoying the sites really adds up to a lot of steps on the ole pedometer! I didn't wear mine this weekend, should have - I was busy! It's Sunday evening now, the campers are enjoying Karaoke, and the store is quiet. Think I'll sleep for 24 hours tomorrow night and get rejuvenated. I plan to get back to Curves come Tuesday morning and get back on track for my cruise - 4 months and 6 days to go!


I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend!

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Help....I've fallen off the wagon and can't seem to curb my eating. I've been extremely busy at work and unable to go to the gym. On top of all that I went to my sisters and gave in to the EVIL potato chips! Now I just can't seem to get my willpower back. I'm scared to weigh in this week. Suggestions please!:o :( :confused: Jill

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How was the weekend? NH sure got beautiful weather for Sat and Sunday! my campground was full to capacity, I didn't even count how many I turned away as I ran out of sites. Did you get in all the activity you planned - usually just getting out and enjoying the sites really adds up to a lot of steps on the ole pedometer! I didn't wear mine this weekend, should have - I was busy! It's Sunday evening now, the campers are enjoying Karaoke, and the store is quiet. Think I'll sleep for 24 hours tomorrow night and get rejuvenated. I plan to get back to Curves come Tuesday morning and get back on track for my cruise - 4 months and 6 days to go!


I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend!


Hi Kathy -


You should have worn the pedometer - you probably would have been SO amazed at the numbers! :eek:


The weather was SUPERB in Lancaster NH - I rode my bike ALL 3 days for a total of FIVE hours on the hilly [mountainous?] roads (the last time I rode my bike was in 2002!) Boy my butt is sore! :p I also "swam around" in the hotel pool (sort of improvised water aerobics - continuously paddling, kicking, "walking" laps, etc.) all 3 days for 20-40 minutes a day. Add in 1 day at the hotel gym with weights & abs, & another with a brisk 45 minute walk (we would have walked longer, but started getting bombed by mosquitos!), and I'd say I did OK for myself! And I feel great! :cool:


Did OK in the eating dept, too. We did eat out a lot - but NO junk. Did eat pasta tho. I don't cook it at home any more (switched to brown rice & whole grains - higher in fiber) so it's treat to have it sometimes when I eat out - got a doggy bag, so made 2 meals of it! It was good for me, too - "mediterranean" style - olives, sundried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, sauteed in olive oil & topped with a bit of parmesan. Heaven! :D And I did have 2 beers - 1 each on Sat & Sun with dinner. My other "splurge".


I don't weigh in again until NEXT Thursday at the chiropractor, but I expect to post a good loss, especially if I can bike that much this weekend, too!

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Great that everyone is adding to the tally. I get to add some more weight to our tally, 2 lbs more. I am so impressed with you Sharonella, I just hope that I can be dedicated enough to get some exercise in while I am on a weeks vacation next week. We are taking off on the motorcycle and heading for Edmonton, about 12 hours away. We will be visiting in laws:rolleyes: that love to sit around the kitchen table and eat and drink, well who doesn't, but I will just have to have a plan of attack and make my intentions known up front as not to hurt any feelings about not indulging too much.


Our Tally is as follows


guidinggirl - 25

snowcamper - 10

sarapdot - 8.8

doughboy - 15

sharonella - 11.5

heids32 - 4

txcdn1 - 23

tvtd4u - 14.5


Total 112.3 lbs = the size of a small seal ( thats alot of blubber) or a long legged beautiful model, I dont' ever remember being that weight.


Txcdn1, don't fret about those Evil Chips, just make like it didn't even happen but get right back at it. I don't know if I would even weigh myself this week? Because if you do have some good days then that is what you have to focus on, not that you had a little set back. A little set back is not a reason to be down on yourself, or we will all be in big trouble after our cruises. It is hard enough to come home let alone try to lose the weight that you will gain, and we know that is the truth, and not fall back into our old routines and put the weight back on. "The yoyo affect" . Let's all be postive these last 9 weeks and enjoy the great outdoor, lean BBQ's and lots of tall glasses of Ice Water with a Lemon on the side. :) All have a great week.



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I've just booked a short cruise for September 1, and I would like to loose at least 20 pounds before the trip. (Actually need to loose more, but 20 for the trip will do for now) I am so glad to have this tread for support. I just started yesterday so I hope I can stick to it.

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Help....I've fallen off the wagon and can't seem to curb my eating. I've been extremely busy at work and unable to go to the gym. On top of all that I went to my sisters and gave in to the EVIL potato chips! Now I just can't seem to get my willpower back. I'm scared to weigh in this week. Suggestions please!:o :( :confused: Jill


I know it can be tough when you can't get around your schedule to go to the gym etc.

Don't get down on yourself for eating a chip or two. (small portions!!)

I, too haven't been able to do the exercising that I need. I am in week two of a four week (hopefully) remodell of our kitchen and master bath. I just have enough energy to go to work and climb into bed at the end of a long day. So I just eat small portions. Maybe on weekends will have a taste...small taste of dessert. The key is small portions of unhealthy things and many small portions of good stuff. Know that with those salty bites of two or three chips are you are closer to your healthy weight.....ready for maybe more than two or three bites of lobster....dessert at midnight.


Keep it up Jill.

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thanks for the support everyone. I'm still halfway off the wagon but hopefully tomorrow I will get back to the gym. My clothes are starting to feel tight but the truth will be told when I weigh myself tomorrow. Until then, Jill:(

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Just back from the gym...yeah a loss not a gain. Total 25lbs now. Much better for my moral. Gotta run back to work. Sending best wishes for all those with cruises booked this week and the next few. (and those poor floridians) Jill:)

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I can actually record a loss! I am down 4.5 from last week, which sounds great, except that I am 1 pound over where I was a month ago :eek: :mad:

For the record, I am again at having lost 10 pounds since starting this challenge May 2. 40 sure seems a long way off! But I am trying to get myself back into the groove - I really lost it the past month, I've been snacking way too much. So far today - peanut butter and celery for breakfast! Sounds odd, but tasted good!

Hope all in Florida, and those still in the path of Dennis are safe.


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Yay Kathy


Don't fret over the past - you've obviously found the right path again! Keep it up! (or down?!):rolleyes:


And peanutbutter is GREAT for breakfast! I usually just have it on a spoon, or on a banana (I don't like celery!) I've found some "no sugar added" brands (did you know the major brands have added sugar?!):eek: . I've also found some "all natural" brands (just peanuts & salt and don't have whatever keeps the natural oils from separating, so you have to stir.) I've found both at my local supermarket. While they are a bit more expensive, I think it's worth it! Just be sure to have some water or other beverage handy - without the added sugar (to "melt" in your mouth) they are a bit tougher to swallow as easily, but taste great!

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I've just booked a short cruise for September 1, and I would like to loose at least 20 pounds before the trip. (Actually need to loose more, but 20 for the trip will do for now) I am so glad to have this tread for support. I just started yesterday so I hope I can stick to it.




Let us know how you'r doing!

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