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An Unforgettable Journey: Blog from orchestra pianist, Rory Bolton-Azamara Journey!


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Dominica, Guadeloupe, & St. Maarten






looking forward to that and the final show, Cafe del Amor, a latin/Brazilian show featuring yours truly in a great soloistic piece, Malaguena. And more great news, we will be back to full power with a new tenor sax player coming aboard today in St. Maarten. Up until now, we were missing ours that was supposed to sign on with me at the same time, not sure what exactly happened, but all will be good now!




from: http://roryboltoncruise.blogspot.com


I have not heard Malaguena on the piano but it is one of my favorites on classical guitar. I was very fortunate to see Carlos Montoya in person many years ago and that song was part of his performance.

Any chance you might get part of your performance on youtube?

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St. Thomas, St. John, & Virgin Gorda


The day in St. Thomas was me being on port manning on the ship, and doing Craig Dahn's shows w/ a Capt's toast before each show, all went well though, so no complaints, and didn't really need to get off in St. Thomas anyways, been there, done that. :)


St. John is a beautiful island I unfortunately missed out on 1st time going there, so this time (and our last time), I got off for a couple hours w/ Bob (musician/guitarist in the duo on board). We wandered around, looked into renting scooters only to find they were all out of rentals (except for a Kawasaki dirt bike for $85 for the day, yeah right!), so ended up taking a short taxi ride to one of the 3 large touristy beaches: Cinnamon Bay Beach. It was gorgeous driving out to the site, going up and down hills, coming out into clearings so you could see the bays and the crystal blue water, the amazing reefs below, and white sand beaches, simply stunning! We only spent about 20 min. or so out there, then it was time for me to head back to the ship for rehearsal w/ the cast for the next production show premiering tomorrow night, Play Stop Rewind. Rehearsal went well, and I think we're ready for the debut! (hoping so at least...)


Grabbed some dinner before heading up poolside for yet another White Night deck party. As was before, it was a long night but a lot of fun. But the music didn't die there...


Down in the crew bar, it was Rock Night and all musicians of any type were encouraged to play and jam w/ one another, sponsored by our crew welfare on board. So, in the end, 2 huge music gigs in one night! Good times!


In Virgin Gorda (place of the Devil's Bay Baths just a few days earlier) today. Started my morning out w/ some more training (apparently wasn't complete yet), and then just now got back from a crew drill w/ our new Capt. Jason from the UK. Rehearsal this afternoon and opening night for Play Stop Rewind w/ the cast!


Leaving the Caribbean tonight, and heading north to...Bermuda! (in a couple days time)


More to come!



from: http://roryboltoncruise.blogspot.com

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4/3/12 & 4/4/12: Sea Days


First sea day on our way up to Bermuda was a nice relief and change of pace. Had our first read through of the final production show to premiere, Cafe del Amor, a Latin/Brazilian music revue show, and then....the night off! Took full advantage of it, and a bunch of the guys in the band, we gorged ourselves at one of the specialty restaurants on board, Prime C. To start off the evening, we opened our palates up w/ an amuse bouche of cold seafood salad in a miniature shot glass. Then with the appetizers: I had a seafood platter of crab cakes, a shrimp/calamari mix and a seafood green mousse (that was different). Then moved onto a goat cheese tart in layers containing one layer of dried plum, roasted bell peppers, and caramelized onions on the base, very decadently laid out, I might add. To continue and wrap up the evening's starters, I concluded with a Jerusalem Artichoke soup drizzled over some duck confit, very rich in texture, but oh so delicious!


The main course was simple, filet mignon, done. I was sold. With that and our enormous amount of sides filling the table from asparagus, mashed potatoes, a cream spinach, mushrooms in a burgundy wine sauce, onion rings, and a sulton bread souffle, the size of a giant muffin!


Dessert was most peculiar. A chocolate hazelnut roll, stood upright w/ a slab of dark chocolate plank w/ holes cut into it, red crunchy mini-sticks of some kind, a dollop of white mint/vanilla gelato over a red chocolate triangle base and finished off w/ a white chocolate bar having the Azamara logo stamped into it. Looked like a ski slope to be honest, and was all eatable! Of course anyone in the right mind would need to walk that dinner 'off' after sitting for nearly 2 1/2 hours.


Listened to some of Jeff's piano music in Mosaic afterwards, just enjoyed walking around the ship, with no worries and nothing to be reporting for. Was a most excellent night, one that was well-needed!


The next day (today) at sea started this afternoon with another rehearsal of the Cafe show. Things are starting to come along, still separate from the cast and band but we'll be put together I'm sure in the next day or two. And now tonight, is a split variety show of Hal Frazier and Craig Dahn w/ pre-dance sets before each show. Nothing to really fret about, as we have done both of their shows already and thoroughly enjoy working with the two of them!


Bermuda tomorrow!


from: http://roryboltoncruise.blogspot.com

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I have not heard Malaguena on the piano but it is one of my favorites on classical guitar. I was very fortunate to see Carlos Montoya in person many years ago and that song was part of his performance.

Any chance you might get part of your performance on youtube?


I may be going to visit him in May on the ship...and I will definitely record it and post it to YouTube!


Otherwise---is there someone who will be joining the Journey that might have the capabilities?



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I may be going to visit him in May on the ship...and I will definitely record it and post it to YouTube!


Otherwise---is there someone who will be joining the Journey that might have the capabilities?




Since you are talking youtube I recorded a clip of Rory from the Celebrity Silhouette.

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We have been discussing the White Night party on our roll call for the T/A April 18th. Just wondering if you can find out if we will be having one on this cruise.




From what I understand, they have at least one on each cruise...and I would think for a T/A they might even have more than one. :)



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From what I understand, they have at least one on each cruise...and I would think for a T/A they might even have more than one. :)




Thanks DaMara,

I think the confusion about it is that the party is usually on deck. With the Atlantic being cold this time of year, it would probably be a bit chilly out there. Not sure if the White Night Party has ever been held elsewhere on the ship. But more than one....



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Doubt it would be more than one - on 17 night cruise it was only one

One of our cruises the party was held indoors because the weathere went against them, it was a bit fragmented as a result, dancing in the looking glass and the deck 5 lounge. It was still a great night


By the way, for those with luggage restrictions, do not stress about packing something specifically for this night they made a big thing on our trips that white was anything white ie white beads, white t shirt, white socks etc not all white outfits

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Doubt it would be more than one - on 17 night cruise it was only one

One of our cruises the party was held indoors because the weathere went against them, it was a bit fragmented as a result, dancing in the looking glass and the deck 5 lounge. It was still a great night


By the way, for those with luggage restrictions, do not stress about packing something specifically for this night they made a big thing on our trips that white was anything white ie white beads, white t shirt, white socks etc not all white outfits


Good to know. Sounds like something to look forward to.



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Good to know. Sounds like something to look forward to.





The White Night party is a wonderful event onboard .. if it is not possible to hold it on deck then it usually takes place in the "Looking Glass".

There was one on our Caribbean cruise ( March 18) but last November (in the Med) the weather wasn't so kind to us so it was moved to LG....

It is certainly something to look forward to .....

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Hi Beverly,


I believe Captain Tysse is leaving for vacation after the current sailing, so you will probably be sailing with Captain Ikiadis. I believe Tony Markey is currently onboard.


Have a wonderful Cruise ![/quote


I believe that Tony's wife, Christine, is onboard until Rouen.

If you meet up with Captain Jason Ikiadis than please say "Hello" from us !!


Angela & Phil

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We'll be joining the ship this Friday! Is Capt. Jason still on board or will Capt. Johannes be back for the trip from San Juan to New York? Also, will Tony and his wife continue on up to New York as well?


Both captains and CD's are great. We can't wait to get on board!




I believe that Tony's wife will be onboard until Rouen.

If you meet with Captain Jason Ikiadis (as I am sure you will !!) then please say "Hello" from us ...

Angela & Phil

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4/5 & 4/6: Bermuda! & 4/7: Sea Day-Cafe del Amor!


Well it was a relief to be stopped for a couple days in Hamilton, Bermuda and not rocking back and forth, side to side. Didn't get to see a whole lot as we were in rehearsals w/ the cast getting ready for the Cafe del Amor show, but for the time off the ship, walked the strip in Hamilton---nice place, some ritzy looking buildings and homes, including Bacardi Unlimited :-)


The last couple days we have been tied down w/ double duty: rehearsals in the morning/early afternoon, then a second rehearsal for the shows that evening, which were also performed twice, either a split variety act of Hal Frazier/Craig Dahn, Tony's (cruise director) Variety Show w/ his wife, or last night was with Delores Park, a fantastic vocalist, specializing in some Reba McIntyre, Judy Garland, Bette Midler, some Broadway, and more! What a great show she has!


Its been kinda hectic (as the cast will agree on this one) w/ our rehearsals getting everything ready for opening night (tonight!), and were all anxious and excited to get this final production show up and on its feet! I even get a moment on the stage, featured in the Latin piano solo, Malaguena, its quite a workout, but a fun addition to the show!


Cocktail party (Le Club Voyage) tonight at 5:15 for all our V.I.P. cruisers aboard and then the premiere of Cafe del Amor! Busy night ahead!

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New York & The Beginning of...The Titanic Voyage!

This is to get everyone caught up the last few days...


Sea days leaving from Bermuda were much better once we got out of the chaos of the Triangle. We celebrated Easter on the ship by starting off w/ an Easter Brunch and playing some jazz music for a couple hours, while getting to enjoy the benefits of the Discoveries brunch array.


Greeted the next morning by the Lady herself welcoming us to the Big Apple (though I didn't get up at the crack of dawn). Unfortunately, our first day of NY was spent on the ship w/ port manning, so hoping to enjoy the city a bit more concluding this next cruise before the big Trans-Atlantic crossing to Europe. Helped out a friend the 2nd day (Embark of the Titanic voyage) by running an errand to get his bass guitar fixed as he was stuck on the ship. The climate changed a bit from Bermuda to NY, caught some of us off guard as a matter of fact, and its only gonna get colder the further north we go on this voyage.


And so it has begun...100 years ago on this very day, the great Titanic set out on its Trans-Atlantic voyage from Southampton, England bound for New York. Although, here on the Journey we will not be recreating the exact voyage, we will be landing right on the site of this great legacy vessel in a few days time, making a stop at Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada where the burial sites of many passengers aboard is located. There were news crews all over the ship throughout the day, even a helicopter flew by as we were leaving NYC for all of us to wave to. There will be an assortment of historical lectures and enrichment programs throughout the cruise to occupy some of those many sea days---already, some of the guests were dressed to the time period and are avid enthusiasts of the voyage, the famous vessel, and much much more!


Back to the entertainment side of things, opening night was off for us as Voices w/ the cast was the show for the evening. Even got to sit in w/ Bob and Robyn, our musical duo on board and jam out with them in the Looking Glass before attending the show. Tomorrow---sea day!

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4/11: Sea Day onto Halifax


Ship was pretty quiet today, not much to do either...read, slept, ate, slept some more, then had rehearsal this evening for the Capt.'s welcome toast and introduction of the senior officers, with some lovely dance music leading into the ceremony. After our part of the program, classical pianist from Ireland, Veronica McSwiney took the stage in a concert dedicated to the life of Chopin. I was intrigued and stayed for her performance. Covering a brief lifeline of Chopin and his works, she incorporated various works of his at the appropriate times they came out in his young life of 39 years, including the Revolutionary Etude, Scherzo in e minor, and concluding the program with the grand Polonaise in Ab Major.



Tomorrow in Halifax, Nova Scotia (our one port), but it will be limited as we have crew drill in the morning followed by lifeboat training, a vital thing to know of course heading to the North Atlantic! ;)

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4/12: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada


Today, we're in the one port of our historical voyage, Halifax. It has its own history, containing a Maritime Museum full of Titanic memorabilia, and models of other ships and accessories, also 2 of the famous burial sites (one being Strawberry Hill) of the victims from the vessel, as the city of Halifax was the one responsible for sending 4 of its own ships out to the wreckage to retrieve the bodies.


While my buddy Chuck and I enjoyed the sites, walking through the town and museum, we then landed upon an old brewery, and inside a covered mini-mall where we enjoyed the most amazing lobster chowder w/ a good Alexander Keith lager to top it off!


Getting some wi fi at a local coffee shop in town and heading back to the ship shortly...Tony and Christine's variety show tonight and lifeboat training this afternoon, then the rest of our voyage, all sea days (minus the site of the Titanic).


Till then!


from: http://roryboltoncruise.blogspot.com

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4/13: Sea Day out to Titanic Site

Not much that went around the ship during the day that you could call exciting I suppose, but the evening was with opera's West End singer, Emma Sinclair. Together, with her MD, Henry, we had quite the night, recreating famous Broadway musicals and even some operettas of Puccini. She has a beautiful voice and it was a wonderful show.


Taking an early night (though there is a crew party tonight as well), as it will be a busy day tomorrow, filled w/ enrichment speakers (which I would like to attend to get a different perspective), and the evening's ceremonies, beginning around 11:35 pm w/ a moment of silence. I am thrilled to say I will get to be a part of the night's activities in helping out w/ the ceremonial services from 1:10-approx. 2:20am playing for some hymns for everyone to sing along to, lead by Tony. The night (or morning should I say) will conclude at 2:22am w/ the German 8-piece orchestra playing "Nearer My God to Thee" as a final farewell to the lost souls of the RMS Titanic. There will be a tossing of the wreath included into the program, but I will fill you in on the more specific details tomorrow!


The basic timeline is as follows:

11:40pm April 14th 1912-Titanic hits the iceberg

2:20am April 15th-Titanic is reported of sinking


There are more specifics of course, but that is just general knowledge for you, and hopefully I will learn some more in the process over the next few days at the site!


Am very excited to be a part of this historical event and voyage, as I'm pretty sure its safe to say, its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

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4/14-4/17: Titanic & Return to New York


4/14: The night all have been waiting for I know...


The day was pretty quiet as we were all saving our energy for the evening's festivities and the memorial service which wouldn't end until nearly 3am!

We watched as the 2nd ship, the Belmoral, who was recreating Titanic's voyage from Southampton to the site, came into our view from just a light off in the distance. They came alongside us about 500 feet away or so to listen to our capt.'s announcement followed by our horn sounding at 11:40pm (the time of the Titanic hitting the iceberg), which was followed by a moment of silence and then the Belmoral's response of their horn sounding. The ceremony continued down in the Cabaret theatre with a complete reading of the entire guest and crew list of names aboard the vessel. Amazing to hear this-whole families by last name, acquaintances, relatives, etc...The memorial service, lead by Rev. Lawrence, was next. Mary Amanda set the mood on the harp, and Tony and I lead the congregation in a couple of hymns. There were newscasts surrounding the theatre, lights everywhere, it was quite the spectacle, and to be a part of it, what an honor! Following the Rev.'s sermon, we moved the ceremony out to the open deck 9, where came next was the tossing of the wreaths into the water, both ships did this from their open decks. Although there was scheduled to be a final hymn outside after the wreaths, due to time constraints and trying to be as authentic as we could (it was already 2:21am, and the ship went down at 2:20), we jumped to the end of the service w/ the string orchestra (all individuals from the New York area) concluding things w/ a most beautiful arrangement of "Nearer My God to Thee", the supposed last song the band on the Titanic played...more to come on that note. The strings finished the moving music, the lights went out on the ship, and everyone departed in silence. It was an emotional evening and morning for everyone, a night to remember.


4/15: The next morning was an early wake up for me w/ jazz brunch for a couple hours in Discoveries, and now that the ceremony was finished and put to rest, we left the Titanic site, and headed back towards New York. Normal activity around the ship resumed, and that evening, we featured the Broadway show, Stage Door to Dreams, for the guests. It was well received, and another great run for the cast, all were pleased w/ the evening's performance.


4/16: Another quiet day around the ship during the day for us musicians in the band, which is never a bad thing :) Enjoyed listening to the string orchestra gents up in Looking Glass for tea time, some amazing musicians in the group, wow! Then, enjoyed a special presentation by Mary Amanda (harpist) on the Last Song of the Titanic by the Band. (Remember how I said earlier, more to come??) Was a very informative presentation about the bandleader, Wallace Hartley, his crew of musicians, and the controversy of just what the last song heard actually was...now I'm tempted to just tell you flat out, but do some research and we will see what you find!? Some say it to be "Nearer My God to Thee". while others believe it was "Song of Autumn". Or maybe it was something completely different? Can't give that secret away... ;)

Just Emma Sinclair's 2nd show in the evening which we were not really worried about and had a great time getting to perform w/ this West End singer one last time before the end of the cruise. Her MD and husband, Henry, also surprised us all w/ his own number in this second show. Another great night, followed by DJ Alex Mac "Smoothie" and his tribute to Michael Buble up in the Looking Glass topped the night off!


4/17: Today, guess what? Another sea day! :) Relaxing in the morning, then something different for me, I was asked to be a part of the day's activities by playing for the Elegant Tea time for an hour up in Looking Glass. With this crowd on the cruise, they are fans of the early 1900's music, some ragtime, etc...so was perfect for me and something different!


Now tonight, we have the crew "Waves", saying a final thank you and farewell to the guests for the cruise w/ the Capt. and the string orchestra has the stage tonight in Cabaret, and invited me to play with them. It's not the typical classical string repertoire, so will be a fun variety night which I'm looking forward to. New York tomorrow! Finally, land again!!! :)


But then, next cruise, our Trans-Atlantic crossing...duh duh duh!

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4/18 and 4/19: Farewell to NY

Well last day for me in New York started off a bright note, coast guard drill, early in the day too!

Then got out in the city in the afternoon, had a NY hot pastrami sandwich, toured around Rockefeller Center/Plaza and then it was back to the ship for the guest drill.


Following guest drill, band had the night off as the Julliard String Quartet was on board for the night. Took full advantage of the city one last time, and ended up getting discount tickets for Newsies the Musical on Broadway that evening! For my Broadway show debut, I was nothing less than astounded! The cast was terrific, dancing was incredible, and even got to meet 'em after the show was let out, a great night in the city to remember the Big Apple.


Today, we left NY, bound for the other side of the Atlantic, Rouen, France-the port of Paris! It will be an 8-sea day journey over there, full of entertainment every day for the guests! Tonight was a great treat-Elliot Finkle, an amazing pianist-a mix of Art Tatum and the appearance of Rodney Dangerfield, wonderful artist! Great humor, great music, what more could you ask for? :)

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The Crossing: 1st Half

It is now day 4 of our Trans-Atlantic crossing (realizing I haven't been good w/ these day to day updates). So now to get you caught up to date:


Since leaving NY, we have had the extraordinary Elliot Finkle tickle the ivories for us w/ his Art Tatum-like fingers. the night after the band entertained everyone w/ some jazz music in the Mosaic cafe, whilst Voices production show was going on w/ the cast. Next day was quiet during the day, and the lovely Lelani was back w/ her show (she was at the start of my contract on here). Then yesterday for Sunday brunch, 3 hours of jazz brunch music to kick off the morning, and this cruise we started a "High C's" choir, and they asked me to be a part of that alongside Chris and Danielle, singers in the cast. Next, followed up w/ a cocktail set of Manuel, our new drummer Yuri (from Belarus) and myself playing for Le Club Voyage VIP cruisers. And just to wrap things up, we added some more jazz in the mosaic (2 sets for a couple hours). Elliot even sat in w/ the group, so I was quite honored to share the piano throne w/ this man.


Each day we now continue to go forward one hour each day at midday noon. Had another rehearsal w/ the choir today (working on "Ain't Misbehavin" and "Seasons of Love" for the guest talent show near the end of the cruise). Then, later tonight, little different in the schedule, Christine has volunteered to do an evening of standards and jazz w/ the orchestra up in the Looking Glass.


To keep the crew in good spirits on this crossing too, we had a crew bingo the other night w/ some great prizes-unfortunately was not a winner in that or any of the raffles, but you gotta try, right?


Half-way across the Atlantic, hoping for some continued good weather and waters...next production show in a couple days, Cafe del Amor.

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4/24: And on the 5th day, There was to be More Water...and it was So.

Christine's show last night up in Looking Glass went very well, guests loved her and the band. Came down to catch the comedian, Jeff Nease, afterwards.


Today, we ran another choir rehearsal with the guests. Saying a friendly hello to some new friends on this crossing cruise: Peter & Nina, Mary & Fritz, Beverly, and more. Have really enjoyed getting to know you all. Thanks to those that are going to be participating in the guest talent show coming up soon, I know it will be a great success and a lot of fun! Looking forward to it!


Then, it was a cast night w/ the show Cafe del Amor, 2 shows tonight, both of which went well. Apparently, running into our first patch of rough weather tomorrow, so everything had to be secured and in place tonight following the shows-we've been very lucky so far this crossing!


Onto tomorrow: a cocktail set w/ the Capt., Tony and Christine's variety show in the evening, and more of the big blue stuff!

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