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Seeking tips, Traveling with Fractured Shoulder


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very excited about my cruise in two weeks, however I fractured my shoulder. One air travel is 15 hours and the return is 22ish. Who really counts after 20 hours.


Any suggestions for comfort on the plane and ship? I figure the ship will be easy, but maybe I haven't considered all possibilities.


Thanks for your thoughts.

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Ugh, I wish I could help you. I'm uncomfortable on planes when I'm in a "normal" state. :( I feel for you. :(


One thing you might want to consider is to make sure the shoulder that's hurt isn't one that is in the aisle as they can bash you with the cart and that would be baaaaaaaaaaad.

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Gee, you can't even ask for an exit row with more room because you need to be able bodied for the exit door in emergencies...but I would still try for an aisle, how would you get out from the inner seats when you need to, with only one arm for support..you poor darling, i feel for you.

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Wow, your right, I guess with only one arm I am not able bodied. I thought about getting an exit row.


Maybe I should put the shoulder against the window, but I don't even sleep with it touching anything yet.:eek:


No way am I going to be able to crawl out of the middle seat with one arm.

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very excited about my cruise in two weeks, however I fractured my shoulder. One air travel is 15 hours and the return is 22ish. Who really counts after 20 hours.


Any suggestions for comfort on the plane and ship? I figure the ship will be easy, but maybe I haven't considered all possibilities.


Thanks for your thoughts.

Is there any way you could postpone this cruise for another time?


If not, if there was ever a time to spring for first class on the flights, this would be it.


I know that is what I would try to do, but I am one who dreads those long flights even without any injuries at all. I would be miserable on an airplane for so many hours with a fractured shoulder.


A vacation is supposed to be a stress-free time of enjoyment for you, not an ordeal to be endured. If you absolutely insist on going at this time, my suggestion would be to ask your doctor for pain and sleep medications.


Know in advance what dosages would be safe for you to take on the flights, bearing in mind that you would need the ability to be awakened quickly and alert in case of emergency.


Also consider your ability to maneuver in those tiny bathrooms on airplanes.


If you really want to go on a cruise right now, maybe you can compensate by substituting one that is closer to home. Then you could still look forward to taking the distant cruise at a future date.

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A small pillow to support your elbow/ forearm as the sling can make your neck ache.


Your painkillers!


Elasticated waistband on your skirt or trousers ...toilet time will be an adventure :o


I had a shoulder op 2 weeks ago, so am advising through recent experience although we are not cruising till September.


If you decide to not cancel, just be really careful and enjoy your cruise.

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Having broken both shoulders, I do feel very sorry for you as I know it is extremely painful. You are sure in a dilemma. One thing you can do is call and ask for a supervisor for the airline you are flying. Tell her your predicament and ask if there is anyway you can get a bulkhead seat so that you are not crammed in there. I have seen them accomodate people with broken limbs before. An exit row they will not give you because you have to be able to open the emergency doors just in case of an emergency. They usually save the bulkhead seats for people with babies but they may be able to do that for you. Or, if there are seats available, they could move you to first class (and take pity on you). I think you will be fine on the ship, once you get there, but it does limit your enjoyment. But on the flip side, it may take your mind off of your pain. Good luck!!!

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Be sure to let the airlines and the cruise line know about you disability. I am sure the cruiseline will do what they can to help you enjoy your cruise. the airlines...well, thats a whole new subject. UGH!!



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very excited about my cruise in two weeks, however I fractured my shoulder. One air travel is 15 hours and the return is 22ish. Who really counts after 20 hours.


Any suggestions for comfort on the plane and ship? I figure the ship will be easy, but maybe I haven't considered all possibilities.


Thanks for your thoughts.


Fx shoulder-bummer. I'm assuming that carrying luggage etc is painful & difficult. Here are my suggestions- adapt to your needs.

1. If on any Rx-keep in your purse & have your MD give you a copy of the (written) Rx-sometimes Customs/TSA goes nuts with pills

2. Notify your airline & ask for assistance @ both ends of your flight (wheelchair-will get you to gate & through the various lines faster-also you will be able to board with 1st group-allowing you "get organized time" on the plane).

3.If you can afford it upgrade your flight to a premium, or business class seat-the extra space will allow you to actually rest.

4. Call X and again ask for assistance with embacation & disembarcation. Extra pillows will allow you to position yourself in bed.

5. If all else fails on the flight- several glasses of chanpagne (its a vacation) are recommended if not NG with your Rx

Have a good cruise


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No cast for the shoulder fracture, I have a sling, but do not need it all the time. I am not able to sit with an arm rest because it pushes the arm into the shoulder and that is horrible. I am considering sitting on a pillow to get more height for the airline seat.


Omg tally 10...I can't imagine breaking both shoulders, it is very painful, makes an ankle sprain and surgery a walk in the park, just kidding but so painful. I am on Week 4 so pain is better but not perfect. Seeing a special, specialist Monday. progress has been made so I hope by 11 more days I will be more improved. But as they say, it is a two year healing and they tell me I may never be able to lift the arm above my head. I am in complete denial, and will not believe this.:eek:


I have insurance, if I get more bad news I have a way out, but it is a use or loose vacation, my next choice is December, but, I was going to take that anyway. After sitting in a recliner for a month feeling helpless, I would rather go as long as the doctor thinks it will not set me back.


M poor dh has missed work and sleep and is very stressed from trying to pick up what I can no longer do, so he needs the vacation if I can manage.:(


Thank you for all of your suggestions, I had not thought of half of the issues and obstacles you folks did.


Sailing closer to home would be easier but living in the middle of nowhere, the reschedule is going to take some research, and the dates of mid April to early May are fixed do to work with dh.

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No cast for the shoulder fracture, I have a sling, but do not need it all the time. I am not able to sit with an arm rest because it pushes the arm into the shoulder and that is horrible. I am considering sitting on a pillow to get more height for the airline seat.


Omg tally 10...I can't imagine breaking both shoulders, it is very painful, makes an ankle sprain and surgery a walk in the park, just kidding but so painful. I am on Week 4 so pain is better but not perfect. Seeing a special, specialist Monday. progress has been made so I hope by 11 more days I will be more improved. But as they say, it is a two year healing and they tell me I may never be able to lift the arm above my head. I am in complete denial, and will not believe this.:eek:


I have insurance, if I get more bad news I have a way out, but it is a use or loose vacation, my next choice is December, but, I was going to take that anyway. After sitting in a recliner for a month feeling helpless, I would rather go as long as the doctor thinks it will not set me back.


M poor dh has missed work and sleep and is very stressed from trying to pick up what I can no longer do, so he needs the vacation if I can manage.:(


Thank you for all of your suggestions, I had not thought of half of the issues and obstacles you folks did.


Sailing closer to home would be easier but living in the middle of nowhere, the reschedule is going to take some research, and the dates of mid April to early May are fixed do to work with dh.


I feel your pain, too, because that was the worst pain I have ever experienced, including C-sections, broken feet, and other surgeries. And, the helplessness as well. My DH had to take 2 weeks off from work to help me and every little movement was excrutiating. 4 weeks out it should be better than it was-painwise. The physical therapy helped one arm but I can't lift the other very high (if prescribed, do it and take it seriously). Just bad timing on your part. If the doctor says it is ok, don't cancel, but take it as easy as you can. Do ASK for the bulkhead seat and if they are taken, go for an unoccupied row so you can stretch out, or as I said in an earlier post, inform the airline in advance and see what they can do. If first class has an empty seat, sometimes they will move you. If you get nowhere, ask at the gate. Do let them know that you will need a golf cart getting to and from the gate. My biggest worry would be the plane rather than the ship. Once on the ship, I think you will be well taken care of. If you are still on pain meds., take them so you sleep on the flight (and it will make it seem shorter if you can). I really feel badly for you as the timing sucks and those long haul flights are awful anyway.

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........ But as they say, it is a two year healing and they tell me I may never be able to lift the arm above my head. I am in complete denial, and will not believe this.:eek:
Don't give up hope and be sure to get a good physical therapy program when the time is right. I was given the same prognosis after surgery following a bad injury in a car accident many years ago. But I persisted in exercising the arm and shoulder and eventually regained full range of motion, although I still have some pain.


I have insurance, if I get more bad news I have a way out, but it is a use or loose vacation, my next choice is December, but, I was going to take that anyway. After sitting in a recliner for a month feeling helpless, I would rather go as long as the doctor thinks it will not set me back.


M poor dh has missed work and sleep and is very stressed from trying to pick up what I can no longer do, so he needs the vacation if I can manage.:(

We have heard of other situations where Celebrity was very good about working with passengers in allowing them to reschedule their cruise for a later date when emergencies arose.

Have you spoken to anyone from Celebrity yet to see what they would be willing to do for you?


As a diversion to get you out of the recliner and provide a relaxing vacation cruise for your husband without any long flights, have you considered just taking the Pride of America cruise around the islands for now?


Another advantage it would provide is freedom to decide whether you would rather remain on the ship or get off at each port with no regrets either way.


Since all ports on that itinerary are ones that you can easily visit on your own, you would relax without the pressure of feeling that you must get off the ship to see them now while you have the chance or you will miss out, the way you would on the European cruise.


If you can swing it, that would provide an ideal compromise, -- an easy, relaxing vacation close to home for now, and the dream vacation in Europe at a later date.



P.S. If you are going ahead with your European cruise, another issue that has not been addressed here is your comfort on shore excursions.

Will you be able to avoid being crammed tightly into a tour bus or van? How crowded would it be touring museums or castles or other attractions? What type of bathroom facilities would be available on such excursions?


Will your ship dock at all ports or will you need to tender?

Many European countries do not provide ADA type facilities for people with disabilities.

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Make sure you tell the Dr. about the long flights. He may want you on some preventative meds because you will not be moving around as much as normal. Be sure to do range of motion exercises to your legs and feet and good arm throughout the flights.


I know that first class is expensive, but your well being is probably worth every penny.


I would have your husband sit on your bad side..if it is a three seat arrangement, can you buy the middle seat??


Also, do not mix ANY alcohol with any pain killers, muscle relaxers, valium, sleeping aids, etc..too dangerous and not enough emergency help on an airplane or ship.


A round the island cruise does not sound too bad to me as an alternative.


Good luck to you. I have a torn rotator cuff and I feel for you. I know it hurts like heck and more.

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I am seeing the third specialist Monday, the others thought the trip would be fine but they grimaced when I asked.:rolleyes: I assumed they knew the flight would be awful. If the latest specialist thinks I need immediate surgery or something of course I will reschedule. And if he thinks the plane home a month from now will be too difficult, I will rethink.


I am on a TA, so I have many sea days and only one big bus day, the rest I think i can be happy with short excursions. The flight home gives me an overnight in LA so I have a little break there. Definitely would cancel if it was a long awaited port intensive trip.


I am very behind in packing, but I can buy what I forget on the ship I think.

My cabin is a s1 so I may not need handicapped. Taking a shower is exhausting though. I hope watching the sea from the aft rather than stressing about not being able to give my dog a bath and mop will be relaxing. I might need spa therapy more often.:D


I do not know anyone who has had this injury or treatment, so if those of you who had surgery or especially effective treatment would like to let me k ow what worked for them, please contact me. How does the rotator cuff surgery work?


I used to be the knd of patient who never took the painkillers, not anymore, the shoulder fracture finally got the best of me. So absolutely, drugs will travel.

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I am seeing the third specialist Monday, the others thought the trip would be fine but they grimaced when I asked.:rolleyes: I assumed they knew the flight would be awful. If the latest specialist thinks I need immediate surgery or something of course I will reschedule. And if he thinks the plane home a month from now will be too difficult, I will rethink.


I am on a TA, so I have many sea days and only one big bus day, the rest I think i can be happy with short excursions. The flight home gives me an overnight in LA so I have a little break there. Definitely would cancel if it was a long awaited port intensive trip.


I am very behind in packing, but I can buy what I forget on the ship I think.

My cabin is a s1 so I may not need handicapped. Taking a shower is exhausting though. I hope watching the sea from the aft rather than stressing about not being able to give my dog a bath and mop will be relaxing. I might need spa therapy more often.:D


I do not know anyone who has had this injury or treatment, so if those of you who had surgery or especially effective treatment would like to let me k ow what worked for them, please contact me. How does the rotator cuff surgery work?


I used to be the knd of patient who never took the painkillers, not anymore, the shoulder fracture finally got the best of me. So absolutely, drugs will travel.


I was lucky. Both shoulder fractures (broken in multiple places) did not require surgery and healed on their own. I was out of work for 8 weeks and had to see the doctor every week or so initially, who repeated the Xrays to see how they were healing. Again, if the doctor you go with wants physical therapy, do it. I really hated it but your range of motion will be much better with it and you can avoid the "frozen shoulder" complication. Do you also have a torn rotator cuff? That is equally painful but a totally different issue. Since you have a sky suite booked, you will have so much more room and be more comfortable and be able to rest on those sea days, especially on your balcony.

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Sorry to hear about your shoulder. I broke my left one several years ago and for a while it was fine but after getting a little older :rolleyes: it seems to be affected with some arthritis. But shortly after I broke it I was still in the sling and had to fly to Mexico. I know it wasn't as long a flight as you have but they did block the seat next to me. That was great since I could raise the armrest and prop my arm up with pillows. That made all the difference for me. My traveling partner then had the window, plus she had all the luggage handling!

Even if they can't block the seat next, raising the armrest and building your own with pillows or blankets will help.

I did go to physical therapy for quite a few months, which did help but my Dr. did say I would be prone to the arthritis,which on rainy days I can say he was right:o

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So sorry about your shoulder. I broke mine too a few months ago and ignored for two months before seeing doc! Has healed mostly and I am getting done with physical therapy but is still very sore and sometimes "snaps me back"! Taking a port intensive med cruise soon. Packing very light and taking very little onboard plane with me. DH is thinking of shipping luggage ahead via FedEx. Not cheap but did it before years ago and makes navigating airport easier. Also carrying ultralight shoulder bag on other shoulder of course and this trip DH will have to be the spouse who does the "heavy lifting!". Best of luck to you and enjoy trip. I think sometimes a change of scenery and being in the "lap of luxury" on ship will help tremendously!

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Poor You


Perhaps you should reconsider On a good day and in pretty good shape I find TRANSAT flights hard on my back neck etc I could just imagine what a 20 hour flight would be //OUCH

Could you cancel Do you have insurance?Somehow it sounds VERY complicated Who will shlep all your stuff I found when one side hurts the other radiates the pain

I had a tendinitis of the shoulder and now I thinnk I killed both shoulders Washing my hair was a challenge ..and I did not have a fracture

Limit your misery and travel when you are MUCH better . Traveling when able bodied requires great stamina imagine being limited I really believe you will not get the best out of this trip

Talk to the company see if you can cancel until you are 100 % Being in pain should not be an option

Good luck




By the way I'm still on meds for my shoulder and I'm looking forward to being pain free My cruise on Dream was not that easy as a result Lifting my arms was sheer torture esp at security .with the DAM scan ..THat really hurt and they insisted I do it even though I told them about my shoulder Needed to put both arms up above my head ...MAJOR OUCH

Would they expect you to do the same?????I hurt for hours after !!!!

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