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Roll Call Celebrity Summit 27 May


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Hi David and Dougal,


yeah you are the very first Australiens, so you are both Ambassadors of your country- LOL. I never tried tablets to sleep on a plane, but sometimes I can sleep for a couple of hours. I always as for a seat in aisle- I don´t care for a window seat. I like it when I can stand up when I want and don´t disturb a sleeping guy next to me.

Germans like to travel a lot- and one thing is for sure I hate to meet germans on vacations. I NEVER would use a cruise line or cruise ship from germany or with german staff. Not all germans are used to the english language- so the possibilty to meet " dear german friends " on board american ships is unlikley. If there are a few of them, I seldom ran into them.

I have them during the whole year- thats enough.

Those who travel on board american ships are mostly used to the language and are much more open minded than many of them.

As I said before its really interesting to meet people from different countrys.

I can´t remember when I met people I really disliked. As a matter of fact, totaly strangers can become best friends. Thats what makes a cruise, wherever the destination is- special.

Greetings ( Freundliche Grüsse)


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Hi Michael,


If we are Ambassadors, our country is in trouble as I'm not always diplomatic ...LOL


I have never really thought about but I guess they must have German speaking cruiselines, which cruise lines do most Germans use? I have heard that the people in Northern Germany are more liberal than those in the South, is that true?


We are lucky living in Australia as most people are pretty openminded, particularly in the cities so we don't need to worry about homophobia etc although we are not as progressive as the Netherlands on issues such as drugs, euthanasia or gay marriage. I guess there are good and bad aspects to all countries.


Cheers, D & D

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Hi David and Dougal,


lol- same here, I mostly said it like I think it. In the buisness I have to be diplomatic often enough!

We have many german operated ships- or at least ships where half of the passengers are german. My first cruise was in 1983 with an old greek line- which sunk in 1986 in greek-- 75% were german. Then in 1990 I cruised with the most famous german liner- the MS Berlin ( our loveboat) Thats was really enough of german speaking ships. You are right those who live in nothern germany may be a bit more open minded.

In the South part, what people don´t know, people don´t like, people don´t even try.

In every country in the world there are good and bad apsects thats the same way I see it.



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Hi Michael,


A German "love boat"? ....... that's a scarey thought ... hehe


The only German cruise line I have heard of is Pieter Deitman (not sure how it is spelt). We went on a river cruise a few years ago in Russia and there were a few Germans on that but for most our cruises the passengers have been mainly American or British. Sounds like you have been cruising for a long time if your first cruise was in 1983, how many cruises have you been on?


Cheers, D & D

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Hi David und Dougal,


hehe yeah our " Dreamship " is the adaption to the American " Love Boat" . The movie was made on board Berlin, then the flagship of the Peter Deilmann Rederei. Now " Dreamship" is the " Deutschland" since 2 years the flagship of Peter Deilmann.

I made a greek island cruise 1983 (I was 14 years old) and a Norwegian Fjords Cruise 1990. Then in 1997 I started cruising again, on board Grandeur of the Seas.

I was on Enchantment(2), Vision,(2) Splendour, Voyager, Brilliance, Radiance of the Seas. Then Millenium, Summit, Constellation and last year Queen Ellisabeth2.

And now I can´t wait to get back to the Summit! I am interessted in a River Cruise also.



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Hi Michael,


Its 10.45pm here so almost time for bed. The river cruise in Russia was great, the accomodation was a bit basic and being smaller ships they don't have the facilities offered by big cruise ships but it was great way to see Russia.


Cheers D&D

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Hi David and Dougal,


here it is now 3.20 am- already working- but in seven days...... okay eight! LOL! For you it must be 12.30- 9 hours ahead of german- europe time.

Interessted in Russa too, but Russia must wait! We have many rivers to cruise in here- but I can do that when don´t want to fly long distances. The Average age there is around 70+.

Can´t wait to pack- weekends- which means 3 days before. Still no docs- I hope the arrive with the morning post!

Greetings have a good day!


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Hi Michael,


Yes it is getting close, this time next week we will be in Seattle where we spend a night before flying to Anchorage. You must travel down to Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific before you retire to the European river cruises ... lol. We have quite a few cruise liners down here during our summer (Dec-Mar) and its a good excuse to escape your winter.


Dougal is buying the CC presents today and I think we are then pretty much organised. I think I'll wait until the cruise to get my tuxedo dry cleaned as it will probably just get creased in flight. I've been doing quite a bit of reseaerch on the net and think we have pretty much worked out what we will do in port. The only excursion we are doing from Celebrity is the bike tour in Icy Strait otherwise we are just doing our own thing.


Cheers, David & Dougal

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Hi David & Dougal,


yeah this time next week I am ready to leave germany. In fact I am NOW ready to leave LOL. I will sure come to Australia before I cruise or calm and nice little rivers in germany. LOL. I hold on this idea with the cruiseliners- hm would be a great idea to curise to Australia, to have just one way long long flight. My tux is already dry cleaned, you are right, its always a little crumbled when unpacking on board.

Friday I will buy my gift. That´s a real nice idea. Curious what I get- LOL.

As for the tours in Alaksa , I booked these 3, and the rest- I decide when I am there.

I think when I like Alaska I go back to it again, some day, mabe with Jess ( BF)!



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Its a long way here by ship from Europe and takes about 4-5 weeks but it would be an amazing voyage if you have the time. As a child I sailed from England to New Zealand via the Panama Canal on the old P&O ship "Canberra", though I don't remember that much about other than most people being seasick in the North Atlantic. Fortunately I have never suffered from sea sickness but Dougal is a bit fragile if the seas get rough. Do you ever suffer seasickness?


Hmm hard to believe that in less than a week we will be in Anchorage.


Counting down the days,


David & Dougal

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Hi David and Dougal,


wouw you were on the old Canberry- what a famous ship. I guess RCI is ( or was, not quite sure) offering cruises starting in Singapore ending in Sidney or Melbourne. I was so facinated by the Grandeur in 1997 that I stayed with RCI. Now I am much more a fan of Celebrity. The standard of RCI has cut down a bit. I think you will like Celebrity also.

I also had never the slightest problem with seasickness. My boyfriend Jess was also a bit fragile in carribbean last Dez/Jan. I felt nothing but he was a bit sick, but for my- but thats just my opinion -it is all little bit a question of mind. If you are really afraid to get seasick and think of it throughly- I guess you get seasick.

In fact I really like it,when I " feel" the ocean a little bit.:mad:

Documents arrived this morning- which get´s me more an more excited.

Greetings and have a good evening, night!


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Hi Michael,


Another beautiful morning here and another day closer to going away. I totally agree with your theory concerning seasickness, I always tell Dougal its all in his head and that he should get up and stop thinking about it ...LOL.


I also enjoy the "feel" of the sea particularly when you are lying in bed ... it sort of rocks you to sleep.


5 days and counting !!!!!


David & Dougal

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Hi David an Dougal,


yeah, this time next week- my day of flying to Anchorage. Thats the best thinkg when going to bed and it´s a bit rocky- I sleep like a Baby.LOL. I am on the very aft of the ship this time- the very last cabin, starboard side. So I may feel a little more this time. I would not have choosen this cabin when Jess would be with me. But for me it´s okay.


Documents here, Excursions are also done. Just the packing, which starts sunday- I guess. Can´t wait- 6 more days to work. You leave Thuesday; I leave Thurseday.



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Hi Michael,


We are also on the starboard side but we chose a cabin (8068) as close to the middle of the ship as was available just in case the seas get a little choppy. Most of the cruise the waters we sail in should be sheltered except for the first two days where we are in open water.


By the way, do you prefer to be called "Michael" or "Mike"?


Cheers, David & Dougal

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Hi David and Dougal,


so we are close to " neighbors" on the Summit I am in Cabin 8164, the very last one. LOL.

I suppose also calm waters- mabe those two days, but we hope for good weather so I think Dougal hat not to worry much about rough weather!

Some say Mike some say Michael, I don´t care, what ever you want. My germans nick is " Micha" the german version of " Mike" tough. I guess the " ch" is a bit difficult for you to pronounce???

**** happens I got a cold, with headache, running nose- I have to go to doc this morning, I want to be okay when the cruise starts. LOL. I am sure thats from this damn cold weather we have here, not spring, no sun, just rain rain rain and cloudy weather!

Have a nice day!


Mike ( Micha)

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Hi Micha,


Hmm the cold does not sound good but at least you have a week to recover. Just make sure you keep warm and have plenty of rest .... and tell Jess that he has to spoil you .. lol.


It seems the Panorama deck is very popular as most people on CC seem to have cabins on this deck. I wonder why its so popular? I know we had a choice of cabins on either the Panorama or Sky decks but opted for the Panorama because we had read about the overhang and thought the deck above may be noisy on the sky deck.


Hope you have quick recovery,


David & Dougal


PS Is the "ch" in Micha pronounced as "k" or "sh" ?

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Hi David and Dougal,


nice to read my name that way from you. Its more a cr sound. ( mild "r")´, it sounds like cat when its angry, thats the best description that comes to my mind! LOL!

Damn cold, I go to doc, which I usualy do not that quick, but I want get over it soon. Your are right, it could have been worse- when it came out in a week.

Jess is unwell also, so we have to spoil each other lol. And we both are in bad mood when not well- LOL!

I choose the Panorma Deck cause of the same reasons than you, I know from my cruises on Millenium and Constellation, that the cabins on Sky deck may be a bit noisy- from the Deck above.

Thanks for your good wishes, I bet I fully recoverd when we meet in a week!

Have a great day!



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Hi Micha,


Hope you are feeling a bit better and taking it easy. Glad to hear we made the right choice selecting the Panorama Deck and pleased to here you have got your cruise documentation .... once you have the docs the cruise becomes more "real".


I'm surprisingly well organised for this holiday which is unusual for me, I just hope I don't forget anything. The weather here has been great for this time of the year and we are suffering from a bit of a drought so we are limited in how we use water ... can't wash cars etc .... so you can send some of your rain our way as it would be appreciated , LOL.


Cheers, David & Dougal

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Hi David and Dougal,


thank you for your good wishes. After I went to the doc yesterday, I went strait home and slept all day long. He gave me medication, that may help- and the fact that our cruise is just around the corner- yeah! I feel a bit better today. As you said when the documents are here, the cruise comes real.

I would love to send you a bit rain from here, as we have plenty of it. LOL.

Yesterday was the first day with sun in the whole may. It was real nice and warm and I have to escape from the sun, as long as I take these medication. ( 5 days I have to take them)

Wouw just a few more days. For me packing starts sunday- I forget always something, one time I traveld without my hairbrush- one time without my toothbrush, then I forget my sunglases... on the other hand I am real organized and love it when everything is in place....! LOL!



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Hey Micha,


Good to hear you are feeling a little better today, how is Jess? We surely need some rain here, its not too bad living in the city (Melbourne is a city of 3.5 million people) but the people in agricultural regions really need rain as these areas have been badly effected by drought.


Soon it will be the weekend and before we know it it will be Tuesday and we will fly off which is pretty exciting I am almost finished packing but Dougal is yet to start. I have been checking the bridge cam on the Summit and the weather does not look good but hopefully it will improve before our cruise.




David and Dougal

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Hi David and Dougal,


Jess is feeling also a bit better- he got some " shots" in his back- cause it has hurt im badly- this stubburn guy has liftet all the plants alone on satureday, instead to call me and let me help! We put a few new plants on our patio though! But after this two shots yesterday its a bit better! I shall say hello from him!

I really do hope that you get a few good rainy days though! Here the weather gets better each day. Who would have thought it. LOL! Mabe the rain come to you now!

I also looked at the cam from the Bridge of the Summit uah! Hopefully it gets better- if not- we will enjoy our cruise anyways!

Thuesday I will buy my present for CC Party! I am in the city then ( go to the hairdresser- have to cut my hair. )

It´s really close now.

Looking foreward to meet you!



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Hi Micha,


Dougal and I are getting haircuts on Monday ready for the cruise ;-)


How big is the town you live? Is it closer to Stuttgart or Munich? I'm afraid my knowledge of German geography is not good. We live very close to the centre of Melbourne so we are pretty close to everything, parks, theatres, restaurants etc.


We have been chatting so much on here I'm looking forward to talking in person. The internet really is a great resource for things like this I'm glad I found Cruise Critic as you learn a lot on here.


By the way, have you enquired whether your hotel in Anchorage offers a complimentary airport shuttle? I have just found out that our hotel will meet us at the airport if we give them our flight details.


Cheers, David & Dougal

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Hi David and Dougal,


so we are all in shape for our cruise, LOL! I like to go to my hairdressers- a gay- couple ( did you ever met a male hairdresser, which is not gay- LOL) they are so funny- we laugh a lot when I am there. Jess has his own hairdresser ( a girl). He does not like mine.

Our City ( called Neu- Ulm) is in the middle of Stuttgart and Munich, to both citys we have to drive aprox. an hour. My flight goes from stuttgart, but I already told you I guess. In fact it is a double city- Ulm/ Neu- Ulm, with 150000 people there living. I live in a suburb of Neu- Ulm, very calm there.

You are right the internet is such great thing- cruise critic board is great as well, without we mabe never would have met. Praise the mordern world!

Mabe we would have seen us on board or run into each other, but I am wondering if would have talked to each other. It´s funny but I think gays know each other, it´s all in the eyes I guess.

I still don´t know if there is ground transportation from Airport to Hotel- but I don´t care, I can take a taxi.

It is so great to chat with the both of you!



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Hey Micha,


Yeah the internet is a wonderful thing and its strange to think we can chat to someone on the other side of the world and soon be on the same ship as them .... the internet really has made the world a global village.


I know what you mean about gays being able to pick each other, in Australia we call this "gaydar" ...like radar .... meaning the ability to spot other gay guys without saying anything. On previous cruises we have always managed to work out who the other gay guys were on the ship within a couple of days. Its generally easy to pick gay couples but its a bit more difficult if a gay guy is travelling alone.


So far as the transfer in Anchorage is concerned, the airport is so close to the city that a taxi should not be expensive.


Four more sleeps to go ...I am like a child counting down the days to Christmas ..LOL


Cheers, David & Dougal

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Hey David and Dougal,


thats a good word for it - gaydar. You are right it is easy to spot, but for a single traveler, not so easy to get into talking. I would refuse to call up a couple, at least as long as I am not sure, if the like their privacy! I were on many cruises by myself, sometimes I met many gay couples, but seldom talked to one.

Hehe, I am also child- like in counting days- nights .... six more nights here. LOL!

Six more days to fully recover from the cold, it is an infection with a real cough! But with my medication it´s getting better- mabe the circumstance, that my cruise is so close does another thing to help recover quickly.LOL.

Have a good evening, it must be around 6 pm for you!



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