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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Good morning, Breeze buddies and happy Saturday to all!!!

Only have a minute before I need to leave, however, Happy Anniversary to all those June brides and grooms including me.


Have a super weekend, will check back later.:D

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(remember that song by Little River Band)


Today is our 33rd wedding anniversary! We are having a bar-b-q at our friends, love these Valley Falls get-togethers! Nice way to relax and visit with the neighbors before we all get crazy-busy with haying. What a fun way to celebrate our anniversary! :D


Happy Anniversary Dave & Bettie...had forgotten that yours was so close to ours.


Heidi ~ I had forgotten about your hurt back on the cruise! Dang, hope you get well real soon. Dave's back has also been hurting, but he DOES know what he did to it.....put 55 pieces of sod in the dead spots in our lawn...lots of digging, bending, kneeling, shoveling. His is getting better, but he was sure sore the first couple days!


Mimi ~ how fun! I know you enjoyed the ball game....cool for you!


Rhys ~ WELCOME!! Great to have you in our gang!


Char ~ dang, take it easy today, girl. Swelling feet and ankles are NO FUN. I had that at the end of a cruise a few years ago, and it was awful.


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Good morning Cupid's and Newpids.


Yesterday Staci and I went through all the stuff we had stored away for her apartment. some of it was stuff i didn't want anymore so had put aside for the kids and some of it was stuff Eric had in his college apartments over the years. It's amazing how much stuff was missing. I remember buying things for Eric the 1st year he was going to live in an apartment and several things were not there. I guess that's why we buy really cheap stuff for their apartments. It's either going to get lost, stolen or broken. :rolleyes: I made a list of some things Staci still needs so we'll go shopping again today. We never did make it to the movies last night.


Have a great day. :)

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we are doing this cruise on the Breeze April 27,2013 same ports...would love to have you put us on your "Newpid" list for this cruise...it's a bit far off but if you could keep me posted as it gets closer I would be interested my email is lemonurge64@gmail.com and I am also on Face Book...in fact our group this Cruise is called bear-ly breez-in to the caribbean on cruise critic roll call...

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(remember that song by Little River Band)


Today is our 33rd wedding anniversary! We are having a bar-b-q at our friends, love these Valley Falls get-togethers! Nice way to relax and visit with the neighbors before we all get crazy-busy with haying. What a fun way to celebrate our anniversary! :D


Yeah, I remember that song.



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I bought Kenny some undies that they had on sale at Belks for $4.00 a pair. I don't expect anything as cruising is the best present anyone could get. Besides I needed that $8.00 to use my coupon I had.lol:D


I hope everyone has a super day, Kenny and I went to the American Legion and had a couple of beers and now I have one in my RED SOLO CUP THAT IS YELLOW.LOL I never drink expect for Sat when I have my 2 beers and today is 3.


Chat later!!

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Happy Anniversary everyone!


The game was great even though both teams stink. We had great seats in the shade. Bought tickets in the last possible minute on Stubhub so tickets were only 13 dollars!!

Today we helped a friend move from one apartment to another. The move was from one building to the building directly next door. She had literally 85,000 books, so we have agreed to all chip in and purchase her a Kindle before she moves again! :eek:

Then she treated us all to lunch at Giordano's. In Chicago, you have two types of cuisine... hot dogs and pizza. This was a pizza joint with a very nice salad bar! :)

Have a great weekend all!


PS - Chicago truly does have an incredible variety of cuisine, and it's really amazing. I was, of course, joking about the dogs and pizza. ;)

Edited by PoofyTheCat
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Happy Anniversary to all of the June Couples.

Our 30th anniversary was in March. We got married just before spring break when Frank was in college. We honeymooned over spring break - nothing fancy, just a road trip here in Oklahoma. Our vacations since then have gotten better and better.


We are having a hot and humid day here.


Wow 22 cabins booked all ready. That is fantastic. I need to take some of you all's suggestion and make a list of who is on this cruise, along with the real names. It is easy to get lost sometimes. :D


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Happy Anniversary everyone!


Our anniversary is next month, can't wait.


I'm supposed to be on bed rest and took my Talia to breakfast this morning for her birthday, that hour threw me for a loop so DH deposited me back into bed.


Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk 2

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Hey Tx... what about steak?? :D


YES!! BEEF.....IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER!! :D (said the cattle rancher who loves to eat chicken :rolleyes:)


We had a wonderful day yesterday, and a great time at our little bar-b-q. There were 5 couples...all of our "besties" out here in V. Falls. It was really fun.


Rhys 616 ~ please introduce yourself so we know your name and who's cruising with you...if you already did that, I missed it. :o

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Howdy Cupids,

WE are now entering the 9th week of the strike and there is no end in sight. The company still will not negotiate and they continue to send letters to our homes threatening us with replacement workers, telling us how much we have lost, etc. They talk about ethics all year long but they have none. I walked the picket line last night and boy was it hot. At least it is not as bad as last year when we were already breaking records.

Sue and Dave, here's to a belated Happy Anniversary.

Welcome to all the Newpids.

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there.


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Good Morning!


Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's. We aren't doing anything special since I have to work at 4:00. Dave wants to grill and he said he'd grill early enough that I can eat before I go to work. I called my Dad this morning to wish him a Happy Father's Day. He spent last week fishing in Canada.


Dave - I'm sure sorry this strike has gone on so long. I hope they settle it soon. I know it doesn't look to promising though.


We went to a party last night. It was a 21st birthday party for one of Staci's best friends. since they have been friends since grade school we know the family real well. it was fun because we haven't gotten together since the girls high school graduation parties. We see them around, we just haven't gotten together.


We also finally got some much needed rain yesterday. It has been vary dry here. A thunderstorm rolled through yesterday afternoon and dumped about an inch in just 15 minutes. then it cleared up but more rain moved in around 11:00 last night. it was kind of a bummer because the party had to be moved inside but they have a really big house so it wasn't a big deal. That rain added another half inch but fell in a lighter, more steady rain over a much longer period so was probably more beneficial than the inch we got earlier. It's sunny and nice today though.


Tomorrow we will be moving Staci into her apartment. My back is better but still sore so I won't be doing any of the heavy lifting. Thankfully it's a furnished apartment so we won't be moving any large pieces of furniture.


Gotta go. I just got a text from Staci. She wants me to pick her up. She spent the night at the girls house since no one was driving. She didn't want to go home early with us. The party for young people was just getting good when we left. It WAS a 21st birthday, after all. LOL


Have a great day. :D

Edited by HeidiHo
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Happy Fathers day to all the dads...have a great day. :)


Dave...can they hire replacements? I sure hope not...hang in there we are all behind you. Did you say you hae enought time in to retire?


We don't have much planned today...Lisa and Phil will be coming by on their way home from the coast where they have been all week. Too hot here to BBQ...we are in tripple digits. :eek:


Have a nice Sunday everyone.

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We had a great day as we went to see my Dad in Kissimmee which is 1 3/4 hours away. We had a nice brunch at his club and then went and saw the new house he bought. Brand spanking new 3 bedrooms with a kitchen and master bath to die for. He said he wants to keep busy and of course it is mine when he goes. Well like I told him I don't want the house I want him. He said no worries I am not going anywhere anytime soon.lol The other house is beautiful and this one tops it.


We came home and got to see the last 121 laps of the Nascar race. OMG was I excited when Jr won. I jumped up and down and was crying. Geez you would have thought he was my child. It had been 4 years since he won so it was great.

Kenny cooked fish and mac and cheese. Neither one of us liked the fish so I guess we will snack tonight.lol

Tomorrow we are spending the day with some friends that are here from Virginia. He is a pistol so it should be a bunch of laughs.

Everyone have a super evening. Chat later.

Edited by Cathy p
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Happy Father's Day or at least what is left of it. Yesterday Kay and I hosted the State ELK president at a luncheon for 80 people and it went perfect. Of course leading up to the event Kay was a basket case LOL but you would never know it at the event. I don't recall whether or not we are keeping track of such things but I notified Erin at CRUCON that the three couples travelling together (Flick & Kay, Ilaga, and Ken & Jann) want anytime dining. That option has become so popular that it gets filled up very fast, at least it did on our last cruise in March on the Spirit. Before I forget it I have a suggestion for any get together we all may have on the ship. Please use your CC name as well as your real name. This past cruise we had a sailaway party in our Aft Wrap for 25 people and they all just used their real names so I have no idea who they were.

Spoke to my Dad earlier today and he reported that Mom is very mad at HIM for taking her car away. THAT"S why I live 1500 miles away........

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Happy Fathers Day to the Cupid's!!!


Dave, I hope the strike ends soon. 9 weeks is too long.


Heidi, hope Staci's move goes smoothly. Don't over use your back.


Cat, have fun with your visitors tomorrow.


Rick, glad everything went good with the banquet. I take it your Mom's car is sold and gone? It is good you are 1,500 miles away.


Char, have a good time with Lisa and Phil. Stay cool. We only got to 93 today.


I spent today at the hospital. My brother had been having severe headaches and went to the ER yesterday evening. To make a long story short, they found a brain tumor and put him in ICU and did surgery this afternoon. We felt very relieved when the surgeon came out and said it was not a tumor, but a big pocket of infection. He had an ear infection about 3 weeks ago and was on antibiotics. Somehow that infection crossed the brain barrier and here we are today. He will have to be on IV antibiotics even when he leaves the hospital.


Have a good week!

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I saved the life of a baby fawn yesterday (well, kind of). On my walk, as I crossed a bridge on the creek down in our meadow, I came upon a doe and a big coyote that were squared off. As soon as the doe saw my dog, she charged straight at him (and me!), so I knew she was protecting a fawn and that the coyote was trying to eat the fawn. The coyote ran off when he saw me, but only about 300 yards...then he stopped and started yipping and barking (trying to call my dog over there so he could eat HIM! :eek:). I was only about 1/4 mile from the house so I went home and called our neighbor who loves to hunt coyotes (Dave was out spraying weeds). He came up and it took him almost an hour, but he did get the coyote. The doe and fawn were ok.


Now, this morning, I have kind of the same thing....looked out in the meadow and saw an antelope doe running around and sure enough...there was a coyote. The antelope was kind of chasing him and they were going in circles. Called the neighbor again and he's on his way up. I'm sure there is a baby antelope out there, or she would just run away from the coyote. Right now she's just grazing, so Mr. Coyote may have left....but our friend may be able to call him in like he did the one yesterday. He's very patient when it comes to getting rid of coyotes. They are such awful things....eat our dogs and cats and calves and baby deer and antelope any chance they get. :( We've never had a dog taken by one, but have lost cats to them, and calves.


Dave ~ so very sorry about your strike. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you and all your co-workers. I really hope something gets resolved. Hang in there!


Heidi ~ hope your back holds out today as you move Staci. It's been pretty dry here for a while too....but we are going to start cutting hay in a couple of days, so this is the ONLY time of year that we hope for NO RAIN.


Char ~ triple digits! Yikes, I hate it when it gets that hot. It was probably 80 or so here yesterday...our hottest day so far. We may get into triple digits for a day or two in July some years, but never more than a few days. When it gets that hot around here, it tends to bring in thunder showers.


Cat ~ your dad's new home sounds beautiful. Oh, a NASCAR fan! My aunt loves to watch NASCAR, because she is good friends with Jimmie Johnson's aunt...so of course, she is a big fan of his and watches all the time. My hubby is a huge drag racing fan. Had a drag racing car for years, but has sold it and is just a spectator now....too busy in the summer when they race here to have such an expensive hobby since he hardly ever got to use it.


Rick ~ sorry your mom's so upset. A 1500 mile buffer zone sounds good. Hope she gets used to the change.


Kathy ~ so sorry about your brother! That's scary, but glad it turned out to be an infection and not a tumor. Hope he continues to recover.


Greg & Mal came down for a few hours for Father's Day yesterday. Brian & Staci couldn't make it, but since we just saw them last weekend it's ok. Greg wanted to get his boat that he stores here in the winter to save storage fees. :rolleyes: We went to the tavern in Paisley (little tiny town 22 miles north of us) for dinner, and they actually have very good food.

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Good Evening Breeze Buddies.


Staci's move in went smoothly today. She really has a very nice apartment. I'm jealous. It's nicer than my house and there's a pool. tho pool wasn't open yet but it should open in the nest few days. I think it just needs to be inspected. The only thing I don't like about her apartment is it's on the 3rd floor and there's no elevator. i'll probably be sore from so many trips up and down today. My back is Ok but I didn't carry anything heavy and Dave and Staci made several more trips up and down than I did.



we are doing this cruise on the Breeze April 27,2013 same ports...would love to have you put us on your "Newpid" list for this cruise...it's a bit far off but if you could keep me posted as it gets closer I would be interested my email is lemonurge64@gmail.com and I am also on Face Book...in fact our group this Cruise is called bear-ly breez-in to the caribbean on cruise critic roll call...


Welcome palmtree12345. I hope you will book with us.




I saved the life of a baby fawn yesterday (well, kind of). On my walk, as I crossed a bridge on the creek down in our meadow, I came upon a doe and a big coyote that were squared off. As soon as the doe saw my dog, she charged straight at him (and me!), so I knew she was protecting a fawn and that the coyote was trying to eat the fawn. The coyote ran off when he saw me, but only about 300 yards...then he stopped and started yipping and barking (trying to call my dog over there so he could eat HIM! :eek:). I was only about 1/4 mile from the house so I went home and called our neighbor who loves to hunt coyotes (Dave was out spraying weeds). He came up and it took him almost an hour, but he did get the coyote. The doe and fawn were ok.


Now, this morning, I have kind of the same thing....looked out in the meadow and saw an antelope doe running around and sure enough...there was a coyote. The antelope was kind of chasing him and they were going in circles. Called the neighbor again and he's on his way up. I'm sure there is a baby antelope out there, or she would just run away from the coyote. Right now she's just grazing, so Mr. Coyote may have left....but our friend may be able to call him in like he did the one yesterday. He's very patient when it comes to getting rid of coyotes. They are such awful things....eat our dogs and cats and calves and baby deer and antelope any chance they get. :( We've never had a dog taken by one, but have lost cats to them, and calves.



Sue - that's quite a story. We have problems with coyotes here too. I saw one in my front yard in the middle of the afternoon once. It's just weird because we live in a heavily populated area. They have adapted very well though. Our dog is big enough we don't worry about her outside but small dogs have been killed.


Have a great night. :)

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Good evening Cupids,

Some good news tonight, A Federal Mediator will be conducting the negotiations starting Wednesday. Everyone is feeling a little relief the the end may be near. I sure hope so. I had a text from a co-worker this morning and he was crossing the picket line today. We can't really do anything to the scabs but it can become pretty miserable for them. Many usually end up quiting.

Hope everyone has a great evening.



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Dave I hope the strike is settled soon. I admire and respect you and your union brothers and sisters for standing strong. I know at times it becomes very difficult.


On a happy note I have one younger brother who lives in Denver and of course I live in Western KY.

He flew in today with his wife of 25 years this week .

We get to play and have fun for 3 days and then it is off to Denver for them.

The new song PONTOON we will be playing and there be cold beverages flowing on KY Lake for the next 3 days Temps 95 but no rain in forecast.

Ready to relax

DH is business agent for his local. Their new contrat has to be voted on by members tomorrow night. I hope all goes well and he can join us later tomorrow night to play


It sounds like several of our group have had some scary things happeing lately.

I am glad everyone is safe and their health is improving .

Kathy in KY

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Round 2 of coyote wars yesterday. This time it was an antelope mama & baby. When I let the cat out in the backyard yesterday morning, I could see an antelope running in the meadow behind our house. She was chasing a coyote, so I knew she was protecting a baby. Called our neighbor again, he came up and got the coyote. Later in the day, the baby and mom and another adult antelope (maybe dad) were out in the meadow, and baby was bucking and playing. So cute!


It has cooled off here. Was windy and cool yesterday all day. This morning, it is very cool. I forgot and left a window open last night and the living room was COLD this morning!


Gas has FINALLY dropped here on the West Coast. It has been over $4.00 a gallon for many many months. Up until a little over a week ago, it was STILL $4.25 here. Something to do with an oil refinery here on the west coast not being open due to some malfunction. That is up and running again, and we are finally getting a little break. Gas was down to $3.20 yesterday. We went ahead and ordered our summer gas & diesel....1200 gallons of diesel and probably 500 gallons of gas. Most of our equipment runs on diesel, so we use a lot of it during haying season. That's NOT going to be a fun bill to pay. :rolleyes:


Dave ~ so glad you finally have a little progress. Dave was a scab once when he was in college. Safeway was on strike, and he needed to pay the bills, so he crossed the picket line and worked as a box boy for a short time. He did get heckled, but he was a starving college student and didn't care.


Heidi ~ glad the back held up to the 3rd story apartment! Greg lived in a 3rd story apartment once (no elevator there either). As I recall, it was no fun moving him in and out of that one.


KY Kathy ~ enjoy your family time! Sounds like you will have lots of fun.


Dave is close to having all the equipment ready for haying. We will start cutting tomorrow or the next day.


I get my hair cut today, and so does Dave, so we'll go in for lunch. Also need to stock up on food. Once we start haying, we don't take days off and it's hard to get to town and get groceries and such.

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