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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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We finally be dry but we still don't have much heat. Only supposed to get to 88 today. Soooo very appreciative of all of you taking our heat away from us! Now, if we could just get you to take away Tropical Storms and Hurricanes this truly would be Paradise.....


Rick - I wish you could send some of that rain here. It's been very dry. It's about 91 right now but I was just outside for a while and didn't even break a sweat so it's not very humid. I'm at that age now where sometimes I break out in a sweat even when it's cool. LOL.


Eric and I went to Bahama Breeze for lunch. I love their Bahamarita. It's their signature frozen margarita. Shortly after sitting down I realized that his 4th grade teacher was sitting in the next booth. She didn't see us but when we got up to leave we stopped to say hi. She was just thrilled to hear about Eric's adventures. She was responsible for getting him into the gifted program when he was in her class.

Edited by HeidiHo
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Good evening Cupids,

Getting ready for the big vote tomorrow. I have to be there early to help with handing out the ballots and a summary of the contract. There has been some very heated discussion on Face book concerning what was agreed upon. It will probably a close vote.

Char, do you remember Eric and Melissa from the Alaska cruise. Eric has been in the hospital with diverticulitis. He doesn't have any insurance because he is in the same union I am in. The company cut us off at mid-night the day we voted down the contract.:mad: I heard from Melissa that he is doing well on antibiotics.

Bettie and I took the grandkids to the movies today. We went to see Brave. It is a very well done movie from Pixar and Disney. WE then went to the OG. It is in the same area as the movie. Everyone got the Soup and Salad special but me. I had some pasta.

It is still quite hot here. 102 for the high today and the same for tomorrow. A tad cooler this weekend with the high in the upper 90s.

If we accept the contract I will be calling Erin and reserving a particular room. Just didn't want to put that on the card since I wasn't working.



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I wil be going to DC Friday morning. I am one of KY delegates to attend the National Education Representative Assembly.

There will be apprx 10,000 delegates from all states conducting business

Washington DC weather looks like it is going to be one long hot week.


Dave wishing you a successful voting process Kathy

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Char, do you remember Eric and Melissa from the Alaska cruise. Eric has been in the hospital with diverticulitis. He doesn't have any insurance because he is in the same union I am in. The company cut us off at mid-night the day we voted down the contract.:mad: I heard from Melissa that he is doing well on antibiotics. Dave


Dave...I do remember them...really nice couple. So sorry to hear that Eric is sick and I hope he gets well soon. Boy no insurance that is terrible...wonder if the union can help them out?

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Finally had baler school yesterday, and the guy was here ALL DAY. I told Dave we might have to sell the ranch in order to pay the bill for an all day service call! :eek: Dave and our friend that we hired to bale this year stayed working on the baler long after the service guy left. They never stopped working all day. I took sandwiches over to them for lunch, and then they did come over for a quick dinner but then back out until about 8:30 last night. We think it's a good baler, it just takes a while to get the kinks out. Same thing happened with our old baler, but once they got it figured out it ran like a champ for many years.


Today, we will hit swathing hard again. I cut by myself yesterday while Dave did baler duty. Finished the field we were in. Then, I recovered the backhoe seat in the afternoon. We use the backhoe to unload bales (Dave made a custom grapple fork that lifts 2 bales off at a time...very cool).


Dave ~ hope the vote goes your way today! I assume you are hoping for a "yes" vote so you can get back to work.


Kathy ~ have fun in DC!


Heidi ~ it's always fun to see former teachers and let them know what the kids are up to. Glad Eric got to see his teacher, and YOU got to have a Bahamarita! :D


Char ~ so glad you got to spend some time with the grand-kiddos. Enjoy the nice weather! Mid-80's is great. 97 sounds HOT, but I guess it is summer (supposedly). ;)


Better scoot! Have a nice day, all!

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!! OK I am really back this time. Yesterday my grandson Kevin found out that he is having a little girl. Her name will be Laila Marie. The Marie is after his mom's and her mom's middle name. I am so excited I just cried. I have 3 grandson's and 1 granddaugher so now I will have 2. OMG I love to shop for baby stuff.

Sue, did you finally get the new horse. As you can see I am trying to catch up.

Renee, congrats on only the 3 jobs and fingers crossed for the health insurance. I don't know what I would do without mine.

Heidi, I didn't get to read the troll responses so glad our moderator took it off. Some people are never happy. Not like us anyway.:)

Mimi, I was so sorry to hear about Andy's stone. I had 7 of those about 15 years ago and my doctor told me to drink beer to flush them out. I told him I already did and he said not good.lol I hope he is feeling better.

Char, my company has left and they had a super time. He can't wait to move here. Next is the Red Lobster for my Dad's 84th birthday on Sunday. Glad you had a great reunion.

Kathy, so glad to read you are OFFICIAL!!!! YEA!!!

Rick, how did you get on with the TS. Anything besides the leaking bathroom? We did fine except the golf courses in the Villages did not fair too good. Several were under water so I am not sure when they will open. A bunch of crabby old people that can't play golf.:D

Heidi, I am sorry that Eric did not get to come home. Did he make it to the party. Congrats on the Miss Indiana.

Candi, congrats on the new baby boy. I know you are excited. How are you feeling?

Dave, fingers are crossed that you have a new contract today. Then make sure you call Erin right away.lol Sorry about that heat, we will have about 87 today and finally not a cloud in the sky. YEA!!!

OK, whew! I think I caught up so I will chat later.:D

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OMG! Noooooooo! Crabby old people who can't play golf because the courses are under water LOL......

We did just fine although there was a lot of flooding around us. The Myakka River flooded East of us releasing a bunch of water moccasins and alligators who ended up in people's front yards. (You try playing golf around an upset alligator and they are complaining about a little water on the course.....Oh well, some people are just hard to please!)

Dave, here's hoping for the best on the contract vote. Cancelling insurance the first day of the strike sounds like a company I would seriously consider retiring from very quickly.

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Good morning!


It's only 10:30 AM and it's already 89 degrees. they are saying it could be 101 today. If we get into triple digits it will be the 1st time since 2005.


Dave - I hope the vote goes the way you want it to.


Cathy - Eric got home Monday afternoon and we went to dinner Monday night. We're probably going out to dinner tonight too. Saturday night one of his friends is throwing a going away party for him. Staci will be coming home tomorrow.


I better go water my flowers before it gets too hot.


Have a great day.

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I keep tryin' to convince you people up North to move down here to Paradise to cool off, but ya just won't listen to the voice of "experience". I remember one summer in Chicago when we sat in a plane at Ohare getting ready to go to England and the outside temp was 123 but they wouldn't start the engines (and thus the air conditioning) for fear they would use too much fuel before takeoff for the non-stop flight. There was a major storm in New York so we were grounded in Chicago for over an hour.......and of course they wouldn't let us off the plane either!!! We were on our way to England to start a cruise to Norway and we were desperately thinking "cool thoughts" about our destination. They finally started passing out bottles of water which most of us kept rubbing on our foreheads instead of drinking....

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OMG! Noooooooo! Crabby old people who can't play golf because the courses are under water LOL......

We did just fine although there was a lot of flooding around us. The Myakka River flooded East of us releasing a bunch of water moccasins and alligators who ended up in people's front yards. (You try playing golf around an upset alligator and they are complaining about a little water on the course.....Oh well, some people are just hard to please!)

Dave, here's hoping for the best on the contract vote. Cancelling insurance the first day of the strike sounds like a company I would seriously consider retiring from very quickly.

Isn't that the truth. I tell you what these Village people are one of a kind and spoiled rotten.:D I can't even imagine going out and seeing an alligator in my front yard. Holy chit!!

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Good morning!


It's only 10:30 AM and it's already 89 degrees. they are saying it could be 101 today. If we get into triple digits it will be the 1st time since 2005.


Dave - I hope the vote goes the way you want it to.


Cathy - Eric got home Monday afternoon and we went to dinner Monday night. We're probably going out to dinner tonight too. Saturday night one of his friends is throwing a going away party for him. Staci will be coming home tomorrow.


I better go water my flowers before it gets too hot.


Have a great day.


Heidi, at least you got to spend some time with him. Give him lots of kisses and hugs. Glad to hear that Staci is coming home tomorrow.

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Good evening Cupids,

The vote is over and it's back to work on Monday. Not everyone is happy but the majority ruled.

Glad to hear that everyone in Florida is okay. Surviving a big blow can be a challenge.

Heidi, enjoy your time with Eric.

Cathy P, when you mentioned village people I had a flash back to the 70s. LOL

Sue, hope you have finally warmed up. It is warm here. 100 today but only 99 tomorrow. Going to pull out the sweaters.:eek:

Going to call Erin tomorrow and pick a cabin. Hope there are some good ones left.



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Glad cooler heads prevailed as you said and you can get back to normal.

Only got up to 94 today down here and had some thunder showers too. Nothing at the house though so out come the sprinklers.


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Dave...that is really good news...will you work your old hours again? I am so happy that the strike is over for you. :)


A couple of months ago I noticed a very large bird swoop down into our yard...got up to check it out and discovered that it is a hawk. He was trying to snatch one of the doves that nest on our patio...but didn't get one that time...and all afternoon the quiet in the yard was deafening. And I also noticed that I hadn't seen our resident squirrels in a while...but did notice a young squirrel...now there are NO squirrels. The dove chatter has been really quiet too...tho' we do still have one family that is trying to raise their family on our patio...but now they watch from the safety of the trees...use to be they would sit on the fence and watch us...kind of miss all of that.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies! Happy Friday to everyone!

My exercising and diet seem to be working with my Diabetes. I got into a shirt yesterday that was too tight and now is loose. YEA!!! I was hoping all around at work going see, check this out and pulling on my shirt. Not that I was to big anyway, however, I had the middle that was showing up.lol

Dave, congrats on that job. I know that is a big relief for you. So will you retire soon?lol Yea, you are calling Erin I hope she has some really good cabins for you to pick from.

The Villages people are as crazy as the ones from the 70's at times. I would like to ship them off to the YMCA. lol

Well time to motivate to work so will check back later.

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Good Morning!


It didn't quite make it to 100 yesterday. it might have in other parts of the Chicago area but right about the time it hit 99 yesterday a thunderstorm moved in that cooled things down. It's going to be a little cooler today but still hot, maybe around 90.


Staci is coming home today. she wants to see Eric before he leaves.



A couple of months ago I noticed a very large bird swoop down into our yard...got up to check it out and discovered that it is a hawk. He was trying to snatch one of the doves that nest on our patio...but didn't get one that time...and all afternoon the quiet in the yard was deafening. And I also noticed that I hadn't seen our resident squirrels in a while...but did notice a young squirrel...now there are NO squirrels. The dove chatter has been really quiet too...tho' we do still have one family that is trying to raise their family on our patio...but now they watch from the safety of the trees...use to be they would sit on the fence and watch us...kind of miss all of that.


Char - many years ago when my kids were little we were watching a baby bunny hopping around our back yard When a big crow came out of nowhere and snatched it. The kids were heartbroken. :( We have seen hawks around here too. Once we saw one in the back yard and discovered a squirrel carcass that it had left up in a tree.



The vote is over and it's back to work on Monday. Not everyone is happy but the majority ruled.


Yay! Glad that's over and you can go back to work.


Have a great day. :)

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Good morning Cupids,

Called Erin this morning and now waiting on a call back. I have a couple cabins picked out and hope they are still available.

Cathy P and Rick, you must have allot of retirees in your area. I'm not a golfer but I know several and if they can't play then they get really crabby.

Heidi, it's already in the mid 80s here and should reach 100 this afternoon. More moisture is coming in from the gulf and tomorrow will only be in the upper 90s. Just very humid.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


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The haying wars continue! Yesterday morning, the tractor wouldn't start. :mad: Had to get a service call to the field from a local tractor dealership. The baler is still giving them a few fits....minor things, but enough to cause problems. Dave is on his way to a nearby ranch that has one of these Krone balers to borrow a part and watch it work. Nearby means 20 miles...out here, "nearby" is a relative term! :p So I have a bit of a break this morning waiting for him to return so we can go swath.


Still cool here, and possible showers tomorrow. grrrrrrrr. I want rain ALL YEAR LONG, with the exception of haying season. But that seems to be when we get it the last couple years....dang Mother Nature.


Dave ~ glad you have a contract. I hope it's ok for you, I know not everyone was happy with it. Hope you get the cabin you have your eye on!


Char ~ oh, boy, we have a lot of hawks around here (and bald eagles. Once I went outside and the cat was out in the yard with me, and a hawk swooped down and dive-bombed us!


Heidi ~ I hate those stupid crows. Crows and seagulls follow our swathers all day long and eat the mice we uncover. Unfortunately, they also eat baby birds. If we see a nest, we will go around it and leave the grass uncut there. But the dang crows often find the nest anyway. They are a nasty bird.

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Howdy again,

Talked with Erin and she is checking on the best rate for the cabin that I requested. I may know by the end of the day.

Sue, we have allot of Hawks, falcons and vultures arond here. I haven't seen any bald eagles. The black birds , sea gulls and starlings are abundant. Hope you get the baler fixed today.



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Good Afternoon Cupids...


It has definitely warmed up here...was in the mid 90s yesterday and supposed to be in the low 90s today...so looks like summer is here.


Sue...I love the rain too...but like you not if it interferes with what I need to get done.


Cat...great news on your exercise and diet program...that must be really good for you diabetes.


Talking about hawks again...while I was sitting out with Mocha and Sparky early last evening I saw an ugly ole crow fly by and thought now that would be a good meal for the hawk. I am not sure if hawks return to the same nesting place every year but I sure do hope they find a new spot next year.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

Well here it is the BCOD and I am up ready for work.lol I only work until 11 so that is not too bad and then American Legion for my 2 beers.

Dave, we have alot of people that THINK they are golfers. The Villages is over 55 only and I think it is something like 40 sq miles. They have 504 holes of golf and I guess you get some prize if you do them all in a certain amount of time.lol

Sue, I am sorry for you baler problems, however, glad to hear you are getting a break. I love hearing all about your ranch. You are the first person I have ever known that lives on one. Mrs City Girl here.:)

Char, yes everything is normally great for my diabetes except last night. I had a bowl of mac and cheese and did not go for a walk. Tested my sugar and it was 311. Holy chit that was not good. :eek: Tested it this morning and thank God it is down to 122.


Time to call in my Starbucks sandwiches for the girls at work so chat later.

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Dave, we too have a lot of golfers here in Paradise.....at least they all think they are golfers! One of the most popular ways to raise money for charity is a golf tournament and hardly a weekend goes by without at least one going on. Golf is a game where you constantly try to beat your last score. Several years ago I won a Pro/Am tournament in the Bahamas and figuring there was no sense in going on did indeed stop playing the game and donated my clubs to the Junior Golf League in Sarasota. Since then the prices have gone up so much I no longer wish to tromp all over a field chasing a little white ball that has a mind of its own. I now wear trifocals and the last time I went to the driving range I couldn't figure out which of the three balls I was supposed to hit!!!

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The following is a true story. When I first started playing golf several people I played with insisted that my "form" was perfect and I was a "natural" and should take formal lessons. We lived in Detroit at that time so my wife gave me golf lessons with a pro for Christmas. We started in January and he hung a tarp 10 yards away in the clubhouse and using a video camera to record the lessons proceeded to say things like "what a beautiful form" and "I'm teaching a future Pro here". When spring came we were both anxious to see the results of my every two weeks I had spent with him. I addressed the ball, swung, and had the most gorgeous 10 yard shot you would ever see! It took three years to break those lessons and begin to enjoy the game but I could only play on par three courses because while I could sink the ball in one, possibly two shots....it took many, many shots to get to the green!

Eventually, however, I was able to shoot straight down the fairway and was often accused of playing billiards on the course.

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Happy Satuarday to all!

Rick, you are too funny, congrats on the win that is great. I have friends that gave it up but my Dad not that guy. He plays almost everyday in this Florida heat. Alot of his balls go in the drink and become allegator bait.lol. He now uses yellow ball so he can at least see where they go. He will be 84 tomorrow and does not take even 1 pill. He has more energy than I ever thought of having. God Bless him.

We will be heading over to the Legion in a bit but I thought I would check in.

Chat later.:)

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