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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Hello everyone. We are John and Jennifer (me) and we have just booked this cruise a few minutes ago. Really looking forward to getting to know everyone and of course meeting on the cruise.


Welcome aboard Jennifer and John! I thought I remembered you from earlier in the roll call so I checked the "interested " list and sure enough, you were there.


I also want to remind anyone who isn't booked yet but wants to take advantage of the $25.00 deposit, you only have 2 more days to do it. It ends July 5th. Keep in mind too that due to the holiday, Crucon is probably closed on the 4th. i don't know about the 5th. After July 5th anyone booking will have to pay the full $300.00 deposit. many of us have done that anyway since you have to pay the full deposit in order to choose your cabin.


I'm doing OK today, just really sad. Eric and I have been texting since right now he's just waiting for his flight which leaves JFK at 1:25 (Eastern time). Once that flight leaves though it's going to hit me that he's gone because we won't be able to communicate until he has wifi somewhere and that won't be for a while. I made him promise to go to an internet cafe or something right away once he's in Hanoi so that he can message us to let us know he got there. I saw a post on FB just a couple of days ago from a friend of mine. Her daughter had just left for Europe but forgot to let her mother know that she got there OK. He mom was freaking out and called her daughter's professor in Europe to make sure she was OK. At this point , I don't even have any kind of contact number in Hanoi for him. I also told him to give us an emergency contact number once he's there. Either the number of someone in the internship program or maybe the school where he's going to be teaching. he probably could have given me the email address of someone in the program before he left but things were rather chaotic around here and we kind of forgot about that.


It is really hot here and is going to be hot all week. I don't think it actuall broke 100 degrees yesterday but when we went to the airport it 102 in my car. It's supposed to stay in the 90's until the weekend.


Is anyone doing anything special for the 4th of July? I have to work lunch tomorrow but I'm off Thursday and Saturday. Dave will be off tomorrow and the rest of the week. We will probably head over to a local festival on one of those days.


Have a great day.

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Yes, I was from the interested roll call. We are very glad we booked but i have to say that i am concerned about La Romania. The reviews i read are not great but there are many times that i read a review that knocks something and i find i liked it. Anyways, In February I will be over joyed to be anywhere where the temps arent sub zero.

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Good afternoon, Breeze buddies!

Just got back from the grocery store and Sams. Now I am pooped. We are going at 2 for lunch with our neighbors and have Chinese? YUM!! I only had yogurt so I can pig out. I know shame on me.:eek:


Heidi, take a deep breath and just remember Eric is doing a wonderful thing for some children that probably would not have the education he will provide. I know when they are in the air I am the same way. Sometimes I just watch CNN until I hear from them. Mine has a 4 hour flight on Thursday to Aruba and I will be like OMG come on email MOMMMY!!lol


Sue, Glad that you are feeling better and the haying is almost over. So what is next on the farming agenda. I really love to hear your stories. That is on my bucket list to visit a farm before I die. They have alot of those you can do with the cowboys helping out.:o:D


Rick, I know you worry so much about your mom, I do the same every day with my dad and he is only 1 and 1/2 hours away and in great health.


The sorry that children can put you thru is amazing. I am so sorry about your foster son. Maybe one day he will realize what he has done to you both.


Welcome, Jennifer and John. I will add you to my list of chatters.lol I hope we get to her from you often. By 2014 we will all be family for sure.


My prayers are out to all that are dealing with those triple digit heat issues and no power. Mother Nature is sure not loving everyone lately. We are in the mid 90's and humid but we are use to it. I do love the 80's and a breeze.


Also prayers out to all those with Wild Fires in the West.

Well that is about it from sunny Florida!

Edited by Cathy p
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Heidi, Crucon is having a big sale this week, Thursday and Friday, so there will be someone there. Hope Eric has a safe trip.


Welcome John and Jennifer.


Cathy, enjoy lunch.


Hope everyone has a great day.



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We probably are going to hang out at the pool for awhile in the morning while it is still "coolish", but the community where we live (yes it is a 55+ community with 2200 homes) is putting on a free picnic at noon tomorrow at one of the community centers. (We have 4 centers and 5 pools because we are so large!) Brats, hamburger, potato salad, chips, ice tea and lemonade provided but otherwise it's load up the golf cart with all the beer you can handle and come PARTEEEE....... This year we will not have a golf cart parade for the first time in a long time. Usually you see literally hundreds of carts all wildly decorated and we have a big parade thru out the community.

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Afternoon Cupids...


Been a busy couple of days...spent all day with Lisa yesterday...a mom & daughter day...I always enjoy that.


Welcome John & Jenny...it is going to be a really fun cruise.


Rick...so happy that you don't need surgery.


Sue...glad you are feeling better and can work on the ranch again.


Heidi...my heart goes out to you let us know when you hear how Eric is doing?


We will be going to Lisa's house tomorrow for a BBQ and swimming then watch fire works from the HS that is actually a few miles away in her yard...but we can still see the fireworks. The young ones will actually go the HS...but the rest of us will enjoy the open space and watch from afar.


Wishing everyone a happy fourth of July.

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Hey, Breeze buddies!

Dave, I had the shrimp with garlic sauce. OMG was it wonderful. It was the best I have ever eaten and I ate all but the pea pods. My mouth and peas do not belong together. YUCK! I am so full but I am sure in the next hour or 2 it will be gone.lol

As I was walking out I spotted a rack of clothes at the Bealls Outlet so Pat and I scooted on down there. I got 2 tops and it was $13 total. Kenny and Don were in the van parked outside the store looking in. It was so funny.

Rick, we are going to the American Legion as they are having free hamburgers and hot dogs. So we will have to have a couple of beer while we are at it.

They have a golf cart parade several times a year at our place. It goes down Main St and I work upstairs and get a great view in the air conditioning..lol

Well shall lurk a bit. Chat later.

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Hope everyone has a happy Fourth! For those of you in the "heat belt" try to stay cool......(maybe some Kenny G or Ramsey Lewis will help, LOL)

Our street looks real nice...everyone who is still down here has lined their front yard with American Flags. Ya gotta admit us old farts are patriotic!!!

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Good Morning and Happy 4th of July! :)


Dave is golfing this morning and I have to work lunch so we won't be doing much of anything today. He wanted to go to the local festival after i get off work but it's supposed to be about 100 degrees today so i said it would be too hot. the festival will go through Sunday so I'd like to go on Saturday when it's supposed to be cooler. A lot of communities around here have cancelled their fireworks because it is so dry. Not Hoffman Estates though! they don't care if they burn the town down. ;)


Eric messaged me from Tokyo at 3:00 this morning. His trip is going smoothly so far. He should be landing in Hanoi very soon. I'm feeling much better now. I was really depressed yesterday. Now I'm not really depressed, just anxious to hear from him.


Have a great 4th of July! :D

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Good morning, Breeze buddies and Happy 4th of July!!!

Rick, yep us old folks are sure a Patriotic bunch for sure. The guy across the street has bought out all the flags from the store. It reminds me of the Flamingos people put in there yard when someone turns 40 or up.lol

Heidi, there are fireworks everywhere in Florida except here. We don't have the room. Someone called me at work the other day and wanted to know if we were having fireworks at Lake Sumpter.:eek:It is like a 20x12 lake or pond. I laughed my azz off.

I am so glad you have heard from Eric. I know that made you feel better. I am waiting for my son to call as he is running a 10K in Atlanta. He has done 5Ks before but this is his first 10k.

We had our coffee on the Lanai and read the paper so now I am at the ole computer lurking around.

Everyone has a super safe and happy 4th. Chat later.

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Happy 4th!


Welcome Jennier & John!! Glad to have you onboard!


Well, I jinxed myself, talking about how fast we were getting the swathing done. For the first time since we bought these swathers 3 years ago...mine broke down yesterday morning. A simple bearing, but the local ag repair shop only has 1 and it takes 2. A friend brought the part over from Klamath Falls (125 miles from us), so Dave will get it fixed this morning.


We hauled hay yesterday since we couldn't swath. We only got 120 bales out of the first 2 fields, where normally those 2 fields would yield at least 400-500 bales (these are giant bales, 1 ton bales...4'x4'x8'). The next 3 fields are going to be better, but still may not be as good as normal.


I'm just grateful we have hay at all. 20 years ago we had a grasshopper infestation, and they ate every bale of grass on the ranch in a matter of days. We got 50 bales on the whole ranch that year....started haying as soon as we saw the grasshoppers coming, but they ate the grass before we could get to it. The 50 bales we did get were full of dead grasshoppers. It was awful. We had to buy hay that year, and send our cows to pasture 100 miles away. That was a tough year but we survived. Every time we have a small hay crop, I think of the grasshopper year and it makes even a smaller hay crop seem great!


Today is my niece's birthday, and then she gets married a week from Saturday. Be a BIG 10 days for her! That will be a fun wedding, I've been looking forward to it all summer.


We are not doing anything for the 4th....just cutting hay. Greg is having a big bar-b-q at his house and he was listing the food and cocktails he is making...makes me wish we lived closer so we could attend! Brian is still in Seattle, but has the day off from class (for his work)...a group of the trainees are going to bar-b-q today. State Farm puts them up at an extended stay hotel, and it has bar-b-q grills there.


Been really nice and pretty mild here. Upper to lower 80's.


Heidi ~ thinking of you, I know it's sad for you to have Eric gone for quite some time. OH! I just read your new post....glad you're feeling better and that you heard from Eric in Tokyo.


Cat ~ glad you are enjoying my ranching stories. Come out any time, and we'll put you to work! :p


Rick ~ picnic sounds fun...enjoy!


Have a great day, everyone!

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First of all we have a newpid on our cruise. Roe95695...Robin and her hubby Jim.:) They signed up on the Member cruise section and I saw them today. I told her to come on over here. I was going to copy and paste the link but I could not get it to work.:( Did you say work...oh don't care for that 4 letter word much..lol

Sue, I read all your stories to Kenny and loves it as much as I do. I was so sorry to hear that your baler broke. My main job that I had when I was young was selling power transmission supplies. Bearings were my specialty. I use to be great with calipers.lol Now I am not so sure.lol I use to be the Inside Sales Manager. I had all men under me and loved it.lol

Well off to Publix for the other half of our grocery trip before the American Legion. Chat later.

Edited by Cathy p
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I'm just a little behind times but a big welcome to John & Jennifer and Robin and Jim! We decided to cancel our participation at the picnic. I woke up this morning with very low blood sugar (54) so Ive been eating a lot of chocolate today (I know, I know y'all feel badly for me, LOL) and Kay has a bad backache that isn't responding to Naprosin so we are just taking it easy. Tonight I will grill steaks and baked potatoes and have some wine. Besides, we just had hamburgers this past weekend. We have some hot pocket sandwiches in the frig made with pretzel bread that are real good and I can have a beer (lots of carbs! which apparently I need) and otherwise just prop up our feet and read our Kindles for awhile. You understand that only lasts till we fall asleep (the Senior Happy Hour).......

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Rick, I hope that you and Kay are feeling better soon. I am the queen of a bad back. My last PT is Friday and I have to admit it really has helped me. I am doing really great with the pelvic tilt that helps my degenerative discs open up a bit. Of course standing in line at the store people kind of stare at me.:eek: Have some chocolate for me.:( I shall have a few carbs for you and maybe they won't count toward me.lol


Take care off to the Legion.

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I thought that I saw Noah loading the animals in the Arc. Wow we had a thunderstorm that did not want to end. It sat and sat over The Villages and our bowl by the track across the street is half full. I have seen hurricanes that did not produce that much rain. Whew! Almost came to a stop and now it is getting dark again.:eek::eek: Later, gator!!!

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Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July. Yesterday we watched the fireworks from out boat and that was enjoyable. Today we spent most of the day inside relaxing and staying cool. We may go out to see some more fireworks in town tonight but we are still undecided.

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Good Evening!


It sure was hot today. We hit triple digits. I worked lunch and I couldn't believe that a couple of people asked to eat outside. :eek: This was only after we went on a wait. They must have been REALLY hungry. LOL. We told them the patio was closed though. It would have been too dangerous for servers to work out there. We wear long pants and long sleeve shirts.


We noticed that sometime today there was a grass fire near our house. The highway behind our house is divided by a grassy median and we noticed the grass was burned in about a 20 yard section. It was probably either fireworks or a cigarette tossed from a car that started it. It is really dry here.


We went to an Italian restaurant called Rosebud for dinner. One of the guys I work with also works at Rosebud and he gave me a coupon for $25.00 off. it was good today only. Rosebud is only in the Chicago area and is a step up from Olive Garden.


Eric sent me a message around 1:00 this afternoon. He didn't say much except that he made it to his apartment and everything was fine. The school set him up in an apartment and a room mate. I think he said the room mate is from Poland. He's meeting with the head of the school tomorrow (which is already today in Vietnam). They are exactly 12 hours ahead of us (we're in central time). At least it's easy for me to remember what time it is over there. So I am breathing a sigh of relief tonight. I'm just glad he got there with no problems.


Dave will be off work till Monday now. I will work my normal schedule though.


Have a good night. :)

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Good morning, Breeze buddies!

I hope everyone had a great 4th.

I am working the 8-5 shift today and then it is GIRLS NIGHT OUT.... I am going with the girls I work with out for munchies, drinks and then off to see the stripper show Magic Mike. Whoooo Hoooo!!:)

Off to lurk a bit so chat probably tomorrow! Have a super day.

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Good Morning Breeze Buddies!


Welcome Robin and Jim!


Ed ~ yummmmmm. Glad to see you eating beef, my friend!


Sue - Funny you should say that. Just a little while ago Dave was reading the newspaper and said that the local Chick-Fil-A has a gimmick running. Today is Cow Appreciation Day (chick-Fil-A sells only chicken). Anyone who comes in dressed from head to toe in cow gear gets a free chicken sandwich. I said "Sue and Dave wouldn't appreciate that." LOL. Our niece and nephew both work there.


Good morning Cupids,


It should not hit 100 here today. They are saying we will be in the upper 90s.


Heidi, stay cool and don't work too hard.




Dave - it's hard to believe that it's hotter here than in Texas. We're supposed to hit triple digits today and tomorrow yet. It's also cooler in Hanoi that it is here. When I first found out Eric was going there I thought how awful it would be to be there in the summer with the heat. LOL. He IS roughing it a bit more though. His apartment doesn't have air conditioning. It was hot when he first got to Buenos Aires too and he didn't have air conditioning there either.


Dave wants to go to a festival tonight and see Foghat. I'm not interested but I think his brother wants to go so I told Dave to go without me if he wants to go. My SIL probably won't go either. I couldn't care less about seeing Foghat and it's too damn hot anyway. I think I'm going to go get a pedicure today though. Other than that I'm staying home in the A/C.

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