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Money Saving Tips

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We are going on the Mariner in October and are doing a couple of things to make sure we have extra spending money.


I and DW are each putting $5 away every day (this will give us an additional $2000 on our cruise) and we also put all of our change in a jar.


Wanted to know what other things people do to make sure they have some extra money to donate to the cruise (casino, drinks, spa, etc.).

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We are 2 of the few people who do not have cable TV! We figure the money we save by not having that luxury probably pays for one of us on a cruise. We also do not go out to dinner very often and drive cars with WAY over 100,000 miled on them. (Good thing he's a mechanic!) He stopped smoking 5 years ago, and think of the money we have saved because of that!


Like the idea of $5 every day. It sure does add up quickly!



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A general pattern of living BELOW my means is all I need. I understand the difference btw want and need. I may spend $100 on cable tv and internet per month, but I never eat out, drive a 14 year old car and shop at Sears sales for clothes. No high definition tv in my house. Although I did just get a new computer (under $500) and boy is it fast!

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Wanted to know what other things people do to make sure they have some extra money to donate to the cruise (casino, drinks, spa, etc.).


Hiding my wifes credit cards usually saves a lot of money.......:rolleyes:

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I save all the change that my husband throws down every night, then before

we leave I go through it all and pull out nickels and quarters to feed the slot machines. This usually gets me through 2 or 3 nights, since I have no clue

how to play craps or poker!

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We have a website for our family cruise (made by my cousin Pam). On it she list some tips and $$ saving ideas:

http://www.home.fuse.net/funstop/cruise.html ...........follow the link .

It also has Mariner Compasses and spa prices. We had a cruise party. At the party I made choc. covered strawberries, and served Ben & Jerry's. We played BINGO and gave away underwater disposable cameras ($8 at home, $20 on the ship). We also gave away candy bars (0.25 homes, $1.50 on the ship) Our point was to serve our guests so they could taste the strawberries,etc. w/o buying them on the ship. Unless you drink a considerable amount of soda- the coke cards aren't worth it. We also do alot of non-RCCL excursions. Which has some risk, but saves a lot of money.


"Gumbert Family Cruiser"

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Great ideas! We just booked our cruise last week but I plan on doing the same thing I did last year. We box up everything we no longer need - typical garage sale items - and list them on Ebay. We list about five or six items a week and then leave all that $ in the Paypal account and just let it accumulate. I have a Paypal credit card linked to that $ and it is what we will use on the cruise.


Also, I make scrapbook mini-albums (vacation, birthday, baby, etc) ready for people's pictures to be placed inside and sell those one Ebay. They usually go for between $10 and $30 each depending on how good they are. That also just goes directly into my PAYPAL cruise fund!

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Also, I make scrapbook mini-albums (vacation, birthday, baby, etc) ready for people's pictures to be placed inside and sell those one Ebay. They usually go for between $10 and $30 each depending on how good they are. That also just goes directly into my PAYPAL cruise fund!

I'd love to see some of these.


We've been doing the spare change thing and it really adds up. I also do a lot of rebating and all my rebate $$ goes into our vacation account. I also do a kids consignment resale 2X/year (part of the twins club) and I just made $775 for my kids old clothes/shoes/toys, etc. I'm going to start taking all our $1 and $5 bills and put them aside for our extra $$ for tips and stuff.

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Sueinphilly is right. Living below your means works for us. Not having a heavy mortgage and no car notes, working close to home, packing lunch, affords us the opportunity to save more and spend our money elsewhere. Like cruising.

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We take a large jar, wax the top shut (no sneaking out money) and everytime we take out money from the bank to play with, we put in half the amount into the jar. So if my DH wants to buy a movie for $20.00 then he must put $10.00 into the jar. If we want to go for dinner again 1/2 goes into the jar. This makes us decide how bad we want the items and at the same time fill the jar.


Also being in Canada, we have alot of change with all the one and two dollars coins, and many of them go into the jar as well.

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Boingy (Karen)


I love the website for your cruise! Would you give me some tips on how you or your cousin created it? I am traveling with 30 people in July and I would love to do something similar!





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We booked our March 2005 cruise in Feb 2004. We started putting change in a water cooler jug that I bought at a garage sale. 2 weeks before the cruise I cashed in the change and we had 550.00!!! This bought a lot of foo foo drinks.


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We take a large jar, wax the top shut (no sneaking out money) and everytime we take out money from the bank to play with, we put in half the amount into the jar. So if my DH wants to buy a movie for $20.00 then he must put $10.00 into the jar. If we want to go for dinner again 1/2 goes into the jar. This makes us decide how bad we want the items and at the same time fill the jar.


Also being in Canada, we have alot of change with all the one and two dollars coins, and many of them go into the jar as well.


FWIW, buying movies is a waste of money (unless you have little kids that can watch the same thing a million times). I got a coupon book from hollywood video using some of my discover card cashback award. 10 movies for $20.


If I did want to buy a movie (and I have never acually done so), I would wait until they were unloading their stock of movies and get 3 or 4 for $25-30


The Disney channel is on our basic cable now (yes I do pay <$100 month for basic cable and internet but it's my only entertainment expenses). They're showing monster's inc tonight. If you didn't already own it, you can tape it for free.


I never understood the saving change thing. I understand not wanting to have to have it in your purse and throwing it in a jar, but the idea of using that as a "savings account" is lost on me.

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These are the things that I do to save money:


Use coupons! I am the coupon queen when it comes to grocery and clothes shopping.


Shop during sales and combine the sale item with your coupon.


Shop the clearance rack at designer and department stores


Shop when stores have their end of the season sales. I buy my summer clothes for the following year in August and I buy my winter clothes for the following year in January. It is amazing that you could get a $60 pair of pants from The Gap for $9 when you shop during off season or $150 evening gown at Macy's for $20. No coupon, no sale, then I do not purchase!


Use e-mail for long distance or international conversation. Calling overseas is expensive. E-mail allows me to talk to friends that live in other countries daily.


Get digital cable and HBO on demand and watch free movies at home instead of renting them or paying $40 just for 2 people to see a movie and to eat junk food.


Record all your movies from your digital cable, HBO, and Showtime and then get rid of it. That way you have a ton of movies to watch for free instead paying additional cost every month.


Always go out to dinner or eat at home before going to the movies, sporting events, museums, concerts, or other functions. That way you won't be hungry. By the time 2 people eat junk food at these arenas your paying about $25-$50 and more if you have children.


If you like to drink, then stock up on your alcohol during sales. I buy all my alcohol for the entire season during my local wine store's sale. They usually have a buy one, get one or two free deal twice a year. Oh, and yes coupons!


Eat at home more. Unless I go to a specialty restaurant that prepares food that I can not cook, then I eat at home. I figure if I could cook it, then I prefer to eat it at home.


Register for vacation deals like cruises, airfare, and hotel far in advance. They usually increase the rates closer to the dates or during certain months. Shop around for deals before making a purchase.


Dryell works just a great as they dry cleaner. It even comes with a stain remover.


Save pennies and change in a jar. When it is full take it to the bank.


Go to Europe during the off season. Rates are cheaper.


Instead of going to the salon, buy your hair products at a beauty supply store and style your own hair sometimes. I am saving $150 a month just by doing my own hair.


I have no car payments or credit card debt and I am only 28. I paid off all my student loans before I got married and brought my house. It is very easy. Just live below your means. That way I could spend more money on traveling.


Purchase The Entertainment Coupon Book for your local area. It has lots of coupons for restaurants, museums, grocery stores, and other venues.



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There are times I have so many coupons that the manager has to approve them (when I'm using the self check out). My neighbor and boyfriend give me their extras and when I see something on sale I stock up. Got 10 boxes of Spongebob bandaids for FREE. Normal retail $2.49. On sale for a buck, 10 $1 coupons. My son has a scar he likes to keep covered up (it's on his elbow, don't ask)


I do the same thing for clothes for myself, end of season at Sears, 30-40% off the clearance price, with a coupon.


Of course I'm not stingy when it comes to my son's shoes. He's a teenager (who likes spongebob) and he just got sneakers and sandals that cost $100. He get's his tshirts for next to nothing at the thrift store, so it evens out.


retail is for suckers!

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'Retail is for suckers' so true! ....The only thing I pay retail for is shoes...I have to wear Mephistos due to a foot problem but even then I shop their sales. Love all the tips. garage sales...thrift shops and sales with coupons for 30% off the sale price. I get my movies at the Library for free...also books.

To me shopping isn't fun unless I get a good deal..

People wonder why we can afford to travel...:)

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I gotta plug this great site for shoes and no I have no affiliation with them except as a very satisfied customer. When I had to exchange shoes for size, they send the replacement immediately, before I had a chance to go to UPS and mail back the wrong size. Did I mention the shipping and return were FREE.


http://www.zappos.com I just checked they carry Mephistos!


here's the mephistos on sale page :-) http://www.zappos.com/n/es/d/722287173.html

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Boingy (Karen)


I love the website for your cruise! Would you give me some tips on how you or your cousin created it? I am traveling with 30 people in July and I would love to do something similar!






Thanks. I know nothing about computers,but my cousin can chat w/ you and explain how. Email me at kosler@cinci.rr.com and I can hook you up with her. The website will come down mid July after we post cruise pictures, and we want to update our tips,post-cruise when we come home (for next time!) I told her you liked it and she was flattered.


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We have our savings account linked up get automatic deposits from our checking account--We never have the money in the account, so we don't miss it. Very easy savings! The change thing does add up--we never spend our change, throw it in a jar and roll it every few weeks, and then bring it to the bank. Any "unexpected money", like gifts, tax refunds, etc, is also saved, rather than spent. One good deal I have found is the Old Navy credit card. You can buy very cheap clothes there, and I put it all on the account and pay the balance off every month--for every $100 you spend, you get a $5 coupon--Even if I only get one or two coupons a year, it is "found" money that I can put towards presents for others (or myself!).

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Okay, am I the only one that charges their cruise? I use the card that accumulates "cruise points", which can be redeemed for $$$ off a cruise, or eventually a free cruise:) . What I don't pay off by the first due date I transfer to a card that has zero or 1.9% interest, with no balance transfer fee. (You've got to read the fine print) I also charge all my necessities on the "cruise card" that I pay off the balance every month.



p.s. those of you with the old Capital One account that accumulated points for Carnival cruises and wanted to apply for the new SeaMiles card, they DO charge a balance transfer fee.

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I get paid to do product testing and surveys....It's a lot of fun, and the money really adds up! I can refer you to some websites that offer to pay you for your services- send me an e-mail if interested....

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I get paid to do product testing and surveys....It's a lot of fun, and the money really adds up! I can refer you to some websites that offer to pay you for your services- send me an e-mail if interested....


Your profile says you don't accept email......

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Hubby and I have no debt of any kind. We have ONE credit card for vacations and emergencies that gets paid off every month so there is never any interest. My last car was 13 years old when I traded it in and my husband's Honda (great car) is almost 11 years old. We soend very little on entertainment as we have a home theater and I get lots of comps through my work.


The best way to avoid spending money is to stay away from shopping areas unless the purchase is planned. Studies confirm that much consumer spending is impulsive so staying away from temptation is the key. We avaoid a lot of services that we don't need and won't pay for such as call waiting and other phones services, home water delivery (we have a distiller), car washes (we wash and wax our own), etc.


We live substantially below our means; banking about 40% of our income means we have have substantial savings. We don't spend much on anything big other than travel because that is a priority after no indebtedness. We don't believe in giving our daughter a free ride to college so she works every break and summer to supplement her college tuition. Remember, no one will give YOU retirement loans!


Though I am a voracious reader, I almost never buy books. I use our local library and BookCrossing.com to get the books I want. Freecycle.org is a way to get and give items at no cost.


Financial responsibility is relatively easy and fun and if you have children, it sets a very good example for them.

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