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My ship may sail without me tomorrow


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Also, until you get this resolved...


stay away from lettuce or any green leafy stuff....


I don't know why, but that's what the doctor told me.


As far as the insurance, just tell them you were feeling better but then had a severe relapse just before sailing.... which is true....


Oh, ugg, I can't even fathom eating anything green. I just tried a small piece of plain baked chicken and some plain rice - just a few bites - and with 20 minutes I feel like I have the flu again. Pain under the ribs, burping, dizzy - no fun at all. I know I made the right decision to cancel now but need them to fix this quick! Even sipping water makes it bad.


I called Carnival this morning and it was weird they wouldn't even take my booking number. Just told me it would be a no-show and they'd then refund my taxes/port charges. Claim forms are on the way from the travel insurance so I'll take them with me to whoever I get in to see this week and send them in with the paperwork showing I was in the ER on the day I was due to depart since I covered the trip based on yesterday's date since that was when we were supposed to leave for Baltimore.

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So sorry to hear about this - but definitely know how you feel - having had my gall bladder out many years ago - and suffering those attacks (they thought I had an ulcer at 1st) - had to wait months for the surgery and existed on boiled chicken, rice and 7 up so I feel your pain.


I am sure you will be able to get a dr to certify you were unable to travel - but I know how much you were looking forward to this trip - but you will have much more fun on your next cruise when you are feeling GREAT!!


Take care and keep us posted (hi to Mike!)

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Your health is more important than a cruise. Take care of your self and get well. I think you made the wise choice.


We had to cancel a Disney World trip 2 years ago last minute when my basement flooded after a water main broke.


lost a small fortune on that one. Did not buy insurance, lesson learned.

So I know how you feel.



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I guess it's official now that the ship is sailing without me. :( Trying to have a good cry and get over my little pity party and move on with the doctor stuff in the morning.


About 20 minutes ago the phone at home rang and my husband answered - it was actually the ship itself calling to check to see where we were. I'm sort of shocked - i've never heard of that before. But since the 800 number at Carnival this morning wouldn't even take my booking number I guess they wouldn't have known. But for some reason that really got to me and made it "real."

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Aw, that is hard, I am sure that when you see your "regular" doc or the specialist they will fill out the needed papers for the insurance


JMO>> emergency room doctors may not want to get involved..


Sadly you were too sick to sail and you should def be covered by the insurance you paid for


Just feel better, get this over, heal fast...planning your next cruise with that insurance money and being able to ENJOY THE CRUISE (yeah, eat/drink/eat some more LOL) ....it's all ahead for you....

hang in there...sending happy thoughts your way:)

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Aw, that is hard, I am sure that when you see your "regular" doc or the specialist they will fill out the needed papers for the insurance


JMO>> emergency room doctors may not want to get involved..


Sadly you were too sick to sail and you should def be covered by the insurance you paid for


Just feel better, get this over, heal fast...planning your next cruise with that insurance money and being able to ENJOY THE CRUISE (yeah, eat/drink/eat some more LOL) ....it's all ahead for you....

hang in there...sending happy thoughts your way:)


I'm sure I'll get someone to certify the insurance paperwork. Just one more little hassle in the process. It certainly wasn't anything pre-existing - I was fine two weeks ago and had never had any issue in the past. I may be using the insurance money to pay the two ER bills, but so be it.


I'm very sad not to be sailing but it will all be well in the end I hope.

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I am so sorry that you missed your cruise...but it is better to be at home just in case something does happen that you have to have it taken out immediately. I have been having problems for the past week with my feet and blisters caused from an allergic reaction. We leave on the 19th...I have the insurance and my doctor (whom I have seen 5 times in the last week) told me that the would be glad to fill the paperwork out for me if they have to .... but told me to wait until this week before I cancel. The insurance company told me that I have until Friday to cancel....I am still hoping that I will be able to go (at the present time I wouldn't be walking alot...but my feet are improving each day).


I sure hope things get better for you soon! And you will be able to reschedule a cruise when you will be feeling your best! And I am glad that you had the insurance purchased:)

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The disappointment has to be HUGE, and then to feel sick on top of that. NOT what we want for you for your big 40th. Get yourself good medical care and INSIST that some doc write the note in a way that says it would be a RISK to travel. Insurance likely to cover it then. I hope you will be able to make it up to yourself. Sending warm vibes and wishes.:(

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As much as I hate this, I'm realizing I'm thankful it happened when it did and not on the cruise. That could have been a real nightmare especially if they decided the surgery was fairly urgent.


Calling the doctor first thing in the morning. Hopefully they can fix it soon. I've lost 6 pounds in the last 3 days. I can certainly stand to lose it, but not really how I'd like to.

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As much as I hate this, I'm realizing I'm thankful it happened when it did and not on the cruise. That could have been a real nightmare especially if they decided the surgery was fairly urgent.


Calling the doctor first thing in the morning. Hopefully they can fix it soon. I've lost 6 pounds in the last 3 days. I can certainly stand to lose it, but not really how I'd like to.





I'm sorry you missed your cruise. I'm sure it's a nightmare that all of us have from time to time especially as our cruises get closer.


I was almost in the same situation back in 06 for our first Liberty sailing. I had classic gall bladder symptoms for three weekends in a row. I called it a GI Flu the first weekend, an adenovirus the second weekend and the third weekend I didn't care what it was, I just wanted that pain to stop! Six hours into unbearable pain I went to the ER that our insurance covers (Not MY ER) and was diagnosed with 'sludge' in my bile duct. I opted for a general surgeon consult instead of GI and after 19 hours in the ER I was admitted and had surgery the next morning (Saturday).


Most lap choles are discharged the same day, but mine was so bad my doc wanted to keep me for five days. On the second day I got him to agree to give me three additional days worth of antibiotics and discharge me if I survived. I survived. I was supposed to be off for six weeks, but I went on our cruise anyhow. :p


I stopped by his office on my way to work six weeks later and he burnt my umbilical incision closed and told me I'd need to be off a few more weeks. I went ahead to work that day and had many patients feel sorry for me because any time I moved a new way and my unbilicus shift it would be like I was getting branded with a hot iron! The way I looked at it was that I'd be sore at home too so I might as well be working.


Medical people make the worst patients! We always misdiagnose ourselves and never follow our own advice when it involves not doing something.


I would recommend that you skip the GI consult and go with a general surgeon if possible. GI docs will want to scope both ends first and rescan, where the general surgeon will physically assess, check your recent laps, and then cut it out. Cutting it out is what you most likely need based on your symptoms. Surgery is the more expensive option and it's possible your insurance has the GI hoops set up for you to jump thru before having surgery; if so then you may have to do those jumps. :o


I'm sure you'll have no problem getting your money back from your travel insurance; they'd have had to pay a lot more if you went and got sick on the ship and they know that, they just have to have paperwork advising you not to travel.

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I'm sorry you missed your cruise. I'm sure it's a nightmare that all of us have from time to time especially as our cruises get closer.


I was almost in the same situation back in 06 for our first Liberty sailing. I had classic gall bladder symptoms for three weekends in a row. I called it a GI Flu the first weekend, an adenovirus the second weekend and the third weekend I didn't care what it was, I just wanted that pain to stop! Six hours into unbearable pain I went to the ER that our insurance covers (Not MY ER) and was diagnosed with 'sludge' in my bile duct. I opted for a general surgeon consult instead of GI and after 19 hours in the ER I was admitted and had surgery the next morning (Saturday).


Most lap choles are discharged the same day, but mine was so bad my doc wanted to keep me for five days. On the second day I got him to agree to give me three additional days worth of antibiotics and discharge me if I survived. I survived. I was supposed to be off for six weeks, but I went on our cruise anyhow. :p


I stopped by his office on my way to work six weeks later and he burnt my umbilical incision closed and told me I'd need to be off a few more weeks. I went ahead to work that day and had many patients feel sorry for me because any time I moved a new way and my unbilicus shift it would be like I was getting branded with a hot iron! The way I looked at it was that I'd be sore at home too so I might as well be working.


Medical people make the worst patients! We always misdiagnose ourselves and never follow our own advice when it involves not doing something.


I would recommend that you skip the GI consult and go with a general surgeon if possible. GI docs will want to scope both ends first and rescan, where the general surgeon will physically assess, check your recent laps, and then cut it out. Cutting it out is what you most likely need based on your symptoms. Surgery is the more expensive option and it's possible your insurance has the GI hoops set up for you to jump thru before having surgery; if so then you may have to do those jumps. :o


I'm sure you'll have no problem getting your money back from your travel insurance; they'd have had to pay a lot more if you went and got sick on the ship and they know that, they just have to have paperwork advising you not to travel.


Paul - thank you so much for taking the time to post this. It helps me understand some what is going on. Our ER discharged me Saturday (am wondering if it was because I kept hearing that the hospital itself was "full" and the ER was holding people who needed to be admitted.) So I wasn't even given the option of a consult at that time.


I was given once piece of paper that says to follow up with my family physician and one that says to follow up with another doctor. I looked him up and he is actually a general surgeon. I am thinking I am going to see my family dr. if I can this morning and get his opinion and recommenation on a surgeon. I've been seeing him for 15 years now and he's never pointed me in the wrong direction on stuff like that before.


The only thing that keeps nagging in the back of my mind is the "what if" it's not gallbladder. I say that because my symptoms have a lot in common but aren't quite the classic ones. I've had some pain, but thankfully not what friends and folks here have described as terrible. I've also had a lot of dizziness that's technically not a symptom. I won't go into some of the more graphic GI symptoms, but they do match gallbladder. I do know I've felt worse than I have in my whole life - kind of like a bad flu with no fever. But that level of exhaustion and weakness. And I still can't eat which tells me something is really wrong. I don't miss meals much. :o


Hopefully I will know more today which will put my mind at rest. My fear is it will be one of those runs tests type things or could be months before the surgeon can see me and i'm not sure I can exist on nothing but jello between now and then.

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Your decision to see your family doc this morning is a good one. It usually does take a while to get an appointment with any sort of specialist but if your family doc calls to set it up they will work you in. I used to work in a doctor's office and if our docs wanted a patient to see a specialist we would call and ask for them to be worked in.


Hope you get it resolved soon so you can feel better.

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Your decision to see your family doc this morning is a good one. It usually does take a while to get an appointment with any sort of specialist but if your family doc calls to set it up they will work you in. I used to work in a doctor's office and if our docs wanted a patient to see a specialist we would call and ask for them to be worked in.


Hope you get it resolved soon so you can feel better.


Felt slightly better last night then full on terrible again this morning. :( Family dr. is booked and can't see me until tomorrow afternoon. They have us on the list in case someone cancels today. What sucks is that I hate to go back to the ER (no fun!) again a third time just to have them tell me the same thing.


My husband just opened a suitcase to get out some clothes and I saw my sunblock and swimwuit there. I told him I should be on lido right now with sunblock on and having my morning coffee. :( Which of course made me cry again! :p I know, I'm such a baby. I know now that I'm WAY to sick to contemplate being on a ship but the disappointment hits me in waves.


BTW - you wonderful CC folks are the best support group out there. :)

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I went through the same thing you did... however I did opt out. I wasn't going to have something taken out of me if they weren't 100% sure (they were 50% sure) that the gall bladder was causing the issues. It has been 3 years and I still have my gall bladder.


Good luck I hope it works out for you. It is not a fun thing to go through.

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You weren't being a baby....being sick probably made you feel helpless, and emotionally you were at wit's end.

Hopefully your DR can get something done, if he doesn't, get a 2nd opinion. Your DR doesn't know your body like you do.

Thanks for posting on the latest developments!!



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I am ready to cry. Been looking so forward to leaving on the Pride tomorrow to celebrate my 40th birthday next week.


Starting having some tummy issues about a week ago that have been getting worse and worse. Had chest pain start mid-week and ended up having a full heart work-up and stress test on Thursday. All were fine, they gave me an antacid and told me to enjoy my cruise. Kept feeling sicker and sicker yesterday with tummy issues and dizziness. Instead of loading the car this morning we went back to the ER where they said my gallbladder has sludge and they are testing for an ulcer that will take 2 or 3 days but that I need to see a surgeon to get my gallbladder out. :( Then they told me it was up to me whether or not to take the cruise.


We could technically still leave early and drive up to Baltimore in the morning, but the way I feel now there's no way I can make it 5 hours in the car. Can't eat, can barely drink, and too dizzy to even finish packing.


To top it all off, I called CSA travel insurance today and I probably won't be covered for cancellation since the dr. said it was up to me whether or not to travel - even though I have the ER paper work diagnosing the gallbladder issue and advising removal. My only hope is that the surgeon can see me next week (don't know how long it will take to get an appt.) and certify I wasn't fit to travel.


I'm so bummed - never thought I'd be in this situation. But I honestly can't fathom getting on the ship feeling this bad.


Sorry for the long rant but had to vent to some folks who know how painful it is to be sitting here sick on the eve of your cruise knowing you probably won't be onboard tomorrow. :(


I had my gall bladder out in 1994. It was an out patient operation..by lasers. No deep cuts..took it out through the belly button I think. In two days..I was walking around. had to be back and de stapled..de stitched. Not a bad operation at all. Talk to your doctor.

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Felt slightly better last night then full on terrible again this morning. :( Family dr. is booked and can't see me until tomorrow afternoon. They have us on the list in case someone cancels today. What sucks is that I hate to go back to the ER (no fun!) again a third time just to have them tell me the same thing.


My husband just opened a suitcase to get out some clothes and I saw my sunblock and swimwuit there. I told him I should be on lido right now with sunblock on and having my morning coffee. :( Which of course made me cry again! :p I know, I'm such a baby. I know now that I'm WAY to sick to contemplate being on a ship but the disappointment hits me in waves.


BTW - you wonderful CC folks are the best support group out there. :)


ask them to admit you in the ER as this is your third visit and no resolution....

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