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Surprise now or day before?


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What a WONDERFUL aunt you are! She's blessed to have you! I agree with the others here, better tell her. Planning for the cruise is so exciting and part of it all. Hope that the 2 of you have a great time!

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Your niece is very lucky to have an aunt with such a beautiful spirit. I agree with the others, I would tell her asap, but make the surprise just as crafty and neat as your initial intentions would have been in NYC.


I'm speaking for myself here, but I remember as a 20 year old I didn't have much disposable income, and I would have needed a few paychecks worth and/or help from Mom and Dad in order to properly prepare for a cruise the way I wanted. I think your niece will especially appreciate it that much more if you afford her the privilege to prepare in her way, because you don't want her on the cruise regretting that she didn't carry a particular article of clothing or research the island etc. because she didn't know.


Have fun!!

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Tell her now or tell her later...it will still be a wonderful surprise....and you are a wonderful Aunt.:):)


If you tell her now, you will also have all those fun "planning " conversations to brighten the time until you sail...plus precruise NYC....oh tell her now ..I can't wait ... would love to know her reaction:D

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I was surprised by a cruise once---and I loved it!! My ex had planned it all...he even packed!! I could have cared less what clothes I had along...I was just thrilled and on top of the world to be going!! Whatever he forgot, we were able to get from the ship's store and/or at ports....it is still a huge highlight and I am happy I didn't know! And yes, I am also one of those who loves the planning! But, this made it sooooo special!! Just whisked away!!

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Hello everyone,


I want to thank each of you for your input and help. I might be telling my niece tonight, I’m rather excited about this! If I do not tell her tonight I’m in hopes it will be sometime this week. Whatever the case, I will let you all know how it turns out.


She is very excited about the NYC trip, I have a few surprises there. So she will have some surprises waiting for her. One being a “personal stylist” it is a one on one tour buying clothes samples. I figure I can’t go wrong with this, female + shopping = bliss!


Peter if you are reading this I have tried to get Book of Mormon tickets with no luck at all! However I do plan on taking her to Pricilla, I’ve seen this show before and LOVED it! Such a feel good fun show plus the music is amazing. Can’t wait for her to see it!



Again, thank you all for your feedback. I was truly stumped and unsure how to handle it.

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I'm sure you know about Tickets Tickets, but here's another idea I tried several years ago. There are always about 10 tickets held for VIPs every show. I was in line outside the theater about two hours before the show. The tickets were released about 15 minutes prior to showtime. They turn out to be great seats in the orchestra. And yes, it means standing for a long time, but sometimes it's the only way to see a sold out show. I don't think I could do it today; I know I couldn't do it today.


Good luck telling your niece. You're a very special aunt.

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Peter if you are reading this I have tried to get Book of Mormon tickets with no luck at all! However I do plan on taking her to Pricilla, I’ve seen this show before and LOVED it! Such a feel good fun show plus the music is amazing. Can’t wait for her to see it!


Yes, Book or Mormon tickets are very hard to get - we will see it in June (the tickets were bought last year sometime!)


Priscilla is a fun show and tickets are easily available. Depending on where you are staying, you may want to check TKTS for last minute ticket availability (day of the show, or for the Seaport location also next day matinees). There is one on Broadway and 47th Street and another near the South Street Seaport at 199 Water Street (actually around the back of the building on Front Street).

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Yes, Book or Mormon tickets are very hard to get - we will see it in June (the tickets were bought last year sometime!)


Priscilla is a fun show and tickets are easily available. Depending on where you are staying, you may want to check TKTS for last minute ticket availability (day of the show, or for the Seaport location also next day matinees). There is one on Broadway and 47th Street and another near the South Street Seaport at 199 Water Street (actually around the back of the building on Front Street).


Another option for theater discounts is the playbill website. Is it OK to mention the website specifically, as in playbilldotcom?


You have to join, but it costs nothing, set up a name and password. They don't have discounts to the hard-to-get shows, but the discount list is pretty long.


If she's a fan of the Big Bang Theory, Jim Parsons is in "Harvey" at Roundabout's Studio 54. Previews begin on Fridy and it runs into early august.

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I'm glad you're going to tell her ahead of time.


Even though I'd love being surprised that way, there are 'cruise clothes' and other items I'd want to take with me so I'd want to know ahead of time in order to pack what I'd like to take.


You're an awesome Aunt to surprise her with a cruise.

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Our grand niece is only 14 and DW wanted to surprise her by having her join us on an upcoming trip to Sanibel Island for a week as her confirmation gift. GNiece has always been interested in Aunt Carol's shells and I had no problem at all w/ taking her along as she is well mannered and respectful. But I did tell DW that even at 14, kids have a life and it was presumptuous to simply spring this on her, even after pre-approval from her parents.


So DW called and told her and the kid was delighted as this will be her 1st plane trip and 1st trip to Florida.


I don't feel it compromised the value of the trip to GNiece at all by it not being a surprise and now we aren't facing potential problems with our offer conflicting w/ plans she already had (this is late June once she's out of school for the summer, so who knows what plans kids have for that time).


Now.... if someone wants to surprise ME with a trip.. I can be ready in an hour (w or w/o DW).

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Even though I'd love being surprised that way, there are 'cruise clothes' and other items I'd want to take with me so I'd want to know ahead of time in order to pack what I'd like to take.


Like a bathing suit, for instance. I don't think many pack that for a New York City trip. :D

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Our grand niece is only 14 and DW wanted to surprise her by having her join us on an upcoming trip to Sanibel Island for a week as her confirmation gift. GNiece has always been interested in Aunt Carol's shells and I had no problem at all w/ taking her along as she is well mannered and respectful. But I did tell DW that even at 14, kids have a life and it was presumptuous to simply spring this on her, even after pre-approval from her parents.


So DW called and told her and the kid was delighted as this will be her 1st plane trip and 1st trip to Florida.


I don't feel it compromised the value of the trip to GNiece at all by it not being a surprise and now we aren't facing potential problems with our offer conflicting w/ plans she already had (this is late June once she's out of school for the summer, so who knows what plans kids have for that time).


Now.... if someone wants to surprise ME with a trip.. I can be ready in an hour (w or w/o DW).


Does your DW know you post here?? :D


For a 14-year old, even more than someone in their 20s, telling about the gift early is a good idea. I'm sure she had a good time telling all her friends about her upcoming trip. I bet as soon as your DW hung up the phone, your GN was on her phone/computer/etc sending OMG! messages to her friends.

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Hi everyone!


Looks like everyone agrees that I should tell her now and I must admit I have been leaning towards that more and more. It’s been so HARD keeping this information to myself. I have almost slipped to her at least two times now.


The plan is 6 days NYC, she is out of school now so I don’t have to worry adding 7 day cruise & time off. Also, I have her passport, we are going to Alaska in July and I needed it for cruise documents.


I do agree half the fun is planning it. Now I need to plan on telling her soon. I was really feeling it in my gut that I should tell her sooner than later.

Thanks so much for helping me think this out! I haven’t told a soul in fear she would find out before I could tell her. Maybe I’ll take her to dinner this week and give her the news.


One thing for sure I will be telling her soon!


Again, thank you!


What a wonderful Aunt you are..I had an Aunt who I loved very much & spent lots of time with her..She was a second grade teacher & when my Mother was very ill, she was my rock..She passed away more than 25 yers ago. but I still miss her..She was like you, full of surprises & full of fun!. Please let us know your Niece's reaction to your surprise..


Well, with all due respect, you're also not in your 20's...presumably. I would venture a guess that most 20 something year olds are a little freer and more flexible than you are. And, I would also venture a guess that this girl's aunt probably knows her well enough to know whether or not she will want to go.


I was working full time in my 20's in a job which I loved, & would have had to make arrangements for the vacation time..But if I didn't have any obligations, I would have loved the surprise..


Like a bathing suit, for instance. I don't think many pack that for a New York City trip. :D


No, but you can buy anything you want including bathing suits in NYC..I would be in Bloomingdales, 59th & Lex. or Macy's 34th St at the drop of a hat if I needed rush clothes for a cruise..I miss those stores!


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No, but you can buy anything you want including bathing suits in NYC..I would be in Bloomingdales, 59th & Lex. or Macy's 34th St at the drop of a hat if I needed rush clothes for a cruise..I miss those stores!




Speaking of Macy's on 34th - OP if you haven't already, plan to pop into Macy's on 34th street. Take the escalators up several flights. As you go up, you'll start to encounter the old WOODEN escalators which are a part of that stores history. How cool is it to get to see how things used to be? :-)


Just a tip from me to you :-) I still marvel at them and i see them at least once a year when I go in to gauwk at the windows and see all the lights at christmas time.

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Speaking of Macy's on 34th - OP if you haven't already, plan to pop into Macy's on 34th street. Take the escalators up several flights. As you go up, you'll start to encounter the old WOODEN escalators which are a part of that stores history. How cool is it to get to see how things used to be? :-)


Just a tip from me to you :-) I still marvel at them and i see them at least once a year when I go in to gauwk at the windows and see all the lights at christmas time.


Another tip for Macy's (and also Lord & Taylor). Buy a local newspaper and look for coupons. These days bother stores seem to have constant sales and extra-discount coupons.


(I love those old escalators, too.)

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Another tip for Macy's (and also Lord & Taylor). Buy a local newspaper and look for coupons. These days bother stores seem to have constant sales and extra-discount coupons.


(I love those old escalators, too.)


Friends from out-of-town go to some counter (Customer Service?) on the Macy's Main floor just up some stairs on the south side (the 34th street side) and show out-of-state proof to get discount coupons. Since we don't qualify I never paid much attention to the what and where.

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Those coupons are also available on line.


Suggest you search on the internet - go google.com (or whatever search engine you use) and enter keywords whatever store you wish to shop at and add coupon...for example, macy.com coupon


(Just to add that I live in NY, but I don't shop often at Macy's or Bloomingdales)

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Hello everyone,



As promised, I’m letting you all know how it went telling my niece about the cruise. My plan for telling her about the cruise went differently than I had intended. She and I met for dinner she was very excited to talk about the NYC trip and she handmade the cutest daily planner for us and could not wait for me to see this.



It’s funny because before we met for dinner I typed out a dated daily itinerary of things we plan on doing and seeing in NYC. I looked at her well thought out daily planner and told her I had one too. I handed her my itinerary and asked her to read it aloud to compare hers with mine. With a big smile she started comparing and writing down things she forgot on hers. On the date we were to return home this is what she saw.






AM Breakfast at the Polish Tea Room.

Around 11:00 head to the Manhattan Ship Terminal.

Around 4:00 Muster Drill

4:45 Bon Voyage party



Believe it or not it did not hit her she was getting on a ship after reading that!





Sea Day!



She stops reading aloud and begins to get teary eyed




Welcome to Bermuda!



It was so adorable and hilarious, she kept reading it and looking at her planner very confused, she wanted to add this cruise to her planner but she couldn’t sit still. I had ordered a Bermuda booklet and map and gave it to her. She was over the top thrilled and I am relieved!!


Want to thank everyone again for your input, it really helped me sort this out! Now we will have loads of fun writing about the cruise in my nieces handmade planner.

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Hello everyone,



As promised, I’m letting you all know how it went telling my niece about the cruise. My plan for telling her about the cruise went differently than I had intended. She and I met for dinner she was very excited to talk about the NYC trip and she handmade the cutest daily planner for us and could not wait for me to see this.



It’s funny because before we met for dinner I typed out a dated daily itinerary of things we plan on doing and seeing in NYC. I looked at her well thought out daily planner and told her I had one too. I handed her my itinerary and asked her to read it aloud to compare hers with mine. With a big smile she started comparing and writing down things she forgot on hers. On the date we were to return home this is what she saw.






AM Breakfast at the Polish Tea Room.

Around 11:00 head to the Manhattan Ship Terminal.

Around 4:00 Muster Drill

4:45 Bon Voyage party



Believe it or not it did not hit her she was getting on a ship after reading that!





Sea Day!



She stops reading aloud and begins to get teary eyed




Welcome to Bermuda!



It was so adorable and hilarious, she kept reading it and looking at her planner very confused, she wanted to add this cruise to her planner but she couldn’t sit still. I had ordered a Bermuda booklet and map and gave it to her. She was over the top thrilled and I am relieved!!


Want to thank everyone again for your input, it really helped me sort this out! Now we will have loads of fun writing about the cruise in my nieces handmade planner.


Wow! I wish I had had an Aunt like you. Is this your only niece or nephew?

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What joy!!!


What a pleasure to read such a happy post.


I cannot thank you enough for coming to back to share with us.

I had been wondering about how it went.

Sounds like it could not have gone better!!!


Have a Fabulous Time with your dear niece. :)

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