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Off Season Cruising


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There is nothing better than getting in your car in January and leaving home in 30 degree weather and waking up the next day in 70 degree weather! The only bad thing is going back to the 30 degree weather when you get back. But I love being the only person in the office with a sunburn! LOL!

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That is chilly for me, but I have never lived in the north. I understand now. I just always thought most people cruised in the summer, but found out a lot cruise in the winter. Heck, I could cruise 3 times a year at those prices they give. Thanks. :) Just thought it would be too cold for me. Since I am about 20 minutes from the New Orleans port, I could cruise more, but do I want to go to the same ports? I guess not. I would have to fly to a port. I would like to take the New England cruise.


Most of DH's and mine have been off season with the exception of our first Victory cruise. We chose to go north and were glad we did. That cruise was won at BINGO. We upgraded to a balcony and it was cool and foggy at times. I lived in Canada for 4 years and never got to the Maritimes. It was cool both literally and figuratively. Something about that 'fog horn' that made me smile. We also had already booked the repo for the Victory to San Juan and wanted to get to see the ship. In all of our off-season cruises we only had one time, in Saint Martin, where a tropical storm caused minor problems. It is a quieter voyage without the in-season crowds. We like to do Halloween on a ship whenever we can. Our next one on the Pride is one of those times. The two cruises out of NOLA were a bit nippy while there but bundled under a blanket in the carriage solved that problem. :D The lower prices are a definite plus. I was surprised how warm our Med cruise was last year until I saw all of those palm trees there. :)

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We have only cruised in the fall (mid/late Oct. mostly). It's perfect for us.

Obviously the rates are great. The weather at the destinations, Bermuda/Caribbean/Fla. is also great.

We don't have to worry about leaving (or not) in a snowstorm, or coming back to one. I still have a bit of a tan from the summer. There's not a boatload of kids onboard, not that I don't like kids.

Probably one of the biggest factors as to why we choose this time of year is I just can't see leaving here in HOT (July, August) weather to go to MORE hot weather. Another biggie is clothes. If we were to cruise, say Nov. - Feb. I would have to drag OUT the summer clothes and then repack them away when we got home. In Oct. they are still out and I only only to pack them away when we get home.


It really is too hot down there in the summer. Those first cruises of mine I was sweating bullets. It's getting closer Gran. Are you bringing a costume? :)

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Nope, I know I couldn't handle it :eek:.




I always thought most people cruised in the summer and when the rates were low that was off-season. That's what I have heard. I could be wrong though. Guess I should say, cruising when fares are cheaper instead :rolleyes:



In my experience, rates are highest in summer. Cheaper fares are Jan/Feb. In winter, we leave the snow and cold behind and fly to Florida or somewhere warm, leaving our heavy coats in the car. We spend a day or two enjoying the warm Florida sun and then embark on a great cruise to the warm Caribbean...for us, it doesn't get any better than that. :)

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I have to tell you, from about May-September I've never though "wow, stupid Maine coast, with it's idealic weather, cheap lobster, and long days. We really need to get out of this dump during the summer and go cruising to Cozumel where there are a billion tourists kids on vacation and it's 104 degrees!"

Yup, time for BAHH HABAH, for our lobstah!! I miss that and the ocean smells there.

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I think I could really handle October in the future. I have cruised only May, August and this year coming up in July (hooray about 6 weeks). Yes, due to kids out of school and I have a daughter who teaches psychology; therefore, if I want to go with family, the summer time is really the only time. DH and I can go anytime, but I guess I am cold natured and always wondered about getting on a ship with a jacket on. We always seem to spend a lot when we cruise but the again it is at the prime time.




DH worked in NYC for 3 years so I know how the weather is up there. Have to tell you, I love NYC. We use to drive to Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod on Weekends. :)




When your husband workex in Ny where did you live at?



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While I usually cruise in the late fall/winter months, we are embarking (no pun lol) on our first "off-season" cruise, at least by my standards. We leave from Boston to Canada on a 4-nighter mid-June and by all accounts, the weather is not usually very warm. We are hoping that our first day (while in Boston port) will be sundeck/pool weather and that the day we are in St. John, NB, port, it is at least mid-60s so again we might catch some rays...


Why you ask? Because the cost of this cruise is half the price of renting a cottage in Hampton Beach the same week, something that we've done for the past several years and because the cost of airfare has made even the cheapest cruise from FL out of reach. Cruising is the vacation we take if we can afford more than one (the first is almost always Mexico, followed by Disney). Yes, I think we'll miss the beach but we live on the Cape so our whole summer is the beach. I just love being on a ship and look forward to enjoying the activities and shows, not to mention the meals:D This is just a four-day cruise with only one port so the ship is really going to be our excursion.

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This will be my 3rd sailing in Oct. Reason is, we just enjoy cruising in the off season. Lots of fun over Halloween, good prices, warm ports, and seems like less crowds where there is or not. Maybe it's just that there are more "mature crusiers"! :p

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This has been a kind of fun thread. Thanks "cruise4jane" I am seeing several other pax from my general vicinity who cruise same time of year that we do. We did try a couple cruises in Feb, but getting to the port can be disastrous when coming from the midwest. So from now on it will be Oct- early Dec for us. I absolutely love the Carribean during our early winter.


PS hope to meet some of you fellow midwesterners onboard sometime. Happy sailing to all-- whatever season you choose.


Glad you enjoyed my thread :).


I could ask the OP who wants to go to the Caribbean when it's 110 degrees in the sun and 100 in the shade? When the water feels like warm body temp? When there are 1300 kids on the ship?


PS: for us Floridians, we don a coat when it's 68!


When it is with your whole family and friends, you go. It may cost quite a bit more and be a little hot, but we will have loads of fun. :D


When your husband workex in Ny where did you live at?




We had an apartment in NYC and then got one in New Jersey. DH and I made a lot of memories there. It was like a second honeymoon we will never forget. So much to see and do on the weekends. :)

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I guess I will get flamed for this, but I can't figure out why someone would cruise off season (to me I think to save money). Who would want to get on a ship with an overcoat on? I wouldn't.;):confused:. I should would like to know the real reason why.


Well, we got on a ship with our overcoats on! This photo was in Jan 2011, cruising on the Ecstasy out of Galveston TX.


Here in TX, we are accustomed to "Blue Northers" in the winter. They come through like a demon and can last a few days before it warms up again. Well, we had a Blue Norther arrive in San Antonio the day before our cruise. It followed us to Galveston and halfway to Cozumel.


Even though it was cold and the Lido deck was deserted, we had a fabulous time and are looking forward to cruise number two next month!



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I guess I will get flamed for this, but I can't figure out why someone would cruise off season (to me I think to save money). Who would want to get on a ship with an overcoat on? I wouldn't.;):confused:. I should would like to know the real reason why.


We cruise off season to get away from the cold as well as what work schedules allow



Why would one want to go from 80 degree weather to 90 degree weather ,we would rather go from 30-40 degree weather at home to 80 degree weather in the caribbean

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I guess I will get flamed for this, but I can't figure out why someone would cruise off season (to me I think to save money). Who would want to get on a ship with an overcoat on? I wouldn't.;):confused:. I should would like to know the real reason why.

Well I think it is also a personal preference. The last time I cruised during peak season we could not enjoy the pools, hot tubs, etc. because there were hundreds of children taking over the ship and the parents were MIA. It was horrible! The one chance I had to get in the hot tub, I was joined by little girl diving in. That was the last time we cruised during peak season.

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Funny...I can't imagine why anyone would want to cruise in July or August! That is just too hot for me, the ships are teeming with children and the islands are brimming with tourists! Maybe Europe in the summer but I still think at least September for that

My sentiments exactly!! It gets plenty hot & humid here in Missouri during the summer months...why would anyone want to cruise during these times if they could wait until off season. I'm not saying I wouldnt go during the summer if a group of friends wanted to and it was the only available time for them...but otherwise...its sure nice sitting on a mexican beach with 85 degree weather all the while knowing your friends back home may be shoveling snow!!!:)

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Cost, Less children, temperatures when we get to where we are going. Yes there can be a hurricane out there, but the Cruise Lines want to keep you safe, and they will do their best to keep you and them out of harms way.

Three trips down to the Bahamas in the fall, Oct, NOv and December, and the only one that was warm enough for swimming was the November trip. That didn't stop us in October or December, but it was cool!:o

February to the Western Caribbean, it was cold when we left (unusually cold) from Tampa, but two days later when we got into Grand Cayman it was shorts and a T for the rest of the week. And clear skies, starry nights, a little sunburn, felt like I had walked away from winter for a week. It was wonderful!

I am actually a little anxious about our September cruise. Not for the storms, but for the heat. Next cruise will be back in October, leave the cool and get to warm.:)

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I love cruising off season (preferable November) since the prices are much lower and there aren't as many kids. Nothing against kids but when I travel off season it is just me and my husband so I enjoy a more relaxing atmosphere.


For family cruising I travel during the summer when my son is joining us since he is at an age where I won't have him miss school to cruise.


I have also noticed that the Caribbean Island weather is much more pleasant during the winter months than when traveling there in the summer. The first time I went to Grand Cayman was in the first week of June and I thought it was the hottest place on earth....I went back that same year in November and the weather was gorgeous.


The best part for me traveling off season is I use the savings to book a balcony :)

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We have cruised during the offseason, and will continue to do so.



-It's much cheaper

-It's in the 80s when you get to a port instead of the millions of degrees

-Less kids (we're 20-somethings, for the record)

-Feels less crowded



-It has been a little chilly the couple days we've left from Tampa, but that's for 12 hours until we go to bed. Once we awoke the next morning, we were in the 80s.

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We cruise to get away from the cold, anything above 60 is great, as long as it is below 90 ideally. We mostly always cruise Dec-February. Plus work only allows off time Dec-Early April. Snow falls here as early as Mid-Oct and as late as late May, so winter works best for us.


The wife and I can't figure out people who cruise June-Sept. when the weather in the Midwestern states is finally nice to play outside?

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We cruise off season to get away from the cold as well as what work schedules allow



Why would one want to go from 80 degree weather to 90 degree weather ,we would rather go from 30-40 degree weather at home to 80 degree weather in the caribbean



I completely agree 100%!! We have great summers here in WI. I'd rather cruise in Jan, Feb & March to get away from below zero temperatures. We've had great weather on all of our cruises!! To me, summer is "off season"!!

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My first cruise was mid-May and second mid-August. Back then I didn't complain at all about it being hot as he**. I am not one to hang out all day by the pool. I do a lot on the ship (which to me can be pretty cool in places). On non-sea days, we were off the ship all day seeing the sites and always went to a beach on one of those days for the whole day on each cruise and none of us complained about the heat. As far as kids on the boat, that doesn't really bother me, but I wouldn't want to cruise during a spring break. In fact we seem to always go to Las Vegas in July and I can say that I have walked the strip and it was really hot, but you still can jump in a casino for a while to cool off.

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For us its that all kids are grown and can go anytime. If we go in off season while school is in, Our grandchildren wont be able to go with us!:D

Saves alot of tears that way!!!:D They cant go.

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I always feel so sorry for people that have to cruise or vacation in high season. I always think that they either must not know any better to get better value or have such strict schedules they have to go along with the majority. I am thrilled to vacation in off season to get more value for the exact same experience and to be able to vacation more frequently. Why pay more if you don't have to?


Interesting how one can have such different perspectives!

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I guess I will get flamed for this, but I can't figure out why someone would cruise off season (to me I think to save money). Who would want to get on a ship with an overcoat on? I wouldn't.;):confused:. I should would like to know the real reason why.


We always sail Oct-Nov and Jan- early Mar to avoid times schools are closed.


Never worn an overcoat on a ship yet!!!:p

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