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My review, LOS May 28 5 day W-Med, pictures and some story telling :)

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About us


Hello all,


We are a couple from Flanders in Belgium both in our early 30s, we only got bitten by the cruise bug since a year (not even :D ) and boy have we got it BAD!!!

This is our third cruise, all on Royal Caribbean Liberty Of The Seas.


Why 3x LOS?

We just love the liner and especially the ship in all its massiveness and wow factor (incase that wasn’t clear yet).


Will we sail other liners?

Yes, but first we want to get into the next Crown and Anchor tier, at this time we are obviously gold, and love to get to platinum with all its benefits…Don’t know if we will ever get higher than platinum but defiantly not cancelling it out.


So are we boring people that just to the same thing over and over then?

I would think (hope) not :D, but we are loyal thinkers. When something costs a lot of money we tend to play it safe. So every time we start looking at booking vacations, we always end up on Liberty, not intentionally strangely. We did look at other ships but quality for money wise including flight prices, for us it’s the best deal to go back to her.

We had some bad experiences in the past with vacations (land based), and what we experienced in June of last year was so amazing we just decided to stick with cruising! On the subject, we are going on Navigator mid-September to “sponsor” the Greek government, so that will be something (almost) new, we are well aware of the similarities between the Freedom and Voyager class cruise ships.


What kind of people are we?


I don’t think we are the “typical cruiser”, we are people that treat the ship mainly as a luxury floating hotel rather than a means of transportation from tourist sight to sight, in my opinion the cruise itself is expensive enough to be out of the ship all the time except for in the evening or at night…So we don’t really get off the ship and do excursions a lot unless it’s something we really, really, really want to see, we do do some wondering around in the town that the cruise is visiting (if the harbor is not in an industrial zone like for example Rome and Pisa in this cruise).


In June last year (our first cruise) we did a few excursions, in September last year we treated the cruise as a leisurely getaway for 7 days with only one excursion and this time we just wanted some timeout and enjoy ourselves, hence why we decided to go (or rather try) a 5 nighter on Liberty.


We are people that enjoy the “bling bling” that Royal Caribbean offers with its ships and WOW factor, we enjoy good food en defiantly enjoy a good drink(and defiantly plenty more than one ;))...This is something typical for a Belgian by the way ;).

We defiantly enjoy the entire theme of a cruise, and try to follow up on all the things that are expected of us (dress code, behavior, tipping and so on the last EVEN AS A EUROPEAN)…I personally just love the ladies dress up on a cruise and am very disappointed when people (also the men) walk around like slobs (more on that later).


*More info on our previous cruises, feel free to look at my reviews in my signature at the bottom (take in mind CC edited it a bit from the original format).


I will try to put this review together day by day with some pictures and comments and

story’s, so bear with me on how it will end up :D

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First of all, I think Cruise Critic should start some promotional campaign or something, the European roll calls are almost all near death status…Just barely hanging on to life support, its missing out a lot when people can’t find the info online that they are looking for, CC is still hit nr one when google’ing a cruise topic, don’t let this bleed out, it would be a shame!


Day 01 Barcelona


As we are in Belgium, the flight to Barcelona is only 1h45m and we can get some sweat deals with Brussels Airlines as they fly Barcelona – Brussels 4x a day.


We also know our way around and the way of working of Barcelona airport so we flew to the ship on the same day as embarkation…A lot of you worry about this, it is cutting it close, but unless there is a strike or something else unexpected, you should not have any trouble what so ever to get to ship on time when you do your flight and embarkation on the same day.



We got the first flight to Barcelona at 6:30am



Brussels Airlines HQ




After an hour and a half flight this wonderful sight popped up on the left side of the plane (10min before landing)






WHAT A SIGHT she was!!!


Get off the plane, follow the exit signs from the gate, pick up your luggage (which is ready by the time you get to the conveyor belt) go through customs and ether follow the exit for arranged cruise transfers(left) or towards the taxi and normal exit (right).


BCN is one wonderful well working airport!!!

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Getting to the pier for embarkation


We landed at Barcelona at 8:15am, got our luggage around 8:45am, got out of the airport and into the taxi (no pre arranging used) at 9:15am.

This time we did have a taxi driver that spoke English (this was the exact opposite last time), I have to say a greeted him in Spanish and asked to get to the cruise harbor in Spanish, could be that he heard that I was trying to speak Spanish and that he thought why not try to speak English back…Anyhow for 38 Euros we were at the dock around 10am!!!




This was WAAAAAAAAY to early and there were still A LOT of people getting off the ship, so we had to wait a we bit before we could do the check in for Liberty

And what happens typical when people are to early and starting to pile up at a door??? They go CRAZY! Why? I don’t know and stepped back to take a picture of the mess…They were pushing, blocking everything, also personnel, complain to staff etc…




So I have to conclude here, do not arrive at the pier to early! They will not let you in, what is normal…But people should relax, after all you are on vacation!

I thing it took until it was 10:45 that they started the actual check in process


When we got in to my surprise there was a priority check in for gold members, this is a first, and what a lot of people asked what the yellow G was on your set sail pass…Well here is the answer:




After 10 minutes we got our sea pass cards and after leaving a very peaceful check in…Guess later on the day the situation would be a lot different.




So off we were, one of the first on the ship at 11:30am!!! Time to really start the vacation!!!


The gangway, one for entering and one for exit were both on deck 4.

Again here, like every time, there is nobody there to great you or can give some pointers where to go from that point…For us this is not really a problem, we know the ship and the first time we did A LOT of looking up, mostly via this site…But I can imagine if people like my grandparents would board the ship like this, they would get lost in an instant and have no clue where to go from deck4.


We were talking to another Belgian family that we bumped in at check in, they were on a HAL last year, everybody got greeted at the entrance of the ship by the captain and was escorted to go a restaurant for a drink and some more explanation on the ship. That sounded like a nice idea to me.

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First thing we did, as we already know our way around all too well, was head off to Café Promenade and get us one of those wonderful ham and cheese croissants…To early, they were not ready yet, that how early we were on the ship.


So we decided to drink something first…This is where the first hint happened of things to come…


We should have known by the near childish reactions at check in of people just not patient enough.


We were seated in a chair side by side, looking at the promenade with two cokes (diet lol), so we could see all those first time cruisers gazing when they first see the promenade.


Story time:

An “older” Spanish family came by and sat down next to us, except for them being very loud, at that time no problem…However! When I got up to get the ham and cheese croissants (which arrived fresh at that time), my girlfriends remained seated…The “mama” of the lot just put her handbag on my chair that I was sitting in, this the instant when I got up!? Guess she didn’t like me sitting next to her, even when I was there fist!?...I loudly reacted (in English) “what manners”, no reaction what so ever…We left it at that, I went to sit on another chair, ate the croissant which was wonderful as always.


Went from there to the open decks (12) to do a walk around the ship and see if they left everything like we remembered it…And guess what, they did! So we felt right at home in an instant woop woop!




After strolling around, we headed down to the windjammer for a quick lunch, here again like on both past cruises I have to say the food is good at best…We tried a few things, and we certainly can’t say it was bad, but we also certainly can’t say it was very good ether. I am not going to go into detail over this unless somebody wants me to.


*I our opinion, for lunch, go to other venues than the windjammer!…Go to Café promenade for a sandwich, there are 3 kinds available 24/7, there are plenty of cookies and cakes and small desserts available also 24/7. Go to Sorrento’s for pizza or some tappa’s which were very good this time…Just want to say here, there defiantly other possibility’s to get lunch on the ship.


By this time it was almost 1pm (the time the rooms open).


So we went to our deck, like everything Royal Caribbean style, when they say something opens or starts at a certain time, you can set your clock to it as they will not let it open or start one second earlier (this is not only about the rooms, it’s also restaurants, shows, bars, etc…Everything opens and closes on the dot)!


We waited there, and the second the big handle of my watch hit 12 and the small one was at 1, the doors where opened.


We had a balcony state room this time on deck 6 (6258 front left side)…What a wonderful room it was! Certainly compared to our promenade room and problems last time (check out my previous reviews for more on that).


The room was clean, but I cannot say it was spotless…The phone was full of dust, the space between the window and the carpet had some dirt laying around and in between the light switches there was a lot of dust piling up…All things that can be done in an instant…But these were small details, overall excellent condition and clean room.










Our gold value booklet, ship information, the fountain soda package cups and the bottle of fizz that I ordered where all ready in the room.




We sat on our balcony and drank the bottle of fizz to kick off the vacation and enjoyed the view and small ships passing by.


As we were on route since 4:30am, and were drinking we started to feel a we bit lightheaded and it was only 3pm…So time to get something to nibble, my girl went to Sorrento’s to get some tappa’s, she asked for a bit of everything and came back with two FULL plates of stuff, all good! Defiantly a recommendation worth there.


Of course, when you run around in the hallway before set sail, the room attendant shows up to introduce himself…What a guy! He was LARGE and from Nicaragua, when he introduced himself we started laughing at an instant, he had 12 names…Some native tradition, his first name started with a C, and he was a tall guy…So “Big C” it was, and everybody called him that, was waiting if somebody tried to remember all his names.


By the time the bottle of fizz was empty and we were unpacked, time to get ready for muster, we went outside for a coke first at the pool bar….Like always, what a disaster! The day something goes wrong on a ship like Liberty it will be a lot worse than the Concordia incident.


Story time:

The staff started to make announcement on the muster drill at 4pm…That had the effect that A LOT of passengers made a run for the bars, really all of a sudden there were 50 people pushing and being plain idiots like school kids seeing Santa Claus handing out presents…Guess who was in-between them just to get two diet cokes…We literary got pushed to the back. When we finally cued up to the front, there were two Dutch guys in front of us, that had an order for an entire family…8 drinks, ALL with special requests, that wit ice, that with no ice, that with some ice, that with orange juice but do it anther glass, the gin is that a dry one………!?.....We (and the bar staff) were standing there going “come on!?”…And guess what, the bar staff closed the bar off just before us.


So we strolled down to deck 4 for muster drill it was 4:25, so in good time, as this was the third time, we know its hopeless to show up way to early…And INDEED, 4:30pm and I think they were missing half the ship at the muster stations. All announcements where made over and over again in god knows how many languages…By 4:50, still people were coming down, not having a clue what they were doing there. Older people were already begin escorted back inside by officers since they could not just stand up for the time we were standing there…Something before 5pm the captain finally started his announcements and the emergency single was sounded. I cannot say one thing was different here since the Concordia incident.


Also, and a lot of people where thinking this, the captain (Otto Bang) sounded like he was drunk and had to struggle using the English language…If somebody that has sailed with him before can tell me that this is his normal voice? We even saw some crew nodding their heads when he was doing the announcements.



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We are off!


By the time we got to the top decks to watch the ship cast off it was around 5:15pm, we crabbed a set sail cocktail from one of the bar staff that was going around with them. We decided to keep the glasses this time.





When the ship was well on its way, we went back down to our room to see what the view was of the ocean from deck 6…Wonderful sight and we were in the middle of a jelly fish school, there were 100s of them all around us, it was a pretty sight, to see them come up in the wake of the ship.





We took a shower, water temperature and pressure are OK, not like at home but better than most hotels we ever visited.


We went for the “On air” show, as we missed this on both our previous cruises. The show was good and the sight of the theater is breathtaking.



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Went for first dinner…


We had "my time dining" and pre booked the time at 9pm with a “ we prefer a table to ourselves”.


We were sat straight in the entrance of the dining room on deck 5, you can guess already, this was not the best place to be sat. My girl was cold from the wind always coming through and the loads and loads of people passing by was not really enjoyable. The waiters both from Turkey were good, but for some reason there was a lot of stress going on in the dining room!? When we got the menu’s we were kind of confused, there where a lot of strange things on the menu and even stranger combinations, it was not easy taking a pick…I wish I would have taken a picture of it to show you guys, but we heard a lot of people complaining, one even asked to see the chef!? It was a strange selection but certainly not to start complaining.


I guess this was what is partly responsible for the stress in the MDR, plus the people around us where not really making it easy on the staff.


Story time :D:


Next to us were two English lady’s sat, when they came in we could see that they were a bit tipsy…They sat, complained loudly about the menu, one of them didn’t even order anything except for a starter. The wait staff and head waiter tired repeatedly if she would want something else, they would ask the cook…She refused very stubborn repeatedly.

She was eating bread, and then it got worse…The other lady bought the diamond wine package when she got onboard (so read correctly, she ordered the most expensive package just a few hours back), she took a look at the selection, called to waiter and asked him to cancel the wine package. The waiter said that this is not really possible but he will see what he can do…the MDR responsible was called to the table, he too had to say we can try, but the package is nonrefundable normally, he would have more news tomorrow. She left it at that but asked his name and something to write it down on (she asked to waiter another 6 times, if she wrote his name down correctly). So that was behind us so we thought, nope…The lady with the canceled wine package decided she wanted a glass of wine with her main course, so she called to waiter and asked for the entire wine selection…She looks at it for 5 minutes, calls the waiter and orders, the waiter reply’s, “mam the wine you selected is in the package you just canceled”, she replied “really?, just give me a bottle than”…Waiter brings the wine, a white one, poor’s, she asks for the bottle, waiter reply’s I will just store it in an ice bucket for you…She said NO, I will keep it on the table…Okay so that was behind us we thought…Nope, the other lady decided she wanted a vodka martini with her main course, this after the waiters settled the other lady’s wine requests, so now again they had to start running around for one of them….Sadly by this time we were done with dessert, so we left, I can imagine that this went on for more later.


As we were not really stratified with the table placement, we went to the MTD desk and asked if we could get a better table the next days…They replied that they would to their very best to accommodate us (they actually did, more on that later).


Ordered two drinks as a night cap and went to bed early….And those beds, I would really

take them home with me….zzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Thats it for now, need a break from the computer :D Cheers!

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Forgot to tell on previous post, there was some trouble concerning the start of the late seating for dinner, a lot of people from the early seating just did not want to get up from the table, they were happy just chatting…We really saw that head waiters had to request them to leave to get tables ready for the late seating. Give or take that the late seating had a delay of 15 minutes.


Day two Cannes


So the ship arrived around 7am, tis was a tender, what we noticed was compared to both previous cruises there were a LOT less announcements made…Last times these were waking me up constantly and they went on forever, this time I could almost sleep through it, very short, in max two languages and done after 5 minutes.

Got up and opened the balcony to check out the view (Cannes was at the other side)…




Went for breakfast in de Windjammer, Now the staff greets you with a bottle of the hand disinfectant, they squirt a few drops on your hand. The windjammer was clean and plenty of tables available for two persons…However we did see that for larger tables a lot of families were just sitting there doing nothing instead of making room for others.

Went to the egg station and asked two sunny side ups, dam those were missing taste…Like they just don’t put any salt or pepper on them. For the rest the food was overall good. They did have an issue filling up some dishes, but for those that actually can wait 5 minutes it was no problem.


Went down to deck 2 for the tender to Cannes…There was no queue, got straight into the boat and off we were to Cannes.


I will let pictures speak for themselves, we did have the disadvantage that they were just dismantling all the venues of the film festival, so some places looked like a war zone…But


overall a very beautiful place to visit.

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Got back to the ship just after 1 pm, time to get us some rays…The weather was beautiful! First some lunch, went for a few sandwiches from café promenade.


Went to the solarium, and this time the chair hogs where defiantly out of the stable! There were loads of chairs with towels on them where we did not see one person passing by them for hours. Again here, as it was just the two of us, we had no problem finding a chair…If you were a larger party, this would be a problem for sure.








By the way, you don’t see a lot of people in the water…it was FREEEEEEZING cold.



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Night time, formal night


This time over, the formal was not really a success…I think only 50% of the passengers dressed up, and it were all extremes. Some were in shorts and flipflops for dinner, others than were in suits or dresses straight from a designer catwalk.


Here is us, in case you wondered, we had the “unlimited get the picture package” so we stopped at nearly every photo station to get pictures.












We went for the complimentary glass of champagne at the captains welcome party, did a stroll around the promenade and went for dinner.

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Dinner at the new table!


So we went to the MTD desk, and they remembered that we asked for a better table…They found an excellent one just next to the windows…Allllllllllright!

We met our new waiters, Ronaldo from the Philippines and Jose from India…We thought are first waiters were good, these guys where excellent!!! We even recommended them on the last day in the satisfaction questionnaire…They went out of there way and they did get a nice something extra at the end of the cruise.








After dinner, we were full and wanted a cold beer, so we went to the Hoof and Claw bar in the promenade, it was packed, but we got lucky that a large party got up, so we took their places…Strangely enough nobody else dared to come sit with us or ask for the chairs. Two couples from Kent in England showed up and asked if they could sit with us…For sure, we ended up mingling for the rest of the night and met up a few times more over the rest of the cruise to have a chat…Lovely people,for some strange reason we always end up with English people :D


It even turned out that those people had the same waiters as we did at dinner just at a different time.


After a few beers it was defiantly time for bed :D It was a great day!


And pauze pressed again for the review ;)

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I just love pictorial reviews! If I've been on the ship or at the ports, it reminds me of the good time I had; if I haven't, then it gives me something to look forward to doing!


We've met Belgium couples on our travels in the past...I'm always amazed at and grateful for how well they speak English (and a little ashamed that we are not bilingual...thank heaven for wild hand gestures). We had a couple once in the Dominican Republic ask us how good their English was and we had to reply that it was probably better than ours!


Please keep sharing your pictures and stories!

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Day three, Livorno (Florence/Pisa)


So this is where the review will get boring, as we did not get off the ship anymore…


HOWEVER I will defiantly try to amuse you guys with a few stories and pictures (thanks for all the compliments till now & excuse some spelling and miss typing that slipt my eye).

SO! Here we go…


Woke up in Livorno, this is an industrial port, so I was awake the second the ship docked as they were cleaning the slib from the ground of the dock (<-a lot of noise!).






As we decided not to get of the ship, we looked into visiting Florence but all the excursions where a 8h+ minimum…That’s too long away from the ship for us this time around.

So we got up, went for breakfast and hit the pool!


This was a very busy port day for most passengers apparently, as the ship was near empty, we were already rejoicing on the next day as Rome would have even more success…So we hoped the ship would be really empty.


We were docked at together with Adventure of the seas and the Queen Elisabeth






As this was the best view of Adventure that we had from Liberty, and I am crazy on ships I wanted a nice picture of Adventure and Liberty, so


Story time:

We got down to deck2 with the camera to take the picture, plenty of opportunities to take pictures of Liberty, however when heading out into the dock towards Adventure we were greeted by an Italian Rambo that was only 1.5m tall (the size of my girl) and were not allowed to pass him, he just did the naughty sign with his finger towards us…Okay I was born with a voice and brains to communicate, so I told him I just want a picture of Adventure…He replied the idiot that he was by nodding his head…Okay again, the guy with a voice (me) asked, “why not”, he replied “No imposiblé” (like I wrote it), I said again come one, “I just want a picture” again “No imposiblé”…So we just turned around only to see him laughing with us as we walked away, if I were a Texan, I would have shot him at that time! Ohhhhhh what a security risk of me and my camera taking a picture of another Royal Caribbean ship…Anyhow, we try to forget it as later on we got some great shots of the ships.

Buuuuut, the story does not end there, now it was time for Liberty rent a cop staff to start being the FBI! I never liked the attitude of the security staff on Liberty, the first time in June I even made a formal complaint on how they treated the passengers as 16 year old teenagers leaving a disco rather than a bunch of grownups leaving a mighty ship…This time it was not really better, when we got back on the gangway one off the first tours returned already to the ship...So a bunch of people where getting in again, now the Liberty FBI forgot to close the access to the X-ray machine, so a lot of people were able to get onboard the ship without going through security…Did they get away with it? Nope! They were shouted back, like a sergeant would do in Gitmo to a terrorist, to get back off the ship and return via the x-ray (there were a lot of first timers onboard, so really some did not know the way of working). When it was finally my turn to go through the x-ray machine, as always is went off, instead of the Liberty FBI using their mobile metal detector I had to reenter the queue, take of my shoes, put them on the machine and reenter the ship….Okay, I was off the ship for 5 minutes, became part of a terrorist group and I planted a bomb in my flipflops!? Come on! That is just ridiculous, another couple that watched it happen, told us to go complain, I replied “been there done that”…Left it at that.


The rest of the day we spent at the Solarium…


Maybe time that I clarified some more of the passenger manifest or what I noticed running around on the ship.


Every time I saw a sea pass card, I very rarely saw a crown & anchor status, so a lot of passenger were first timers…And it showed on the way they acted, I guess this 5 nighter was filled up at a real good price.


First thing that I noticed is that there were hardly any Americans onboard, most passengers where Spanish, followed by the Italians & English. Strangely enough there were a lot of Dutch and Belgian passengers onboard, this was the first time we had to watch out when speaking native Dutch (even some waiters understood Dutch). There was also a lot of Hebrew spoken which also was a first for us. There were some strange figures running around…A lot of Muslim woman in full garments were present to, no problem for me as long as they do not get in a pool with the stuff on (which they didn’t thankfully)


Story time on above:

That same day we were in the hot tub in the solarium, one of the woman with full garments came to the hot tub, and everybody in the tub was thinking the same, you are not getting in here with all that on….However her husband, was right behind us, he had a very weird pendant around a neckless, it was a military dog tag (I believe only US and Australian troops use those, he was none of those nationality’s) with a bullet next to it. The dog tag did not have a bullet hole in it, so I am guessing he was just showing his disrespect for US military troops (I’ve been googling the meaning, but can’t find any) if somebody can enlighten me.

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At the evening struck, the three ships in the dock were leaving at the same time, so I got some great shots from Adventure and QEII
















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Night time


Went to the Olive and Twist for pre-dinner drinks and watch the beautiful sunset










Had the patron margarita (very very very good cocktail) and got to keep the glass for free woop woop…guess the waiter made a mistake, we tipped him some extra next time





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Day four, Civitavecchia (Rome)


Again here, we did not get off the ship, not even to take a picture (lol)




Nothing much to say here, except the ship was really empty so I took the time to take some pictures of the Liberty (this cruise was the first time with a new camera, hence why so many pictures).











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White night time






Story time:

At dinner, we again got another couple next to us with the MTD, this time it realy was and elderly I think Irish couple…The misses wanted some wine and requested to wine menu, she looked at it for about 15 minuets, everythime she saw something she knew, she would call the waiters, but she changed her mind every time. In total I think she did this about 5 times…She gave an entire speech to the waiter how important the kind of grape is and a lot more about wines…Anyhow she finally gets her glass of wine, after 10 minutes the man wanted a glass of wine to…What he did was just call a waiter, and tell him “just bring ant glass of red wine”…!? Talk about being opposites in a relationship??? Lol

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White night time pool party


I have say here that it was waaaaaay to cold as the wind seriously started to pick up speed, the ship really started to rock, so it was too cold to stay out there, so we just took a few pictures had a drink and went down to the pub.

We tried to go to the Olive & Twist first, however this was called off for the C&A higher tier party, for gold members there was no welcome back party! I wrote this down on the guest satisfaction.
















By the time we got to our room we noticed that the ship was really starting to shake, even so much are room started making a clicking noise that kept us awake nearly all night…It was a constant clicking sounds, that stopped when you put some pressure on the wall, I actually filmed it and will post it later.

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