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Message to Bruin Steve from Barcelona! You da MAN!

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MAJOR thanks to Bruin Steve for all the Barcelona advice! We just got back to the ship from one of our BEST days yet on this cruise. There were four of us who met via our Cruise Critic roll-call thread, and we spent the entire day following your advice to the letter, and it couldn't have gone better!


We'd printed out all the stuff you'd posted about the best way to do Barcelona in one day, and we did just what you suggested. Darn it, I don't have my book here so my spellings are going to be wrong, but I'll give it a go...we took the ship's shuttle to the Maritime Museum, and there we got a cab directly to La Segrada Familia...only 10 Eu. That was fantastic! On to Park Guell, cab fare 5 Eu...this place was unbelievable -- we probably spent almost 2 hours just wandering through the amazing grottos. We decided that Gaudi must either have been looking at the world sideways, or taken some very fascinating acid trips.


From there we cabbed it (6 Eu) to Casa...oh shoot can't remember the name, but it's the big wavy apartment block, line was about 90 min. long so we didn't go in...anyway, from there we simply walked down to Playa Catalunya (sp?), where we did some shopping at the big department store there, and another GREAT store called Zara's. We checked out Manzana de Descordes, continued on down to the cathedral, and had a late and unbelievably yummy lunch of Tapas and Sangria at Taverna de Bisbe. Visited inside the Cathedral, then headed into the Bari Gotic. From there back to Las Ramblas, did some souvenier shopping, enjoyed the scene, and headed back to our shuttle.


We all want to THANK YOU big time for giving us the best day we could possibly have had in Barcelona. We talked to others who did the Bus Turistic, but that takes SO long, and between the four of us, would have been WAY more expensive than the few cab fares. We saw everything we wanted to see in one day, and without you, we would never have known how to do it.


So, from LeeAnne, Betty, Kim and Paul...YOU DA MAN!

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Thanks for posting this LeeAnne, you must have been reading my mind. We are heading to Barcelona at the end of our June cruise and I so wanted to do this on our own, but was having a hard time knowing what to do in such little time. You and Bruin Steve have made my day!! Thanks

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I'm so glad to hear you had such a great day in Barcelona...I really love that city and I'm happy to have been of help...That's one of the really great things about these boards - that we can share our experiences and be of help to each other in planning our travels...Believe me, I easily get as much great advice on these boards as I give out...


I hope the rest of your trip is also enjoyable...



Have fun on your cruise...June is creeping up pretty fast. Don't you love the anticipation? I know I can't wait until my July cruise...

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I'm about jumping out of my skin with excitement!! I can finally say, after having booked our cruise in April 2004, that we are going to Europe NEXT MONTH!!!


I'm the vacation planner in the family. Everyone just goes where and when I tell them to and they never complain...but none the less it puts a lot of pressure on me. Cruise Critic and all the wonderful people, such as you, Steve and LeeAnne, have made it so much easier. :D


I have chosen well I think, private tours in Rome, Florence, Naples (Driver in Rome), Villefranche (Alain Dream Tours) and Athens (Spiros Taxi), and we are doing it on our own in Venice, Croatia, Santorini and Barcelona.


I'm still a little iffy on what to do in Venice. I have some ideas, but putting it all together in some order has me stumped. I do want to do the Murano glass factory (I have daughters who will want beads!!) and I have heard the Secret Doges tour is wonderful. My concern is we are arriving, after 18 hours of flying into Venice on the morning before the cruise, so the first day seems like it will be recovering from that somewhat, and we have plans to meet up with some CC folks at Vino Vino for belinis in the evening. :) The next day we need to get to the ship and somewhat settled in there. The ship doesn't leave Venice until the day after that, so we have that afternoon and evening and next morning for siteseeing. You wouldn't happen to have a nice Venice list of must sees, would you Steve?? :)


Again, thanks for your Barcelona information!!

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Margie, you asked for it, you've got it...

Venice is another city I've visited a few times including a two-night pre-cruise before our August 2003 Millennium cruise...and, another one of my favorites...


As with Barcelona, I strongly recommend buying a copy of the AAA Spiral Guide - Venice...It has great maps, notes, photos, itineraries, etc. and only costs around $10-14 depending on whether you buy it on the net or at your Auto Club...


I am not at all thrilled with the glass factories in Murano...No matter what you do, do not fall prey to the "Free Trips" to the Murano Glass Factories...it is a HIGH pressure sales scam...We did it once and needed to LITERALLY escape...and the prices are FAR from cheap...If you really want to visit Murano, go by Vaporetti (that's the public bus/boat...there's a route map in the back of the AAA Spiral Guide)...it will only cost you a couple of Euros...You can wander around the main street/canal of Murano and visit glass shops and some smaller factories - when you bring yourself there, they don't feel they own you...With limited time in Venice, you may wish not to bother with Murano at all...there's lots of glass to be bought right in Venice...


As to what to see in Venice, the real star is the city itself...it's the canals, the piazzas, the outdoor cafes, the bridges...

But there is the centerpiece: The Piazza San Marco, obviously a must in any trip to Venice...The two most visited sites at San Marco are the Cathedral and the Doge's Palace (which stand side by side). There is often a long line to visit the Cathedral in summer months, and, personally, I find the Palace far more unique and intriguing - at least on the inside...The "Secret Itineraries Tour" is highly recommended but has limited times...If you can get it and fit in the right time, great...if not, do not despair...take the "self-guided tour", it is still very much worthwhile...and you do get to cross the bridge of sighs into the prison which is an incredible highlight when one thinks of the history here...


The second "must" sight of any Venice trip is the Rialto Bridge...This is probably the most photographed and visually attractive bridge in Venice - the middle one of the three bridges that span the Grand Canal...What is also desirable about visiting here is the areas surrounding the Rialto Bridge...on the western end is the open air market areas of Venice...and well worth wandering...


My third recommendation is the Ghetto...This is the original Ghetto - from where the word "ghetto" derived ...The history is incredible - Think back to Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" - There is an excellent "Synagogues Tour" which can be picked up at the Museo Hebraico...it takes you up into the old synagogues and explains the unique history...


A lot of people like to do a Gondola ride and there are some interesting opportunities, including singing gondoliers...But beware, these gondola rides get very expensive...A cheap, but cool, boat ride alternative is to take an evening Vaporetti ride down the Grand Canal...it can be truly surreal...


If you are into art, there's the Peggy Gugenheim Museum for modern art and the Gallerie dell'Accademia for the more traditional Venetian artists...


Have fun...

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Wow, Steve, you don't mess around, do you?? :)


Thanks for the Venice suggestions, it's exactly what I wanted. Also thanks for the heads-up about the Murano area. I thought it was one factory, not a whole village. I will buy my glass in Venice instead. I am especially interested in the Pandora bead bracelets (they are silver and gold charms), do you recall seeing shops selling those in Venice?


I am an AAA member, and when I went to the local office to buy the spiral bound Europe guide/tour books, the woman at the counter didn't have a clue. Ended up selling me a regular bound guide that I didn't feel was so great. And to top it off the binding started to break and pages fell out the first time I read through it. Apparently this wasn't the book that I see people refer to all the time. I looked at AAA online also, but I didn't see them there either. Where would you suggest I buy these spiral bound AAA books?


Thanks again for your time and excellent suggestions!! You rock! :)

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We got our spiral bound AAA books in the travel section at our local Barnes and Nobles - one for Barcelona and one for Rome. Also check B and N on line or Amazon. I agree with Bruin Steve - the books are very easy to use, pages fold over without the binding breaking and divided into easily accessible sections. We have many travel books and these are our favorites.



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I don't know much about the beads...sorry...


As to the AA guides, try here:



This is the 2002 edition...I'm not sure when a new one is coming out - they usually update them every 3 or 4 years or so...but the information really doesn't change all that much...

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Meant to mention, the AAA Spiral Guide for Barcelona was invaluable! Thanks once again, Steve for suggesting it...trust me, everyone, it's a must to really get the most out of this city.


Margie, I've been to Venice twice, and agree with all that Steve said. We DID that free Murano tour, but that was the first time I was in Venice which was many years ago, and honestly the sales tactics were not that bad, but I suspect they are much worse now. We found it interesting, but then we were there for 3 days...I would've skipped it if I'd only had a day. You can find Murano glass all over the place, any of the shop-lined alleys will have tons of it, you really don't have to go there unless you really want to see how they make it.


Well shoot it's a quarter past midnight and I have an all-day private tour of Provence tomorrow with Tania starting at 8:00 am. Off to bed!



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Well shoot it's a quarter past midnight and I have an all-day private tour of Provence tomorrow with Tania starting at 8:00 am. Off to bed!






Let me know how your tour goes with Tania tomorrow. We have her booked for the 27th of this month.


Have fun (how could you not!)



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After reading the posts from Bruin Steve and others, I'm still debating a side trip to Madrid before our cruise next year. The Grand Princess departs Barcelona on Wed. June 21, 2006. We are flying into Europe, arriving the evening on Sunday June 18. Is there enough to do in Barcelona for two full days (Monday/Tuesday) or would we be well served to fly into Madrid for a day and take a night train (or short flight) to Barcelona?


Thinking about another night train from Venice to Vienna for a few days after the cruise.

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Desertbelle, I started a thread about the Pandora/Chamilia beads on this Europe board, with no response. My daughters and I love these too and I was hoping to pick up some on our cruise this July. I believe the Pandora line is from Sweeden??? but the Chamilia and the Biagi beads are from Italy, Chamilia states they started in Florence...so I was hoping to find their store. I e-mailed them directly and got no response. If you get any tips please let me know. I forgot when you said you were cruising (if you said), but if we are first I'll get the scoop on good spots to pick them up. -Tamara

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...debating a side trip to Madrid before our cruise next year. The Grand Princess departs Barcelona on Wed. June 21, 2006. We are flying into Europe, arriving the evening on Sunday June 18. Is there enough to do in Barcelona for two full days (Monday/Tuesday) or would we be well served to fly into Madrid for a day and take a night train (or short flight) to Barcelona? Thinking about another night train from Venice to Vienna for a few days after the cruise.

May these be among your tougher problems in life...

We're flying in to Madrid for 4 nights before moving on to London for a couple of nights before our July cruise on the Connie...

Now, I haven't been to Madrid since '75 (choosing between Madrid and Barcelona, I prefer Barcelona), but, for our four days, the highlight of Madrid is the Prado...after that, it's day trips to Toledo and Segovia...


But, if you're first arriving on Sunday night and your cruise sails on Wednesday, you're looking at stretching into a pretty hectic schedule...


You're going to get to your hotel jet-lagged Sunday night, go to sleep and have basically one day in Madrid...maybe see the Prado a little of the town, some tapas and then what? a midnight train to Barcelona? Sounds like the kind of travel I did when I was 21 in 1975, living on a student budget and using the night trains to avoid paying for a hotel...Trust me, you wioll be zonked out...Then you get to Barcelona really beat and have, basically the one day Tuesday to try to see Barcelona...


Personally, I wouldn't recommend it...

Yes, there is plenty to see and do in Barcelona for two plus days...I would probably only try Madrid AND Barcelona if I had a good four or five days minimum...with 7-10 days, I'd fit in Seville and Granada as well...But, if I couldn't get there until Sunday night for a Wednesday departure, I'd go straight to Barcelona...leaving 2 full days to tour Barcelona as well as to shake any jet lag...


Of course, that's just my opinion...


Also, if you have a few days after, Vienna is nice...but also consider leaving a couple of days in Venice first...and maybe a one-night stop in Innsbruck on the way to Venice...


Have fun...

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Ron, just got back from our day in Provence with Tania -- I'll write up a full review post-cruise, but I'll tell you now that it was WONDERFUL! It was another one of those days that we're left shaking our heads, wondering how it could have gone so perfectly. We absolutely loved Les Baux, it was our favorite spot. One recommendation is to spend less time in Avignon, especially on the bridge, which is interesting but they give you this hand held audio tour thing and the dude just goes ON and ON, far more info than I had any interest in knowing. Do NOT listen to the whole thing, it's mind-numbing! Same with the Pope's Palace. I would have preferred more time in Les Baux. We were supposed to spend two hours there, but as it's Mothers Day and I'm cruising with my mother, we'd arranged for a lovely lunch at a cafe there (the Cafe des Baux, formerly called Cafe des Artistes), which was really splendid but took over an hour. My tips: spend less time in Avignon (which is first), then eat a quick lunch in Les Baux and spend more time wandering the village.


Again, full review upon my return, but I wanted you to know that Tania was really great, we all adored her!



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But, if I couldn't get there until Sunday night for a Wednesday departure, I'd go straight to Barcelona...leaving 2 full days to tour Barcelona as well as to shake any jet lag...


Also, if you have a few days after, Vienna is nice...but also consider leaving a couple of days in Venice first...and maybe a one-night stop in Innsbruck on the way to Venice...


Have fun...


I agree, two full days in Barcelona would be best. (I would have loved to have more time before the cruise, but can't get off work earlier. I don't want to postphone departure into July with the heat.


The ship arrives in Venice at 1:00 Sunday, then we have all day Monday before taking the night train. Do you think that is enough time in Venice?

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Sounds like you are having a terrific time, it makes all of us waiting in que all the more eager to board!


Also, thanks for the suggestions in appropriating the tour time wisely. I will take heed to your advise.


We would all love to hear of your journey as you proceed, but don't feel a slave to these posts...enjoy the moments!



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Bruin Steve it sounds like your advice is working out great .... is there a post that I can read that sets out what to do in our "day in Barcelona". We are on Brilliance June 5 and flying in a day ahead as well as staying a full day after disembarking. Would love to have the step-by-step it sounds like you gave? Thanks in advance. Laurey

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Hi everyone,


Sounds like you all are having great cruises! We have been to Barcelona, loved it there!


Bruin Steve, have you been to Villefranche, Nice, Monaco, etc.? Our Galaxy cruise in October will be doing this port. We have been to Monaco b4 on the Grand Princess & did the ship's bus tour of Monaco, the palace, church, etc. Would like something different to see. Wondered if you could advise us. I am leaning towards Eze, St. Paul. Any recommendations for tour companies? The ship's tours seems to be pricey. We have a group of us that want to book a private tour. I am the researcher. Looking for something different than the usual stuff. Thanks for your help.



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