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Ok ladies, waxing vs. shaving

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My first cruise is in 10 days!:D It's an 8 day cruise and I don't want to be shaving every. single. day. I've never waxed before but I was thinking of maybe trying a at home kit? Any suggestions? Thoughts? How far in advance should I wax before the trip? Any help would be appreciated!


OP I would not try waxing now if you're not had it done before. Home kits aren't always the greatest as well.


A good shaving cream or a Shampoo/Conditioner mix as well as a good hand held razor should do the trick as will probably keep you smooth for a couple of days.


Wow you are lucky! I get a 5 oclock shadow if I shave in the morning. shave shave shave. Tried waxing, my hair is too strong, won't pull out. Tried several different nair type products, allergic to them all. Oh well. My next thought is lazer, which they say doesn't work too well of thicker coarse hair, but maybe it will thin it out? Only problem, 600$ for the treatment could go for another cruise. :D


I thought I was the only one. LOL My leg hair would just laugh at wax. :p And I'm allergic to every depilatory cream and lotion available as well as sugaring. I've no idea why.

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Not sure if I would wanna grow out my underarms so it was long enough to wax. I always get a bikini wax a day or 2 before my cruise..........and it is fine. Even my "first time", water didn't bother me. And no shaving the WHOLE trip is GREAT!

Take 2 advil...........use a professional..............close your eyes and do it. You won't be sorry.

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Leg waxer for years here..a few tips:


If your a "first timer" you should do it "now". Only below the knee, (half a leg) unless you have a forest growing above on your thighs.


Re-growth: it depends. I usually start feeling stubbly about the third week. I can for for up to 8 without doing it again. The hard part is growing it out long enough to have it done again, however the more often you do it the slower and less it grows back. It really depends on the person.


Go to a professional. This isn't for amateurs, I don't care what the home wax kits say. Many nail salons do them, and I pay about $35 or so for two legs.


On the day you go, don't lotion your legs if you shower in the morning. You don't want the pores in your legs clogged so they can be sure to get the root also.


When it's done correctly with wax the right temp, it really is pretty painless. The wax needs to be spread thin which is key, and many times they will put talcum powder on the legs first to the wax applies better and comes off easier. You'll feel it sting, but it won't be unbearable. Half of the pain thing is in the mind. It's going to feel more painful if you go into it scared and thinking it's going to hurt.


Your legs, when done, should look normal, not all blotchy or red or swollen. The best kind of wax to use is what they call "honey wax"..there are different kinds. Not everybody who does it does it right. Go to a reputable salon that does it and ask the technician how long she's been doing it for. You should rarely have any type of side effects.


I do legs, brow, underarms, very rarely above the lip. Bikini on occasion.


Brazilian wax: No way, I'm not that stupid. Even the tech I've gone to for years advises against it.


The best part is the more you do it, less hair returns and it comes back slower. And your legs feel like baby skin until the regrowth occurs.


Good luck!

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Brazilian wax: No way, I'm not that stupid. Even the tech I've gone to for years advises against it.


Good luck!



Could you tell us what's stupid about it?




Obviously..........that tech has never.......how shall we say this???????.................experienced the......."affects".......this offers.

(To ALL parties envolved)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for my first brazilian 2 days before leaving for our first cruise, I had no issues whatsoever with the water/sun on that area. Before my most recent cruise, I went to a different salon, one that uses hard wax, instead of the strips, I can't believe how much more bearable it was! I was told it would be much less painful, and she was so right! I thought about waxing my legs, but with it being summer, I couldn't fathom letting it grow enough before getting done :rolleyes: I definitely wanted the brazilian before leaving, I can handle shaving my legs every couple of days on vacation, but an area as sensitive as my bikini area.


FYI...hard wax can actually grab onto hair growth from just 3-4 days...had I known this early enough, I would have gone for the leg wax as well.

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I just Nair and take a razor for touchups. No bikini wax or anything for me-I wear shortinis so just nair to right above where the shorts end LOL. And for my underarms-the one good thing about getting older is there are areas that hair just doesnt gropw anymore! YAY! :D

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In my opinion and hers, plenty. Didn't realize some were waiting with bated (sp?) breath for my response but I do work a lot of hours so not always reading stuff here.


If your just dying to know you can inbox me and I'll tell you. I don't care to discuss it here because I'm sure your going to give me a laundry list of reasons why my opinion is stupid and why she says as a reputable professional who has done it for years..LOL:)


Maybe you'd rather give us a list of reasons why its not stupid


In the end, who cares? It's all a personal preference. The gal asked for an opinion and it was offered.


Could you tell us what's stupid about it?
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Check out the old MAGIC thread...Magic is just that....MAGIC!!! No waxes, it's so cheap and it doesn't hurt or cause problems like Nair. You can buy it in Walmart or Target for about $2. Google it...it's a life saver!

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In my opinion and hers, plenty. Didn't realize some were waiting with bated (sp?) breath for my response but I do work a lot of hours so not always reading stuff here.


If your just dying to know you can inbox me and I'll tell you. I don't care to discuss it here because I'm sure your going to give me a laundry list of reasons why my opinion is stupid and why she says as a reputable professional who has done it for years..LOL:)


Maybe you'd rather give us a list of reasons why its not stupid


I asked you a question. I was interested in your answer.

I'm truly sorry you have such a negative outlook on life that you have to treat an innocent question with this kind of venom.


Take a cruise. Relax a little.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tried the laser and all that I lost was the money. Also will not work on bond or white hairs. Try Nair for the shower on legs, bikini area and underarms. Very easy, lasts, but a little costly

I'm sorry laser didn't work for you! So far I did laser for my underarms, best money I ever spent! I did pick a salon with the best technology, not the lowest price. I'm going to do legs next (it's going to be more expensive, though - underarms are only 1 zone, and lower legs + knees are 3 zones).



:eek::eek::eek: In the UK, the name of the product you recommended is a slang word for a part of a gentleman's anatomy (the plural part;)) Can't imagine going into a shop and asking for that!!!:D

Not just in the UK :) But it's called what it's called...I do like the product actually, I used it on my underarms before I had the laser treatment, and now I use it for my upper lip.

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There's no way I would try to DIY this, and I have salon-quality stuff. I have no problems waxing my own lip, but there is a learning curve for "large square footage" areas, and I really can't pull that strip off my legs myself, no matter how much I know it doesn't hurt that badly.


The kits I've tried were junk.





I do my lip and brows (get the brows done by a pro every few months as well) but no way I'd try waxing anything else on my body myself.

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Your question was written very sarcastically so it didn't deserve a response and like I said, this wasn't the forum for me to give my lists of why I think it's a stupid process.


English is not my first language. I've said that on a lot of posts elsewhere so perhaps your not used to someone who speaks directly. And you wonder why people from other countries don't think so highly of the U.S.A. sometimes when someone is rude to them?


and you'll have to explain why I am speaking with venom because I honestly don't know what that means.


I think it might be wise for you to stick to the topic the way the rest of us have.

I asked you a question. I was interested in your answer.

I'm truly sorry you have such a negative outlook on life that you have to treat an innocent question with this kind of venom.


Take a cruise. Relax a little.

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Your question was written very sarcastically so it didn't deserve a response and like I said, this wasn't the forum for me to give my lists of why I think it's a stupid process.


English is not my first language. I've said that on a lot of posts elsewhere so perhaps your not used to someone who speaks directly. And you wonder why people from other countries don't think so highly of the U.S.A. sometimes when someone is rude to them?


and you'll have to explain why I am speaking with venom because I honestly don't know what that means.


I think it might be wise for you to stick to the topic the way the rest of us have.


It is not my first language either. I'm not from the USA and for the life of me I can not see how a simple question can be sarcastic in your mind.

Venom means poison. This second post from confirms in my mind everything I wrote about you.

If the question is "waxing or shaving" isn't bringing a brazilian wax into it off topic?


I'm done with this conversation and I apologize to everyone else in this thread if it has bothered you.

I'll never ask Gathina another question as it clearly didn't sit well with her the first time.

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I have had my legs waxed professionally, along with a Brazilian, multiple times before a cruise. Yes, shaving doesn't take that long to do, but it is WONDERFUL not having to deal with it, and I don't have to worry about taking shaving cream and a razor. As long as I am on a cruise less than 2 weeks or so, I have no stubble...

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Wow you are lucky! I get a 5 oclock shadow if I shave in the morning. shave shave shave. Tried waxing, my hair is too strong, won't pull out. Tried several different nair type products, allergic to them all. Oh well. My next thought is lazer, which they say doesn't work too well of thicker coarse hair, but maybe it will thin it out? Only problem, 600$ for the treatment could go for another cruise. :D


Actually, laser works best on thick, coarse, DARK hair. The laser beam is drawn to the dark color of hair. And the thicker the better it will work. Laser doesn't work very well for lighter colored hair and very fine hair. However, keep in mind that even with dark, coarse hair to get great, lasting results you have to do it several times within 3-4 weeks of each other. That is because of the way hair grows and destroying it at different stages. I, personally, think laser is the way to go but I also don't really like the pain part of it. I have a friend that lasers and she finds the pain tolerable. I have to really work up the nerve to laser. I do it right before a cruise but can't seem to bring myself to do 3 to 4 treatments in a row 3 to 4 weeks apart which is the way to really minimize or get rid of unwanted hair.


Tried the laser and all that I lost was the money. Also will not work on bond or white hairs. Try Nair for the shower on legs, bikini area and underarms. Very easy, lasts, but a little costly


Yep, you are right. If you have light colored hair and very fine hair you would be wasting your money. The laser beam is more attracted to dark hair/pigments.

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I began a waxing routine (brazilian) last year and I LOVE IT! Best thing I have ever done. I go to a salon that specializes in only waxing and my tech is fantastic :-) before our December cruise I plan to wax my legs and underarms. I'm excited at not having to shave for a week!

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Actually, laser works best on thick, coarse, DARK hair. The laser beam is drawn to the dark color of hair. And the thicker the better it will work. Laser doesn't work very well for lighter colored hair and very fine hair. However, keep in mind that even with dark, coarse hair to get great, lasting results you have to do it several times within 3-4 weeks of each other. That is because of the way hair grows and destroying it at different stages. I, personally, think laser is the way to go but I also don't really like the pain part of it. I have a friend that lasers and she finds the pain tolerable. I have to really work up the nerve to laser. I do it right before a cruise but can't seem to bring myself to do 3 to 4 treatments in a row 3 to 4 weeks apart which is the way to really minimize or get rid of unwanted hair.


If they're hurting you, they're (very likely) doing it wrong. I'm a huge, huge wimp, and I do not handle pain well at all. Piercing my ears (just my earlobes) made me tear up both times (and I was 22 or so for the second, not a kid), as did my tiny tattoo, which also has a lovely little flaw in it where I flinched. I had my first laser treatment done two weeks ago on my underarms, and it was nothing. For three flashes in each armpit I thought "Oh, that's kind of uncomfortable, I might have to steel myself for this" and it was over before that thought had finished forming. I don't even think I held my breath. I didn't take Advil or any other painkillers beforehand, nor did they use any lidocaine or other numbing creams, but the machine did have the fan on it and she did put an aloe gel on for cooling/ skin protection (no idea whether the fan is standard or not).


Everyone is different, obviously, but if it hurts, I would try going to another clinic.

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If they're hurting you, they're (very likely) doing it wrong. I'm a huge, huge wimp, and I do not handle pain well at all. Piercing my ears (just my earlobes) made me tear up both times (and I was 22 or so for the second, not a kid), as did my tiny tattoo, which also has a lovely little flaw in it where I flinched. I had my first laser treatment done two weeks ago on my underarms, and it was nothing. For three flashes in each armpit I thought "Oh, that's kind of uncomfortable, I might have to steel myself for this" and it was over before that thought had finished forming. I don't even think I held my breath. I didn't take Advil or any other painkillers beforehand, nor did they use any lidocaine or other numbing creams, but the machine did have the fan on it and she did put an aloe gel on for cooling/ skin protection (no idea whether the fan is standard or not).


Everyone is different, obviously, but if it hurts, I would try going to another clinic.


I'm a guy, so this is a response on the laser/pain issue, not specifically related to the waxing/shaving debate.


The pain level is related to the "level" the laser is set at and the density of your hair growth. If you go to a high level immediately, it hurts more than the low level. When I had a t-shirt (torso and armpits) done it hurt more and more as they had to increase the "number" to get the last stubborn hairs. I will say that the regrowth is much finer and much less dense, so that makes keeping my torso smooth much easier to manage. I found a glass of wine or three (three, really) really helped with the last few sessions, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance.

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Waxing every time oh and eyelash tint too.


Hard wax is indeed better for many areas including bikini/Brazilian etc.. I know what I am talking about here both as a therapist and client. A lot of therapists are "scared" of it or not trained or simply don't want to do it which is fair enough. You need to be very skilled at waxing to use hard wax in these areas down below. If you want it doing ask the salon/spa if they have someone skilled in doing it. It is not for the feint of heart or those easily embarrassed that is for sure!


(Hard wax is a wax used without strips, I would never do a bikini or Brazilian with strip wax that is the more painful option).

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  • 1 month later...

I've used the binkni zone wax kit and loved it! Hair didn't grow back for almost 20 days. I have an initial irratation that last maybe 30mins. However, my local walmart does not sell it. :confused: Has anyone used any other brand for the bikini line?

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I prefer sugaring. I get it done professionally, though. I wouldn't be able to do this myself. I haven't had the nerve to do a full Brazilian yet but I do get an extended bikini done every month. I love sugaring. It is much less painful than traditional waxing for me and the regrowth is substantially less so subsequent treatments take less time. I have had it done a week before my cruise and it have had no problems with regrowth for the duration of my cruise.

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