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I'm on the Empress of the Seas, October 10th -17th, 2005. I love to watch planes take off and land, and hear that Maho Beach, St. Martin, is a perfect spot for that. Was wondering if anyone has been to that beach, and if so, what they thought of it, and the experience? Was on the Golden Eagle excursion in December, when I was on the Volendam. Was also thinking of taking that one again. However, I always like to experience something new. Can't imagine lying on a beach in St. Martin, and also watching planes landing and taking off simultaneously. Couldn't ask for anything more. Sheer bliss for me. I know, I probably need to get a life, huh?. Anyhow, any feedback would be appreciated.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Future Sailing on RCCL, Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005

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Hi Bruce!


I totally understand your opinion - I'm an aviation geek too! I really wished I could've gone to TNCM/SXM on my cruise. Unfortunately, the airport is planning an expansion, and I heard that the beach will be CLOSED!


Ah well - I guess that's why I have FS2004 to do virtual spotting.


Btw - there are lots of great TNCM videos on http://www.flightlevel350.com/

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Hi Dandude22,


Thanks much for the link , and the picture too. I was trying to send you a jet landing at Maho Beach, which was postered right here on the CC site, but don't know how to transfer it from my Real Player to the CC site posted to you. But it seems you're fairly sophisticated at it, so it's probably nothing new for you to see that.


I'm going to check your site out right now.


Thanks again.





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Hi dandude22,


WOW! Just have to tell you that this site is absolutely awesome. Thanks you so much for sending it to me. I can tell you that I'm going to be spending a lot of time here.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Future Sailing RCCL, Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005

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Hi Dan, Larry and Nancy,


Are you pilots? These sites are the best. I double clicked my mouse by accident, and the picture tripled in size. I've got goosebumps the size of apples. Well maybe just prunes.


Can't thank you all enough. As I don't live in New York now, I visit Fort Lauderdale International quite often to view the aircraft. These are some of my best moments.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon to Sail on Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005

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I've never seen that in the Classifieds, but those shots are surely beautiful. What a great job to have. Any suggestions for a newbie camera? I was thinking about a Cannon S2. Don't know if that would be too sophisticated for someone with three hands, and two of them that shake. Just kidding, but do need a camera instead of disposeables. Just went horseback riding on Half Moon Cay. It was wonderful. Took pictures with disposeables and they came out fine until I went to enlarge them and they were very blurry. I was disappointed, so I'm looking for a decent camera.



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From what I've heard, the resolution doesn't matter that much, you need a really good lens on the camera - but I would get at least get a three megapixel camera.


And BTW - A simmer is a person, in this case, who is obsessed with Flight Simulation, and in my case, that would be Mircosoft Flight Simulator 2004.

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Live and Learn. Thanks for the definition.


Thanks also for the information about the camera. Perhaps in St. Thomas, or St. Maartin, or even before I leave on the Empress, I can get a good buy on the Internet. I had been advised to get atleast a 3 megapixel, but I asked you because I always like second opinions. I guess I should call you Doc now?


Btw, when you use the Microsoft Simulator 2004, are you sitting at a computer at home, or do you go to an airport? If I'm getting to nosy, please just let me know. It's just I'm very facinated by flight and aircraft. When I lived in New York, I worked for Air France at Kennedy, and for Olympic on Fifth Avenue, in Manhattan. At Kennedy, Air France had the Concorde, and I can vividly remember going up to the observatory whenever it was to take off to watch it.. It was an incredible feeling to see this aircraft go down the runway. Enough of my rambling.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon to be Sailing on Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005

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I play it sitting right at the computer. The professional sims are where you'll have to drive somewhere. If you're interested, the guys (including me) will be happy to help you at www.flightsimmer.com


Speaking of the Caribbean - I read an article in Airways about a guy who bought a 727 cockpit on EBay and is outfitting it to work with FS2004!

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Hi Dan, Larry and Nancy,


Are you pilots? ....




Yes, I am a pilot and the proud owner of Mooney N57638. I noticed you are from FLL - I went to high school in Fort Lauderdale and did all my primary/commercial/instrument training at Pompano airport at P.A.C. (which is now another company) back in 1979/1980. I also did glider instruction and towing up at North County Airport up in Palm Beach county near Pratt&Whitney until I moved to California. Right now the Mooney is at Boca Airport (Avitat), having some work done after being directed by line personnel into the dirt/sand/grass which resulted in a minor prop strike. Hopefully I can come back down and pick it up in June. The "rather unfortunate occurrence", quoting their legal staff, happened March 25th.


I used to spend hours and hours at FLL watching planes a long time ago - before the expansion, when you could park at the east end of 9L/27R when they were landing towards the west. Also, there was a field on the north side you could park in and watch when they were landing towards the east. I guess that's all gone now.


We're planning on moving to Fl summer of '06, but we aren't sure where. Most likely east coast between Stuart and Ormond Beach. We're spending a couple of weeks this summer looking around and deciding.


Take care,


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I'm on the Empress of the Seas, October 10th -17th, 2005. I love to watch planes take off and land, and hear that Maho Beach, St. Martin, is a perfect spot for that. Was wondering if anyone has been to that beach, and if so, what they thought of it, and the experience? Was on the Golden Eagle excursion in December, when I was on the Volendam. Was also thinking of taking that one again. However, I always like to experience something new. Can't imagine lying on a beach in St. Martin, and also watching planes landing and taking off simultaneously. Couldn't ask for anything more. Sheer bliss for me. I know, I probably need to get a life, huh?. Anyhow, any feedback would be appreciated.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Future Sailing on RCCL, Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005


Definitely worth going!! Had a great time there last week. Just get a cab, it'll cost about $20.00, and maybe you can bargain with them to stay there for a couple of hours and wait for you. I got some great pix, which I am working on as I type this.

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What a wonderful place!!

On our Feb 2004 cruise we were fortunate enough to visit this haven. The bar makes the best Bloody Mary's that I've had in a long time. They also have a website: http://www.sunsetbeachbar.com/livecam


It was quite difficult to get a Taxi to take us there, as we were only 2 people and they wanted to fill up the van. Finally found someone to take us and pick us up.


Beautiful place. Had a few planes land while we were there, I got a few good pictures.



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No visit to St. Maarten would be complete for me without a visit to Maho beach. The first time I was there I had the experience of being sand blasted by a 474 that was taking off. I'll never forget it.


I, too, spend hours flying FS2004. I never fly anywhere in real life without flying the route myself on the computer. And once I get home I have to fly the route again. When I was a kid I'd go to the airport and spend hours watching planes come and go. Pretty hard to do that now so I just fly them myself on the computer.

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Check out www.airliners.net and do a picture search on MAHO. You'll see lots of great pics of planes landing over that beach.


Larry - Mooney 231 Driver



I agree :D

We went to this beach (lots of cool pics on the picture link at my signature). We LOVED Maho Beach! The AOS review link details how we got there and how much money it took.


If you do a search on Maho Beach you can actually get a list of the planes (and times) they'll be landing at Maho. Most of the big jets come in the afternoon 12p-4p. The water is GORGEOUS (just check the pics out) and the sand is so perfect .... but it hurts when a 767 takes off! :D

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Hello All,


Thanks for your great responses. I typed 1/2 page,and somehow lost it. So I'm beginning again. I'm a slow typer ,and wanted to address you all by your names. I see I can't do that now. Reading your replies has really psyched me into taking this excursion. Unfortunately, RCCL doesn't offer Maho Beach as an option. The Empress docks at, I believe 7:00am, and departs at 5:30pm. I think that should give me plenty of time to spend a couple of hours on the beach ,and perhaps a drink at the Sunset Bar. I'm not a drinker, but I think I going to have one this time. In my two, and soon to be third cruise, I've always taken the ship's shore excursions, fearful that I might miss the ship. But I'm now thinking what's the worst that could happen. Miss the ship, and have to swim back to Fort Lauderdale. You only live once, as far as I know, so I'm going to take the chance this one time. Dan and 1corona4u, I think I'm going to buy this flight simulator. Maybe you can give me some pointers. Sue W, you made Maho sound very exciting. Just hope I can get a Taxi back in time. Dan, do you have any idea where this gent put a cockpit? Basement or backyard? That's really inventive. Gotta give that dude credit. Wonder what something like that would cost? I would think a couple of cruises atleast. And Larry, I wish you and Nancy best of luck in your move back to Florida. I don't know about your aircraft, but would sure love a ride. Tee Hee Hee. I'll pay for the gas. I used to watch the aircraft land coming right over I-95, standing on a wooden railing, aircraft going from west to east. The police stopped us from doing that. They finally opened a special area for us to watch right near the ASPCA pound, on Perimiter Road. I still go there. But since 9/11, they are mostly open, but there are times during heightened alerts where they are closed. You must leave by I believe 6 or 7pm nightly. I'm going to buy a decent camera and take pictures and if I can, post them after all this. I can't go back to check out the names of the newlyweds, but I did like looking at your pictures. You seem really made for one another.


Thanks again all,






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon to be Sailing on the Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005


If I forgot anyone, please forgive me. Seems that I did. Thanks Ocean Boy.

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Definitely worth going!! Had a great time there last week. Just get a cab, it'll cost about $20.00, and maybe you can bargain with them to stay there for a couple of hours and wait for you. I got some great pix, which I am working on as I type this.


Or rent a car for about $50 at the pier. We did this, spent a couple of hours at Maho (including the drink at the Sunset Beach Bar) then drove around the perimeter of the whole island. Half way around we stopped for another couple of hours at Orient Beach and rented a couple of beach chairs. It was a fabulous day and we've got some amazing pictures of our kids playing on the beach with planes flying in over head. My mother was horrified.:D


Sad to hear they may be closing the beach due to the expansion.

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Hi goodml,


Thanks. I really like your suggestion of a car rental. I wouldn't have to depend upon a taxi in either direction, and if the car broke down, I would hope that that the agency would send someone to pick me up, and either supply another vehicle, or if it were late enough, to get me back to where I could get a taxi back to the pier. Do you know what side of the road you use in St. Maarten? I have trouble on the right hand side, so if it's the lefthand side, watch out. I'm kidding. It would also give me a chance to see Orient Beach too, if it's not too far away.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon To Sail on RCCL, Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005

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Driving is on the RHS - same as in North America. One thing I can tell you, there are no stoplights and we only saw 1 stop sign the whole way around the island unless it's changed since we were there last year. We actually found though, that the drivers were pretty courteous so we had no problems at all.

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Hello All,


Thanks for your great responses. I can't go back to check out the names of the newlyweds, but I did like looking at your pictures. You seem really made for one another.




You're welcome :D

I hope the pictures helped you see what a beauty Trunk Bay really is.


We used cabs to get there, $18 there and $18 back. The beach was free. It took 40 min to get there (traffic) and 30 min to get back. We stopped to shop, but I don't think that it took as long to get to the ship as it did to get to the beach. We'd definitely go again. We loved it! :D

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Glad to hear it's the same as in the states. Thanks for your suggestion. I'm going for the rental.






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon to Sail RCCL, Empress of the Seas, October 10th 2005

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Hello All,


Thanks for your great responses. I typed 1/2 page,and somehow lost it. So I'm beginning again. I'm a slow typer ,and wanted to address you all by your names. I see I can't do that now. Reading your replies has really psyched me into taking this excursion. Unfortunately, RCCL doesn't offer Maho Beach as an option. The Empress docks at, I believe 7:00am, and departs at 5:30pm. I think that should give me plenty of time to spend a couple of hours on the beach ,and perhaps a drink at the Sunset Bar. I'm not a drinker, but I think I going to have one this time. In my two, and soon to be third cruise, I've always taken the ship's shore excursions, fearful that I might miss the ship. But I'm now thinking what's the worst that could happen. Miss the ship, and have to swim back to Fort Lauderdale. You only live once, as far as I know, so I'm going to take the chance this one time. Dan and 1corona4u, I think I'm going to buy this flight simulator. Maybe you can give me some pointers. Sue W, you made Maho sound very exciting. Just hope I can get a Taxi back in time. Dan, do you have any idea where this gent put a cockpit? Basement or backyard? That's really inventive. Gotta give that dude credit. Wonder what something like that would cost? I would think a couple of cruises atleast. And Larry, I wish you and Nancy best of luck in your move back to Florida. I don't know about your aircraft, but would sure love a ride. Tee Hee Hee. I'll pay for the gas. I used to watch the aircraft land coming right over I-95, standing on a wooden railing, aircraft going from west to east. The police stopped us from doing that. They finally opened a special area for us to watch right near the ASPCA pound, on Perimiter Road. I still go there. But since 9/11, they are mostly open, but there are times during heightened alerts where they are closed. You must leave by I believe 6 or 7pm nightly. I'm going to buy a decent camera and take pictures and if I can, post them after all this. I can't go back to check out the names of the newlyweds, but I did like looking at your pictures. You seem really made for one another.


Thanks again all,






MS Volendam, December 16th, 2004

MS Zuiderdam, April 9th, 2005


Soon to be Sailing on the Empress of the Seas, October 10th, 2005


If I forgot anyone, please forgive me. Seems that I did. Thanks Ocean Boy.


I believe he has his own garage for it, and that it cost LOADS of money! :D

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