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Has anyone ever witnessed fellow cruisers...


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there are a few on youtube




(verbal language and a bit bloody warning)A



just search it up


I can't imagine what precipitated that first fight. Those people were really mad! I didn't watch the other two. That one was enough. I have never actually seen grown men fighting in public, and I guess home videos of someone else's disgrace don't interest me.

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I was on a cruise where we had to skip a stop in the Bahamas due to a problem with the ship. We were walking near the lobby and heard a women screaming and screaming. Apparently, she and her fiancee were scheduled to be married while the ship was in the Bahamas. Her friends and family were already in the Bahamas waiting for them. She was just hysterical demanding a helicopter to take her to her wedding. Demanding to speak to the Captain. The employee kept telling her there was nothing that could be done. I thought she was going to jump over the counter and start beating the employee.


If I was getting married in the Bahamas I would fly. You never know what can happen :(



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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Obviously that was his point in all his postings, that's why I said go and play somewhere else. I started the thread here, those were my clients and he is making a joke obviously and distorting what happened, but that's another thread right.


What's his name is obviously bored, so I'm just letting him have his fun, what the heck, it's Friday night, that's why I started a thread to begin with.


Wait really??? Can I just ask why you thought you had the right to dictate what your clients could do? You don't own them.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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On our recent Pride cruise there was a VERY large family on board who would antagonize the guy at the pizza station every day from the minute they opened. They had lots of special requests and the poor server could never make them happy. The last time I saw the family "leader" he threw a plate of sliced tomatoes on the ground while he was yelling in some foreign language. Security pulled him aside and I never saw him again.


I hope they kicked him off! There are enough options for pizza anyways. Some people need to calm down



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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If I was getting married in the Bahamas I would fly. You never know what can happen :(



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!


Yeah, note to self if I ever remarry, fly or drive to the wedding destination and save the cruise for the honeymoon.

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Pickle is the cc drama queen all right.


Have seen a couple of drunk people hauled off by security.


I must say I'm rather surprised to see you join in the chorus. I really can't see what drama I'm causing by simply asking, late on a Friday night nonetheless, what folks have seen on a previous cruise. The relating of these stories have absolutely nothing to do with me, I didn't cause any of this to happen, so how can I be accused of causing drama.


It seems no matter what I post, folks get pissed off about it. The mere asking about taking my nanny on a cruise caused me to be labeled a drama queen, my word!

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For folks crying about drama, you sure like her threads.


Very True. There is just something about her posts. They are just so out there that you find yourself going back over and over..LOL




My post are so out there...asking about taking a nanny on a cruise, yeah, that's totally "out there". My recent question is in the same vein as another poster asking about "random acts of kindness", or another who asked about the cruiser who stood out the most or that everybody knew. I simply asked if anybody had seen a fight, now how is that so bizarre, pray tell. You are actually trying to start something where nothing exist.


Do you see the number of people who actually posted something they had witnessed, so this isn't such an outlandish question as you would make it seem.


People like you are exactly why so many of the "oldtimers" no longer post here because everything has to become drama laden. It is so easy, if you see my name on a thread, please simply ignore it, but that's not good enough for you, because people like you like to come and start some mess.

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Wow, what an idiot. I hope the clients fired her after that.


I'm such an idiot you say. The things people say to one another when they are not face to face. How often do you hear people saying something like that to each other in "real life"? Well, thanks so very much!


I must be an idiot for taking two "clients", both who have cognitive disabilities on a 10 day vacation, seven of them on a Carnival cruise and it didn't cost them a penny. I spent over $5000 of my own money to take them on a dream vacation and the second day one of them was standing looking out over the ocean and said, "Is this real life or am I dreaming?"


The guy donoiv I was allowing to have his mocking funny, no skin off my nose, it was a slow Friday night. Though my cruise and his comments have absolutely nothing to do with this thread.


Since I was cruising with special needs passengers, the cruise line has a system in place, that THEY designed to assist in monitoring certain people leaving and returning onboard. It was suggested that I use this mechanism that they could not exit the ship without me being aware so that they were not left behind at a port. I would hazard a guess I am not th only person who has used this. Many people actually use this with their children and teens so that they don't find themselves about to sail away and hear their children's names being called over the intercom for not being back onboard. Then what's a parent to do?!


With the help of their case managers, each young woman was given a certain budget to spend daily, my money, not theirs, to insure that it lasted thruout the whole trip.


One of the young women did not return at her curfew, but in my review, I lauded the handling of the situation by Carnival security. Throughout the cruise they cordially checked in with us to see how things were going and they knew the young women on a first name basis since they were the life of the ship and were so outgoing.


So, no, I am not an idiot nor was I fired. As a matter of fact, their families praised me for taking their children on a trip they could never have afforded. Was it stressful at times, yes, but they still talk about it to this day and there is not a week that goes by that they don't get out their photo books and look at their video of their cruise experiece.


Some of you may not be aware, but times have changed when working with people with disabilities. They have alot of freedom to make decisions and are not locked up. They are even given latitude to do dumb things, just like you or I. We try to put in place measures to help keep them safe, but sometimes they make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, just like you and I do.


The young woman who went with me certainly learned from her mistake, when the Captain said she would be put off at the next port if she pulled another disappearing stunt, it was smooth sailing for then on out.


So mock away.

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OP...as to your original question..., the worse I have seen is two women in the casino fighting over a slot machine! One went to the washroom and asked someone to keep machine for her, and that person must have left, when the woman returned, another woman was playing and winning on that machine. That is conversation, albeit slurred from the first woman, when the fight broke out. No actual blows, but there was some hair grabbing, and finger poking in the chest by first woman to woman who was now winning on that machine.!!!!! Sad to see, especially when the first woman who was so totally intoxicated started to sob on her young daughter's shoulder! Second woman who was winning kept on playing and swearing at the drunk woman, and telling her to get lost, but the drunk woman just sat there and watched her win, and cried and cried some more. Security came, and asked drunk woman to leave, and did, but she came back, and was staggering and falling down, with the poor young daughter begging her to come back to the room. That is the worse and saddest fracas I have ever witnessed.


And I have read some of your previous posts. No matter what you say, or ask here, someone is bound to pounce and condemn you for whatever they deem not correct! But those are the downfalls of these public forums. Just ignore and keep on asking questions and or reviewing your cruises!

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I must say I'm rather surprised to see you join in the chorus. I really can't see what drama I'm causing by simply asking, late on a Friday night nonetheless, what folks have seen on a previous cruise. The relating of these stories have absolutely nothing to do with me, I didn't cause any of this to happen, so how can I be accused of causing drama.


It seems no matter what I post, folks get pissed off about it. The mere asking about taking my nanny on a cruise caused me to be labeled a drama queen, my word!


You have to admit that all of your threads turn into controversial ones whether or not you meant it to happen.

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And I have read some of your previous posts. No matter what you say, or ask here, someone is bound to pounce and condemn you for whatever they deem not correct! But those are the downfalls of these public forums. Just ignore and keep on asking questions and or reviewing your cruises!



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I'm glad to see there are some reasonable people here who view this site for what it is, a way to get information and ask questions,


There are so many threads I never click on, so I would encourage folks to simply ignore mine if you think my comments/questions are off the walk or drama causing. I would really appreciate that.

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I'm such an idiot you say. The things people say to one another when they are not face to face. How often do you hear people saying something like that to each other in "real life"? Well, thanks so very much!


I must be an idiot for taking two "clients", both who have cognitive disabilities on a 10 day vacation, seven of them on a Carnival cruise and it didn't cost them a penny. I spent over $5000 of my own money to take them on a dream vacation and the second day one of them was standing looking out over the ocean and said, "Is this real life or am I dreaming?"


The guy donoiv I was allowing to have his mocking funny, no skin off my nose, it was a slow Friday night. Though my cruise and his comments have absolutely nothing to do with this thread.


Since I was cruising with special needs passengers, the cruise line has a system in place, that THEY designed to assist in monitoring certain people leaving and returning onboard. It was suggested that I use this mechanism that they could not exit the ship without me being aware so that they were not left behind at a port. I would hazard a guess I am not th only person who has used this. Many people actually use this with their children and teens so that they don't find themselves about to sail away and hear their children's names being called over the intercom for not being back onboard. Then what's a parent to do?!


With the help of their case managers, each young woman was given a certain budget to spend daily, my money, not theirs, to insure that it lasted thruout the whole trip.


One of the young women did not return at her curfew, but in my review, I lauded the handling of the situation by Carnival security. Throughout the cruise they cordially checked in with us to see how things were going and they knew the young women on a first name basis since they were the life of the ship and were so outgoing.


So, no, I am not an idiot nor was I fired. As a matter of fact, their families praised me for taking their children on a trip they could never have afforded. Was it stressful at times, yes, but they still talk about it to this day and there is not a week that goes by that they don't get out their photo books and look at their video of their cruise experiece.


Some of you may not be aware, but times have changed when working with people with disabilities. They have alot of freedom to make decisions and are not locked up. They are even given latitude to do dumb things, just like you or I. We try to put in place measures to help keep them safe, but sometimes they make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, just like you and I do.


The young woman who went with me certainly learned from her mistake, when the Captain said she would be put off at the next port if she pulled another disappearing stunt, it was smooth sailing for then on out.


So mock away.


Wow, I hadn't read but the first page or two when I replied....didn't know who he was talking about....never read the thread about the clients, but OK,


Feel better now?

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Wow, I hadn't read but the first page or two when I replied....didn't know who he was talking about....never read the thread about the clients, but OK,


Feel better now?


Me neither. But I do wonder why the word client is used and not guests.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ~ sign the awesome Gailerina!

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I must say I'm rather surprised to see you join in the chorus. I really can't see what drama I'm causing by simply asking, late on a Friday night nonetheless, what folks have seen on a previous cruise. The relating of these stories have absolutely nothing to do with me, I didn't cause any of this to happen, so how can I be accused of causing drama.


It seems no matter what I post, folks get pissed off about it. The mere asking about taking my nanny on a cruise caused me to be labeled a drama queen, my word!


looks like you were asking if anybody has seen any drama as bad as yours.


acting a fool and being rude to the cd andhead, waiter and other people because your "clients" got drunk and were mentally handicapped.


Maybe some of these things have been twisted or misread, but thats what I got out of it.

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On Triumph last year on Cozumel port day I noticed some sunglasses and flip flops sitting by the elevator.

When I got back to our cabins I mentioned it and my son said that two drunk and husky brothers were fighting in front of the elevator.

Apparently they almost knocked down a lady who was getting off the elevator.

My son tried to get some crew members to come and they told him that they would come later.

Someone picked up stuff and put it by the elevator.

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post #108 .. have to admit I didn't read it when I posted last.


that being said, you expect Carival to "help" you with your "clients" ? maybe you took on more than you could handle ? 10 clients ?


You shouldn't expect Carival to help you do the job you signed up for. Yes they do address the problems of chilren geting on and off the ship without gaurdianship and such. but to expect them to hepl you with your clients is unreasonable. and you raising helll with the staff for not helping you do "your " job is the same bad behavior you were asking everyone else to tell about.

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post #108 .. have to admit I didn't read it when I posted last.


that being said, you expect Carival to "help" you with your "clients" ? maybe you took on more than you could handle ? 10 clients ?


You shouldn't expect Carival to help you do the job you signed up for. Yes they do address the problems of chilren geting on and off the ship without gaurdianship and such. but to expect them to hepl you with your clients is unreasonable. and you raising helll with the staff for not helping you do "your " job is the same bad behavior you were asking everyone else to tell about.


Please stop the madness...I took TWO young women with me, not 10 clients and I did NOT ask the staff to help me with them. One of them did not come home one evening and I waited until morning and asked for an assist, which they provided. There was no raising hell, where are you getting your information, go back and read the thread.


donoiv was posting tongue in cheek and you are taking things to another level.

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You know, last night this thread was fun. Then starting this morning it turned into another "I am better at life then you are" thread. Those are getting old.


I totally agree! I was just sitting around on a Friday night, thought I'd start a thread to just get people to share what they had seen on cruises and it was going great. Somebody always has to interject some nonsense.

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Please stop the madness...I took TWO young women with me, not 10 clients and I did NOT ask the staff to help me with them. One of them did not come home one evening and I waited until morning and asked for an assist, which they provided. There was no raising hell, where are you getting your information, go back and read the thread.


donoiv was posting tongue in cheek and you are taking things to another level.


was getting my information from this thread and a couple of other ones where more information was shared by you.


I am glad you have so much extra money( 5,000.00 ) to give the needy ... maybe you should have spent some of this for extra help ..so your "mentally challeged" " clients" wouldn't have gottem drunk and spent all of "your" money.



Maybe next time you can bring your nanny to help keep you "clients " inline.


BTW ... you can say whatever you want, that doesn't make it true. When you post crapp on another threa some people remember.


Troll on !

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was getting my information from this thread and a couple of other ones where more information was shared by you.


I am glad you have so much extra money( 5,000.00 ) to give the needy ... maybe you should have spent some of this for extra help ..so your "mentally challeged" " clients" wouldn't have gottem drunk and spent all of "your" money.



Maybe next time you can bring your nanny to help keep you "clients " inline.


BTW ... you can say whatever you want, that doesn't make it true. When you post crapp on another threa some people remember.


Troll on !


Seriously, you aren't worth my time.

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