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5/23/12 1st time X/cruise, med. engagement, Paris; oh my! Solstice Med. Trip Report


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I am enjoying your review so much! I will be going on a Mediterranean cruise in June with my family and I can only hope it is as fantastic as yours. Like you, my parents are taking my husband and I, as well as our kids - who will be 11 and 13 at the time, so this will truly be an adventure!


I love your enthusiasm and can totally relate. I am the planner for our trip as well and I can see myself in so many of your posts!


Keep it coming! I can't wait to hear about more of your adventures!


You have an amazing spirit and a wonderful family. I always love reading trip reports from families who get to share trips like this together! It warms my heart! :)


You are going to have a GREAT time! If you have any questions let me know. And thank you. That was what was so special, I never imagined my family would be together in Europe :D


Hi there, I just found your review. It is wonderful. I am up to your day at sea just after Naples. I am going on a Med. cruise in May of 2013. We have 3 RIL tours already booked with roll call members. It is so exciting to read about your RIL tours. I am also researching cameras & will look into the one you listed in the review. I, too, can't wait for the engagement. Your writing is awesome & congrats to you & Tyler on the engagement. You are a beautiful couple.




Thank you! You are going to LOVE your RIL tours, hopefully you get one of the drivers we had :D If you have any questions let me know.

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Post #2, part 2: Above the Clouds


35,000 feet: Next we flew Air France to Barcelona. The ride was very bumpy. I don’t know if it was the leftover medicine or my excitement but I was not scared one bit…. We were flying over the freaking (I hate that word but seemed appropriate here!) ALPS! I could not believe my eyes! I looked back to notify my dad who was a few rows back, but he was sleeping! I thought about yelling to wake him up but I realized not everyone on the plane was as excited as I was. I kept popping my head up like a prairie dog checking to see if my parents were seeing what Tyler and I were seeing.


Pictured below: the French Alps


DSC00480 by dazzler511, on Flickr


On this short flight we were served these baguette type bread pieces with butter in the inside, I liked it, no one else did. But then again I am the strange person who actually likes airplane food. I guess I should also tell you my other weird plane-phobia quirks that help me cope. I also find peace in the bathrooms. And walking up and down the aisles. I think it takes my mind off the flight and if I feel bumps I could blame it on my walking? I know it doesn’t sound rational but someone with a fear of flying does not think rationally on the plane!


Pictured below: Arriving into Barcelona!


DSC00486 by dazzler511, on Flickr


Barcelona, Spain: Upon landing we easily gathered our luggage, counted the pieces, and headed for European soil! Well concrete. I did my research on the “yellow” cabs in Barcelona and their rates. I was always paranoid we would get ripped off or pick-pocketed on this trip, but that was never an issues.


pictured below: All smiles on European "soil"


DSC00487 by dazzler511, on Flickr


The nice lady pointed us to the cab line and 2 cabs pulled right up! Tyler speaks some Spanish so he told the drivers what hotel we were at. We split up between the cabs and were on our way!

Our cab driver spoke little English. There were protests going on in the city so traffic was a little heavy. He tried to narrate the drive for us the best he could in English and Spanish to Tyler. My parents cab beat us to the hotel.



DSC00489 by dazzler511, on Flickr



Next up: Hotel Arts Barcelona and our first night in Europe, Barcelona, Spain!




how much was your cab ride and should we tip? thanks

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how much was your cab ride and should we tip? thanks


I believe from the airport to hotel it was 40 Euros, and from hotel to port maybe 20-30 Euros, I cannot remember exactly, sorry. And for tipping, it is not customary to tip in Europe. What is common is to round up. However, we did tip out Rome in Limo guides and drivers; but we did not tip taxi drivers. If we did it was only 1-2 Euros, nothing much, just to make rounding easier or change.


Hope that helps!


When is the next installment.


Tomorrow or Thursday. Maybe tonight if I get productive. I work today and tomorrow, it is hard for me to take the time on work days when I need my personal computer to work on it.

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Sorry everyone for the wait! I am working on my next installment right now. It is hard for me to find the time to work on this and not feel guilty about doing school work instead ;) I am working on the Croatia leg right now! Stay tuned! And happy fall everyone, it is a gorgeous day here in Atlanta!


Take your time. Remember, the cruise was an important part of your past. Your education is an important part of your future. Always keep things in perspective.

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Post 16: There’s a Hole in the Wall!


06/01/2012, Friday, Dubrovnik, Croatia (Part 1 of 4)


I am really excited for Croatia, as I have heard this is one of the hidden (not so anymore) treasures of Europe and Mediterranean cruises. Something I enjoy about cruising is the opportunity to see places you might not take the time to visit on a land trip, such as Croatia. The goals for today are to “walk the wall” and find the Buza Bar aka Hole in the Wall. My main goal was to find the secret bar I read about on here, I was determined! My family not so much, will they regret this? Find out!


**I wrote this entry from the serenity of the Lawn Club at my favorite bench.


Solstice: Room service breakfast again. I did not wake up super-early today; I think the lack of sleep paired with excitement is starting to get to me. We disembarked the ship around 9:30 and took a taxi into town.


En route: We used 2 taxis; we found this to be cheaper than the shuttle. I recorded the X Shuttle to be $16.00 per person. I do not remember the price of the taxi. However the prices are clearly posted on a sign so you know upfront how much it will cost. I did do the math and for our family of 5 it was cheaper for taxis.


Dubrovnik: You enter the old walled town from an opening complete with a drawbridge. I had fun letting my mind wander to what it would have been like to live here back in the day. This is one of the few towns left where the entire wall is still up and encloses the entire city. Our first observations include: clean, wow, incredible.






The walls and streets are made up of a white material, perhaps marble? I am bad with construction materials so maybe someone can chime in with the correct material; sorry. Regardless, it is all white and clean. Lots of neat, narrow streets!










We were so awestruck at first we kinda just stood there in amazement like dumb tourist haha (well I guess we kinda are, hehe). After coming back to reality we strolled down the main street and went into some of the shops. The people here are SO friendly; some of the friendliest locals we encountered on this trip. There were more than willing to convert Kunas to Euros for us and everywhere we went accepted Euros. They also wanted to talk to us and ask where we were from etc., we really enjoyed the people of Croatia.





After some shopping we realized the line to buy tickets to walk the wall was getting long. So mom was nice enough to wait in line while the rest of us wandered around in the main area. You could pay for your tickets in Kuna, Euro, or credit card; unfortunately I did not record the price. The main area is not very big so you can easily separate and find each other by standing in the main section.


Before I forget, walking the wall is not something to be missed! Yes there are some stairs involved but I think most people can walk the wall easily. You can go at your own pace. There are NO where near as many stairs as climbing the fort in Kotor.

Start of our journey “Walking the Wall”




kayak excursion Tyler and I almost did, maybe next time!



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Post 16: There’s a Hole in the Wall (Part 2 of 4)


Walking the wall is incredible. I would say Croatia is in the top 3 of our trip. It is one of those unexpected surprises. Of course we new Rome would be amazing; but finding a treasure like Croatia is special. Spending time with your family strolling along the wall is something we will remember forever. In fact I am tearing up as I type this in the basement of a building on the UGA campus. The colors of the Adriatic here in Dubrovnik are OUT OF THIS WORLD and NO pictures can do it justice.





As you walk the wall there are lots of look out spots, old cannons, narrow sections, wide sections, places to pause and rest, drink vendors, etc. It is also nice to get a glimpse of life in Croatia. We passed people looking out their windows observing all the tourists walking the wall and most waved at us with a big smile.



VIDEO: View from the walls







Just chillin’ in Croatia, no big deal!




p.s. I may have broke a law to take this picture! Don't tell!


There really is no shade so it can get hot, make sure you bring lots of water. I wrote it took about 1 ½ hours to complete the walk; that includes lots of breaks and pictures.


Pictured below: notice the dense city and the wall surrounding it. See the orange roofs? You will notice some are darker, almost brown. The brown ones are original. There was a fire (I know I am butchering this story) that destroyed many homes, hence the orange roofs.








Something I alluded to in the beginning of this installment was the Buza Bar, aka Hole in the Wall. I read about this on the ports board here on CC. I did some research from google and found the real name for this bar is Buza Bar. There are NO marking for this bar, it is literally a hole in the wall. You have to be in the “know” to find it. The bar is located on the rocks surrounding the wall and the Adriatic Sea.


aHa! A BUZA BAR SIGHTING!!! I caught glimpse of the Hole in the Wall bar from walking the wall. However there is no way to see how to get to it from inside the wall. Everyone instantly (except me) gave up of trying to figure out how to get to it once ending our walk. At the time it seemed like it would be a LONG walk from where we exit the wall.




Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Post 16: There’s a Hole in the Wall (Part 3 of 4)


Continuing on the walk…






There are a few spots you can climb up even higher for a better view, this would be a little more difficult for people, but it is not required when walking the wall.






After walking the wall some of us were pooped and wanted to look at shops and head back to this ship. Actually, I was the only one who wanted to stay and find the Buza Bar. I even told Tyler he could go back to the ship and I would do it alone, I was NOT giving up! Tyler didn’t think it would be a good idea for me to go alone so he reluctantly stayed with me.


I simply asked a nice hostess where I could find the Buza Bar. She was very sweet and said it is NOT far (YES!!!) but there are a few turns so it could be easy to miss. She told me to take a couple turns and ask the next hostess along the way if they could keep guiding me. Remember I said everyone was so nice here! She was right at the next restaurant I asked the host and he told me the next set of turns. Before long we found the hole!!! WOOHOO, happy dance!


I was so excited, there really are no markings and it is a hole in the wall. Tyler doesn't look too impressed, YET!





Ummm WOW, I almost don’t even want to share pictures because I want you to experience seeing it for the first time yourselves but I know not everyone reading this has a trip coming up so scroll quickly passed if you want to wait for your trip to see it in person.


There are just a few tables and chairs on the rocks. It is not crowded (At least when we were there) so we were able to get a table just fine. There is only one waitress; that is how quaint this bar is. She quickly came over and handed us a drink menu. YES, the drinks are expensive, however, the view is PRICELESS. When will we get this opportunity again. We just ordered 1 drink each and enjoyed the view.






!!!!! Sorry, I get really excited about this next part!!! There is also an area you can walk down where people read books and enjoy the sun. And a special surprise, there are steps leading into the Adriatic Sea so you can put your toes in the water! I was just a little excited about this. Another pinch me now moment. !!! I think the exclamation points are needed for you to understand my excitement to find this!!!!






Looking up from the stairs:



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Post 16: There’s a Hole in the Wall (Part 4 of 4)


Tyler and I headed back to the ship after enjoying the view at the bar for a while. We needed our real passports again today, as opposed to a copy. I also recorded it is true everywhere accepted Euros but might not be able to provide change; this was not an issue for us personally.



Solstice: We had some time to hit the pool before getting ready for dinner. This is the second time we have been able to land a lounger/bed thing. These are awesome, especially for playing backgammon. I also got a workout in and tried the sauna out. Every time I used the sauna I was the only one in there. A nice feature of the gym is ice-cold wash cloths to cool down with.


We got ready for dinner and headed to the Lawn Club to watch us sail away from Croatia. Au revoir Croatia, hope to see you again one day!



VIDEO: Sail away from Croatia











Remember how I mentioned we all had a favorite spot on the ship? Well I asked Tyler where his favorite place was and he said the dinner table! HAHA! I think he loved the food the most and often ordered multiple entrees. Another humorous anecdote, in my real-life I hate grass, really hate grass. I think this is another reason why I love the Lawn Club because I kept calling it “clean grass” there are no bugs (that I saw) and I don’t know where the dirt is because I couldn’t see any. I can be prissy at times, sorry.







After the Lawn Club we hit up the Ensemble Lounge to listen and enjoy the classical strings again. We also saw the juggler, Steve Rawlings, perform. It was entertaining.


We had dinner and listened to the concert in the Ensemble Lounge. They had an amazing cellist tonight; I love the cello. We ended the night at the dessert extravaganza in the Sky Lounge and brought some back to the room.









Caught red-handed with a plate of desserts. I have a sweets problem!





It finally hit us today the cruise is coming to an end. We still have Paris to look forward to but we are really going to miss the Solstice, which has felt like home to us. And if you were wondering, Tyler is very pleased I forced him to find the Buza Bar with me! Maybe next time more people will listen to me, just kidding! Everyone was a good sport this trip dealing with my craziness!


Yes, I think everyone agreed they wished they had seen the Buza Bar! Guess we just have to go back!


Up next: Day at Sea

Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Another great installment - thank you! Dubrovnik would have to be in my top 10 of places we visited when we lived in Europe. We spent a week there, and I just adored it. I had to keep pinching myself as well - the veiws from the top of the walls are to die for. But I never found the hole in the wall, and now I know where it is, I will be visiting it on my next trip there (which sadly won't be until 2014!!)


I think those shiny white streets are made of travertine stone from memory - I thought it was marble at first! And where you mentioned the tiles and some were new and some were old - they were actually destroyed by bombings in the Croatian War of Independence which started in 1991. It is amazing how this city has come back after so much damage was caused during the war. It is such a beautiful place to visit.

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Another great installment and great pictures! I do want to visit Croatia one day as everyone raves about it. Funny thing is that our next door neighbor is Croatian and he is the most unfriendly and, frankly, not nice person we know in our entire town! His mother spends nine months here every year and she's just as sullen (though I think the language barrier has more to do with her unfriendliness...he doesn't have the same excuse). Glad to here it's person- not country-specific!!!


Love the picture of you in the strapless dress and Tyler in Converse! Bet you'll have fun 'dressing' him for the wedding :)

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Take your time. Remember, the cruise was an important part of your past. Your education is an important part of your future. Always keep things in perspective.


That is very true, thank you for understanding :o


Another great installment - thank you! Dubrovnik would have to be in my top 10 of places we visited when we lived in Europe. We spent a week there, and I just adored it. I had to keep pinching myself as well - the veiws from the top of the walls are to die for. But I never found the hole in the wall, and now I know where it is, I will be visiting it on my next trip there (which sadly won't be until 2014!!)


I think those shiny white streets are made of travertine stone from memory - I thought it was marble at first! And where you mentioned the tiles and some were new and some were old - they were actually destroyed by bombings in the Croatian War of Independence which started in 1991. It is amazing how this city has come back after so much damage was caused during the war. It is such a beautiful place to visit.


yes, now you have a mission next time! There is another bar along the wall, that's the faux-Buza as I called it. Make sure you find the real one ;)


And thanks for the info. That all sounds right now that you said it. Some details I forgot to record :rolleyes: It is amazing!

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Another great installment and great pictures! I do want to visit Croatia one day as everyone raves about it. Funny thing is that our next door neighbor is Croatian and he is the most unfriendly and, frankly, not nice person we know in our entire town! His mother spends nine months here every year and she's just as sullen (though I think the language barrier has more to do with her unfriendliness...he doesn't have the same excuse). Glad to here it's person- not country-specific!!!


Love the picture of you in the strapless dress and Tyler in Converse! Bet you'll have fun 'dressing' him for the wedding :)


Hmm well everyone we encountered was super friendly; hopefully when you make it to Croatia you will find the same :D


Haha yes we were a little mis-matched that night :cool: I love to dress up and believe in "dress to impress." He does like wearing a nice suit and was envious of the French men and their perfectly tailored suits but I could not get him or my dad in a tux :(


However we are doing a black-tie wedding, both him and my dad (well and me of course) all really want to have a very formal wedding. Go figure! :p

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Thank you for posting a lovely review about Dubrovnik, my retirement home for the past 5 years. Discovering the Pearl of the Adriatic is often magical for many, as Dubrovnik in itself is a piece of art.


The Stradun (main promenade) is made from limestone, worn smooth by hundreds of years of people strolling.


The city wall only accepts Croatian Kuna or credit card - NO Euros.


There are two Buza bars and both are real. I much prefer the one you found as it is always less crowded and the views are spectacular.


If you want to learn more about Dubrovnik, visit my blog as it is how I see it as an American with Croatian heritage. Thank you for a lovely review, I enjoyed your posting very much.

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Your review and photos have helped us decide which Med cruise to take!:D

Thanks so much for taking all of the time out of your busy schedule to do this.


I am so glad I could help you, thank you! Have a blast, make sure to tell us about it when you return :D


Thank you for posting a lovely review about Dubrovnik, my retirement home for the past 5 years. Discovering the Pearl of the Adriatic is often magical for many, as Dubrovnik in itself is a piece of art.


The Stradun (main promenade) is made from limestone, worn smooth by hundreds of years of people strolling.


The city wall only accepts Croatian Kuna or credit card - NO Euros.


There are two Buza bars and both are real. I much prefer the one you found as it is always less crowded and the views are spectacular.


If you want to learn more about Dubrovnik, visit my blog as it is how I see it as an American with Croatian heritage. Thank you for a lovely review, I enjoyed your posting very much.


Wow that is amazing you are living there, wow. Thank you for all the information! I will visit your blog when I get some time this weekend :D

Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Woo hoo - another instalment! We stopped at Dubrovnik once before and it is very beautiful.


And today is my last day at work before sailing off on this self-same cruise on the Solstice - I am So-o-o-o-o-o-o excited!


Really hoped to hear about the engagement before we sailed, but something to look forward to in the post-cruise depression :p


Thanks for all the info and brilliant posts, have enjoyed them so much



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