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Single Cruisers - Help!


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You may find that you will want to cruise solo again. It is the most fun and relaxing way to go. You are on your own schedule. You meet some great people or you can completely decompress and find quiet places for you to get away. I tend to cruise solo once a year to get away from everything. That way I come back with a new attitude and refreshed perspective. You will have a blast whatever you choose.

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I have done 6 solo cruises, and I'm going alone again at the end of the year. Its my time to be away from ringing phones and work. I went alone the first time because I figured that you are never really alone among a couple thousand passengers. Its one big shared experience. You just don't get that if you vacation alone in a big city. The best part: Like many have said before me, you set your own schedule.

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I need some reassurance that I can cruise by myself and still have a good time. To make a long story short, my other half and I spilt up last week and refuses to go on the cruise that we planned together. We booked early saver and we're to leave out of NOLA on Conquest on 9/23 so there really is no other option than to go alone and try to have a good time. Im nervous about what (if anything) Carnival has in place for single cruisers as far as activities. Tell me your experiences cruising alone and help convince me that my vacation won't be a wash.


Matt- Sorry to her about your break up. But no need to fear you'll have the time of your life. Do the best that you can to pick yourself up off the ground, shake off that dirt and move forward. Go into your cruise with a positive, I'm going to have fun attitude, nothing is going to bother me and you will.


Some of my best cruises have been when I cruised solo. I've had so much fun that when cruising thats becoming my preferred method. You get to do everything you want when you want. You've got the power to have as low key of a day to a high key day. Wake up when you want, take whateve excursion you want, sleep as long or little as you want, meet tons of new people that you want or don't want. My last cruise I did a live review of my short solo adventure back in July.


Happy cruising, please be sure to come back and tell us all how great a time you had! :)

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Do I need to call Carnival and tell them I'm solo? How will dinner seating work? I think I read on here that Carnival seats people based on demographics, I'd hate to be seated with one couple and end up being the third wheel lol.


You don't need to call Carnival, you'll receive a credit back for the taxes. You may want to see if you can get switched to "My Time" dining. Since its so close to the cruise now you may not be able to switch, once you board they should be able to make that switch though since you'll be solo.


Both cruises I cruised solo I did my time dining and each time had good experiences. Having that flexibilty too while cruising solo was an extra added touch.


Also if you haven't already, be sure to join your roll call. You may be able to meet up with some cool people, possible other solo's on your roll call list too.

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I would love to cruise solo...just for myself...but dh would be left alone lol...he wouldn't like that.


I know i would be missing him after I left...but I think the "Me" time would be great.


Eat when I want, sleep when I want, no snoring next to me, no kids, go to the gym or not when i want, shows or no shows. It would be all about me. :p


awww, it sounds nice.


Go and try your best to enjoy. Don't dwell on the past. Renew your cup! Find yourself and try to relax/rejuvenate.

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Do I need to call Carnival and tell them I'm solo? How will dinner seating work? I think I read on here that Carnival seats people based on demographics, I'd hate to be seated with one couple and end up being the third wheel lol.


I think someone mentioned changing to anytime dining. I would suggest either that or letting carnival know you would like to be seated with singles. I have been the token single at a table of couples and while I always felt welcome and included in conversations it still felt awkward. You may have to check with the restaurant manager after boarding.


That aside I have always had fun cruising solo. I am extremely introverted but there srd always those who were patient and would draw me out. The best part of cruising solo is that it is all about you!!

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First, the legistics. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT call Carnival to tell them the other person is not going. If you cancel that person at this point, you get nothing refunded except gov't taxes. And once that person has been cancelled, you are a solo cruiser, and you will be charged another entire cruise fare. So you will have paid 3 cruise fares by that time. OUCH! Don't do that! The other person will just simply be a no-show. When you get to the port to board the ship, you can then inform them that the other person will not be going, and you will then receive the gov't taxes back. I'm not sure how or when those get refunded, but they will be.


Second, despite popular opinion around these boards, I say with 99% confidence that Carnival absolutely DOES NOT seat people in the dining room according to demographics. It's totally random. People with common demographics think they try to match demographics, but those with uncommon demographics (like you & I) realize that they do not. In 11 cruises, the closest that any tablemate has come to meeting my demographic was a young single man, 10 years younger than me. I'm usually seated with people at least 20 years older than me, but most of the experiences have still been good. They're usually very friendly. For those that know, would a solo doing anytime dining just be seated by themselves? If so, a solo wouldn't want to do anytime dining.


Third, Carnival doesn't really do anything for singles. There will be some singles meet and greet listed, but there will be no activities or announcements of it in the venue at the time. I've gone to them, and found nobody. I've gone to them when they're in the dance club, and it's nothing more than a regular dance club night. I guess the singles were supposed to find each other, without any prompting, and nobody did.


Despite all that, you can still have a great time solo on a cruise. Enjoy the activities, go to the shows, enjoy the food, enjoy the sun & the waterslides and the ports. Or do whatever you enjoy, and leave out whatever you don't feel like doing. It's your trip. You make all the calls. Sorry about the split-up. I hope this cruise will help you to get refreshed.

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First, the legistics. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT call Carnival to tell them the other person is not going. If you cancel that person at this point, you get nothing refunded except gov't taxes. And once that person has been cancelled, you are a solo cruiser, and you will be charged another entire cruise fare. So you will have paid 3 cruise fares by that time. OUCH! Don't do that! The other person will just simply be a no-show. When you get to the port to board the ship, you can then inform them that the other person will not be going, and you will then receive the gov't taxes back. I'm not sure how or when those get refunded, but they will be.


Second, despite popular opinion around these boards, I say with 99% confidence that Carnival absolutely DOES NOT seat people in the dining room according to demographics. It's totally random. People with common demographics think they try to match demographics, but those with uncommon demographics (like you & I) realize that they do not. In 11 cruises, the closest that any tablemate has come to meeting my demographic was a young single man, 10 years younger than me. I'm usually seated with people at least 20 years older than me, but most of the experiences have still been good. They're usually very friendly. For those that know, would a solo doing anytime dining just be seated by themselves? If so, a solo wouldn't want to do anytime dining.


Third, Carnival doesn't really do anything for singles. There will be some singles meet and greet listed, but there will be no activities or announcements of it in the venue at the time. I've gone to them, and found nobody. I've gone to them when they're in the dance club, and it's nothing more than a regular dance club night. I guess the singles were supposed to find each other, without any prompting, and nobody did.


Despite all that, you can still have a great time solo on a cruise. Enjoy the activities, go to the shows, enjoy the food, enjoy the sun & the waterslides and the ports. Or do whatever you enjoy, and leave out whatever you don't feel like doing. It's your trip. You make all the calls. Sorry about the split-up. I hope this cruise will help you to get refreshed.


First, you will NOT be charged 3 times the cruise fare. You have already paid for double occupancy and that will be it. I would agree to not say anything befor you board and if they ask just say your cabin mate should be along shortly. Your port fees will be refunded on your S&S.


As far as dinner seating goes, I've always been lucky when sailing solo or just me and one of my teens. Always been seated with people that fit my particular situation at the time. If you're not, you can always asked to change tables after the first night.


Good luck!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

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I need some reassurance that I can cruise by myself and still have a good time. To make a long story short, my other half and I spilt up last week and refuses to go on the cruise that we planned together. We booked early saver and we're to leave out of NOLA on Conquest on 9/23 so there really is no other option than to go alone and try to have a good time. Im nervous about what (if anything) Carnival has in place for single cruisers as far as activities. Tell me your experiences cruising alone and help convince me that my vacation won't be a wash.

So, Matt, what are your thoughts? Is your "other half" a wife or girlfriend? Are you going to be a single cruiser or a solo cruiser?

Give us some feedback on what we've been saying.:confused:

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First, you will NOT be charged 3 times the cruise fare. You have already paid for double occupancy and that will be it. I would agree to not say anything befor you board and if they ask just say your cabin mate should be along shortly. Your port fees will be refunded on your S&S.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.


Sorry. It's hard for me to keep up with how Carnival is doing things, since they seem to keep changing things all the time. It wasn't too long ago that you would be charged the supplement following the cancellation of 1 person in a 2-person booking, even if that meant a 3rd cruise fare was being paid. I guess Carnival realized how wrong that was, and corrected it. With that info, it really wouldn't matter to go ahead and call & cancel, and get the gov't taxes refunded now.

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First, you will NOT be charged 3 times the cruise fare. You have already paid for double occupancy and that will be it. I would agree to not say anything befor you board and if they ask just say your cabin mate should be along shortly. Your port fees will be refunded on your S&S.


As for being charged 2x's or 3x's depends on who paid initially. If she paid her own way (we don't know if it was a girlfriend or a wife), she'd lose the fare and be refunded the other fees). This puts him at risk of paying an unexpected solo rate. If he paid it all, his charge card would get credit for those taxes. If he paid it all,don't call Carnival, just let her be a no show. Why cancel, not get a refund of any sort, and pay again?

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Second, despite popular opinion around these boards, I say with 99% confidence that Carnival absolutely DOES NOT seat people in the dining room according to demographics. It's totally random. People with common demographics think they try to match demographics, but those with uncommon demographics (like you & I) realize that they do not. In 11 cruises, the closest that any tablemate has come to meeting my demographic was a young single man, 10 years younger than me. I'm usually seated with people at least 20 years older than me, but most of the experiences have still been good. They're usually very friendly. For those that know, would a solo doing anytime dining just be seated by themselves? If so, a solo wouldn't want to do anytime dining.



I can't speak for the last year or so, but every time I cruised SOLO I was seated at a table with other SOLO cruisers. Some of the best tables I've been at were with SOLO cruisers. In one instance, still e-mail all FIVE of them to this day (cruise was easily 6 or 7 years ago)


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I need some reassurance that I can cruise by myself and still have a good time. To make a long story short, my other half and I spilt up last week and refuses to go on the cruise that we planned together. We booked early saver and we're to leave out of NOLA on Conquest on 9/23 so there really is no other option than to go alone and try to have a good time. Im nervous about what (if anything) Carnival has in place for single cruisers as far as activities. Tell me your experiences cruising alone and help convince me that my vacation won't be a wash.


I'm really sorry for your break up. When you get to the pier check-in just advise the staff that your boy friend decided he didn't want to go. That's it. Now after sailing solo many times not only are cruises great vacations; they are perfect for singles because it's the best and easiest way to meet people. I never worry about sailing solo. What's there to worry about? Great entertainment; food, ports & staff. It really comes down to your attitude. If you want to have a good time; you will. If you want to think about your breakup and being miserable - you will. I'm not sure why singles feel that can't do things alone just because they are single. However, going solo sometimes means getting out of your comfort zone and doing things you might not normal do. That takes practice so this cruise will be a good start for you. Cruises are very social. People - others singles as well as other couples want to meet new people and have a great shared cruise experience so you are in great company. There will be plenty of fun group activities you can participate in. Just look at the ship's newsletter, get out of your cabin and get involved. Group dining is also a great way to meet people over the course of a cruise. Just advise the Maitr'd that you are sailing solo and to place you at a large table with compatible tables mates. In bar and lounges just smile and be friendly and ask people if you can join them. Who would say no. If they do - move on. You will have some alone time - which is perfectly OK. Bring something to keep you entertained like good book, Ipad, Ipod, magazines, etc. I have yet to go solo and not meet people and have a great time and I'm pretty shy. If you are still unsure - hunt down the cruise director the first day and let him/her know are you sailing solo and what would they recommend as far as meeting people and making the most out of your cruise - remember IT IS THEIR JOB to provide activities to keep you entertained and happy. Anyway.... go and have a great time and come back and let us how it went.

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I had my first solo cruise in January and enjoyed myself. You have more space in the cabin, they will seat you with pleasant people at dinner, and you can make friends if you participate in activities.


Just do what you normally do. Pretend that your ex is doing his own thing!

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I am going on my first solo cruise next week but I have got involved in a Facebook group that I will be sailing with and we are having a pre-cruise party so I will get to know some of them before we set sail. I am looking forward to doing what I want, when I want and not having to make sure it's ok with anyone else. I hope you enjoy yours as well. Bon Voyage!!

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