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Seasoned cruisers but 1st time QM2


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We are seasoned cruisers (mainly P & O out of Southampton and the odd QE2 cruise), but this will be our first time on QM2.


Reading all the different messages on this site there seem to be lots of conflicting advice. As we are taking our youngsters with us we can only afford to have a B grade cabin and our kids are having a D grade cabin. On our recent QE2 cruise we were fortunate enough to have a Princess grill cabin and have to say that the food was excellent in there. The Britannia restaurant seems to get mixed reports on here. Some say it is excellent and others say it is not so good. Also Todd English. If it is $60 for 2 people then for the 4 of us it would $120. Does anyone think that this is really worth a visit for how much it is going to cost us???


Expecting the age group to be mixed but mainly on the older side. We are only in our 40's and the kids are 19 and one is going to be 22 on board. Are they likely to meet other youngsters on board??? Worried that our 19 year boy will be bored after the first day or so and as we will be on board for 25 nights it does worry me a little!!


Any advice bearing in mind I know quite a bit about cruising already as we have done several P & O I shall be grateful.



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We are seasoned cruisers (mainly P & O out of Southampton and the odd QE2 cruise), but this will be our first time on QM2.


Reading all the different messages on this site there seem to be lots of conflicting advice. As we are taking our youngsters with us we can only afford to have a B grade cabin and our kids are having a D grade cabin. On our recent QE2 cruise we were fortunate enough to have a Princess grill cabin and have to say that the food was excellent in there. The Britannia restaurant seems to get mixed reports on here. Some say it is excellent and others say it is not so good. Also Todd English. If it is $60 for 2 people then for the 4 of us it would $120. Does anyone think that this is really worth a visit for how much it is going to cost us???


Expecting the age group to be mixed but mainly on the older side. We are only in our 40's and the kids are 19 and one is going to be 22 on board. Are they likely to meet other youngsters on board??? Worried that our 19 year boy will be bored after the first day or so and as we will be on board for 25 nights it does worry me a little!!


Any advice bearing in mind I know quite a bit about cruising already as we have done several P & O I shall be grateful.



since you have sailed in the grill cat. i think you have awnsered your own question about food ansd service.( you only get what you pay for) right???

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I personally think you will find the food and service in the Britania to be vey similar to other lines two seating dining rooms. I would rate it close to the Maritania on QE2 and the Peninsular/Oriental on Oriana. If pushed to rate them I would put the Oriana restaurants very slightly ahead of the Cunard equivalents.


The QM2 menu is more geared to American tastes than the menus on P&O ships and even QE2.


Of course the food and service in the Britania will be inferior to the Grill restaurants on QE2 and QM2. On good thing about the Britania though is that the room is spectacular. It certainly outshines any other dining room on QE2, QM2 or Oriana.


Of course onions of food and service are very personal. As you know your experience can also depend on your waiter, table location and table companions.


When I travelled on QM2 last year, Todd English was $20 for lunch and $30 for dinner. I thought it was certainly well worth trying.


I don’t think you will find many young adults on QM2. Though that will depend on the itinerary and time of year.


Hope this helps, Stephen.


PS My P&O experience was in 2002 so might not be uptodate with the current service and food provided.

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With regard to the number of young people, I agree with the above post that there probably won't be too many, especially considering that it's a 25-night cruise. However, two of us went on a Caronia cruise last fall, and out of all 600+ passengers, there were just 4 "young people" (under 40)---us two and two girls that were seated w/ us. We had a blast, not only with our foursome, but also meeting other people on excursions, at tea, and at the cocktail parties. Even if there aren't other young people, your kids have each other to hang out with. And the cruise staff tend to get to know the younger passengers as well, since they're young also. Not that anything inappropriate happens, but it's nice to meet and get to know them. Trust me, I think you'll have a hard time getting your 19-year-old son off the ship after the 25 nights!!


Have fun!

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as to dining in todd english remember it is not only the $120 dollars for the four of you but you will probably want to leave an additional gratuity since these are not your regular waiters. that will add an extra $25 or more depending on drinks and wine. i did two crossings on QM2 last year in princess grill and found the food a step down in todd english. people in brittania told me it was a step up. so its really up to you if its worth it. considering the expense of a 25 night cruise for four it may not be that big a deal in order to experience it once.

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Many thanks for you replies. I am a bit concerned about the kids, but this is the only way I am going to see the US and Canada with us all together as a family as I do not fly. 2moose, when we went on QE2 and had a grill cabin it was just hubby and I!! We are paying nearly 17,500 GBP (approx 31,900 USD)for this trip and in a grill cabin for the 4 of us that would shoot up to 40,000 GBP (approx 73,000 USD) with discounts. If it were just hubby and I going then we would most certainly have booked a grill cabin, but I'm afraid my kids are more important to me than food!! I do like good food etc but I'd rather have the kids along with us. Stephen I personally find the food on Aurora/Oriana perfectly fine. We have never really had any problems in the restaurants on board the P & O ships so lets hope we find the same on QM2. We were last on Oriana for the millenium cruise and will be back on her for xmas this year. My in laws who have been on her more recently than myself (I'm a big aurora fan) reckon that the food on Oriana is better than Aurora!! My daughter will be fine as she is more than happy to sit and just relax with a good book. Our son on the other hand will need to be kept occupied. Looks like his X Box may have to come along with us!! I am looking foward though to getting on down in G32 with them!! Better get practising my disco dancing. Don't want to embarras them!! This is a once in a lifetime trip for us. They do Canada and the US on their own or with their dad, but this is the only way I will travel. Although our 25th wedding anniversary was back in February, this is the cruise we have chosen to treat ourselves to for making it this far!!!!!! We may well go back on QM2 alone as from next summer we will be doing our own thing for summer cruises. Decided the kids can do their own thing with friends. They will still be coming with us at Xmas though!!



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There are lots of activities on board to keep people occupied, but I guess it depends on what your son's interested in. Of course, on port days, I'm sure he'd get off and see the sights. As for sea days, if he's not interested in any of the shipboard activities (bingo, trivia contests, dart contests, planetarium shows, movies in the theater, playing basketball or tennis on deck, golf lessons, concerts, good food, a good book by the pool), then I guess the XBox is a necessity. Somehow, though, I can't imagine he'd want to hole himself up in his cabin with everything else going on.

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Didn't realise that they do basketball on board. He'll be in his element!! Darts he isn't so good at , but hey we can all give it a try :eek:


I'm sure there will be plenty or us all to do. I am just beginning to panic a bit!!



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I've a hunch, as seasoned travelers, you and your family will enjoy your first time on the QM2, 'tho sites such as this will always have conflicting opinions on the same situation.


What I think is most wonderful is what a way to celebrate an anniversary, the family all together, crossing the North Atlantic Ocean, calling in America and Canada, and crossing back on the ocean! It sure beats going to Blackpool or Southport, Bournemouth or Poole, yes? I think your trip is wonderful. Good on you!


You will find the QM2 much different from your QE2 Princess Grill ride. You ate in the original grill room, small and intimate, wonderful ocean views, dedicated equipment and cooks, service to, oh, maybe 100 people (my first time on was only 88). On the QM2 you will be seated in a large commercial space where the industrial kitchen can plate out for 1,320! No one will get up any morning to go to work to see just how bad a meal they can turn out. In the Britannia restaurant the food is perfectly fine. The room is lovely. I have popped about it in many areas and am always amazed at just how comfortable it is. As has been said, much can depend on your table companions and waiters.


As for Todd English, if your children are informed and enjoy tarting up and doing long meals with their parents, let them have the experience. But if the children are all "oh dad, ah mum" and are just as content at a Lido Buffet, leave them be and have them eat in the restaurant or do something in cabin or King's Court. But you and your husband, yes, do Todd English. The room is swathed in fabric. Go in early and enjoy the bar, even with spring water. Have the little bar goodies they keep tossing about. Let them fuss over you! They try for menu exoticia, sort of. Everything is heightened and tweaked and toyed with, quite flavorful and tasty. They do carry on so! In a nice way. I love the white bowls as big as the table serving you a dab of lobster. It is food as Life-Style, restaurant as Theatre. It is great fun. Do try it once. If you love it, feel it worth the cost, yeah, it is, then book it again your return!


Age-wise, I'd say the load-factor will be 50's crossing and a good number of young on the NYC/NYC run. Your lad will enjoy sports on 13 Deck, the library might be a lovely home for your daughter.


The Mary is a big ship. Big! Only four mail stairwells/elevator banks, she is quite easy to get round. She carries the Cunard badge, but really there is not a lot of Ye Merrie Olde England to her, and none of the classic Elco motor-yacht feeling. In some areas you may well weep for joy at how wonderfully she is done. Other times you'll not know you're not at the Mall of America. While Cunard has not been Cunard since they broke the unions, this ship is not nationalistic, nor should she be. Built in another country, owned and run in another, she IS on the water and is rather international in style and general feeling, no matter the handful of paintings, flags and busts about. And yet. For what she is, they have done a very good job. It is the best of the new-build. It is a new world. For me, three times last year.


You have probably done this, assure your outside cabin and your inside cabin are on the same deck, even near you, if you want the children close. Otherwise, you know the drill. Any tender ports, do go...from some angles the ship is a sleek and lovely liner; from others a squatty-bottomed cruise-barge. You know, the bastard child of Sir Samuel Cunard and an Indian princess from one of the lesser tribes. All that, and she's mine! In time the QM2 will have her own lore and legend and people will come to love her as a warm, old friend. I'd bank on it.


I think what you and your family are doing is wonderful. After these trips coming up I hope you can't wait to get back on.

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Ab ovo


Many thanks for your message. Being a member of another board here in the UK I know just exactly how conflicting reports can be. My children (I should point out that they are not really children, more young adults. My son will be 19 and my daughter will turn 22 whilst on board!! Maybe we should go to Todd English for her birthday??) have grown up cruising and enjoy good food. Won't have any problems there. Here at home we cruise with P & O and have been cruising with them since our son was 4. What I like most about P & O is that it is a one class ship. Doesn't matter how much you pay for your cabin, you all eat in the main restaurants. So being used to eating in a large restaurant on board the P & O ships I'm sure i'll be fine in the Britannia restaurant. In fact next summer we are booked into a suite on Arcadia (should have been Queen Victoria for Cunard)!! I guessed that the age group would be quite high and also as it is out of school holiday time I expect that my two may well be one of the youngest on board. We are going to have a damn good time though I can assure you!! We have requested a table for 4 in the restaurant. I don't think we could get away with some of our over dinner discussions with others at the table!!!!! We always request a table for 4 on P & O and have only been let down once. We could have done a trip more or less similar to this one (slightly less days) on P & O's Oriana with us in a suite for roughly the same amount of money as QM2, but as we do P & O all the time we wanted something a bit more special and I hope that is how I feel when our voyage is complete. We are booked onto Oriana for xmas in the caribbean though. Again another long trip (I hope I don't put on too much weight on the QM2, as I won't have much of a gap before December to lose any weight)!!!!! Thanks once again and if you have any other tips for us then any advice will be gratefully received.



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Ab ovo


Just re read your message. About the cabins?? We are booked into a premium balcony cabin and the kids have an inside cabin just along the corridor to us (about 11 cabins down)!! As they are young adults feel I can trust to have them a few cabins away!! Does it make a difference to which deck you are on to how you go ashore on the QM2 then??



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You know, I don't recall! Age or inattention? We just walked off in the Canary Islands, from those rooms down on One Deck. Always after the herds, or trying to be a little ahead of the calls, but that gets so tiresome. Let's see....did we go to a gathering room? Get a colored card? That's QE2.....but I'm sure going off had little to do with the suite. Whatever, I believe you'll find it easy. Getting off, at the end, it is by deck.


By all means, Happy Birthday with your daughter/family in Todd English! What a lovely idea. I believe you'll find it well worth the expense., especially as the children would enjoy it also.



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elaine-qm2 has an italian restaurant,la piazza;lotus is asian,the carvery is roast beef etc. and they are on deck 7.during the daytime,they are the 3 buffet places for b'fast and dinner.as for table mates-try sitting at a larger table some nights. young people might enjoy it .also-they should request table mates for themselves once they are comfortable and if they want to. all that togetherness may unravel your best intentions. and...ask for upgrades!!!!you are spending a great deal of time and money,and it is worth the asking. don't take no for an answer.bon voyage

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Abo ovo


That's handy to know. Gosh wouldn't do to disembark all seperately. If we had to get off first the kids would expect us to collect all the luggage and they would just swan off empty handed :)


Not sure I'll be looking forward to leaving after being on so long. It's amazing that you can be somewhere for so long and not get bored. I always have the post cruise blues when I return home. And I can't seem to shake them off for a good month!! Coming back in January is very difficult. It is usually cold, wet and grey here and after returning from the caribbean, you wonder why you just didn't set up home in a shack on the beach in the west indies!!!!!


Yes I think I will have to persuade hubby to book Todd English for our daughters birthday. Perfect!!


One problem I have encoutered with him (hubby that is) is the tipping on the QM2. P & O leave it to the passengers discretion and you tip personally at the end of your cruise. He doesn't like the idea that it is added to your on board account automatically. He feels that maybe the staff don't receive all the tips if you know what I mean and also he feels that a tip is a sign of good service and what do you do if you don't get good service. I have read somewhere that you can have the tips taken off your account so that you can tip personally. He also wonders why Cunard charge almost double what P & O recommend!! Again he comes back to do Cunard pocket some of this!!!!!! He may be right. How do we know how much the actual restaurant steward/cabin steward actually get :confused:


Looks like the tip thing could drag on a while between him and I! We could be celebrating a divorce not 25 years of marriage!!!!! :eek:


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Hi Westsider


Thanks for your message. I have read in the brochure about the alternative dining options on QM2 and I am sure if not just for a change of scenery we shall try some of them. Sometimes it's nice to get away from all that fancy food and just have something simple!! Mind you I'm not sure about the roast beef dinner. We have that all the time at home!!!! Lotus certainly sounds interesting. La Piazza too. Have you eaten at Todd English and do you think it would make a nice treat for our daughters birthday??


You say to go for an upgrade. We are in a B4 grade cabin approx centre of the ship (as I think this is the best place to be if the sea is rough). I am sure they would only upgrade us a couple of grades at best to say a B1 or B2. Not sure it's worth losing my centre position. What do you think?? The kids however are in a D4 grade just along the corridor to us. It would be nice for them to see some daylight, but as Abo ovo has pointed out when it comes to disembarkation if they are on a different deck to us they will get off seperately. Have you ever been upgraded and was it worth it?? Maybe I should get my agent to enquire about the possibility of an upgrade and what that upgrade may be. Certainly may be worth it for the kids at least. Worth looking into!!


Any more info would be gratefully received as we are not familiar at all with QM2.



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Elaine: re tipping: we always prefer to hand the money personally to whom ever is entitled, and really do not like the cruise line in control of this. I know many feel the same.


Re cabins: sounds like you may be near us? 8089?



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Elaine: re tipping: we always prefer to hand the money personally to whom ever is entitled, and really do not like the cruise line in control of this. I know many feel the same.


Re cabins: sounds like you may be near us? 8089?




Hi Grace


Tom is of the same opinion as you. He wants to tip personally. Will check with my agent here about getting the automatic tips removed.


We are in cabin 5140 or 5142 can't remember which.


Kids are in the inside cabins. Was told not to have the ones next to the elevators that go up and down the atrium!!



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Sounds like a fantastic cruise for your family and a chance for you to see the USA and Canada. I am sure you will have a good time. If you are happy with P&O food and service, I think you will be fine with the Britannia. Your cruise is giving you so much else that I dont think the absense of Grill food and service will spoil it.


I must get back on P&O soon. I would also like to try HAL and Celebrity. I am not over keen on flying, so I prefer to cruise from Southampton. Flying is such as hassle. It is not how I want to spend my holiday. I did make an exception for Concorde though.


Best wishes, Stephen.

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regarding tipping all you have to do is go to the pursers office onboard and tell them you want the automatic tipping removed from your account. then you cna tip whom and how much you see fit.

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regarding tipping all you have to do is go to the pursers office onboard and tell them you want the automatic tipping removed from your account. then you cna tip whom and how much you see fit.


Thanks Wripro


Will get hubby to do that in the first few days on board. I believe with Cunard you register your credit card for your account when checking in. With P & O you have to register in the first few days on board.


Thanks for the advice.



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Sounds like a fantastic cruise for your family and a chance for you to see the USA and Canada. I am sure you will have a good time. If you are happy with P&O food and service, I think you will be fine with the Britannia. Your cruise is giving you so much else that I dont think the absense of Grill food and service will spoil it.


I must get back on P&O soon. I would also like to try HAL and Celebrity. I am not over keen on flying, so I prefer to cruise from Southampton. Flying is such as hassle. It is not how I want to spend my holiday. I did make an exception for Concorde though.


Best wishes, Stephen.


Hi Stephen


We have cruised with P & O for approx 15 years now and I have to say we have never had a holiday we have not enjoyed. Sometimes the guest entertainers become a bit repetative, but that is probably just the fact that we have cruised with them for so long. We were on the ill fated Aurora back from the caribbean prior to the world cruise around the isle of wight. To be honest I didn't notice a problem until the captain came over and said we would be late back into Southampton. We made all of our ports of call on time. We are booked onto the Arcadia July 2006. Letting our youngsters do their own thing next year and we are having a suite!! Probably first and last time. Something else to really look forward to after the QM2 experience. Many thanks for your advice.



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elaine-qm2 has an italian restaurant,la piazza;lotus is asian,the carvery is roast beef etc. and they are on deck 7.during the daytime,they are the 3 buffet places for b'fast and dinner.as for table mates-try sitting at a larger table some nights. young people might enjoy it .also-they should request table mates for themselves once they are comfortable and if they want to. all that togetherness may unravel your best intentions. and...ask for upgrades!!!!you are spending a great deal of time and money,and it is worth the asking. don't take no for an answer.bon voyage



I definitely recommend the Lotus at night. They give you a 12 course sampler meal. Also the buffet is closed down, and it's a sit down dinner.


The DW and I avoided Todd English simply because we are an hour away from one of his spots in Connecticut (at a local Indian Casino) Perfectly fine, but we get a better deal at the casino. But if I were on a long cruise, I'd go to Todd English once just to break the routine.


Have a great cruise!

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You have been cruising a long time. This is only my fifth year of crossing or cruising. I have only done one cruise with P&O. It was on Oriana to Norway. I did enjoy it. In many ways I preferred the interior of Oriana to QM2. Everything is very understated. The Curzon room was a particular favourite. I suppose Oriana was designed for UK cruisers while QM2 is definitely aimed at US customers. QE2 is my favourite ship (of the few I have cruised on). On balance the Cunard style fits with me better. I am back on QE2 in August for a short cruise (5 days). It will be my first time with a balcony.


Best wishes, Stephen.

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:) hi--

i will be travelling on the QE2, for the first time. I have only travelled on the cruise line called seabourn for the past 12 years. I am VERY nervous about the QE2 and was hoping that some people could give me some hints about the dining areas and am I able to go to any dining area or just were my cabin is? I am booked in a catergory Q2. I love the seabourn but I would like to try something different. Also could I please have some advice on when to ask for dining. I would prefer to eat at the quieter time.... if there is such a thing. Any help would be grateful:)

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2Sea - to answer your questions regarding dining on the QE2.


You are in Q2 which means that you are assigned to dine in the Queens Grill. This is a relatively small restaurant and you will not have any worries about it being too busy. Some people in the Q category never come down to the restaurant, but eat in their suites. Also, you have two waiters assigned to your table, and these waiters usually only serve about 10 people in total, and quite often the other people are not in the restaurant at the same time as you. You do not have to request any specific dining time. The restaurant is open from 7pm to 9pm for dinner, and you arrive at any time you like during that period. However, if wanting to dine in the later part of the 2 hours, the waiters do prefer if you arrive by 8-45pm rather than wait until the last moment. You also have your breakfast and lunch in the Queens Grill at the same table with the same waiters. You can also eat in the Lido, which is a casual restaurant open to all passengers but I have never been impressed. I recommend that one day for lunch in the Queens Grill you order a toasted sandwich for the fun of seeing the waiters deftly perform silver service of the accompanying individual potato chips.

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