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AZAMARA'S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: More Amenities added for Up-Market Travelers

Bill Leiber

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....Vote with your feet (or your wallets!)


So glad I only purchased Open Passages for RCCL and Celebrity on my last Azamara cruise!!! I would rather cruise in a large, spacious suite with wonderful perks on a larger ship, than pay suite prices for a tiny cabin and bottom shelf cocktails.....




Me too - and well said!

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Let's face it, change is always difficult. For those of us who like the current Azamara offer, this change does not, on the face of it, enhance the offer.


I would be interested to know from Bill the reasoning behind this change. Of course, he will only be able to give us the corporate line and I expect we know what that will be.


But it is, for us mere mortals, difficult to understand. On the one hand we have included drinks and an evening experience but lose the 50% shore excursion perk. We also have massive price increases.


We have always been told on our Azamara cruises who proud they are that so many of us are repeat cruisers with them. On the evidence of this board (admittedly a very small sample) there will be a number who will leave Azamara now. One can only conclude that such loyalty is no valued and that they are now seeking a different clientele. Very sad.

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There have been many comments about trying to attrack the 30's and 40's crowd. My husband and I are in that category. We have LOVED sailing with Azamara the last couple of years. We are not big drinkers and travel for the experience of seeing new places and learning about the culture and history. We are fairly well traveled and Azamara takes us to those unique places other lines do not. We also do not like the large cattle call feel of the mass market ships. Azamara has been a perfect landing place. We thought we had found a long time "home" with Azamara and looked forward to many years of sailing. With these changes to inclusive alcohol and further price increases, unfortunately, it has hit our threshold. As much as we love the on board atmosphere and service, what we feel was a great value has just been out priced. We will never say never, but will just hope for a special sale as sailing dates get closer that will allow us to continue "coming home".

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There have been many comments about trying to attrack the 30's and 40's crowd. My husband and I are in that category. We have LOVED sailing with Azamara the last couple of years. We are not big drinkers and travel for the experience of seeing new places and learning about the culture and history. We are fairly well traveled and Azamara takes us to those unique places other lines do not. We also do not like the large cattle call feel of the mass market ships. Azamara has been a perfect landing place. We thought we had found a long time "home" with Azamara and looked forward to many years of sailing. With these changes to inclusive alcohol and further price increases, unfortunately, it has hit our threshold. As much as we love the on board atmosphere and service, what we feel was a great value has just been out priced. We will never say never, but will just hope for a special sale as sailing dates get closer that will allow us to continue "coming home".


Although a little older than you, what you have said here encapsulates my feelings - and probably those of many other - most eloquently.


Bill and the Azamara hierarchy would be well advised to heed your words.

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Since this announcement has been made I've received several emails from TAs & Azamara themseves telling me that Azamara has 'gone All-Inclusive' but I really cannot see this.


I'm comparing the Az cruise we took Sep '11 with the one already booked for Jun '13. We booked the 2013 cruise on the undertsanding that the 50% discount on Land Discoveries would still apply - it is still being promoted on the UK website for 2013 - see http://www.azamaraclubcruises.co.uk/news-and-offers/50-percent-off-2012-land-discoveries/ "50% Off 2012 and 2013 Land Discoveries® when pre-booked online!"


On our last cruise we enjoyed the included house wines at meals so that we could have a glass or 2 without needing to buy a bottle, drank coffee free of charge at the cafe, the charge for the speciality restaurant was a nominal $15 and our port visits consisted of one excellent private tour well worth the cost, DIY & one ship excursion purchased at 50% discount - that tour was enjoyable but in no way would I have paid twice the price.


In the evening whilst waiting for a table we often enjoyed a cocktail or a Gin & Tonic which was chargeable.


As I understand it, Bill please confirm, when we take our next cruise from Istanbul-Athens June '13:


- we can still drink standard coffee with no charge but will pay for coffee made with a Nespresso capsule

- cocktais may or not be chargeable?

- Gin is still chargeable (or was that an omission from the complimentary list?)

- Speciality Restaurants are now $25 pp

- the excursion that I was thinking of choosing in Santorini will now cost twice the price I was expecting to pay i.e. 90 USD instead of 45 USD at the current LDS for 2012 cruise.


As for the complimentary Azamazing Evening, I think the jury's out on that one. We've travelled on several corporate incentive holidays where nearly all the excursions have been exclusive to our group and many were unique i.e. they could not be booked individually. Some were very good and others were pretty mediochre, involving several coachloads of us being herded into a 'tourist' establishment to witness some sort of cultural event accompanied by a mass market 'local cuisine'. I wonder what they have in store for us in Greece?


So as far as I'm concerned I am now being charged double for a ship's excursion that we we were considering in exchange for a large group evening tour that may or not be to our taste. Apart from that I can't see what else I'll be gaining from this new 'All Inclusive' facility.


Finally Bill, you state:


however, the majority of the Land Discoveries for the full year of 2013 will be available sometime in mid-October.
Is this a change to the current policy of releasing the list of excursions in a piecemeal fashion a few months before the departure date of each individual cruise? If so, please can you explain the reasoning behind this. Why was this not possible in the past?



AzAmazing Evening events will also be added to a new 2013 Destination Guide for travel agents and consumers, which is scheduled for release some time before mid-November.


Does this mean that we will have access to both the paid for excursions and 'Azmazing' event for our June '13 cruise by mid-November? I have no objection to this of course!

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There have been many comments about trying to attrack the 30's and 40's crowd. My husband and I are in that category. We have LOVED sailing with Azamara the last couple of years. We are not big drinkers and travel for the experience of seeing new places and learning about the culture and history. We are fairly well traveled and Azamara takes us to those unique places other lines do not. We also do not like the large cattle call feel of the mass market ships. Azamara has been a perfect landing place. We thought we had found a long time "home" with Azamara and looked forward to many years of sailing. With these changes to inclusive alcohol and further price increases, unfortunately, it has hit our threshold. As much as we love the on board atmosphere and service, what we feel was a great value has just been out priced. We will never say never, but will just hope for a special sale as sailing dates get closer that will allow us to continue "coming home".


You've expressed our thoughts exactly!



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Hi, Bill -

Reading through your explanation of the releases, you mentioned:

"With the addition of the AzAmazing Evening events and expanded complimentary beverage options, the fares will be increasing on November 1, 2012.

During the month of October, you still will have the opportunity to take advantage of current pricing on 2013-14 voyages that already feature AzAmazing Evening events and more inclusive beverage amenities."


I have already booked (on September 29) the Jan 2014 Quest Panama Canal transit. Assuming that this cruise will include an AzAmazing evening and the inclusive beverage package, will this be applied to us without a fare increase?




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I received an email from my TA (who encouraged me to try Azamara so I could expand my options for R ships).


His words"


"Back to Oceania."


I responded: "No brainer."


That is pretty bad coming from your travel agent!

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I would be interested to know from Bill the reasoning behind this change. Of course, he will only be able to give us the corporate line and I expect we know what that will be.




The reason is that so far they are not turning a profit.

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Bill, since you will be answering specifiic questions on your Q&A I have some,

1) Now that drinks are included will Azamara be updating Le Club Voyage or doing away with it.

2) Why the drastic price increase the same cruise in 2014 is $700PP more then in 2013 same cabin. I am not saying there should not be a price increase cost do go up, but this one was way out of line.

3) You said that the 50% off excrusions really did not do much so now you taken it away and will probably even do less then before. For us it was a big selling tool and was looking forward to booking all our excruions with Azamara. If you excrusions are not priced right I am going to do it on our own.

4) If the new night time excrusion was trully and enhancement then make it a true enhancement by keeping the 50% as well an the night time one.

5) I know many here complained about including Liquor now in the price would like to know the reasoning behind including liquor.. I have been a member of this board for over a year now and that really does not come up at all on any thread I read on here. Are you trying to attract a different customer base?

6) Bill, you are not losing me because of the enhancements you are losing me as a customer because of price. I always considered Azamara the best value for a luxury lite line with your new price structure I find I can no longer afford Azamara and it saddens me that I now have to look elsewhere,


Thanks for listening not sure if anything will be done. I do plan on enjoying my 2013 cruise on the Quest.

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Azamara may have an extra cabin to sell on the July 24th & Aug 7th Quest Cruises which we booked on our January 2012 Azamara Antarctica cruise. My question - please state whether Azamara will provide 50% off shore excursions on these two cruises. From the announcement, I assume 50% off shore excursions will not be available. Because we have already booked and locked in our price and discounts, the availability of this promotion is a small factor in our decision whether to cancel our current bookings. It is, however, one element in our overall disappointment with Azamara.


More importantly, Azamara's so-called Enhancement Program will most likely drive us away from Azamara after our booked 2013 cruises. We currently cruise about 50 - 60 days per year generally on Azamara or Oceania. First, while we have an occasional drink, offering us free liquor of marginal quality is of little value to us and not the way we would choose to spend our money. Simply put, we do not want to subsidize other people drinking excessively. Second, we suspect that the free booze policy will negatively change the environment even in 2013 and we prefer not to have to put up with the occasional loud or worse customer. Third, more long term, we think that the cruise culture will change. In economic terms, this is an "adverse selection" problem. People who drink or drink excessively will be attracted to Azamara in greater numbers, people who don't drink or occasional drinkers will avoid Azamara in greater numbers. The end result is that the passenger component will be skewed towards the drinkers. For these reasons, while we never say never, it is unlikely we would book Azamara in 2014 or later.


Just a final note. We cruised on Azamara several years ago and had a bad experience. We went back to Azamara after you came on board and as a direct result of your posts and others on this board because of our perception that customer service had changed positively. While I doubt anything said here can reverse this policy, perhaps the comments will encourage management to rethink its program and find some remedies to the overwhelming expression of dissatisfaction.

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I was just logging on to say exactly this same thing


We began sailing with Azamara a few years ago when we turned 40.


We have 53 days with Azamara and thought we had found a long term home.


Yesterday, I booked 2 Oceania Cruises for a total of 30 nights.


The new Oceania itineraries will be out on 10/5.

I will be booking.

I was planning to book another Azamara cruise until the "big news" came out.

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The new Oceania itineraries will be out on 10/5.

I will be booking.

I was planning to book another Azamara cruise until the "big news" came out.


Good to know their 2014's will be out soon. Being able to do a true cost and itinerary comparison will help. We work to travel, so having a couple in the funnel is very important! :D



We have been looking at Oceania as a possible alternative. Prices looked high also until we realized standard airfare was included. That is a big bonus.

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There have been many comments about trying to attrack the 30's and 40's crowd. My husband and I are in that category. We have LOVED sailing with Azamara the last couple of years. We are not big drinkers and travel for the experience of seeing new places and learning about the culture and history. We are fairly well traveled and Azamara takes us to those unique places other lines do not. We also do not like the large cattle call feel of the mass market ships. Azamara has been a perfect landing place. We thought we had found a long time "home" with Azamara and looked forward to many years of sailing. With these changes to inclusive alcohol and further price increases, unfortunately, it has hit our threshold. As much as we love the on board atmosphere and service, what we feel was a great value has just been out priced. We will never say never, but will just hope for a special sale as sailing dates get closer that will allow us to continue "coming home".

Well said!!!!!

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There have been many comments about trying to attrack the 30's and 40's crowd. My husband and I are in that category. We have LOVED sailing with Azamara the last couple of years. We are not big drinkers and travel for the experience of seeing new places and learning about the culture and history. We are fairly well traveled and Azamara takes us to those unique places other lines do not. We also do not like the large cattle call feel of the mass market ships. Azamara has been a perfect landing place. We thought we had found a long time "home" with Azamara and looked forward to many years of sailing. With these changes to inclusive alcohol and further price increases, unfortunately, it has hit our threshold. As much as we love the on board atmosphere and service, what we feel was a great value has just been out priced. We will never say never, but will just hope for a special sale as sailing dates get closer that will allow us to continue "coming home".


I don't fall into your category but you have summed up the situation soooo well!

The officers and crew SELL Azamara. Twelve days with them so easily beats a trip to the Russian ballet or the winefields or free whisky, hands down.

Will be on the Quest in April 2013 so have toi figure a way to persuede them all to abandon ship and join Oceania

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I have to agree with the majority of the posters. Overall, I think these "enhancements" are a bad move. We really love travelling on Azamara and enjoy the current product. The experience is wonderful and the prices have been exceptionally good value for the quality received.


I can't say I am too bothered about the more inclusive alcohol policy. On the one hand, as current Azamara bar prices are reasonable, a cocktail or two and perhaps a digestif lead to a relativelt small bar bill for us, so this new policy will mean we would spend a little less. On the other hand, it is nice not to have to sign bar tabs. But, the inclusions are "standard" level only so I cannot see that this merits a hefty price increase.


I am very disappointed with the loss of the 50% excursions. Given the Azamara policy of destination immersion this "perk" made a lot of sense as we could experience aspects of these destinations at a reasonable cost.


The "special evenings" aspect is very much a curate's egg, being good in parts. Good if the event is something which appeals, but definitely not so good if it is not to your taste.


But I think that the most galling aspect is that these "enhancements" are leading to price rises.


Let us assume that the price of a 10 day cruise cruise currently is x and we currently spend £500 on shore excursions and £100 on bar drinks. The cost of the cruise is therefore x + £600. In the future, as bar drinks will be "free" and shore excursion double in price, the cost of the cruise becomes x + £900 and, if we assume that you wish to participate in the special evening and there is a value of, say, £100 to that, the cost would x + £800. A small overall increase, but an increase nevertheless (and a restriction in choice).


However, these "enhancements", which already add a small amount to the overall cost of the cruise, are being used to justify a potentially hefty price increase.


Much as I like Azamara and feel that it is the cruise line for us, I regret that they seem to be wanting to attract a more affluent demographic. It seems we plebs are no longer wanted on board.


I feel very disappointed


I agree with these comments. I enjoy the current Azamara cruise experience and the fellow passengers. It does seem as though they are trying to attract a different demographic and I belong to the "plebs no longer wanted".


We enjoy the inluded wines and do not need additional included alcoholic beverages if that means an increase in the cruise price. The cruises are port intensive : so we are not spending time on board, relaxing around the pool and drinking frozen cocktails like we might on a Caribbean cruise. We buy a bottle of our favourite gin to take on board and enjoy a drink in our cabin as we get ready for dinner and that is what we prefer.


Now I will need to compare the Azamara prices to the cruiselines that include airfare. And also compare to Celebrity and how much it will cost for the cruise plus the extras such as wine and espresso.


AS much as I love cruising on Azamara, price is my major variable when planning my vacation.

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Another disappointing (and mystifying) aspect of this "news' is that Azamara was finally having success attracting O loyal customers like myself. In the beginning, A had a steep learning curve and reviews were not that good but as things got better in the last two years and A got rave reviews, many O loyalists were sailing A and giving it high marks -- especially to have more R ship options. You can see this on the O boards.


Was the management at A totally unaware of this? I can assure them that the migration from O to A is now over. You can opt for an alcohol package on O if you really want one. O management is probably having a good laugh.

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If you are going to compare Azamara with Celebrity be sure to include the cost of Celebrity for beverage packages of your choice, no liquor allowed,only two bottles of wine per stateroom on embarkation day,laundry prices, gratuities per day.

The 2014 cruise prices for Celebrity will not be out for all cruises until the Srping of 2013.

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For what it’s worth, I just did a comparison of very similar back-to-back cruises on Oceania and Azamara. Both were fall of ’13 and both total 22 days (12+10) and the itineraries very similar:

O was Southampton-Barcelona-Rome on the Marina; and A was Southampton-Seville-Rome on the Quest. I had both cruises priced without air. For the O cruise, I looked at an A4 cabin at a total of 282 sq.ft. including veranda; and for A, I chose an N2 at 326 sq.ft. including veranda.

The O cruise was $10,400 and the A cruise was $11,233 before any TA added perks. Roughly $800 more BUT with A I get a 16% larger cabin, free drinks and included gratuities. A comparable drink package on O can be purchased for about $50 per day. For a 22 day cruise, that’s about $1,100. Now consider the gratuities for O and the difference swings more in favor of A.

Even ignoring the free drink differential it is a no-brainer to choose Azamara with their enhanced amenities, larger stateroom and a more intimate ship with half the passengers. Before one criticizes A for their recent enhancements, I suggest they do an apples-to apples comparison like I did rather than shooting from the hip.

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I had the same question.


I also have paid for a future cruise cert. I hope RC honour the cert flexibly, in the circumstances. All inclusive can be a recipe for disaster. Having no reason to stop drinking,and losing judgement can afflict all passengers. I also avoid all inc for this reason. I so agree with the sentiments of Lindy and Jade.

But the decision is taken.

I will watch the situation , in the meantime it would be useful if

Bill will ascertain if the future certs are transferable to RC or Celeb.


It it a pity but I liked the experience just as it was.

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Don't know if it's true but


There is a thread on the Oceania boards where a poster said he got a preview of the 2014 itineraries and the prices went down!


Wouldn't that be interesting . .. and maybe a nail in the coffin of Azamara?



Come on Azamara -- rethink this

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To the contrary --

He knows me well. He knows I have no interest in all inclusive drinks and excursions. He, too, sees the error in this new scheme.


He has my back.


I meant pretty bad for Azamara, since I believe they consider the agents their travel partners.

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