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Taking my Dad on his "bucket" cruise on the Fantasy... suggestions?


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My Dad is terminally ill, but not doing too very bad yet. He loves to cruise and we'd already planned this cruise for my 40th birthday. Now, he says it's my mid-life-crisis cruise and his end-life-crisis cruise (in case you cannot tell, he has a WONDERFUL attitude. This is not a sad cruise, it's a celebratory one).

Anyway, we're leaving on the Fantasy November 13th and hitting Nassau and Freeport. He has very poor balance and tires easily, so I've strong-armed him into taking a wheelchair, and his cane. Dad is a people person, and loves to people watch. He likes to gamble. Not much of a beach-goer.

So, with this in mind, what would y'all suggest? Help me make this cruise (most likely his last) his best yet. Hit me up with any ideas, from places to see in Charleston to things to do on the ship, to things to do in the ports.

I appreciate your help in advance. Thank you!

First of all, be aware that you do not have to pay the $15-a-night parking fee since your dad no doubt has a handicap placard. Very nice benefit.


Second, they will treat your dad like a king at check-in and check-out. My DH was in the same situation (not even in a wheelchair but with a walker), and we were SOOO impressed.


I have no tips for what to do off the ship, since we just enjoyed our time onboard. Let me encourage you to go to the afternoon teas in the piano lounge near the library. Lovely occasion.


This is a nice, small ship for a handicapped person to enjoy.


Oh, and if your dad gets extra cold, be sure to take warm clothing. The buffet and the library were FREEZING.


Happy sails.:)



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I just wanted to drop in quickly and tell everyone thank you again! I read your responses to my Dad (he is not a computer kind of guy), and he was just overwhelmed. His allergies acted up a bit, too. ;)


He was so funny, though. When I got to the part where someone said to be sure and dress warm he yelled, "Tell them thank you!!!" He is SO cold natured now! It's getting cooler here, and I showed up at their house today in a t-shirt and jeans. Mom had on capri pants and a t-shirt the house was so hot. And, Dad... sweat pants, sweat shirt and 2 blankets! So, we went out today and bought him a super-cute zip-up hoodie with Donald Duck on it. He laughed so hard.


Again, thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for all your help with this, and for your encouraging words. I can't tell you how much it means.


I promise to post back after the cruise and let you know how everything goes!

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Wow Emily! Your dad sounds like an awesome man! I think just by nature of his attitude, this cruise will be awesome. I'm glad to hear you scrapbook as my suggestion was going to be to make him a book of this trip together. I'd include a page telling him how much you love him, other thoughts of your life with him and how special the cruise was. Also, do you digital scrapbook where you can actually make a hard bound book? I have done several of those scrapbooks for my 93 year old grand,a over the years and she loves them. She tells me all the time how much she enjoys them. Anyway, just a thought.


I hope you and your dad have a blast.....whatever you do!

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I also suggest doing a carriage tour in Charleston. If it were me I would try and book a private tour. Unfortunately on the regular tours they tend to try and get as many people on the carriage as possible. But the tours are great and I'm not really a history buff. It's a great way to see the charming side of Charleston.


Enjoy your cruise and make tons of memories. Every time DH and I cruise we talk about how much his mom would have enjoyed the experience. Too bad we discovered our love of cruising after she passed away.

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My Dad is terminally ill, but not doing too very bad yet. He loves to cruise and we'd already planned this cruise for my 40th birthday. Now, he says it's my mid-life-crisis cruise and his end-life-crisis cruise (in case you cannot tell, he has a WONDERFUL attitude. This is not a sad cruise, it's a celebratory one).

Anyway, we're leaving on the Fantasy November 13th and hitting Nassau and Freeport. He has very poor balance and tires easily, so I've strong-armed him into taking a wheelchair, and his cane. Dad is a people person, and loves to people watch. He likes to gamble. Not much of a beach-goer.

So, with this in mind, what would y'all suggest? Help me make this cruise (most likely his last) his best yet. Hit me up with any ideas, from places to see in Charleston to things to do on the ship, to things to do in the ports.

I appreciate your help in advance. Thank you!


I am really touched by your story. Please be sure to have a wonderful time on your cruise and build a lot of lasting memories with your dad!!

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My Dad has now become an armchair member of Cruise Critic. He asks me, "Did anyone else say anything on your cruise thing?" So, I've read him all your comments. He's loving the attention. He's like me, he's very sentimental, so we've teared up a few times, just reading these sweet words.


We found out today that they are in V1, which should work out SO nicely. Away from everything, but handy to elevators. Of course, hubby and I are doing the cheap route, so we are in E239, aaaaallllll the way at the other end of the ship (we booked an inside guarantee). So, I pulled up the deck plans on my laptop and showed him where we were, where he was, etc. Mom and he have had MUCH fun mocking our cabin. I told them to be nice or I'd push them off their balcony, but they called my bluff. LOL!


Having this bright spot looming has done so much to keep Dad in even better spirits than usual. I have read him the comments, showed him the links (we're going on a carriage tour in Charleston!!), showed him other people's reviews and pictures. It has been a fun way to get our minds off of all the sad stuff and even just off the day-to-day doctor's visits, etc.


He now calls me every day and yells, "How many more days?!" and I yell back our countdown.


Again, it may not seem like much to you guys, but each comment, each link, each suggestion... it's helped a wonderful man to have something to really, really look forward to. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!

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Charleston- go downtown to the market area and this is a great place to people watch.....also many great resturants and shopping things to see and do. If you like Southern food then go to Justine's Kitchen.....Right in the heart of Downtown......Also not sure how long you will be there but the absolute best place to eat breakfast is Hominy Grill......be prepared to wait for a seat at least 45 min to 1 hr but it is worth it.


Nassau if he is a people watcher/gambler the catch a cab to Atlantis.....huge Casino and all sorts of scenery to see. Taxi should be cheap and drop right at door.


Freeport even though not really looking for a beach I would still reccommend a cab to Our Lucaya. Pleanty of things going on and a great place to people watch.....if yall did decide to beach then there is a feee beach there that has some of the prettiest water in the world. Also in the middle of the shopping area is a great little shak that makes Very Yummy Frozen Cocktails with or w/o booze.


Glad to hear yall are doing this trip and I hope yall both have a blast making memories!!!

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We found out today that they are in V1, which should work out SO nicely. Away from everything, but handy to elevators.


Having this bright spot looming has done so much to keep Dad in even better spirits than usual. I have read him the comments, showed him the links (we're going on a carriage tour in Charleston!!)


Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!


Have a wonderful time... V1 balcony is very small but room for 2-3 to stand. Great view and the balcony is not directly over the ocean. There is a walkway below that is seldom used except during ports. We love these cabins because there are so few. I would try and see if you could get one of the inside cabins on the same floor... guess it's to late but that would be nice.


Did you book a private carriage tour? they are "the cat's meow"...


And you are more than welcome! Have a wonderful "allergy" free trip!

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I hope you have a wonderful cruise! Please take warm clothes! There is no heat on the Fantasy and one who does not get cold easily may not know that. If you need extra blankets, please ask for them. It was chilly on the first day because of all the doors open. I am not sure if he needs a heating pad but can bring one- just call Special Needs Dept for what he needs to bring to verify. Carnival will take good care of him. I really couldn't believe how great they were. Also know you can get the porters to help with luggage for a tip at the end of the cruise when you are in the terminal. When we were in Nassau there is a shuttle that runs to the ship to the terminal area. They told us that they usually start running around 10:00. We caught it on the way back to the ship because we didn't know about it during the morning. I hope you post a review when you return.

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Again, it may not seem like much to you guys, but each comment, each link, each suggestion... it's helped a wonderful man to have something to really, really look forward to. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!

Ah, but it does seem like much to me. So like my DH's situation. He will not be able to join me on our upcoming cruise but will stay those days in a nursing home since he really wants me to get away with our retiree group. I can see your family having a wonderful time. Our last cruise together was a wonderful family trip last spring on the Fantasy. Great memories.


Have a terrific time.



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Not sure how limited your Dad's mobility is but I would recommend some sort of activity in Charleston. Once you get to the Bahamas mobility really limits what you are able to do. You will not be able to get any sort of public transportation that can handle a wheel chair unless you book something on your own before arriving. I have found the sidewalks & streets particularly challenging in a wheelchair & now I don't even venture off the ship in the Bahamas. I'll be on that same cruise stuck in a chair but I'll be having a good time not even wanting to get off the ship. I've done a couple of Fantasy trips in a wheelchair & found the ship fairly easy to get about.


Sailing out of Charleston you will also find yourself surrounded by well mannered southerners who will go out of their way to assist you if needed. I sailed out of NY once & was disapointed in the way I was treated by my fellow passengers. You will have a nice time. See you there.

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My Dad is terminally ill, but not doing too very bad yet. He loves to cruise and we'd already planned this cruise for my 40th birthday. Now, he says it's my mid-life-crisis cruise and his end-life-crisis cruise (in case you cannot tell, he has a WONDERFUL attitude. This is not a sad cruise, it's a celebratory one).

Anyway, we're leaving on the Fantasy November 13th and hitting Nassau and Freeport. He has very poor balance and tires easily, so I've strong-armed him into taking a wheelchair, and his cane. Dad is a people person, and loves to people watch. He likes to gamble. Not much of a beach-goer.

So, with this in mind, what would y'all suggest? Help me make this cruise (most likely his last) his best yet. Hit me up with any ideas, from places to see in Charleston to things to do on the ship, to things to do in the ports.

I appreciate your help in advance. Thank you!


Emily, your post brought back so many good memories of taking my Dad on a cruise when he was facing his time with us getting short. He had just gone on oxygen and my Mom, who is a worrier, wanted to cancel... and my Dad, who shared your Dad's awesome spirit, said no way jose, and off to mexico we went, my parents, my sister and I, our husbands, and our five teenagers:eek: Let me tell ya, we had a blast, and you will also:)

I jsut wanted to add that if you get to Freeport and heading over to Lucaya <which is a fabulous place> seems too much, they have built a nice area right around the ship that my Mom enjoyed a lot when we went there after my Dad passed away. There are shops and a few places to have drinks/food, and a craft market to explore. It's also a busy working port so a lot of interesting activity to watch with the freighters moving around and all the repair activity that goes on. If you walk around the buildings on the right side to the water there is a cute little open air sports bar with tables that give you a great view of the port entrance...You just walk off the ship and it's there, and it's new, so very wheelchair friendly. Just in case you want one easier port.:cool:

I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!! God bless you and your family!

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My Dad has now become an armchair member of Cruise Critic. He asks me, "Did anyone else say anything on your cruise thing?" So, I've read him all your comments. He's loving the attention. He's like me, he's very sentimental, so we've teared up a few times, just reading these sweet words.


We found out today that they are in V1, which should work out SO nicely. Away from everything, but handy to elevators. Of course, hubby and I are doing the cheap route, so we are in E239, aaaaallllll the way at the other end of the ship (we booked an inside guarantee). So, I pulled up the deck plans on my laptop and showed him where we were, where he was, etc. Mom and he have had MUCH fun mocking our cabin. I told them to be nice or I'd push them off their balcony, but they called my bluff. LOL!


Having this bright spot looming has done so much to keep Dad in even better spirits than usual. I have read him the comments, showed him the links (we're going on a carriage tour in Charleston!!), showed him other people's reviews and pictures. It has been a fun way to get our minds off of all the sad stuff and even just off the day-to-day doctor's visits, etc.


He now calls me every day and yells, "How many more days?!" and I yell back our countdown.


Again, it may not seem like much to you guys, but each comment, each link, each suggestion... it's helped a wonderful man to have something to really, really look forward to. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart!


Getting closer, Emily! Are you guys packing yet?:D

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What a special time for you and your dad! He sounds like an amazing man with a wonderful spirit! Hug him a lot, and hold his hand; sometimes it isn't so much what we say, it's just about being together.

I helped care for my brother and my MIL as they battled their terminal illnesses and they had that same spirit, and grace. I would suggest that when you have a few quiet moments to ask your dad all the "silly" questions we never think to ask (and record them); his favorite color, favorite food, where he had his first kiss, proudest moment. I did this with my dad and still go back to read them from time to time.

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Have no idea how my allergies are acting up here in freezing, cold Michigan but somehow I have the sniffles :)


Emily (and Dad!) we will be on the Fantasy a couple weeks after you and we can't wait. But I must echo Rev. Carl's sentiment that I wish we could meet your family and sail with you. I lost my mom kinda suddenly, 7 years ago. I was never able to take any trips with her or try to spoil her in gratitude for everything she did for me. I would give just about anything to do some "bucket" things with her. You guys are gonna make magic and I am so happy for you.


Enjoy your cruise!! Enjoy each other and know many of us will be thinking of you and wishing you only the best. Dad, try not to party too hard and leave the ship in decent condition for us ;)


Oh..you may want to consider Bon Voyage too...for friends/family who aren't going. They can send a gift or bottle of wine and have it waiting in Dad's cabin for him.

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What a special time for you and your dad! He sounds like an amazing man with a wonderful spirit! Hug him a lot, and hold his hand; sometimes it isn't so much what we say, it's just about being together.

I helped care for my brother and my MIL as they battled their terminal illnesses and they had that same spirit, and grace. I would suggest that when you have a few quiet moments to ask your dad all the "silly" questions we never think to ask (and record them); his favorite color, favorite food, where he had his first kiss, proudest moment. I did this with my dad and still go back to read them from time to time.

Grace says it best!!! He's amazing. He had a bad day today, but still just smiled and talked and went over every detail of the cruise. He has amazing grace!

I love the idea of all the silly questions!!! I am going to do that for sure. Maybe even video some of his answers so my niece and nephew can watch it in years to come.


Have no idea how my allergies are acting up here in freezing, cold Michigan but somehow I have the sniffles :)


Emily (and Dad!) we will be on the Fantasy a couple weeks after you and we can't wait. But I must echo Rev. Carl's sentiment that I wish we could meet your family and sail with you. I lost my mom kinda suddenly, 7 years ago. I was never able to take any trips with her or try to spoil her in gratitude for everything she did for me. I would give just about anything to do some "bucket" things with her. You guys are gonna make magic and I am so happy for you.


Enjoy your cruise!! Enjoy each other and know many of us will be thinking of you and wishing you only the best. Dad, try not to party too hard and leave the ship in decent condition for us ;)


Oh..you may want to consider Bon Voyage too...for friends/family who aren't going. They can send a gift or bottle of wine and have it waiting in Dad's cabin for him.


I will make sure that after the cruise we check in and give you such a lengthy review that you'll feel like you were on the cruise with us! :)


I think my Aunt is sending him a certificate for spa time. I am giggling just picturing him in a fluffy bathrobe getting his piggies pampered. LOL!

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Grace says it best!!! He's amazing. He had a bad day today, but still just smiled and talked and went over every detail of the cruise. He has amazing grace!

I love the idea of all the silly questions!!! I am going to do that for sure. Maybe even video some of his answers so my niece and nephew can watch it in years to come.




I will make sure that after the cruise we check in and give you such a lengthy review that you'll feel like you were on the cruise with us! :)


I think my Aunt is sending him a certificate for spa time. I am giggling just picturing him in a fluffy bathrobe getting his piggies pampered. LOL!


Oooh the video is a great idea too!


Hope the anticipation of all the fun to come is building, and your Dad has had a better week this week!:) Less than one week to go!!:D

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And, do not cry. My Dad told me about his diagnosis, and he said, "I am not going to spend the rest of my life dying. I'm going to spend the rest of my life living. We're going on the cruise, I'm going to see all my friends before it's time, and I'm going to enjoy what I have left. I've had a wonderful life and I'm going to keep having it until I can't." His attitude is amazing and has made it so much easier for ME to have a good attitude. So, don't cry, just go hug someone you love! ;)


What a wonderful way to be! That is exactly how I would hope to be when my time comes.


You are a good daughter to honor his wishes and be happy for him.


Kevin C

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