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John Heald Blog and Carnival Facebook

Ted Kell

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All of the other comments are from Carnival fanatics who seem to say whatever and IMO are rude and out of place. They need to learn manners.



You paint with a broad brush sailor44 when using words like "all". And describing all Carnival Facebook posters universally as "fanatics"? So much for manners...akin to kettle calling the pot black.

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I'm not sure anyone has really answered your question but the only responses on Carnival's FB page that are from employees are the ones from Carnival Cruise Lines.


All of the other comments are from Carnival fanatics who seem to say whatever and IMO are rude and out of place. They need to learn manners.


Some of which don't own mirrors, right on this very thread, as they are the very ones making posters appear foolish by calling them all kinds of nasty names. It was truly eye opening recently.


Unfortunately, it is these very people that feel they are the experts and feel the need to answer every question with a judgmental demeaning answer, that have ruined the site for many. No one really needs their input, as JH reads and answers every question, and all that trash just gets in the way.


Thank God for the ignore feature. If you search carefully, there is a site that has the master list of those individuals to place on that list, and then you can custom it to your liking.

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I have only cruised on Carnival (3 so far). My husband has been on 4 cruises so far, 2 NCL and 2 Carnival so neither of us have done RCL. It's not that we never would, I would like to have a rock climbing wall or ice skating rink on a ship but price is very important to us as well as itinerary. I think that things can go wrong on any ship just like things can go wrong on land as well.


My husband agreed to go on a 2nd Carnival cruise on Carnival and we have another booked. He hasn't said that he likes one NCL or Carnival any better or less.


I will tell you my experiences with people on board. My first cruise was quite a few years ago and in a larger group so didn't interact as much with people other than in our group but everyone seemed fine.


In 2011 we got married on a cruise (my DH dream wedding). People were very friendly. We ended up at the lifeboat drill with me in a wedding dress and veil and some of the last people there as the photographer took us there after finishing pictues. Everyone clapped when we walked in and friendly strangers were constrantly stopping us as we took pictures on deck later to tell us congratulations and tell us their stories about what anniversary they were celebrating or what ship they got married on or just asking us questions about getting married on ship, didn't bother us it was very nice. When we walked to the bar to get a drink before changing a total stranger bought us our drinks - not a grumpy person at all! Again we were with a group of people but we did wander on our own quite a bit but I don't really remember any rude people. I'm sure there were just like you can run into any day.


March of this year we took a cruise again. This was the first cruise either of us had been on not part of a group and I found CC and JH blog. I too enjoy reading it but can't believe some things people say but many of them are posting with screen names (nothing wrong with that for privacy I wouldn't post with anythng but) but it is easier to say things you would never say face to face when you are only staring at a computer screen. I dont think it is just there. I have seen it on this site and others as well.


I did on our 2012 cruise have an experience with a rude person but it in no way affected our trip. We had a wonderful cruise and I consider it my favorite even though we got married on the one in 2011. I think it is because I had been on one recently enough to know what to expect and did my research. I joined our roll call on this site and went to 2 meet and greets. We met a group of people on sail away day that we got together with many times on the cruise and now we are all friends on facebook although we live all over the country. I had to change something on my acct when we got on ship so we went to guest services and there was a line - not a horrendous line but it was right after boarding so of course many people have a change of some or correction they need to make - 1000s of people on board so expected.


There was a family behind us where one of them hadn't done something they were supposed to ahead of time and they were very loudly overreacting about it the whole time they were in line instead of just getting it figured out when they got to guest services. I saw them a couple other times on the cruise and although didn't hear them complaining they didn't seem to be having a good time. I'm guessing they didn't have a good time but sometimes there are people that don't or will find a reason to complain.


It did not wreck my cruise in any way. Yes there were meals that I didn't enjoy as much and some I loved but I get that going out to eat around home as well. One excursion I wasn't really happy with but others I loved.


This is pretty long winded but that's just me! All in all there are very friendly people everywhere but there will always be those few...

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We are taking our first cruise with Carnival next year.


From what I have read on here and FB and elsewhere, people seem to say that Carnival is the fun party cruise line. I too am worried that we won't enjoy it as much as cruising with DCL. But, it's a third cheaper than Disney, which is a lot of money we can use against another cruise, and if we don't like it we can try another cruise line. My husband says if we don't try it we don't know. I have friends who have cruised with all of the major players and they all tell me that Carnival is great and we will enjoy it.


I can understand John's blog and FB having complaints. What us Poms have to remember is that American's have very, very high standards. So if something isn't right, they raise the issue. You only have to think about a low budget hotel in the US to what us Brits would stay in on mainland Spain as part of a package holiday. There is no comparison. That's why I love travelling to the states, excellent levels of service, clean hotel rooms and mostly lovely people.


Book your cruise, you will enjoy it, but be warned it's very addictive.:D


I love the comment about Walmart. Walmart is like Morrisons or Asda (part of Walmart group). That means RCL is comparable to Tesco. So that in turn would put Celebrity on a par with Sainsbury's, silver sail would be Waitriose and Cunard would be the equivalent of Harrod's. love it.


I shop at Asda by the way.;)

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I think the important thing is to go in with reasonable expectations, and expect something will go wrong at some point and you have to roll with it. I have found being friendly and chatty with the crew gets you WAY farther than yelling or bitching. Tip them well, treat them well, and not only will they remember you next time, they will treat you like gold.


That is my experience with Disney Cruise Line. Do I expect Carnival to be of the same standard? I may get flamed for this, but honestly, no. Carnival is also 1/3 the price. I have adjusted my expectations, and to be honest, I have a feeling Carnival will be wonderful anyways despite the lower cost. I still will take my worst day at sea over a day at work!

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I thought that would be the case but my GF is kinda of cooling on the idea. Not so much for the compainers that is part of life but some are quite nasty and spiteful.


Hey KiwiSteve thanks mate can I bother you with another quick question?


I say this in a respectful way the ships look like big floating RSL Clubs. I reckon it would be a great 7 Days, is the RSL Club analogy close to the mark.



As much as you want or can afford. And yes they are great value at what ever price.

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Keep in mind, that out of the thousands, and thousands of folks who sail on Carnival Ships every week, there are only a dozen or so "Grumpy Buggers" who post on Johns Facebook thingy. The other 99.9% of us are regular people, who LOVE cruising, and can't wait to meet an Aussie who is ready to have some FUN! Come on along, and don't worry about your cruise. You and your lady friend are gonna have a super good time, aboard your Carnival Cruise. :cool:





I know it's just because of "our accents"!!!!:rolleyes:

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My girlfreind and I are heading over to the States for an extended holiday and as part of that trip we wish to do a Carribean Cruise. We are from Australia and never cruised before,


Firstly let me say thanks to the contributors to this board who take effort to write reviews and provide tons of information. Originally I was leaning towards RCCL but the more I read I think Carnival masy be a better fit for us.


Through CC i found the John Heald Blog and I find him amusing and a bit of fun. We Australians understand English humour very well so my girl and I get a bit of a laugh.


As a natural extension we found the Carnival Facebook page which is also good but has made us a bit nervous about our possible Carnival experience. I know things can go wrong on holidays and that is just part of the joys of travelling, no worries to us unless we sink. We as a rule are not complainers I just can;t be bothered and just move on to the next experience.


After all that blabber my question is this, are all of the people that respond on the Carnival Facebook pages employees or just travellers, some people do seem to have a legitimate complaint and that is to be expected in an operation the size of Carnival, but some of the replies are are just horrendous.


As for John Healds blog I am shocked at some of the rude and nasty comments he has to field


We are excited about cruising and moreso because of the huge amonut of passion and real joy a lot of you express about your cruises.


I don't know if I can be delicate about saying this but are there a lot of Grumpy Buggers on Carnival or is it more like the people I see here.


Does this make sense? Maybe we have overloaded with to much information and have confused ourselves. Any comments would be appreciated



It seems easy in this day and age to voice complaints as opposed to expressing favorable feedback, don't sweat the negative things you read, i often suspect some of what is posted on facebook to be false, you and your girl will have great fun on your Carnival Cruise!

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I am really taken by the infectious and excited way most of you describe your cruises and I'm saying lets go for a 14 day cruise they look that much fun. The GF says no lets do 7 days and see if we like it. Partypooper.


For my first cruise, my husband wanted to do 7 nights. I said no...lets just do 4 because I don't want to be "stuck" on the ship if it turns out I don't like cruising.


Well, I love cruising. They had to drag me off kicking and screaming. I'm sure there are still claw marks on Carnival Ecstasy where I was trying to hang on. Four nights was not long enough and neither is 7 nights.


Whatever you decide, have a great cruise!!!

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....... I'm saying lets go for a 14 day cruise they look that much fun. The GF says no lets do 7 days and see if we like it. Partypooper.



Ted, i am not sure what your other travel plans are or at what point in your extended trip you are planning to cruise, i am wondering if a 5 or 7 night might be a better idea as your girl sounds like she wants to proceed with caution. I was thinking if you plan a 5 or 7 night and you end up loving it (high probability), and you plan to be in the USA for 3 months, you can always book a second 5 or 7 night cruise on a different ship and different itinerary with a "pack and go" cruise rate, as long as you budget for that and are ok with being a little flexible.

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I think most cruisers are very different from what you see on John Heald's blog/facebook page. There are people who feel Carnival can do no wrong and feel that John Heald is almost god-like and he shouldn't be criticized at all.


He has a group of followers who are quite nasty and have been called on it so they have calmed down a bit, but they are still there. There are also others who feel if someone complains, it's a person affront to them. An example would be if I said the food was awful and they felt it was marvelous, I'm insulting them so they get nasty.


We sail both Royal Caribbean and Carnival and I have to say the people on Royal are, for the most part, not as "entitled" feeling as those sailing Carnival. Some people on Carnival feel that they have saved a long time to go on a cruise and should have everyone treat them as kings and queens when, in fact, that doesn't always happen on vacation or in real life. They just complain about everything.


We enjoy both lines and it mostly depends on what ports we want to see which line we use. A good way to find out how the people will be on your cruise is to look at the roll call for the cruise and you can get a feel for the people. We do this sometimes when we don't know which cruise to take. Good luck and I am sure you will enjoy your cruise.

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I think most cruisers are very different from what you see on John Heald's blog/facebook page. There are people who feel Carnival can do no wrong and feel that John Heald is almost god-like and he shouldn't be criticized at all.


He has a group of followers who are quite nasty and have been called on it so they have calmed down a bit, but they are still there. There are also others who feel if someone complains, it's a person affront to them. An example would be if I said the food was awful and they felt it was marvelous, I'm insulting them so they get nasty.


We sail both Royal Caribbean and Carnival and I have to say the people on Royal are, for the most part, not as "entitled" feeling as those sailing Carnival. Some people on Carnival feel that they have saved a long time to go on a cruise and should have everyone treat them as kings and queens when, in fact, that doesn't always happen on vacation or in real life. They just complain about everything.


We enjoy both lines and it mostly depends on what ports we want to see which line we use. A good way to find out how the people will be on your cruise is to look at the roll call for the cruise and you can get a feel for the people. We do this sometimes when we don't know which cruise to take. Good luck and I am sure you will enjoy your cruise.


What's scary about that page, and most socialmedia, is people are posting what they are THINKING (reminds me a bit of "WHAT WOMEN WANT"), and would never say it.


I thought it was bad when you could post under a username, but when some of these people under their supposed real names are saying such nasty things over every "LOOK WHAT I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH AS A CRUISE DIRECTOR" entry, it has made me think twice about what direction this line has gone in.

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Ted Kell, welcome to CC and to Cruising! you and your gal will love it. Dont be bothered by the nay sayers. People love to complain, and esp if it 'gets them something' they will scream even louder. :rolleyes:

You will have a great time, seems like you (are like us) go with the flow. Thats the key to a fun, happy life!

if you like Johns blog you would also like hims FaceBook page... find him. (find me to if you like) also, there is a guy with a lot of knowlage Storm'n Norm. (hes an Aussie too) you might find him helpful,

:) Have a great cruise!

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