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Just Back from QE2's May 21 Norwegian Wonders Cruise


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Unfortunately, my Cunard days didn't start until I was paying! We sailed on the French Line and Italian Line ships back then. Now Cunard, Crystal and Celebrity. FOD, but from Boston, also (EEEK !) nearly mid forties- next birthday-next month- does 43 count as mid forties?


But I guarantee if we didn't sail together, there's only two degrees of separation! Met someone here on these boards with whom I sailed with on the Harmony 13 years ago!

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With single seating you have an allocated table. That table is yours for all your meals. The table is only allocated to one sitting. There is no second set of passengers on a different sitting that you share the table with.


You may eat anytime the restaurant is open, just turn up. Do not arrive immediately before they close the restaurant though. Compared to two sittings there are several advantages. You have more flexibility planning you days and evenings. Service is better because you do not have to be off the table to make way for other passengers. You do not have an early sitting that is too early and a late sitting that is too late. Because you sit at the same table for every meal, the stewards soon get use to your particular likes and dislikes.


My understanding is that service begins when you arrive at your table, even if other passengers have not arrived. This could mean you are on your desert while other people on your table are on starters. In reality this tends not to happen as most people turn up at roughly the same time (early to middle part of the opening time). Often they agree a time that is mutually convenient.


All in all single seating is more conducive to a fine dining experience. For a shipping line it is more expensive because the restaurant has to be bigger to accommodate all the passengers but you have paid for that with you Caronia grade cabin.


Best wishes, Stephen.


PS Open seating is different you have no assigned table but can eat when you like. You just turn up with who ever you like and are allocated a table. Tends to be the way it works on small luxury ships like the Seabourn fleet.

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Blazer.... NO! NO! NO!


NO! Mid-40's DOES NOT START AT 43! :eek: Give me my last 28 days in my early-40's. :cool: A FOD has to maintain dignity!


Next month, as of August 9th, I can not be as smug anymore. There is no way to deny that 44 counts as mid-40's. :rolleyes:


We were on board the France a couple of times. But I do not remember being on any of the Italian ships.


Who knows....with other commonalities....we may have run into each other elsewhere. ;)



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Well at least we've established who's older!:D So we don't bother folks here with idle chatter about our past cruises, feel free to e-mail me at andrewbryant_sf(at)yahoo(dot)com.





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Not to be rude, but Jimsgirl has been trashing Cunard at every turn for a long time. Not sure if it's an agenda, or whether she was just truly unfortunate, but her posts seem a little over the top. Time for a grain of salt here, I'd suspect.....


Andrew .... don't you think that's a bit harsh? From what I have read, Jimsgirl booked a section of the 2006 World Cruise but wanted to try out a shorter QE2 cruise first. She was obviously very unimpressed and for her reality didn't meet the hype (I believe she has since cancelled her World Cruise trip).


A lot of people treat this board like the QE2 appreciation society - it isn't, it's 'Cruise Critic' and members should feel entitled to tell it how they see it without being accused of having an 'agenda' or being 'over the top'. I certainly respect the QE2 fans their right to rave over every aspect of their experience right down to the bunk beds!


Personally I consider QE2 to have been a great transatlantic liner in her day but today her lack of amenities and space plus the drab interiors rank her as a second rate cruiseship now targeted largely at, what you might politely term, less sophisticated pax. On my last short trip (with a partner who had not been on QE2 before) I was willing myself to be impressed and thrilled by the old girl but, even with an upgrade to P2, I was sadly underwhelmed and my partner couldn't wait to get off! It's not an old ship thing either, as we both adored the Caronia.





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Thanks for your concern, and thanks for your posts on other topics. I always enjoy a critical eye, and have enjoyed your perspective on many posts. I am by no means a Cunard "Fan," just a happy customer, although I've had my issues, too.


I'm not sure of Jimsgirl's motivations, as I stated, but EVERY post I read of hers, on this board and others goes in to a rant about the QE2. She has posted to threads where the topic is quite different and continues her rant every time whether it's related to the original post or not. This is far different that the reasoned critcisms you have posted over the course of the past months, and hers was getting a little old.

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Just to add comment - we were on 10th June Med cruise (4 of us, all first timers) and never once did we feel that we were treated any differently to passengers travelling in higher grade cabins. We dined in the Mauretania restaurant every breakfast time, evening and many lunchtimes and always received impecable service and truly wonderful food. We usually spent afternoons on the Sun Deck, near the Funnel Bar and were always served aternoon tea, again with impecable service by very amenable waiters. Nothing seemed to be too much trouble, so we definately cannot fault Cunard and will certainly be back on board the QE2 at the very next available opportunity!

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Looks like 'horses for courses'.


I'm sure there are some who adore the newness and space that most new cruise ships afford their passengers. Many, for example, say that to cruise without a balcony is unthinkable. On QE2 you've go to go for a Q2 or higher to get a balcony. That's really unusual these days to have to opt *that* high to get a balcony.


Newer ships have their followers for good reason. And QE2 too, has many followers with their own good reasons. I personally particularly like the Queens Grill Lounge/Dining. I like the size of the ship (Found QM2 a little too large) and service (as stated above) on the Sun Deck is personal. It's the sort of place you can be having a drink at the bar and the captain will come along and have a beer and a chat. Not often that that happens these days.


I think QE2 is getting a bit worn at the edges (although I have no problems with the decor). To keep up with the newer ships is going to require a vast investment.


I've read places that 'QE2 is not having money spent on her because the British (who now make up a vast majority of her passengers) don't care'.


I think there's an element of truth in that. But only just. QE2 is being worked hard these days at full capacity. Fares are rock bottom (for QE2) and it *looks* like a case of 'just get 'em onboard and we'll worry about the impression another time'.


QE2 sailing most of the year out of Southampton is not the easiest place to sell cruises from. People want sun - and that means at least two days sailing before people get that 'feel good' factor. (Excluding Scandinavian trips which is a different market altogether). But, heading for the sun without balconies leads to people crowding the decks. Which is no winning ticket.


My wife and I are planning our next QE2 trip to be Southampton-Canada-Southampton in September 2007 (We have the minor problem of a baby on the way which means we can't sail until at last a year after it arrives). The reason for choosing that itineray is because we get two transatlantics in (which QE2 does best) - a ship which hopefully won't be full (because it's 20 days and therefore a lot of Brits can't get the time), and it's not a 'sun chaser' cruise. Instead, it's 'classic' - which is where QE2 beats the others. Having had a balcony on QE2 before, we'll go for one again - be warned - Q2 suite and you'll never go for a lower cat ever again!!!!


The point is...... if people want 'a port a day - rock climbing walls - glitz and sparkle' then they're better off on a new crusie ship.


If you want to go back to the good old days......... go QE2.


Lovely :)

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Hey Pete


Didn't see you anywhere on the May Day Bank Holiday cruise - did you not go or did you decide not to come out of your Q2 suite and mix with the great unwashed onboard (and there were just a few) ?????


What's this about another baby ????? Congrats to you and Kel.





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as it seems they are posting on this thread, dunno why as i started one already. hope everyone gets their cabin number before lvg got my tickets lasst weeek on rubbish baggage labels. 1str time on the qe2 but not to cruising.


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We were on 'your' cruise.... we looked everywhere for you..... but it was hard to spot anybody amongst the masses (Ref. My earlier post - too many people on deck). We were always in the QG Lounge before meals thinking you'd drop in. I read in another of your posts that you didn't particularly like the QGL, hence we missed you.....


Yes, another baby on the way. Real pain that we can't cruise for a year and three months. Mind you, we'll need to 'not cruise' if we're to save up for two Q2's......



Which brings me to a question:-


Which cat cabins is it ok to have a third and fourth person in? Also, one time on the 'phone to Cunard they said that in certain rooms you can't have a cot. Any ideas on this?


Many here might say 'Ring Cunard....'. You should (not) try this in the UK.


I've spent 'days' trying to get in touch with Cunard UK. Either you get 'Sorry - we're too busy right now - call back later' or you get put in a queue. So far, my record for hanging in a queue is one hour (without getting to speak with a person). There are times when it has taken me two weeks of trying at different times/repeatedly to get through to a person. Cunard say that it's because their new brochure has just come out. Erm. Six months after.


I'm not into Marketting, but surely this is bad for business?


Anybody else from the UK ended up tearing their hair out? Is it better in the US?

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yes it was a crush - thought we might have bumped into you in the Yacht Club but didn't stay long as the music was so dire.


Have you tried Victoria Travel - they seem to be good at sorting out Cunard problems!!



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i useed to use them a lot, until i gotr overbooked on the qe2 last year, rung me 1 day i was lvg to say you are not going! just like that. no mentiomn if i wanted to book another cruise at all! sio i booked something myself and had a hell of a job getting my refund in time for me to go. actually victiria washed their hands of it and left it to cunard. i only got my money 1 hour before the bank closed otherwise i would not have gone!

i did get offered a free cruise this year wich hopefully i wioll; actuially go on 1 week to go if the same thing does not happen. if victoria travel are doing well good luck to yopu. personally i wo'nt be using themagain!!!!!!!


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Not to be rude, but Jimsgirl has been trashing Cunard at every turn for a long time. Not sure if it's an agenda, or whether she was just truly unfortunate, but her posts seem a little over the top. Time for a grain of salt here, I'd suspect.


Also wanted to say that I miss the days of the parents picking up the bill- we sailed back and forth to Europe during the 60's and early 70's. Still love to be on a ship, but it was nice when others paid the tab!


Hope to sail on the QE2 again, but nothing scheduled for next year.




Does seem to be rather a lot of unfortunate events in one trip for Jimsgirl. I presume she will not be travelling with Cunard again as it was that bad??


OOOmmm Blazerboy, we shall be parents picking up the bill for our 19 and 21 year old when we go on QM2 in September. Being on board for 24 nights I'm not looking forward to the bill!!!!! We do give them a limit though and if they go over this they have to give us the amount they go over back. Still waiting for the cash from Christmas last year though!!!!!



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Andrew .... don't you think that's a bit harsh? From what I have read, Jimsgirl booked a section of the 2006 World Cruise but wanted to try out a shorter QE2 cruise first. She was obviously very unimpressed and for her reality didn't meet the hype (I believe she has since cancelled her World Cruise trip).


A lot of people treat this board like the QE2 appreciation society - it isn't, it's 'Cruise Critic' and members should feel entitled to tell it how they see it without being accused of having an 'agenda' or being 'over the top'. I certainly respect the QE2 fans their right to rave over every aspect of their experience right down to the bunk beds!


Personally I consider QE2 to have been a great transatlantic liner in her day but today her lack of amenities and space plus the drab interiors rank her as a second rate cruiseship now targeted largely at, what you might politely term, less sophisticated pax. On my last short trip (with a partner who had not been on QE2 before) I was willing myself to be impressed and thrilled by the old girl but, even with an upgrade to P2, I was sadly underwhelmed and my partner couldn't wait to get off! It's not an old ship thing either, as we both adored the Caronia.






Whilst I have every sympathy with Jimsgirl there do seem to be a lot of unfortunates on her one trip. I know that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. I think we all have differing levels of tolerance. I must be really easy going because people complain on a different site about P & O and I can honestly say that I have never experienced what some of these guys seem to have experienced. Now whether they are really nit picky or whether I am just an easy pushover I don't know. Don't get me wrong I am a pretty fussy person and expect a certain standard. For instance I really hope QM2 is a little bit more special than Oriana which was my alternative!! If it isn't I will be thinking that I could have done the same trip in a suite on Oriana for the cost of what I am paying on QM2 for a hull balcony cabin!! I have to say so far Cunard have let themselves down to date with a couple of things. Firstly them moving the children from their cabin booked back in June 04 for Sept 05 so that we could keep the same cabin throughout the 3 trips to find in March 2005 the US took the cabin off sale and put the kids in different cabins for the 3 trips!! If I wanted that situation I could have booked now and saved myself a considerable amount. The situation has been rectified and the kids now have the same cabin for the full 3 trips but it took nearly a week to get a solution. Also we go away 8 weeks on Tuesday and no sign of a shore excursion brochure or what you need to know type pack. Would have had this already from P & O as they always send it out well in advance. So my trip on QM2 had better live up to what I am expecting. But as I say we all have different ideas about what to expect.



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Thanks for your concern, and thanks for your posts on other topics. I always enjoy a critical eye, and have enjoyed your perspective on many posts. I am by no means a Cunard "Fan," just a happy customer, although I've had my issues, too.


I'm not sure of Jimsgirl's motivations, as I stated, but EVERY post I read of hers, on this board and others goes in to a rant about the QE2. She has posted to threads where the topic is quite different and continues her rant every time whether it's related to the original post or not. This is far different that the reasoned critcisms you have posted over the course of the past months, and hers was getting a little old.


OOOpppsss sorry I seem to have ranted on my previous message!!!!!



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So my trip on QM2 had better live up to what I am expecting.




No line is perfect, and Cunard's US operation has been more shambolic than many.....When things are getting to you......Head for the Commodore Club & have a Martini of the day.....;)



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I also don't go much for this class issue. Were all the same really!! Just some have more money to throw away than others!!!! I would say that we are quite well off and could probably afford the extra for a P or Q grade cabin (well ok if we weren't taking the kids and the kids are more important to me than a Q or P grade cabin) but my husband also believes it is just somewhere to sleep and change for dinner. On P & O you all eat in the same restaurants even if you have the penthouse suite. Having been on QE2 I can honestly say that unless you went looking for it you could not find the Q & P grade only areas. I think a lot of the class issue is something more in ones mind rather than something you can actually see/find!! I have only ever felt like a 1st class citizen on any cruise I have done!!




Sorry ranting again and rant over, off to the gym!!:)

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No line is perfect, and Cunard's US operation has been more shambolic than many.....When things are getting to you......Head for the Commodore Club & have a Martini of the day.....;)




Sounds good to me Guernseyguy!! When the going get's tough etc!! I have to say I am happy again but for that week I was rather cross. Have had a letter from Cunard regarding the issue and have been offered OBC. UK office are blaming the US office!! Actually to be fair to Cunard they have put their hands up and admitted it was not acceptable. Now I'm not sure P & O would do that!!



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