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Evaluation of Allegrissimo. Real or perceived value? Alternatives, ideas & tactics?

Skipper Tim

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We recently completed the Venice to Rio 16-night repositioning on the MSC Musica and our party partook of the Allegrissimo package. At £20/night (prepaid including service charge) it is easy to see that we saved a fortune compared paying per item based on the stack of chits we received. However, is this smoke and mirrors? Is it really the value it appears?


Firstly, a few critical observations.


1) Freshly squeezed juices were included but only available from the main pool bar and spa bar which did not open until well after we had breakfast. They were not available from the MDR or buffet at any time.


2) Similarly for coffee after lunch or dinner - not available in the MDRs or buffet, we were referred to the bars. The coffee at breakfast was terrible and most of us gave it up. Again none of the menu coffees were available.


3) The quality of included wines was poor - the worst I have had on a cruise ship and certainly not ones I would have paid good or even average money for. The exception was the sparkling which was acceptable but again this was unavailable in the MDRs.


4) The ice-cream is the reverse situation. The ones already included on the menu at every lunch and dinner were as good if not better than those from the pool bar on the package - softer and creamier.


5) Bottles of water were available from the bars to take to your cabin but mix them up in your minibar (they were identifiable somehow), as my mother did once, and you get charged. This seems petty and unnecessary. Besides, the water in the cabins, "even the shower water" is potable - it has to be. I often drank it and it tasted as good if not better than bottled water.


6) Given these things, in order to 'get value' we found ourselves drinking more beer, baileys and cocktails than we otherwise ever would.


So here are some of the questions.


1) Is Allegrissimo really the best value for moderate drinkers?


2) How does the quality of the carafe wine compare (at 7 euros + 15% for half a litre)? Has anyone tried both carafe wine and the Allegrissimo wines?


3) What 'freebies' may be available? Captain's cocktails, repeat guests party, anything others? On Royal Caribbean we could rely on the 'fake art auctions' for free bubbly.


4) What about the fixed drinks packages - does anyone have any experience of these?


5) If your intention is to have a healthy alcohol-free day or two, then how much better value would your per-item spending on the other days compared to the Allegrissimo offerings?


6) Is it better to spend real, per-item money on higher quality wines unavailable on the Allegrissimo package rather than 'pretend Allegrissimo money' on poor wines not otherwise available?


Some of these are imponderable and highly personal.


Please share your views, thoughts, experiences and suggestions!

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I just wanted to add something about how the wine is served - strictly by the glass. I read numerous other accounts before booking the Allegrissimo package about how bottles were left on the table to help yourselves. This was never once the case for us nor did I see it happen. Even at dinner when there were seven of us on the same package at the same table, the bottles were left a discreet distance away for the waiter to pour - when he had nothing else to do. If we had waited too long we would occasionally help ourselves knowing that we shouldn't.


At lunch it was often a painful process. First you would have to catch a waiter and ask for three glasses of wine. He would tell someone else who would come and pickup your glasses. Then he would be gone for an age before he brought the three glasses of wine on a tray often from a great distance - not the nearest waiter's station.


Also at the bars. If you asked for a glass of wine it was impossible to take one away with you. You had first to tell the bar man where you were sitting and the waiter would come with it, eventually. At first I thought this was out of good service but it was happening so frequently, I just said words to the effect of "it's OK I am here now, I'll take it". The waitress there said I couldn't and that she would be in trouble if I did.


I think those accounts I read were just after the Allegrissimo and Cheers systems had been introduced. MSC have learnt how to control the flow now!


This is why I am wondering if it would be infinitely better just to have a bottle of reasonable quality wine, instead of the Allegrissimo stuff, on the table when you want it, control your own flow without the long, frustrating waits in between glasses and have the occasional extra drink somewhere for around the same price as Allegrissimo?


On paper, it may not look as good value but in practice I have a strong suspicion it would be better value, healthier (there is not the urge to go and have a splurge at the bar after been frustrated through a meal) and a much better quality of experience.


Of course if you are a heavy drinker you will just have to find the bar with the highest waiting staff to guest ratio, install yourself, tip and hope for the best.

Edited by Skipper Tim
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Hi I am recently off the Armonia (Red Sea) I pre purchased the Standard Aggressimo package at £20 per night and found it very very good value. At dinner I was always served a bottle of wine not by the glass as stated on the terms and yes on a couple of occassions I did share with my table mates (table of singles) no problem. The wine was merlot which I found acceptable and I am sure it was the same as in the half litre carrafe. I prefer to have my coffee away from the dining room after my meal so was able to enjoy a nice lattee in another bar.

I am far from a heavy drinker, almost tee total back home, my receipts totalled almost 300 in sterling so I got my monies worth, I should stress on this cruise I did 3 very long excursions so was unable to enjoy lunch time drinks on those days. On more than one occasion I did order another drink on my card for a fellow passenger at the same time as purchasing my own and was never charged for the second drink whether it was a simple coffee or a spirit and mixer, result. The waiters were fine with my card at all times I had been told that I would be treated as second class as I had not paid the 15% service charge, far from the truth I felt as if I was treated perhaps better than others if anything.

I wish I could purchase the same package for my upcoming cruise on Poesia but sadly only the Premium package is available.

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Hi I am recently off the Armonia (Red Sea) I pre purchased the Standard Aggressimo package at £20 per night and found it very very good value. At dinner I was always served a bottle of wine not by the glass as stated on the terms and yes on a couple of occassions I did share with my table mates (table of singles) no problem. The wine was merlot which I found acceptable and I am sure it was the same as in the half litre carrafe. I prefer to have my coffee away from the dining room after my meal so was able to enjoy a nice lattee in another bar.

I am far from a heavy drinker, almost tee total back home, my receipts totalled almost 300 in sterling so I got my monies worth, I should stress on this cruise I did 3 very long excursions so was unable to enjoy lunch time drinks on those days. On more than one occasion I did order another drink on my card for a fellow passenger at the same time as purchasing my own and was never charged for the second drink whether it was a simple coffee or a spirit and mixer, result. The waiters were fine with my card at all times I had been told that I would be treated as second class as I had not paid the 15% service charge, far from the truth I felt as if I was treated perhaps better than others if anything.

I wish I could purchase the same package for my upcoming cruise on Poesia but sadly only the Premium package is available.


Yes, we rarely used all our cards to pay for our drinks - the waiters simply didn't want them and we learned only to use one between the three of us (usually mine as the gentleman). There was the very occasional 'control' like the second night at dinner and once or twice in a bar when we were asked for all our cards. The rule seemed to be up to three items per card. In the 16 night cruise the seven of us only slipped one friend the occasional glass of wine between us. So perhaps we didn't have that benefit to the same extent as you.


I would say nearly all the waiters gave us good service - as least as good as to the non all-in guests. Their problem was that they were rushed off their feet most of the time with simply too high a guest to staff ratio.


I was told by one waiter in confidence that they have a comission-based system and it makes no difference to them that we were Allegrissimo.


The advantage all-inclusive guests give them as you have alluded to, perhaps unwittingly, is that we don't care how much the chit is for providing the bottom line reads zero. We are never going to question "did we really spend that much" because it is immaterial. We probably don't even look at the chit other than later, like you, to see how much we are saving! They take their commission regardless of actual consumption.


In that regard all-inclusive guests are the perfect ones to wait upon. We at least make up in the accounts for their occasional loss or mistake and are always happy to 'have another one' if their commission is down.


As regards the merlot, on the Musica, with the few glasses I tried early on, I couldn't actually taste it. It was the lightest-bodied red I had ever come across. I could feel there was alcohol in it and it was vaguely red but totally lost on me and unlike any other merlot I have ever had.


The other red was Montepulciano which, if served from a bottle opened in front of me was OK (otherwise not) but I wouldn't have chosen it had the alternative been worse. I am about as far from a wine snob as you can imagine! But I do beleive in wine that 1) I can taste and 2) represents some form of value at whatever price is paid. I have many a bottle in the last year below £3 in the UK which have been better than either of these - to me.


Think what I could sell a decent £4 bottle of wine for aboard MSC :-)


No, I feel you may be victim to MSC's mental-manipulation. You feel you got good value because of the artificially inflated prices of things that could not otherwise be sold, and indeed which they confess to are 'in-house' and not commercially available. Once wonders what wastage from the vineyards of the World they buy-up to make these packages viable?

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We were on Fantasia 2011 and MSC had also then all inclusive alcohol packages. We had the premium one - and then there was only two reds and two whites on wine selection for the package. Have to say that both were quite disgusting.


We are now trying MSC again since they have now the Allegrissimo Premium package including wider selection of wines. Hopefully those are better.


As comparison to Celebrity Cruises package - MSC has advantage of mini bar including to premium package.

Edited by JezzaC
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Skipper Tim - I think with these sort of packages you do often get what you pay for. I would not expect to get anything but the cheapest (not particulary great) wine for a £20 package per day. Even the nicer AI resorts in Europe often serve really cheap nasty wine and you rarely get a sparkling wine included either. It's also a matter of personal taste, a lot of the wines and prosecco's I like get bad reviews. :(


We'll be getting the premium package on Poesia in April, which works out to about £35 per day. I understand the cheaper package isn't available but I would probably just go for the premium anyway as I like a range of different drinks and if the wine isn't very nice I'll just switch to spirits/cocktails. Believe me if you'd seen our bar bill on a 12 night RCI cruise last year.... Ouch!! This is a bargain! We are heavy drinkers on holiday though so any package will be good value to us. ;)


The MSC package is definitely better than the one Carnival are offering for our second cruise, for around the same price, which doesn't include coffee's, fresh juice, bottles of water, mini bar items and "proper" ice-cream outside the dining rooms.


p.s. where on earth are you getting decent £3 bottles of wine from in the UK??? You rarely even see a bottle of wine under £4 these days!! :eek:

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Hi Tim, While on the Divina in October we found the Allegrisimo AI to be very good value. We did have freshly squeezed orange juice and proper coffee at breakfast in the buffet. We just asked the waiter for these. Also at dinner in the main restaurant the waiters always left the full bottles of wine for us and another couple, who were AI.

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On the Musica in September I had no issues getting my cappuccino every morning in the MDR. One morning when I asked for my fresh OJ as well, the waiter told me I'd have to go upstairs to deck 11 for it. I just smiled and said I didn't realise that as all the other mornings my waiter had brought it and I hadn't realised they were going up 6 decks for it for me. Never mind, just the cappuccino then, I said. 5 minutes later he was back with the OJ and the coffee! Not sure if I was getting a favour for being one of their few Black Card members or he didn't like me thinking the other waiters were more obliging than him!


Now my first experience of the Musica was on a TA from Venice to Rio and the service in the MDR at breakfast and lunch was very variable from occasionally awful to mainly so so. Turned out they'd had to take on a whole load of Brazilian new crew to meet the rules for sailing out of Brazil. Ship wasn't completely full but they seemed to be struggling with all the newbies. It did get better towards the end. On a reverse crossing I had no issues as the Brazilians, were leaving when they reached Europe but were in the groove with everything. Perhaps this explains some of the hassles you had, that I didn't a month earlier?


Normally I havent gone for the AI because previously it was £39 per day and I prefer a few glasses of really good wine versus a bucket of plonk, don't drink a huge amount of anything else, so didn't think it would work for me.


Previously I've once bought a 7 bottles wine package that came with 7 bottles of water for around €90 (exchange rate at the time was around 1.40), so I thought that was a good deal. I split it with another lady at my table who was also travelling solo. On the long trips I usually get 2 or 3 packages onboard - cocktails, mocktails and water. Dont use them so much on shorter ones unless I'm travelling with someone, because I wouldn't necessarily get through all the vouchers during the 7 days and you only save money if you use all of them.


I can see where you are coming from though. If you didn't like the wine selection and weren't getting OJ and cappuccino at breakfast perhaps not such an advantage after all. I've still got all my receipts which I've yet to total up but I suspect it will be in the region of €300 for 7 nights.


I've booked it again for my 11 night sailing on the Musica next year (Black Sea) and I may still buy a few bottles of better wine for dinner (like the Barolo or the amazing Amarone de Valpocello). They usually last me 2-3 nights. if I do that I should still save a bit with my coffee and OJ in the morning, a few espressos during the day, bottles of water, a mocktail, a glass of wine or beer at lunch and a pre dinner drink and a post dinner baileys........now that must be more than £20!

Edited by AmoMondo
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One morning when I asked for my fresh OJ as well, the waiter told me I'd have to go upstairs to deck 11 for it.


Yes, we managed to get it the very first morning after a long delay. After that we were told repeatedly that we had to go to deck 11 for it. Only we had breakfast as they opened at 7:30 and the pool bar on deck 11 didn't open until 9:00. We forever joked when we asked for something in the MDR from the package that they would have to go to deck 11 for it - and that lowly staff were not allowed even to use the staff elevators so that was 12 flights of stairs in each direction :-)


Now my first experience of the Musica was on a TA from Venice to Rio and the service in the MDR at breakfast and lunch was very variable from occasionally awful to mainly so so. Turned out they'd had to take on a whole load of Brazilian new crew to meet the rules for sailing out of Brazil. Ship wasn't completely full but they seemed to be struggling with all the newbies. It did get better towards the end.


Yes precisely the same experience! It is encouraging that the service on my next cruise could well be better.


Previously I've once bought a 7 bottles wine package that came with 7 bottles of water for around €90 (exchange rate at the time was around 1.40), so I thought that was a good deal.


If there was a reasonable choice of wines that is a good deal. The only wine packages currently listed on the MSC website appear to dictate that you have a mix of white, rose and red and that it is their choice. That is not so appealing.



I've booked it again for my 11 night sailing on the Musica next year (Black Sea) and I may still buy a few bottles of better wine for dinner (like the Barolo or the amazing Amarone de Valpocello).


Now, you have just mentioned my two favourite wines in all the World! I discovered Barolo when I lived in Turin decades ago and the Amarone just this year at a Tesco wine-tasting. Would you happen to recall how much they cost onboard? Good examples are both mighty-costly in the UK. I would happily blow my Allegrissimo budget on a bottle of one of those a day!


They usually last me 2-3 nights. if I do that I should still save a bit with my coffee and OJ in the morning, a few espressos during the day, bottles of water, a mocktail, a glass of wine or beer at lunch and a pre dinner drink and a post dinner baileys........now that must be more than £20!


So you are still confident of being able to obtain OJ and cappuccino at breakfast? I suppose Black-Card status keeps the staff fit.

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Skipper Tim - I think with these sort of packages you do often get what you pay for. I would not expect to get anything but the cheapest (not particulary great) wine for a £20 package per day. Even the nicer AI resorts in Europe often serve really cheap nasty wine and you rarely get a sparkling wine included either. It's also a matter of personal taste, a lot of the wines and prosecco's I like get bad reviews. :(


I absolutely agree. Drinkable wine on AI makes all the difference to a hotel (or cruise line) - and it is highly personal.


p.s. where on earth are you getting decent £3 bottles of wine from in the UK??? You rarely even see a bottle of wine under £4 these days!! :eek:


Well the best bet for decent wine under £3/bottle is Tesco mystery cases. Tesco Wine sell very little rubbish and what rubbish they sell are usually mass-lines that they always stock. The ones that they discontinue from time to time and have a few cases lying around they sell off in mixed 12-bottle cases. You choose red or white and either £3/bottle or £4/bottle. The ones at £3 a bottle are meant to have been priced at up to £6, while the £4 ones were over £6. I have always gone for the £3 reds and combined with a discount code of which there are many floating around the internet, yields a net price of well under £3/bottle. I have found that the £3/bottle cases have always included some over £6 bottles - I have a Barolo and a few bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape, among others. I suspect the £3 cases are totally mixed while with the £4 cases they filter out the sub £6 bottles. Search for "mystery" on Tesco Wine - they only have them occasionally. I have a web troll to tell be when they come in stock. I would expect them in the New Year.


Otherwise, 'bargain shops' (Home Bargains, B&M etc.) mis-price decent wine from time to time.


However, there are regularly sub-£3 wines available at Tesco Wine which are better than the stuff on board MSC - though they are currently removed for Christmas! Christmas has a lot to answer for.


Hope this has helped! I like to keep my readers happy :-)

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Hi Tim


They were both expensive. I think the Barolo was around 40€ and the Amarone 75 trouble is I can't remember if that was in $ or €!


I'm confident of getting the coffee at breakfast, the jury is out on the OJ! We shall see. I do eat near the time the MDR closes, so perhaps that helps.

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Skipper Tim - I think with these sort of packages you do often get what you pay for. I would not expect to get anything but the cheapest (not particulary great) wine for a £20 package per day. Even the nicer AI resorts in Europe often serve really cheap nasty wine and you rarely get a sparkling wine included either. It's also a matter of personal taste, a lot of the wines and prosecco's I like get bad reviews. :(


I absolutely agree. Drinkable wine on AI makes all the difference to a hotel (or cruise line) - and it is highly personal.


p.s. where on earth are you getting decent £3 bottles of wine from in the UK??? You rarely even see a bottle of wine under £4 these days!! :eek:


Well the best bet for decent wine under £3/bottle is Tesco mystery cases. Tesco Wine sell very little rubbish and what rubbish they sell are usually mass-lines that they always stock. The ones that they discontinue from time to time and have a few cases lying around they sell off in mixed 12-bottle cases. You choose red or white and either £3/bottle or £4/bottle. The ones at £3 a bottle are meant to have been priced at up to £6, while the £4 ones were over £6. I have always gone for the £3 reds and combined with a discount code of which there are many floating around the internet, yields a net price of well under £3/bottle. I have found that the £3/bottle cases have always included some over £6 bottles - I have a Barolo and a few bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape, among others. I suspect the £3 cases are totally mixed while with the £4 cases they filter out the sub £6 bottles. Search for "mystery" on Tesco Wine - they only have them occasionally. I have a web troll to tell be when they come in stock. I would expect them early in the New Year though.


Otherwise, 'bargain shops' (Home Bargains, B&M etc.) mis-price decent wine from time to time.


However, there are regularly sub-£3 wines available at Tesco Wine which are better than the stuff on board MSC - though they are currently removed for Christmas! Christmas has a lot to answer for.


Hope this has helped! I like to keep my readers happy :-)

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Hi Tim


They were both expensive. I think the Barolo was around 40€ and the Amarone 75 trouble is I can't remember if that was in $ or €!


I'm confident of getting the coffee at breakfast, the jury is out on the OJ! We shall see. I do eat near the time the MDR closes, so perhaps that helps.


A bit of rummaging and I found this link to photos of the 2012 Splendida Wine list:



Of note....

There are two Amarone della Valpolicelle: the cheaper 'La Botega' is €39 while in the Sommelier's Selection at the back is the 'Classico' at €64.


Also in the Sommelier's Selection is the Barolo at a mere €57 but there is a non-Barolo Nebbiolo at a paltry €18.


The house wine is listed as Nero D'Avola (black of Avola) at €7 for a half-litre carafe. From my time in Italy, the 'black' wine was the cheapest red available and kept in the fridge to avoid being able to taste it.


I should try to do some testing some of the above before deciding which way to lean re. Allegrissimo onboard - if they are available in the UK.


I am not sure I could afford your complimentary, i.e. have your cake and ice cream and eat them, approach on a 17 night cruise! It would have to be one or the other.


Tactics to Far


1) I would rather have half a bottle of Amarone della Valpolicella with my evening meal than a bucket of the regular Allegrissimo red wine. The former is €3.5 cheaper than the daily Allegrissimo charge, unless MSC repeats the onboard repositioning offer for Allegrissimo, in which case it is just 50 cents less. Both differences +15% service charge.


2) While I like a cappuccino and especially the 'moroccino' on board (like a cappuccino with half the water taken out - yummy), I would settle for a strong Costa Rican instant coffee made with 100% milk. I can take my own instant coffee and there is full-fat, hot milk available at breakfast (without a walk to deck 11 :-) which will bring out the full flavour that time of day.


3) There are 8 glasses to a litre. If I smuggle 2 litre cartons of 'freshly squeezed' orange juice aboard and keep them in my minibar that will allow me to start the day with a glass before breakfast, more or less, for the whole 17 night trip.


4) I prefer the superb ice creams at lunch and dinner to the paid-for variety on deck, so that is that taken care of.


5) Beer or spirits don't do much for me. Though I have been known to be persuaded, I won't miss them. I will splash-out on the occasional Bloody Mary - they were just the best on the Musica this last time! If I start drinking Baileys, I won't stop, so I better have some self-control there and just say no!


6) First sitting at dinner avoids all that pre-dinner drinking that I 'endured' on my last cruise, hanging around for an exceptionally late second sitting (9 or 9:30). I would rather socialise around the table when I am awake and moderately sober :-)


7) After dinner, the show will be more appealing than it was before dinner on second sitting and then it will be almost time to retire - perhaps a walk on deck or some such other untaxing activity. I wonder at what times (and in what languages) they show the films in Fantasia's '4D' cinema?


8) Finally, I will be a social tart and attend all engagements I am invited to. However, I still won't have my photo taken with the captain, until I am at least a British Merchant Navy 3rd officer!


I think that is most bases covered. I feel I can cruise MSC without Allegrissimo!


Any additions or corrections?

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I don't know if policy on MSC has been changed but atleast 2011 they served everything included in the package also in the MDR and personnel wen't to get from other bars if they didn't have it in MDR.


And the promitional text also says "The package covers unlimited beverages all day in the main restaurants, self-service buffet and bars onboard". So to my undestanding they shouldn't tell customers to go deck 11 for something.

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I absolutely agree. Drinkable wine on AI makes all the difference to a hotel (or cruise line) - and it is highly personal.




Well the best bet for decent wine under £3/bottle is Tesco mystery cases. Tesco Wine sell very little rubbish and what rubbish they sell are usually mass-lines that they always stock. The ones that they discontinue from time to time and have a few cases lying around they sell off in mixed 12-bottle cases. You choose red or white and either £3/bottle or £4/bottle. The ones at £3 a bottle are meant to have been priced at up to £6, while the £4 ones were over £6. I have always gone for the £3 reds and combined with a discount code of which there are many floating around the internet, yields a net price of well under £3/bottle. I have found that the £3/bottle cases have always included some over £6 bottles - I have a Barolo and a few bottles of Chateauneuf du Pape, among others. I suspect the £3 cases are totally mixed while with the £4 cases they filter out the sub £6 bottles. Search for "mystery" on Tesco Wine - they only have them occasionally. I have a web troll to tell be when they come in stock. I would expect them early in the New Year though.


Otherwise, 'bargain shops' (Home Bargains, B&M etc.) mis-price decent wine from time to time.


However, there are regularly sub-£3 wines available at Tesco Wine which are better than the stuff on board MSC - though they are currently removed for Christmas! Christmas has a lot to answer for.


Hope this has helped! I like to keep my readers happy :-)



That's very helpful, thank you. :D I will keep an eye out on the Tesco Wine website (after Christmas of course). We drink a lot of red wine at home and are happy to try "mystery" bottles in a crate for such a cheap price. Generally we like Pinot Noir, Rioja and Merlot, in that order.

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A bit of rummaging and I found this link to photos of the 2012 Splendida Wine list:



Of note....

There are two Amarone della Valpolicelle: the cheaper 'La Botega' is €39 while in the Sommelier's Selection at the back is the 'Classico' at €64.


Also in the Sommelier's Selection is the Barolo at a mere €57 but there is a non-Barolo Nebbiolo at a paltry €18.


The house wine is listed as Nero D'Avola (black of Avola) at €7 for a half-litre carafe. From my time in Italy, the 'black' wine was the cheapest red available and kept in the fridge to avoid being able to taste it.


I should try to do some testing some of the above before deciding which way to lean re. Allegrissimo onboard - if they are available in the UK.


I am not sure I could afford your complimentary, i.e. have your cake and ice cream and eat them, approach on a 17 night cruise! It would have to be one or the other.


Tactics to Far


1) I would rather have half a bottle of Amarone della Valpolicella with my evening meal than a bucket of the regular Allegrissimo red wine. The former is €3.5 cheaper than the daily Allegrissimo charge, unless MSC repeats the onboard repositioning offer for Allegrissimo, in which case it is just 50 cents less. Both differences +15% service charge.


2) While I like a cappuccino and especially the 'moroccino' on board (like a cappuccino with half the water taken out - yummy), I would settle for a strong Costa Rican instant coffee made with 100% milk. I can take my own instant coffee and there is full-fat, hot milk available at breakfast (without a walk to deck 11 :-) which will bring out the full flavour that time of day.


3) There are 8 glasses to a litre. If I smuggle 2 litre cartons of 'freshly squeezed' orange juice aboard and keep them in my minibar that will allow me to start the day with a glass before breakfast, more or less, for the whole 17 night trip.


4) I prefer the superb ice creams at lunch and dinner to the paid-for variety on deck, so that is that taken care of.


5) Beer or spirits don't do much for me. Though I have been known to be persuaded, I won't miss them. I will splash-out on the occasional Bloody Mary - they were just the best on the Musica this last time! If I start drinking Baileys, I won't stop, so I better have some self-control there and just say no!


6) First sitting at dinner avoids all that pre-dinner drinking that I 'endured' on my last cruise, hanging around for an exceptionally late second sitting (9 or 9:30). I would rather socialise around the table when I am awake and moderately sober :-)


7) After dinner, the show will be more appealing than it was before dinner on second sitting and then it will be almost time to retire - perhaps a walk on deck or some such other untaxing activity. I wonder at what times (and in what languages) they show the films in Fantasia's '4D' cinema?


8) Finally, I will be a social tart and attend all engagements I am invited to. However, I still won't have my photo taken with the captain, until I am at least a British Merchant Navy 3rd officer!


I think that is most bases covered. I feel I can cruise MSC without Allegrissimo!


Any additions or corrections?

I am pleased you found my wine list from Splendida in Feb 2012 to add to the information here is a link to The MSC wine list from Divina in Oct 2012




Here is a link to the Bar List from the same cruise just to fill in a bit more info


N.B. any drink, or group of drinks, with a RED ASTERISK is not on the on the Allegrissimo package





I'm following this thread with great interest as I have the Allegrisimo package booked for a cruise on Opera next july.



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I am pleased you found my wine list from Splendida in Feb 2012 to add to the information here is a link to The MSC wine list from Divina in Oct 2012




Here is a link to the Bar List from the same cruise just to fill in a bit more info


N.B. any drink, or group of drinks, with a RED ASTERISK is not on the on the Allegrissimo package





I'm following this thread with great interest as I have the Allegrisimo package booked for a cruise on Opera next july.




When I can get any bandwidth again on my mobile connection here in Greece I will study your new links. Many thanks for all!


I think whether on or off Allegrissimo, you have to find workarounds to get the balance of things you want. Worldly-wise and indeed 'World-friend', AmoMondo appears to have cracked it by going Allegrissimo, simply 'expecting' his cappuccino into existence at breakfast, and paying extra for good wine at dinner. The package covers an awful lot and there is no doubt that it is, or has the potential to be, great value.


I have to be very careful with money and so I imagine much of what I am discussing in this thread will be lost on most people. It is not a complaint thread about Allegrissimo but, rather, how to maximise the value for money of the offering aboard MSC ships from any given personal point of view.


Moving from Cunard to Royal Caribbean a few years ago, I was horrified at the bar prices (I believe Cunard have since moved more into line with the industry). I said so but found no support among fellow passengers who were used to them.


On my next Royal Caribbean voyage (24 nights from Singapore to Rome that one), I was better prepared both mentally and tactically. I chose the cheapest all-inclusive package and smuggled aboard as necessary for pre-dinner drinks parties in my cabin. The included wine then was in a much better league than the ones available on Allegrissimo and all was then dandy.


So this is me exposing my thoughts on how to deal with MSC on my second cruise with them. I couldn't have foreseen that a proudly Italian cruise line, a privately-owned one at that, would serve rubbish wine, and only rubbish wine, to its all-inclusive guests. They do, and therefore Allegrissimo is not for wine-drinkers unless, like AmoMondo, you use the package as a wallpaper to cover all the other charges then pay extra for the 'pièce de résistance' wine on top.


I would rather have a wine-only all-inclusive package that gave me a reasonable choice of different styles of wine than one that covers ice-creams, smoothies, spirits and cocktails plus some appalling wine and I would happily pay the same. I hope MSC are listening!


The other workaround is to give up wine and just go with the Allegrissimo flow....

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I'm not entirely sold on Allegrissimo, you do save money but as you say does it make you order things you wouldn't have otherwise.


I absolutely loathe the free fruit juice, although the tomato is bare able. Getting the fresh stuff is a bit hit or miss. However on my other cruises when I didn't have the package, I was perfectly content with my free peppermint tea at breakfast.


The price of the package is the key point. At £20, I'm ahead, even if I buy a few extras not included, but at £30 or more I'd stick with buying things individually.


I've got it booked for one cruise next year and not for the other. It will be an interesting comparison in my drinking behaviour!


This is a very valid discussion though Tim, as not all packages suit everyone. If you're not a drinker, it's debatable if this one would suit unless you like a lot of soft drinks and ice-cream from the gelato bar. I'm with you Tim, on the ice cream in the MDR, it's great and doesn't cost anything.


Oh and BTW, you've got my gender wrong Tim! (not that it matters)



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Doesn't the Allegressimo package also include bottled water and sodas? I can see that helping make up the total too.


I was just in my local supermarket in Stoupa, Greece and there was an American lady in front of me at the checkout. She asked the man at the till,


"Is this sour cream?"

"It is yogurt."

"Do you have sour cream?"

"I don't know what this is. I understand 'sour cream' but I don't know what it is. Cream for cooking?"



Being English, I felt obliged to help with the translation, but then I realised I don't know what sour cream is either. It is one of those things that has not crossed the Atlantic.


And so it was for me for many years aboard cruise ships with "soda". I always understood the term to mean 'soda water' - fizzy water that, when I was young, was something one drank when ill. Now I understand that when Americans say "soda" they mean fizzy, sugary, flavoured drinks that I would call "pop".


My rule of thumb is never to drink pop (soda) neat - it always needs to be diluted with a spirit (liquor). And a spirit mixed with anything is... to me that is the definition of a cocktail, but not to all. Oh language.


So, with that bit of context out of the way, that brings me to answer your question. I have referred to "cocktails" already in the value equation and now you know I would never drink soda (pop) neat, only as part of a cocktail. Water I prefer from the tap. I don't like the idea of it sitting around in plastic bottles in unknown conditions with toxins leaching in.


Everyone has their personal value equation!


I stand by the view that Allegrissimo is potentially stunning value. It just feels like it has been designed for someone with very different tastes to my own. I don't care much for spirits, beer, 'real' coffee, ice cream, smoothies, modern cocktails, mocktails etc. etc. etc. I would like fresh orange juice instead of flavoured sugar drink and drinkable coffee at breakfast but that is not available even with Allegrissimo in our experience. And I would like drinkable wine. That's all.


Perhaps MSC is not my cruise line. If I am happy to pay £20 extra per day but still don't get the basics like acceptable coffee, juice and wine in the right place and at the right time, then perhaps I should pay a higher fare for a cruise line that provides these as standard?


My final indulgence in this post is about my days as an undergraduate at University College, Durham. Durham Castle is the home of the college and, being a medieval castle was notoriously difficult to heat. We were fully-catered and often sat in the great hall at mealtimes wearing everything we had to keep warm. The food was grim to say the least. Every time another cutback was announced, the food budget had to take the brunt of it.


At exam time, in June, we were told that as a special treat, we could have a cooked breakfast for a week. It was hard to believe and everyone turned up with their own personal expectations of their dream cooked breakfast. Needless to say we were all disappointed. We had an egg on the first day, a rasher of bacon the second, fried mushrooms the third, etc. You had to go the whole week to collect the full cooked breakfast!


And this is the Allegrissimo package on MSC. Yes, these things are available but not when or where you want them! You have to physically collect them at their time, not yours. It is odd that MSC reminds me of my student days!


Hope you enjoyed the journey!

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"Perhaps MSC is not my cruise line. If I am happy to pay £20 extra per day but still don't get the basics like acceptable coffee, juice and wine in the right place and at the right time, then perhaps I should pay a higher fare for a cruise line that provides these as standard?"



The alternative is to pay the higher fare on MSC and treat yourself to the Yacht Club on one of the Fantasia Class MSC ships.

I did that on Divina and the difference in fare from the usual cabin we have was less the the cost of the AI package, so effevctively we had the upgrade and paid less overall.

The drinks in the YC area(from a selected list) and mini-bar are included in the price of the YC


Here is a link to my review





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The alternative is to pay the higher fare on MSC and treat yourself to the Yacht Club on one of the Fantasia Class MSC ships.

I did that on Divina and the difference in fare from the usual cabin we have was less the the cost of the AI package, so effevctively we had the upgrade and paid less overall.

The drinks in the YC area(from a selected list) and mini-bar are included in the price of the YC


Here is a link to my review






I have never seen YC available as an option for sole occupancy. It has simply never appeared in any search I have ever made. Solo-discrimination?

Edited by Skipper Tim
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I've only seen it available for sole occupancy on 7 night Med cruises and with a full single supplement.


Not sure if they sell out quick on repositioning cruises or they just don't offer them to people travelling solo. Guess the waynto tell for sure would be to search availability and enter 2 and see if anything comes up, then change it to 1 and see if it disappears.


All Aboard on these forums has travelled solo a few times in YC

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I have never seen YC available as an option for sole occupancy. It has simply never appeared in any search I have ever made. Solo-discrimination?

There are 6 repositioning cruises on the MSC web site at the moment with 0% single supplement and they do advertise suites as available and that includes MSC Fantasia (Santos to Venice 5/Mar/2013) which has a YC( that may mean YC are available for singles but don't hold me to it)


Here is a link





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There are 6 repositioning cruises on the MSC web site at the moment with 0% single supplement and they do advertise suites as available and that includes MSC Fantasia (Santos to Venice 5/Mar/2013) which has a YC( that may mean YC are available for singles but don't hold me to it)


Here is a link






I did have a look - although I am already booked - just for research. I forgot that being out of the UK (I am in Greece at the moment), the UK MSC web site won't let me obtain prices and there is no online booking or prices on the Greek MSC site.


The UK site did show me a price "from" £2449 in YC on that cruise based on double occupancy. Even after discounts, that is well over four times what I am paying for 'an almost balcony' cabin up on deck 13.


Once it gets to rates like that, there are a lot of other cruise lines to consider - some of which may have better coffee.

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